Will this pc be ok for minecraft?

Ted_'s Avatar Ted_1/6/13 1:57 pm
1/7/2013 3:26 pm
tex12347's Avatar tex12347
Ok I know this WILL run minecraft well but i want others opionions
FTS GL-FX AMD 4.2Ghz Quad Core
Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 Motherboard
8 GB DDR3 1600 PC 12800 Memory
ATI 6450 DDR3 1 GB PCI-E Graphics Card With HDMI (I know this is a pretty old graphics card but im upgrading it to the 7770 after i buy it)
500watt psu (will be upgrading most likely)
So yea will this run minecraft on max settings? this pc will also play some of the latest games.
Whats your opinion on the pc for minecraft and the FPS rate? ALSO I will be running a server on fragnet.net while playing

Posted by Ted_'s Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer

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01/06/2013 2:08 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
ajz2017's Avatar
01/06/2013 2:12 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
MrWaffler's Avatar
Seems more like a showoff of your PC than a 'derp will this wrok on a 16x16 game that can run on pc's older than most of its players'

'will this work'

Ha! Trust me...You know it will work.
01/06/2013 2:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Ted_'s Avatar
Lol your on the wrong end of the stick if you think im showing this off, i put the specs so people can give opions if it will run max settings good and how much FPS your obvouisly someone with a 2ghz intel pentium.
01/06/2013 2:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
tylabz123's Avatar
Okay so I guess you're trying to ask will your monster of a pc run Minecraft of course it will have you seen your specs and dude seriously if you're going to insult someone about their processor make sure you're using the correct grammar...
01/06/2013 2:13 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Taco
iamdaniel90's Avatar
this doesn't have anything to do with the topic but can someone tell me how to start/invite people to a lan world?????
01/06/2013 2:24 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
MrWaffler's Avatar

Press Esc. Then Multiplayer Options. Then Open to Lan. All your friendo has to do is go to multiplayer, and it will search for it automatically.
01/06/2013 2:26 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
MrWaffler's Avatar
Not a big fan of Intel actually. Besides, you don't need a good processor to play Minecraft. You don't even need a Graphics card. Just decent RAM and decent integrated graphics, and you're solid to play MC for hours on end.

You sir obviously know very little of computers if you think you're going to have problems running MC on that kind of machine.

Not to mention HDD size, Motherboard type, your power supply, and your DVD drive (SRSLY?!) have absolutely crap zero to do with running minecraft well...

I can literally find no reasons any of those would be of any use including here. Honestly, I truely think it was more of a showoff than a 'will this run MC'.
01/06/2013 2:33 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Toast
Applejaxc_B's Avatar
To maxamize your FPS, use a trick I've only seen used by one person. I play Minecraft on a laptop that will only run one core for the game because of bullshit manufacturing locks; you can imagine it's a bit slow, considering it wasn't made for gaming at all.

Go to your %appdata%/.minecraft. Look in that folder for a options.txt file, and open it. CNTRL (or apple-command) + F to bring up the finder and look for "FPS;" you should find an option of FPS limit or something like that. Replace the "0" with 999999999999999999999999999999999999999. It won't actually lock you at such an amazing FPS, but it took me from 10fps to 50+ while running LB PhotoRealism x128, fancy graphics and smooth lighting.

But why is it so important to run fancy graphics and all that? The game is perfectly fine without them (although they are nice!). Just put on OptiFine like I do and turn all the settings down to the bare minimums and never play a texture pack above x32. My laptop gets plenty of frames with everything on ultraamazing quality, but I'd take frames over quality any day.
01/06/2013 7:50 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
BarryWilson55's Avatar

Why the hell does it matter what PSU he uses, it makes no difference to the computer as-long as it gives out enough power, and to be honest you would get bad fps overheating and the game would be prone to crashing. Granted it would run it but if you where to play multiplayer for a prolonged time you would experience those problems.

That computer would have good fps, minimal lag, and all together would be a great pc.

And before anyone try's to prove me wrong, I build PCs so yeah, i kinda know
01/06/2013 7:54 pm
Level 1 : New Engineer
ap1922's Avatar
It will run Minecraft just fine. Very Well actually. I have a laptop with an AMD Quad-Core 1.6GHz (A6) and I can run on Extreme (Opti-Fine) getting a solid 60fps (Lag spiking down to 35fps). On those specs, I would say on Far, easily 300+fps as I get 198ish on mine (Far).

And a PSU does matter if he wants to upgrade RAM, or graphics card. If you play too hard with a weak PSU and a very powerful graphics, your CPU may decide to shut off, or Windows will BSOD.

Also, running a server on fragnet will not affect your PCs performance in any way (or VERY minimally as your web browser may be open) because all of the work is done remotely, not on your own equipment.

(I do know what I am talking about, I have been building computers for 5 years)
01/07/2013 11:26 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Ted_'s Avatar
Will this pc be compatible with 1600Mhz RAM and a new ati graphics card
01/07/2013 11:43 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Ted_'s Avatar
Haha just remebered it is 1600MHz
01/07/2013 11:49 am
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
I have to agree with MrWaffler's first point.
Your computer can definitely handle Minecraft.
01/07/2013 12:01 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Phrozenbit's Avatar
I have:

Intel Core 2 duo E5200 @ 2.5 GHz X2
ATI Radeon HD 3870 with 512 MB GDDR4

I run Minecraft on full settings ( Far, fancy, smooth light, particles etc ) with an average of about 80 FPS, peaking on 110 ish in normal worlds. On a flatland it peaks around 200, 180 average. Also run the latest Beta of Debian Linux and haven't really tweaked anything yet. ( running from ramdrive, using more light weight desktop environment, running minecraft on a seperate X session etc )

My opinion: Yes, it will run minecraft without problems.
01/07/2013 1:10 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Ted_'s Avatar
thanks for comment all, I just bought it I will be upgrading the graphics card, PSU at some point
I have good news
I BOUGHT THE PC!!!!!!!!! <3333333333 FDI(*FSD*&F^SD&F
01/07/2013 3:26 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Grump
tex12347's Avatar
dear derp yes
Planet Minecraft


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