Academy of Psychology

Tutto200's Avatar Tutto2002/27/13 6:10 pm
3/15/2013 4:17 pm
SkyTechKid's Avatar SkyTechKid
Academy of Psychology

We are the Academy of Psychology for all people interested in psychology. We offer knowledge in many areas, explanations, ideas, theory's, recent psychology news, and articles. The academy will teach psychology in fun, interactive ways in which is easy to learn! If you have anything you would like to discuss in psychology just ask and we will happily answer.

What is psychology
Psychology is our mental functions and behaviour. Psychology is to understand individuals. It is a mixture of philosophy and biology.
The word comes from Greek language 'psyche' and intact was used as far back to Ancient Greek.

Cognitive- "The study of the human mind and information processing."
Experimental- "The study of emotional and mental activity, as learning, humans and animals using experimental methods."
Personality- "The study of personality and individual differences."
Social- "The study of how peoples thoughts, feelings and behavior are influenced by others."
Developmental- "The study of changes that occur in human beings over the course of their life span."
Abnormal- "The study of unusual behavior, emotion and thought."
Cultural- "The study of (assumes) the idea that culture and mind are inseparable."
Biological- "The study of principles of biology (psychologically)."
Mathematical- "The study of of mathematical modeling of perceptual, cognitive and motor processes."
Comparative- "The study of behvior and mental processes of nonhuman animals (relating to phylogenetic history, adaptive significance and development of behavior)."
Differential- "The study of ways which individuals diffe in their behavior."
Positive- "The study of pleasure or flow, values, strengths, virtues, talents."
Quantitative- "The study of methods and techniques for the measurement of human attributes."

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Follow basic Planet Minecraft rules and guidelines.
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Psychologist of the Week
Coming soon.

Subject of the Week
Coming soon.

Psychology Fact of the Week
Coming soon.

Tui- Tutto200- Owner- Cognitive
Justin- skytechkid- Member- Social
Auda- xAudaa- Staff Member- Cognitive
Gherkin- Gherkalerkin- Member- Biological
Roxthesox- Roxthesox- Member- Cultural

Articles Posted

Introduction to Social Psychology- xAudaa
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Subject: Introduction to Social Psychology
Area: Social

Alright, lemme teach you a little bit about it.
Let's cut to the basics about Social psychology.

What is it about/how will it affect society?

Basically, social change occurs when a society adopts a new belief or way of behaving. If the society adopts the change, it will become the social norm (normal).

Research on social influence tells us how people change their beliefs and behavior, and it can help us understand how societies might change.

It is the majority of people that retain the status quo* and the minority who usually bring about the social change.

*Define "status quo": The existing state of affairs, esp. regarding social or political issues.

~Conformity (major influence)~

What is conformity? Conformity is a form of majority influence where the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of people in a particular group are adopted in response to real or imagined group pressure. In example: My friends are going to the park. I don't really want to go. But i'll conform, and go along with them.

Types of conformity:

- Compliance
This is where someone publicly conforms to the behavior or views of others in a group but privately (to themselves) have a different view/behavior.
So my example before the spoiler is me being compliant. I don't want to go to the park (my private thought/view) but i will go with them anyways.

- Internalization
It is where a conversion (or change) of private views to match the views of the group.
For example: "Hmm, i don't really want to go to the park, but (this is the conversion) i guess it will be fun. I want to go."

Why do people conform?

- Normative social influence
This is the desire to be liked. They want acceptance from the group. Have you ever done something stupid because you wanted to impress a girl/boy? Yeah.
This is also associated with compliance (spoiler above this one).

- Informational social influence
You do something for the desire to be right. An example would be to turn to someone who we think is right, and in attempt to gain information about how to think or act.
For example: You're sitting in maths class, "Hey bro, can you explain how to do this sum?"
It is also associated with internalization (spoiler above this one).

~Locus of control~

There are 2 types of the "locus of control".
- External
- Internal

People with an external locus of control are people who believe that they do not have control over what they do. They believe that fate will take them where fate wants them to go.
Psychologically, people with an external locus of control are the people who have less control over themselves, and they would be the majority of people who conform.

People with an internal locus of control are people who believe that they are accountable for the actions that they do. They believe that if they want to get somewhere, fate will not help them. They are in control of everything they do.
Psychologically, people with an internal locus of control are the people who have more control over themselves, and they would be the minority of people who would stand up to something different. (More information about this below).

~Social Change~

The role of minority influence in social change

Basically, you should understand that minorities can influence the majority.

The snowball effect

A minority can influence a majority opinion by challenging their beliefs and values causing them to rethink their beliefs. The snowball effect works by having one minority convince a member of the majority to adopt their new, different belief. Then those two people go and convince more people in the majority to agree with the minority group, and the minority group grows in number because of people expressing the same, new opinion.

An example of the snowball effect would be the suffragettes. They were a minority of women who campaigned for equal voting rights to men. It took many years, but more and more of the public began to internalize (incorporate within oneself; make subjective or personal; "internalize a belief") the suffragettes beliefs. Although there would have been a part of the public which still opposed the suffragette movement, they were now the minority, and the suffragette movement is now the majority

Other social influence on social change

Presence of a minority dissenter

This is where someone resists the pressure to conform, and they show independent behavior. This is when someone does not conform with the group (no matter how large the group is) and holds their own personal opinion.
An example of this is Ghandi. He made a march against salt tax imposed in India against the British (1930's). The majority of the people felt as though the tax was unreasonable, yet they conformed with it. However, Ghandi displayed a minority position. They marched peacefully, protesting the salt tax. Within 3 weeks they convinced 5 million people to join their cause.

Social heroism

This is where people who have strong moral convictions are less likely to be influenced by others. Social heroes are people who are willing to make sacrifices for the good of others in societies.
An example would be Nelson Mandela. He was imprisoned for 27 years for his resistance to the segregation of the black and white population of South Africa. It could be argued that Nelson's social heroism influenced others to stand up against this segregation.

That's about it, there is research conducted by many different psychologists, but for the interest of time, and my hurting hands, i'll stop here.

Work Place Psychology- Tutto200
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Subject: Work Place Psychology
Area: General

There are many jobs and careers in psychology and pays well to. The average salary is $46,000. The highest payng career would come under Psychiatrists which get an average of $159,300. As you go on you will find that there are many life choices of psychology.
If you want to see what kind of career your personality matches take this test.
http://psychologytoday.tests.psychtests ... gTest=3242

Psychology Careers
Air Force Psychologist
Army Psychologist
Child Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
Cognitive Neuroscientist
Cognitive Psychologist
Community Psychologist
Consumer Psychologist
Counseling Psychologist
Developmental Psychologist
Educational Psychologist
Forensic Psychologist
Geriatric Psychologist
Health Psychologist
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Media Psychology Careers
Military Psychologist
Navy Psychologist
Social Gerontologist
Social Psychologist
Spiritual Psychologist
Sports Psychologist
Transpersonal Psychologist
Careers by Feild
Developmental Psychology Careers
Existential Psychology Careers
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Careers
Media Psychology Careers
Military Psychology Careers

In my opinion psychology is intriguing, facinating and amazing. There are so many phenomenons about our mental self that even has not yet been found/explained. This mixed into a career seems no longer a 'job' but following an interest that you get paid for! The pay to is high although it takes dedication and time as you will have to spend up to 6 years in university to get mostof them.
Overall I think psychology is something definately worth a try

Lucid Dreaming- Tutto200
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.Subject: Lucid Dreaming
Area: Cognitive
Lucid Dreaming

What is Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is being aware that you are asleep and being to control some portion of it. That means being able to manipulate your dreaming. Lucid dreaming can be very clear that it even looks like the real thing.

How to Lucid Dream Part 1
I will now give you a step-by-step on how,to do this.

1. Lay down on a bed (or other object) in a comfortable position as you will be laying in this position for half an hour. Relax as much as possible.
2. After a while your brain will send signals around your body that will try and make you move to test if your (mentally) asleep. Make sure you ignore this.
3. You will now begin to move into a paralysed state (this happens as your body has now fallen into a sleeping state), don't be alarmed and don't try to move.
4. Enjoy the amazing effects of lucid dreaming where anything is possible!

How to Lucid Dream Part 2
Another guide to Lucid Dream except for whenever you go to sleep.

-Try after a few hours of wakening.
-Set your alarm clock to wake you up 4 1/2, 6, or 7 1/2 hours after falling asleep. When you wake up try to remember the dream as much as possible. When you have remembered that as much as you can say to yourself: "I know I am dreaming" when you think you have done this enough go back to sleep.
-Keep a dream journal for every time you wake up. This is one of the best ways due to your brain thinking that you are remembering your dreams. Each time this happens you will be a step closer to Lucid Dreaming.

Reality Checks
When you start Lucid Dreaming make sure you do reality checks to see if your truly awake. Some techniques are: Looking at a clock and see if it moves, looking at a specific feature then look away and back to see if its changed, turning on a light switch, looking into a mirror (I really don't suggest this as it can hugely effect your dream) when in dream you will either be blurry or horrifically disfigured, seeing if you can breathe, looking at your hands, lean against a wall.

Lucid Dreaming can be exceptionally fun. The idea of controlling your dreams is astonishing. I highly recommend you trying this but like I was saying before with the mirrors a good dream can instantly turn into a nightmare and it will seem real! That's why I wouldn't look into a mirror. Really Lucid Dreaming has its ups and downs but definitely worth a go.
Time for one last interesting survey; Many people who have done Lucid Dreaming have reported sightings of a black figure with red eyes (referring to Part 1 guide). They stand in front of you starring at you but you can't move as your paralysed. Lucid Dreamers has reported this as scary and frightening.

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Made by Lenny3214

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Posted by Tutto200's Avatar
Level 32 : Artisan Mage

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03/15/2013 4:17 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
SkyTechKid's Avatar
Great example of child psychology! (Or so I think.)

03/14/2013 2:48 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
RoxthesoxAnother tip for lucid dreaming, make a dream journal (eg, note down anything you can remember from your dream the moment you wake up). This way you eventually start seeing some things repeating, such as shifting environments, political tension, nuclear war, death.. and so forth! Then when these things (which are now labelled as factors you dream about) pop up in your dream, you can easily recognize that you're dreaming.

I've only ever had one lucid dream, and that was when I made myself on a boat to escape a shark with legs, so I'm no expert but I figured I might as well contribute.

Absolutely. Feel free to add/contribut as much as you want whether its questions or facts.
Also what you say about a dream journal is a great way.
03/13/2013 4:12 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Subject: Lucid Dreaming
Area: Cognitive
Lucid Dreaming

What is Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming is being aware that you are asleep and being to control some portion of it. That means being able to manipulate your dreaming. Lucid dreaming can be very clear that it even looks like the real thing.

How to Lucid Dream Part 1
I will now give you a step-by-step on how,to do this.

1. Lay down on a bed (or other object) in a comfortable position as you will be laying in this position for half an hour. Relax as much as possible.
2. After a while your brain will send signals around your body that will try and make you move to test if you're (mentally) asleep. Make sure you ignore this.
3. You will now begin to move into a paralysed state (this happens as your body has now fallen into a sleeping state), don't be alarmed and don't try to move.
4. Enjoy the amazing effects of lucid dreaming where anything is possible!

How to Lucid Dream Part 2
Another guide to Lucid Dream except for whenever you go to sleep.

-Try after a few hours of wakening.
-Set your alarm clock to wake you up 4 1/2, 6, or 7 1/2 hours after falling asleep. When you wake up try to remember the dream as much as possible. When you have remembered that as much as you can say to yourself: "I know I am dreaming" when you think you have done this enough go back to sleep.
-Keep a dream journal for every time you wake up. This is one of the best ways due to your brain thinking that you are remembering your dreams. Each time this happens you will be a step closer to Lucid Dreaming.

Reality Checks
When you start Lucid Dreaming make sure you do reality checks to see if your truly awake. Some techniques are: Looking at a clock and see if it moves, looking at a specific feature then look away and back to see if its changed, turning on a light switch, looking into a mirror (I really don't suggest this as it can hugely effect your dream) when in dream you will either be blurry or horrifically disfigured, seeing if you can breathe, looking at your hands, lean against a wall.

Lucid Dreaming can be exceptionally fun. The idea of controlling your dreams is astonishing. I highly recommend you trying this but like I was saying before with the mirrors a good dream can instantly turn into a nightmare and it will seem real! That's why I wouldn't look into a mirror. Really Lucid Dreaming has its ups and downs but definitely worth a go.
Time for one last interesting survey; Many people who have done Lucid Dreaming have reported sightings of a black figure with red eyes (referring to Part 1 guide). They stand in front of you starring at you but you can't move as your paralysed. Lucid Dreamers has reported this as scary and frightening.
Night Visions
03/13/2013 2:50 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
Night Visions's Avatar
This seems fun, except I don't understand much.
03/13/2013 3:13 pm
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
This is what we're here for! This is a thread where you can immerse yourself in discussions about psychology. If you are interested in a particular topic, and would like to know more about it, Tutto and I would be happy to fill you in to the best of our abilities.
03/13/2013 2:53 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
That is what the academy is here for. If you don't understand something just ask one of our fellow members but if they don't know ask me or xAudaa.
03/10/2013 6:54 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Back I will be writing another article about Lucid Dreaming soon.
03/10/2013 9:01 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
SkyTechKid's Avatar
Lucid Dream?
03/10/2013 9:04 am
Level 48 : Master Artist
janidorr's Avatar
A dream where you know you're dreaming leading to endless possibilities you can control as long as you stay asleep.
03/01/2013 6:50 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
RoxthesoxName: Roxthesox
Age: 15
About yourself: Since taking it as a subject for GCSE I've become very interested in the topic, it's one of the few courses where I enjoy learning.
Why do you want to join: Hey, why not?
What do you know about psychology: My knowledge is limited to course I'm taking (and finishing this summer) though I've studied some key concepts and studies on things like sex and gender, criminal behaviour, obedience etc.
Area (psychology area): Cultural.
Other: Freud is a mad man.

Accepted to the academy. Welcome.
03/01/2013 5:39 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
You guys have the good life. Wait until college (let alone grad school!) and you'd sell your soul for an assignment that was basically 'watch this long movie' :p
03/01/2013 5:35 pm
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
I do hope you realize that you just reported my post... to me.

As this is a "psychology" club, I hope you realize both the fallacy of this, and the irony of claiming that I am unqualified to make a judgement based on my perception.
03/01/2013 4:43 pm
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
If you don't have four hours to watch a documentary, then you certainly don't have the time to be reading relevant theories to debate psychology.

This club is a farce.
03/01/2013 4:52 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Alright I will say this is a civil manor.
Don't just think that everyone else has time because you do. It is unfair to say that when you have not experienced/know that persons point of view. I even tried to help by giving ideas on how to go about your research since I could not watch it. Although I get your point a bit, reading and watching are two different things. This is highly inappropriate especially coming from an a Site Moderator although if I ever get the time to I will watch (curious).
If you have decency don't reply back.
03/01/2013 6:20 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
Homework assignment - watch this documentary, report back with your thoughts:

03/01/2013 6:42 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
SkyTechKid's Avatar
Thats four hours long. I don't have that time....
03/01/2013 6:59 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
I'm sorry but I can't (pretty much the same reason as SkyTechKid). Although you can explain what it's about, significant facts, ect. Even better if you can tell me what you have to do for the assignment and I will try and help you out with techniques on going about your research.
One other thing you can do (if it helps ) is read xAudaa's article on 'Introduction to Social Psychology".
03/01/2013 6:01 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Subject: Work Place Psychology
Area: General

There are many jobs and careers in psychology and pays well to. The average salary is $46,000. The highest payng career would come under Psychiatrists which get an average of $159,300. As you go on you will find that there are many life choices of psychology.
If you want to see what kind of career your personality matches take this test.
http://psychologytoday.tests.psychtests ... gTest=3242

Psychology Careers
Air Force Psychologist
Army Psychologist
Child Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
Cognitive Neuroscientist
Cognitive Psychologist
Community Psychologist
Consumer Psychologist
Counseling Psychologist
Developmental Psychologist
Educational Psychologist
Forensic Psychologist
Geriatric Psychologist
Health Psychologist
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Media Psychology Careers
Military Psychologist
Navy Psychologist
Social Gerontologist
Social Psychologist
Spiritual Psychologist
Sports Psychologist
Transpersonal Psychologist
Careers by Feild
Developmental Psychology Careers
Existential Psychology Careers
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Careers
Media Psychology Careers
Military Psychology Careers

In my opinion psychology is intriguing, facinating and amazing. There are so many phenomenons about our mental self that even has not yet been found/explained. This mixed into a career seems no longer a 'job' but following an interest that you get paid for! The pay to is high although it takes dedication and time as you will have to spend up to 6 years in university to get mostof them.
Overall I think psychology is something definately worth a try.
03/01/2013 5:31 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Everyone xAudaa is now a staff member of the academy.
02/28/2013 4:58 pm
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
Tutto200Ah interesting, very interesting. Maybe you should have been in the social aspect of psychology.

I find memory and EWT more interesting.
02/28/2013 4:28 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
SkyTechKidI'm interested in it.
I know nothing about it.

Alright, lemme teach you a little bit about it.
Let's cut to the basics about Social psychology.

What is it about/how will it affect society?

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Basically, social change occurs when a society adopts a new belief or way of behaving. If the society adopts the change, it will become the social norm (normal).

Research on social influence tells us how people change their beliefs and behavior, and it can help us understand how societies might change.

It is the majority of people that retain the status quo* and the minority who usually bring about the social change.

*Define "status quo": The existing state of affairs, esp. regarding social or political issues

Conformity (major influence)

What is conformity? Conformity is a form of majority influence where the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of people in a particular group are adopted in response to real or imagined group pressure. In example: My friends are going to the park. I don't really want to go. But i'll conform, and go along with them.

Types of conformity:

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- Compliance
This is where someone publicly conforms to the behavior or views of others in a group but privately (to themselves) have a different view/behavior.
So my example before the spoiler is me being compliant. I don't want to go to the park (my private thought/view) but i will go with them anyways.

- Internalization
It is where a conversion (or change) of private views to match the views of the group.
For example: "Hmm, i don't really want to go to the park, but (this is the conversion) i guess it will be fun. I want to go."

Why do people conform?

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- Normative social influence
This is the desire to be liked. They want acceptance from the group. Have you ever done something stupid because you wanted to impress a girl/boy? Yeah.
This is also associated with compliance (spoiler above this one).

- Informational social influence
You do something for the desire to be right. An example would be to turn to someone who we think is right, and in attempt to gain information about how to think or act.
For example: You're sitting in maths class, "Hey bro, can you explain how to do this sum?"
It is also associated with internalization (spoiler above this one).

Locus of control

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There are 2 types of the "locus of control".
- External
- Internal

People with an external locus of control are people who believe that they do not have control over what they do. They believe that fate will take them where fate wants them to go.
Psychologically, people with an external locus of control are the people who have less control over themselves, and they would be the majority of people who conform.

People with an internal locus of control are people who believe that they are accountable for the actions that they do. They believe that if they want to get somewhere, fate will not help them. They are in control of everything they do.
Psychologically, people with an internal locus of control are the people who have more control over themselves, and they would be the minority of people who would stand up to something different. (More information about this below).

- Social Change -

The role of minority influence in social change

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Basically, you should understand that minorities can influence the majority.

The snowball effect

A minority can influence a majority opinion by challenging their beliefs and values causing them to rethink their beliefs. The snowball effect works by having one minority convince a member of the majority to adopt their new, different belief. Then those two people go and convince more people in the majority to agree with the minority group, and the minority group grows in number because of people expressing the same, new opinion.

An example of the snowball effect would be the suffragettes. They were a minority of women who campaigned for equal voting rights to men. It took many years, but more and more of the public began to internalize (incorporate within oneself; make subjective or personal; "internalize a belief") the suffragettes beliefs. Although there would have been a part of the public which still opposed the suffragette movement, they were now the minority, and the suffragette movement is now the majority.

Other social influence on social change

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Presence of a minority dissenter

This is where someone resists the pressure to conform, and they show independent behavior. This is when someone does not conform with the group (no matter how large the group is) and holds their own personal opinion.
An example of this is Ghandi. He made a march against salt tax imposed in India against the British (1930's). The majority of the people felt as though the tax was unreasonable, yet they conformed with it. However, Ghandi displayed a minority position. They marched peacefully, protesting the salt tax. Within 3 weeks they convinced 5 million people to join their cause.

Social heroism

This is where people who have strong moral convictions are less likely to be influenced by others. Social heroes are people who are willing to make sacrifices for the good of others in societies.
An example would be Nelson Mandela. He was imprisoned for 27 years for his resistance to the segregation of the black and white population of South Africa. It could be argued that Nelson's social heroism influenced others to stand up against this segregation.

That's about it, there is research conducted by many different psychologists, but for the interest of time, and my hurting hands, i'll stop here.

Ah interesting, very interesting. Maybe you should have been in the social aspect of psychology.
02/28/2013 8:06 am
Level 47 : Master Droid
Gherkalerkin's Avatar
That's such a good idea! c:
My application as per the form layout thingy:
Name: Gherkin (Would rather not say my real name on the internet >.<)
Age: 15
About yourself: Obsessed with science! I love anything science, in particular animal psychology, quite interesting stuff. And although not psychology-related, I really love space, anything universe-ey and philosophical. I also feel very strongly about environmental conservation and world issues such as poverty and military conflicts.
Why do you want to join: I would love to learn more and maybe share some knowledge.
What do you know about psychology: Well, that's a really broad statement... But I know quite a bit about some of the most common mental disorders, for example, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and you know, all the really depressing ones, haha xD But really, these are growing problems that people need to know about and understand! That's about as far as my knowledge goes, but other psychology related stuff I still find very interesting, mostly relating to thought processes and other people's take on society.
Area (psychology area): Biological, experimental, cognitive.
Other: I have a weird obsession with the psychological profile of birds, namely, pink and grey galahs, crows, wagtails and magpies, oh, and domesticated animals, in particular caged or neglected. I have a weird thing with biology, just typing this, I realise how crazy I really am xD I'm all "SAVE THE PLANET!" and "No animal abuse!" Hell, I'm even subscribed to emails from Greenpeace, lol xD I'm ranting again, sorry :3
02/28/2013 4:31 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Right. I think you will be best at Biological (from obvious reasons). Welcome to the academy.
02/28/2013 7:37 am
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
SkyTechKidI'm interested in it.
I know nothing about it.

Edit: Article posted on thread OP.
02/28/2013 7:02 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
SkyTechKid's Avatar
XD I have to go...like now.
02/28/2013 6:51 am
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
SkyTechKidArea: Social

What do you know about social psychology?

I'm interested in it.

I know nothing about it.

Alright, i'm going to explain the topic. Just wait a while, it'll be quite long xP
Miss Shadowz
02/28/2013 6:49 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Artist
Miss Shadowz's Avatar
Sounds interesting.
02/28/2013 6:43 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
SkyTechKid's Avatar
SkyTechKidArea: Social

What do you know about social psychology?

I'm interested in it.

I know nothing about it.
02/28/2013 6:26 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
I'm not applying with this post, but can I just give a tip? not everybody will know what the meaning of the terms for each area is. explain what you mean by them. so, what does cognitive include, what is the content of developmental, etc.
this way people will get less confused.
02/28/2013 6:35 am
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
This is a hub where if people want to learn about a topic, people with knowledge on the subject would educate the people who don't. Even though I might agree with your point to some extent, we can't simply break up a topic into smaller bits, because trust me, that's when you'll become confused.

Moreover, if we do break down the topics into smaller parts, we'll just be creating reductionist topics. This is where we break down pieces of information to a basic level. Once this happens, we cannot look at the full picture, and open our minds to other factors that might be at play.
02/28/2013 8:26 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
I didn't mean split it up, I meant explain. not everyone with some knowledge of psychology has the understanding of the jargon. I myself have quite some experience with the psychology behind conflict, behaviour and discrimination in groups, and some other topics, but I wouldn't know what group it belonged to.
apart from that, there might be people that know a lot about psychology, have even graduated on a subject, but did so in a different language, and have no idea what the english terms are.
02/28/2013 9:11 am
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
I see what you mean. Maybe we'll get the thread OP to add some spoilers and include the sections in each topic, ie > Social Psychology - Conformity, Social Change etc etc.
02/28/2013 4:35 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Agreed that is something needed to be done.
02/28/2013 6:25 am
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
SkyTechKidArea: Social

What do you know about social psychology?
02/28/2013 6:14 am
Level 45 : Master Princess
vinyl-ripp's Avatar
Name: Auda
Age: 17
About yourself: Social, athletic, awesome.
Why do you want to join: I <3 psychology.
What do you know about psychology: Quite alot, although i might need to revisit my books for some notes
Area (psychology area): Memory is my niche.
Other: Nothing else, I guess.
02/28/2013 4:20 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
Accepted welcome to the academy.
02/28/2013 1:32 am
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
SkyTechKidName: Justin
Age: 13
About yourself: I'm fun to be around, but tend to lose my sanity.
Why do you want to join: I want to use this as a new way to amuse people
What do you know about psychology: None that I know of.
Area: EST Or Virginia to be exact
Other: If i'm not replying its either that i'm busy, my laptop has been taken away.

Accepted. Area is meant to be your area of expertise or interest (in psychology).
02/27/2013 8:04 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
SkyTechKid's Avatar
Name: Justin
Age: 13
About yourself: I'm fun to be around, but tend to lose my sanity.
Why do you want to join: I want to use this as a new way to amuse people
What do you know about psychology: None that I know of.
Area: Social
Other: If i'm not replying its either that i'm busy, my laptop has been taken away.
02/28/2013 6:16 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
SkyTechKid's Avatar
Ok Fixed That.
02/27/2013 6:28 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Mage
Tutto200's Avatar
The academy is open so if your interested join.
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