Book Writing Help

LordTyranid's Avatar LordTyranid9/13/14 6:03 am
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9/13/2014 4:37 pm
LordTyranid's Avatar LordTyranid
Hello, I am interested in writing a book and I am having problems. I was thinking of writing an interactive book where people could help me out mid way through and decide some important choices but I never got round to doing that. I am now going back to writing my book but I am in need of assistance. What I really need is someone who has at least some amount of book writing 'skill' if you would call it to just give me ideas on how to keep focused and how to build up the story to get to the exciting parts. I would be very grateful for anyone who helps out. Plus if anyone here has any experience with drawing and want to start a little project please message me and if anyone wants to assist me with the characters or anything else then please message me. Any help would be highly appreciated and I would make sure to have an acknowledgements in the book. Cheers to all and thanks.
Posted by LordTyranid's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Dragonborn

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09/13/2014 4:37 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Dragonborn
LordTyranid's Avatar
Ok thanks
09/13/2014 4:07 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Ethoteric's Avatar
Yeah no problem, dude. I'm always happy to help a fellow writer

And yeah putting a scene together is pretty difficult. But like I said, just think out either the whole thing or part of it. If you think out part of it, maybe you can improvise the rest and at the end, go back and read it and see if you like the outcome. That's kinda my style of writing. Half thinking things through and half improvising. Of course I reread to see if the story's moving too slow or fast and have someone else read it to get feedback, then I take my time editing the storyline.

Can't wait to see what you've come up with. I'll try to stay updated.
09/13/2014 8:00 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Dragonborn
LordTyranid's Avatar
Thank you so much for your help, I will make sure to follow what you've said as all I really have is a little experience in writing a book so I am quite new to it all. For me, starting the book is the most difficult thing as I have problems getting the scene together but I have some ideas on how to start it. Thank you again for your help as it is very helpful, plus once I have at least the first chapter, I will release it so people can read it. Cheers.
09/13/2014 6:47 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Ethoteric's Avatar
I don't really know much about actual book writing "skill" but I have wrote some stories and collaborated with people to write em. I'm still an amateur at best but sharing a few tips from my writer's block experiences won't hurt anybody, right?

As for keeping your readers on edge and to keep enticing them to turn the page, it all comes down to thinking out your plot thoroughly. And of course the characters, timing, suspense, dramatic irony, etc etc. Think out the backstory to the story. Why is this character the protagonist? Why is this character the antagonist? Keep asking yourself questions.

Also think about what kind of audience you're targeting and plan/write accordingly. If the story moves too quickly, your readers might get a little confused about switching from one scene to another scene to a dream, and to hell and back. Especially if there are pieces of important info strung into the scenes that the readers might not remember. If the story moves too slowly, it might bore your readers (which causes some to completely skip the beginning of a book which might hold some vital background info). The beginning chapters of most books are usually slow since that's where authors fit in the characters' background info, setting, possibly a flashback, and/or the current situation. If you can, try to break down pieces of whatever information the reader should know and plant them in various parts of chapters ALSO keeping in mind to make sure the plot and timing makes sense.

For example: One of my characters, Damien, has no other family members that are close to him besides his uncle. In the beginning of the story, I started off with a nightmare which also worked as a flashback. Damien's father died trying to protect his son and wife. Little Damien never got to see the face of the man who killed his father but did get to hear his voice. Years later in the story, guess who was actually the main antagonist? Yup. His uncle in the flesh.

Anyway what I'm trying to say is when it comes to writing stories, it requires a lot of thought. Just take some time to ponder the different outcomes of a character's action(s) and pick the one that fits the plot. Add in some comic relief, a death or two, maybe a budding relationship, and voila! You got yourself a page-turner

Happy writing and don't forget. If you get writer's block, why don't you take a break and play some Minecraft? Good luck!

P.S. Having people read your drafts is a great way to edit what you have so far. I'd be happy to read your work and try to help whenever I have free time.
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