The Honor Among Thieves [Roleplay Apps]

Conner65's Avatar Conner654/23/13 12:49 am
1 emeralds 167 9
4/24/2013 4:27 pm
Conner65's Avatar Conner65

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The thieves are wanted, bad. King Erun has offered a 300 crown reward for the capture of any thief in the guild of Ilia.

Thieves: Lay Low! You'd best keep you heads down. Angela and Darcros are trying to resolve a plan, and your aid could be the big difference!

Citizens: Oh those thieves! Blasted criminals.......or.....are they rebelling against the king? He is corrupt and a tyrant. Hmm....maybe the Thieves of Ilia aren't so bad after all....

Kingsmen/Nobles/Soldiers: Bah! Those blasted thieves! Causing such a ruckus! They cause more trouble than they are worth. We'd best get rid of them before this gets to serious!

Based on the above, please decided what your character will be like and how they will take action

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The moon beamed, silvery in the night as Angela dashed across the top of the walls. She paced herself evenly to keep ahead of the rushing soldiers that barreled towards her. Hmmph....they thought they could catch her. Bah! She was the fastest, most cunning thief in the lands of Ilia! Such fools, she thought. The Queen’s amulet was slipped around Angela’s neck and tucked inside her tunic. The precious jewel was of marvelous beauty, one that even the ancients would drop jaws in wonder of. But now it was hers!

“She’s going to the gates!” Came the shout of a soldier. Startled passersby looked up to see Angela gliding across the stone walls, and cried out in horror as the thief jumped down into the streets, rolling on the hard paved streets. She was easily faster and gained an upper hand on her pursuers, putting her at yet another advantage.

A soldier stepped from an alleyway, jabbing a spear at her. Angela, stopping not even for the blow, jumped of the stab and booted the un expecting soldier in the head, his helm striking the ground as he tumbled down, only to watch the blasted thief sailing over him, untouched by his efforts.

Angela touched the ground and continued to dart through the crowd. A few bold people stepped out, intending to stop her, but only landed on the ground after being pummeled by her brute speed. Angela’s hood remained over her eyes, blocking her appearance from anyone’s sight.

“Stop the thief!” Cried a soldier from behind Angela. The gates were only sixty yards away when angela turned, throwing off the intended plans of the pursuing soldiers. “Blast you! Shoot her!” The same voice echoed. They wouldn’t shoot, Angela knew it. They’d be firing at their own citizens. They couldn’t take that risk.

Angela ran through an alley towards a ground of pedestrians in the center of the oncoming street. A cart pulled in front of her; she’d have to improvise. Angela lept onto the cart and jumped to the balcony of a low second-floor building. She caught onto the stone of the balcony and started to pull herself up.

Angel knew her mistake well, when the arrow sank into her calf, sending a high pitched cry of pain. In reaction, the thief lost grip of her hold and fell the twelve feet to the ground, amongst the crowd of people.

“We’ve got her!” Shouted a soldier as Angela turned over.

“Hurry!” As the order came another wave of people flooded the street and surrounded Angela. The soldier pushed his way through the people towards where the thief had fallen. When he cleared the people...the blasted thief was gone.

Angela was cradled in Darcros’ arms like a small child. Compared to him, she was a small child. The man was muscular, massive in strength and even more so in agility.

“You’re going to get us all killed with those risky schemes, Angela.” He said when he lay her down in his home.

“Darcros, you know as well as I, that if we were to be caught by the King, we would be backed by the people. The thieves are hope against the corrupt King.” Angela argued. Darcros shook his head.

“No, we are a sign of hope to those who need it. The nobles and upper class are not in need of hope. Yet they are the ones the King actually listens to. Not the beggars and the poor.”

“No matter.” The two ended with that.

“I’m going to pull the remainder of the arrow from your leg.” Darcros said grimly. Angela bit her lip. “This will hurt.” She nodded as he reached under her, feeling the shaft of the arrow. Darcros bobbed his head three times, slowly, then yanked the stick from her calf. Before she cried out, Darcros cupped his hand over her mouth to muffle the shout. Anything that loud would raise disruption outside. Darcros removed his hand after a moment. “I’m done.” He broke the shaft into little bits and threw it aside. Angela grimaced at the pain.

Darcros whirled around from his squatted position. He saw Jerrin standing in the doorway. Angela sat in the same chair while Darcros was wrapping cloth around her wound. She was bare from her thigh, down, so that Darcros could treat the cut. As he had just finished, Angela slid back into her pants and boots, still in pain whenever she moved.

“Jerrin? What's the matter, boy?” Darcros questioned. Jerrin held up a piece of parchment. He panted for breath.

“The...the King ordered a bounty for anyone who captures a member of the Ilian thieves...He-he.......found...your dagger, Angela.”

Angela frowned, she checked her belt; but her dagger was absent.

“Blast it!” She cursed. Her dagger carried symbol of the thieves on the hilt, which all could make out. The crest was evident, the star and dagger. It was unmistakable.

“Do you know what this means?” Darcros spat to the side.

“No...” Jerrin said.

“This means we are at war, Jerrin. This means we must give the king what he wants; a fight. We’ll show him that there indeed is, honor among Thieves.”

1. Please be respectful
2. Do not use crude language(Meaning Vulgarity period!)
3. Do not argue with people. If a problem arises, PM me, and I will see to it that it is resolved duly.
4. What the owner says, goes(I will be reasonable though)
5. Before making decisions that could possibly affect other players, please propose the idea to me, or the intended target, then await approval.

In Character-
Side(Thieves, Peasants, King)

NOTE: I will setup the IC Post for the actual Roleplay, tomorrow, April 23 at around 4:00 US Central time

Poll ended 04/28/2013 12:49 am.

Posted by Conner65's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe

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04/24/2013 4:27 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Conner65's Avatar
The Thiefs in Genera(and I shall put this in the lore) are a band of "social bandits", so to speak. They are similar to the Zealots in the time that Rome ruled over Judea/Israel...To become one, you just....are one I guess. As for being poor...not necessarily. In Darcros' background he is from a very welthy family.
04/24/2013 10:36 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
I will work on my app after I finish another one >_<

But how would one become a theif? Just by being poor and stealing stuff, etc?
04/23/2013 10:17 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Conner65's Avatar
I fixed my crappy post! I hope people apply more
04/23/2013 10:04 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Refined_Malachite's Avatar
I'll apply soon, but not now, I am going to sleep. SUPER EARLY. 10:10pm! :O
04/23/2013 9:56 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Conner65's Avatar
Thanks for the tip, I'll fix the lore.

And its your choice to be a thief, peasant, etc.
04/23/2013 8:42 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
I'll apply soon enough. I don't really understand HOW I should apply though - How will you become a thief and such? I felt like you did a good "Backstory" but the lore needs to be explained.
04/23/2013 8:15 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Conner65's Avatar
So, so, sorry for not having a better layout.

Also, I didn't bring up an IC post because I had 0 apps.....I'll make one if I get some apps. Honestly I hoped to have a few......I put some good time into that
04/23/2013 6:38 am
Level 27 : Expert Network
Korigon's Avatar
Placeholder. C:
04/23/2013 1:33 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
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