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Veillax's Avatar Veillax8/29/22 10:17 am
9/27/2022 6:43 pm
Kypickle's Avatar Kypickle
Reply to this with any questions you have for/about me and I will answer the in a week or 4 (I really don't know when I will get to these)

Poll: Should I keep doing these every 2 or so months?

Poll ended 09/30/2022 1:04 pm.

Posted by Veillax's Avatar
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon

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08/29/2022 11:04 am
She/Her • Level 40 : Master uwu Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
~ 1. Any plans on upgrading your setup?

~ 2. How would you build a PC for under $600?

~ 3. When will the world end?

~ 4. What is the name "Veillax" inspired by?
09/25/2022 5:32 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
1: Yes, No idea when though

2: Uhhh, I have no idea, I don't do things like DIY Tech builds

3: Hmmm, IDK, ask Kypickle

4: It's some sort of offshoot of a thing from a British Animation Youtuber living in Germany, I don't really remember though, for my minecraft I just added 135 because of Cubfan135, I had been watching his stuff when I thought about turning Veillax into a name for myself
09/25/2022 5:40 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
Hey that’s me
09/25/2022 5:55 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar
I have been summoned by Veillax the darkest corner of planet minecraft to answer your third question

if humanity goes extinct sometime soon, and we don't rise to eventually take over the galaxy, we actually know when the world will end: 800 million years from now.
This is because the sun is always increasing in brightness, and getting bigger. As it runs out of fuel it expands, causing earth and the other planets to get hotter. This has been happening ever since the solar system formed and is most likely the reason Venus is the way it is today, since venus most likely used to be an ocean planet
800 million years is the real tipping point for earth, because that's the time that due to the increasing temperature, photosynthesis becomes impossible. All plant life dies, resulting in the total collapse of the food chain and the end to multicellular life. Tectonic activity will also come to a half around this time as the magnetic field shuts down, leaving earth exposed to radiation and its continents locked where they are permanently.
of course, the earth still exists at this point. So do the oceans and hardy bacteria that cling to the north and south poles where temperatures are more habitable. The world hasn't totally ended yet.
So, by 1 billion years, the oceans begin to evaporate. A runaway greenhouse effect begins. With no plants replenishing earth's oxygen, and the bacteria left breathing it all up, c02 begins to dominate the atmosphere. Earth becomes like venus, with a hyperdense atmosphere that crushes all remaining life. What remains of earth's mighty oceans are now just large lakes on the north and south poles.
however, some bacteria are still alive at this point, and the earth is still in one piece, so let's go even further into the future.
5 billion years from now, the sun becomes a Red Giant, eating up mercury and venus. By this point earth is a lava planet and has lost its atmosphere to space. No bacteria are left alive. at this point the sun has already undergone an event known as the Helium Flash, meaning earth's orbit has been pushed further from the sun, out to 1.5 AU (astronomical unit) instead of its current orbit of 1 AU

however, if this push is not enough to escape the expanding sun, then around 5-7 billion years from now, the sun expands into earth's orbit and earth is destroyed.
this is only one scenario though, where earth is lucky enough to go out with a bang. There is one more scenario.
in this scenario, earth survives the red giant sun and witnesses its death, as the sun's outer layers explode out, creating a nebula and causing the gas giants of our solar system to lose 25% of their mass. The sun loses half of its mass, and is now a white dwarf: a stellar gravestone that's a bit smaller than the earth, but the mass of half the sun. this white dwarf will only give as much light to earth as the full moon does now.
pluto, neptune, uranus and possibly even saturn leave the solar system, since the sun, after losing so much mass, can no longer keep them in orbit. Only earth, mars, the asteroid belt and jupiter remain.
over trillions of years, the universe goes dark as the last stars die. eventually, the moon collides with earth, returning it to a lava planet one last time.
the moonless earth then goes on a death spiral toward the ever cooling sun. billions turn to trillions. quadrillions. quintillions. sextillions. septillions. octillions. nonillions. Finally, after a decillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) years, the sun has turned into a black dwarf, having no energy left to give. Earth's orbit has been shrunk due to friction (even in empty space there are small dust particles that over ungodly amounts of time can slow a planet's orbit) so much that earth falls into the sun. The final end to our planet. for the vast, vast, vast, vast majority of its life in this scenario earth has spent in total darkness. It ends its life by falling into the corpse of the star that saw its birth. A tragic, final whimper from our little blue planet.

I personally hope it goes out with a bang, and not a whimper.
09/27/2022 6:32 pm
She/Her • Level 40 : Master uwu Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
This information is 99% correct..
I exist.
09/27/2022 6:43 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
Kypickle's Avatar

that was also a scenario where humanity doesn’t do anything to save the solar system, if we’re still around for literal billions of years we’ll be able to save it
09/01/2022 11:11 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
09/01/2022 11:24 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
09/01/2022 11:33 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
you said to 'ask me anything' so I asked you anything
09/25/2022 5:28 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
08/30/2022 3:29 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
What is the secret to not being forever alone
09/25/2022 5:29 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
Can't answer that, I am alone
09/01/2022 10:35 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Artist


09/25/2022 5:29 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar

WHY NOT???????

08/30/2022 2:06 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pig
Axel-Ottl's Avatar
opinions on ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ?
09/25/2022 5:29 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
09/25/2022 5:40 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragon
Veillax's Avatar
Thanks to everyone who asked questions, once the votes for the poll are revealed i'll do another one in like a month or whenever I get to lvl 15!
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