Best thing about 1.13 in minecraft so far?

PufferJackets's Avatar PufferJackets5/11/18 11:22 am
5/26/2018 1:06 am
Schnellnut's Avatar Schnellnut
What's your favorite thing in the minecraft 1.13 snapshots?

Are you excited for the new update? If not, why?

Bonus question: what do you think of the update so far? Love it or hate it?

Bonus question two: What were your favorite and least favorite updates?

Mine is the waterlogged feature as it adds so much opportunity to building!


(Two bonus questions because I couldn't think of a question yesterday ;P)

Posted by PufferJackets's Avatar
Level 11 : Journeyman Princess

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05/26/2018 1:06 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Goblin
Schnellnut's Avatar
Swimming. I feel so much faster in water now. Fear me, ocean life.
05/22/2018 9:01 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
IndyJacksonTT's Avatar
Just a add a gamerule for the stupid cooldown thing and it'll be the best update ever.

People still rant about this even after years of the update existing
05/25/2018 10:19 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
garlicbreathinator's Avatar
The attack cooldown is actually quite necessary. It finally makes combat with mobs interesting and difficult at low levels. You used to be able to kill anything with a little bit of skill and a stone sword. Also, it made way for the axe as a powerful, but slow weapon that can counter shields. This adds another layer of complexity to combat like we have never seen before. The one thing I would add would be an enchant to reduce the cooldown time.
05/19/2018 2:09 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
TheFearOfUnknown's Avatar
Trapdoors FTW.

BQ1: I think it's pretty good and could give more ideas as of what to build.

BQ2: 1.9 combat SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS. Hate the cooldown thing so much. I think 1.4 was my favorite because it added (vanilla) single player commands.
05/19/2018 10:47 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Ranger
ThatTonyboo's Avatar
I myself love the new building and redstone opportunities. SO MUCH TO DO!!! *brain explodes* but ehem, its gonna be awesome for those both.

My mum just likes the fish. And the actual marine life (yes, I got my mum addicted to Minecraft ._.)

Bonus #1: Love it, its caused issues sometimes but overall a long-needed update. Bonus #2: Most favorite would be 1.8 (or 1.9, I can't remember xD) for the new combat. Least favorite would be.. never tbh, I like them all <3
05/19/2018 2:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Cowboy
Kwaysar's Avatar
Late response as I've not been on here for a while, definitely the variety of wood pressure plates, buttons, and trapdoors as I can do so much with them since I'm more of a builder than anything else. And I'm excited because it unlocks a lot of creativity.

Bonus 1. It's great, enough said
Bonus 2. Fav = Too hard / Least Fav. = 1.10
05/13/2018 8:54 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Engineer
ShelLuser's Avatar
I think 1.13 has all the potential of becoming one of the best updates of all time, comparable to the impact which 1.8 had perhaps. And maybe just as notorious as 1.9 was. And I am definitely excited for it.

The update so far... trick question? ;) So far I dislike it because the latest snapshot somehow crashes on my PC, so that's not good :) But in general I'm actually very excited. I think it's a good thing that Mojang have combined 1.13 and 1.14 because right now the whole thing balances itself out. On one end it'll break tons of stuff (maps and such) because of the new command set, but on the other end we also get tons of new blocks and new gaming mechanics.

As to general updates... I don't really have a preference. I disliked 1.8 at the beginning because of all the major problems when it just got out (1.8 was unplayable for me for quite a while). And I've always been happy about the latest one.

My favorite feature in 1.13? Difficult question. Probably the boss bars because you can do so much cool stuff with that!
05/13/2018 5:14 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Network
Thomas_Geologist's Avatar
Im concerned about the impact on creating mob grinders and automatic farms because of the ability water now has to go through fences and other blocks.
05/12/2018 2:26 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
BartTheBart's Avatar
/tp ^ ^ ^1
nuf said
05/12/2018 3:04 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Toast
Albertstuff's Avatar
Mine is the 1.12 when they added the recipe book to the crafting menu because I don't know how to craft everything but I do know the basics and the middle
05/12/2018 1:22 pm
Level 48 : Master Magical Boy
videogamer1002's Avatar
thats not 1.13
05/13/2018 3:19 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Toast
Albertstuff's Avatar
I know but if you read bonus question 2 then you'll know why I commented that.
05/11/2018 6:18 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
SUPERIONtheKnight's Avatar
My favorite thing added in 1.13 is the technical side of the update. It made things much easier while opening new possibilities at the same time. With that said, I realize you might be asking about survival features, so my favorite survival feature is Dolphins.

My favorite update is always the latest version as it adds new things to experiment with. However 1.7.2 was amazing and is a very hard update to beat.

As for my least favorite update, I'm going to say 1.10 as it didn't add much to the game at all.

1.13 is amazing, It's the best update I have seen in a long time. So yes I love it and I'm very excited for it. :)
05/21/2018 11:32 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Princess
PufferJackets's Avatar
Very well written comment! Thanks!
05/11/2018 8:25 pm
Level 42 : Master Taco
spychicken123's Avatar
its gunna take a while to get used to the new commands but the trident sounds awesom
05/11/2018 5:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Elisaron2210's Avatar
Daily answers.. or not quite daily answers I suppose! I personally love the small detail changes in blocks, but my friend says he loves "God of thunder" with that he means the enchanted trident of course. We both think the update definitely improves Minecraft. We had a hard time finding any update we disliked as we're both weird and like the "new" fighting mechanics implomented in the 1.9 patch, but my buddy thinks that the worst update was when they patched the unlimited diamond glitch :)
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