So I'm thinking of having a...roleplay language?

LeParadoxe's Avatar LeParadoxe11/27/17 12:35 am
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11/27/2017 1:18 pm
nyahakumi's Avatar nyahakumi
Hey Guys and Gals! I'm thinking of creating this really cool (in my opinion) roleplay language that can be used on a Minecraft server. With an Island seed. Anything really. The language is inspired by various Austronesian and Polynesian languages like Filipino, Samoan, Malay, Maori, etc... You probably aren't interested in language creation, but PM me if you want to learn more. I have already started to add words, I can't do this by myself though, so help would be appreciated. The link goes to a website called "Lingo Jam". It's an online translator and can also be used to create languages. Click Here: https://lingojam.com/TasutoEnglish - The language is called "Ta'su", (TAH-SEW). You can input Ta'su words in the left column, and English words in the right column. Go ahead, play around with it. Have fun!
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Posted by LeParadoxe's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect

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11/27/2017 1:18 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
nyahakumi's Avatar

I have like no experience with other languages apart from french bUT LIKE GOOD LUCK WITH THIS AND STUFF AND I HOPE THIS CATCHES ONNNNNNNN :D
11/27/2017 12:46 am
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
Cib's Avatar
This sounds like a great idea. Sadly, I have not time to help. Keep at it!
11/27/2017 12:38 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
LeParadoxe's Avatar


Ka urut waley'o sumsu'm ah te tuk bul'o ot ikta tuk dagat kae mayok. Ka rara nu te mabu mok. Ratou kano. Tua! tua! turu ta islaan nu nula. E ibon ut suwa kae rara ako turu. Tua! tua! ikta palepola islaan. Te aspo ke tau nuhat'n eka ka wau kon ko fefena. Ka mafe te opo ave te laklak vaya te kava ta uska. Ka rubas te lenko ot te daga'o nul te dagat hapag. Op tuvas, ka tala maka luvoa. Ka teti tefulu ka urut. Ka teti sako ka urut, sako ka urut. Tua! tua! ka bas e korupat kae karap. E tato bek isla makatefulu ka supa. Ka ratog ko isla ut ko ulau. Ave vaya uai'e taki kae karap fefena, ka teti te pato. Tua! tua! ka urut pokatokapahapi'e mafet'n maka lupau. Ka pagho te kapuhaga'l ot ko kefu'o ut e kapla tapot'n vautik. Tua! tua! ikta palepola islaan, te aspo ke tau nuhat'n eka.
11/27/2017 11:24 am
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11/27/2017 11:26 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
InRainbows707's Avatar
Ke'm kapla pasot'n kae learn ikta language, but ke'll give ua e shot!
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