I know dreams are just memories, but what if they arent?

VoxelBlox's Avatar VoxelBlox11/26/15 11:00 am
11/28/2015 1:58 pm
irritatedCat's Avatar irritatedCat
For the past 3 nights I have had what you might consider to be nightmares. Each one is different, and I have noticed the switch between the dreams which is highly unusual for me or for most people. Dreams usually occur many times during the night, and we cant remember most of them, but these past 3 nights I still remember 12 dreams, each one different from the next. One of the main things is that I only see it from my perspective, and no one elses prospective. These dreams usually involve life and death situations of some kind, including mini-games where I have to save my mother or she will be erased from the time-stream, and killing Bellatrix from the Harry Potter franchise.

My question and main concern is that dreams are not just complex memories of out lives, but are sometimes rare glimpses into parallel universes that we cannot yet comprehend, so we pass them off as dreams. We do not know the true reason we dream, I just have a hypothesis about it.

Can you help me with my situation, note I havent gotten much sleep in those 3 days, a few hours per night maybe.
Posted by VoxelBlox's Avatar
Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator

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11/28/2015 11:04 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Akeustlom's Avatar
Ok, I'm just going to throw this in here.

Most dreams i can remember end up happening later.

While i was in preschool, i had a dream what middle school would be like, and one day everything happened the same as the dream.

I had a dream that i was playing a video game getting chased by one-eyed fish trying to get in a door while yelling "NO! Get in the door, get in the door." And you know what happened? I was playing a video game getting chased by one-eyed fish trying to get in a door, yelling "NO! Get in the door, get in the door." And i had the dream before i even started playing the game.

I think i should get a job as a fortune teller or something

11/28/2015 1:58 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
It's called Deja Vu. It's basically seeing something in real life that you've seen before.
11/28/2015 10:20 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
Philosophy time!

Wake up neo
11/28/2015 10:05 am
Level 42 : Master Princess
aikoya's Avatar
how can dreams be real if our eyes aren't real
Han Solo
11/28/2015 10:12 am
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
Han Solo's Avatar
are you high
our eyes are real or else we can't see.
11/28/2015 10:37 am
Level 42 : Master Princess
aikoya's Avatar
how can we see if our eyes arent real?
Han Solo
11/28/2015 10:44 am
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
Han Solo's Avatar
because we have eyes that are real, that's how we can see.

what even.
11/28/2015 11:10 am
Level 42 : Master Princess
aikoya's Avatar
My eyes arent real
How can i see
11/27/2015 12:44 am
Level 23 : Expert Crab
Morneite's Avatar
11/26/2015 9:55 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Ninniy's Avatar
Reminds me of the game/anime Steins;Gate, where some people remembered events in a parallel universe/different worldline through dreams.
11/26/2015 6:38 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Modder
guestds's Avatar
atleast you can have a dream and actually remember it... i usually sleep and waker up and id be seeing complete darkness and not even the wormy light things u see floating around when in complete darkness but sleeping and if i have a dream id forget what it was exactly about even... like 1/1000 dreams i have an actual active dream.... 1/1000 of that i actually remember what the point of the dream was 1/1000 of that i remember atleast a quarter and 1/1000 of that finally id actually remember the dream... for like 1 week.... aka like never do i remember it for over an hour.... thats worst rant ever
11/26/2015 8:27 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
It is quite normal to not remember more than 1% of your dreams, and for a lot of those memories to fade. I have so far had 3 dreams that I remembered more than a few months, and 2 of those are just a fragment of the whole.

However, if you get to a point where you can't even remember if you have dreamed or not, you may want to get yourself checked out at a sleep specialist, to see if your REM sleep is still happening
11/26/2015 6:20 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
on the "dreams are just memories" part. No, not really, though I understand where you come from.

Our brain uses our memories to construct dreams. What you will see in your dreams are all things you have seen before, but (especially in nightmares) often twisted and distorted. That's why you are unlikely to recognize any of it.

If you collect all the separate scenes and shots from all the current star wars movies, but put them together in a completely different manner, you will come up with a completely different story.

Now start mixing up the actor's faces and parts of their costumes and bodystructure, props (and pieces of props), environments, pieces of dialogue. After you'd be done, not even the most avid star wars fan would recognize it as having been the trilogy and the prequels (though they may still be able to find the traces of jar jar, out of pure hunter's instinct).

So too work our dreams. Many memories will come from beyond conscious recall, or be based off the earliest impressions you got as a child.

The one thing that I think is different, though, is the emotions and feelings. I remember having certain experiences in nightmares that never even came close to anything in real life. Who knows, maybe experiences from a past life or an alternate universe? We don't understand nearly as much about dreaming as we pretend to, so anything is still pretty much possible.
11/26/2015 5:44 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
I think you've just been on the internet for too long.
11/26/2015 5:36 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo's Avatar
Wow... my mind already hurts xD
11/26/2015 12:05 pm
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
NetworkPCE's Avatar
Actually, i have no source for this but i believe nightmares and dreams overall are ways to "prepare" yourself and remember things in your life. Such as a nightmare about getting thrown in a sea filled with sharks (one of my nightmares) might be a way for the brain to speculate (what should i do?). I believe that would explain nightmares quite well, because most things your brain or body does, has a reason not just to scare you.

Just like dreams cannot contain new faces, because it's impossible for your brain to make a new face because they are too complex for you to imagine. So you mostly dream about people you have met, not neccesarily know just sometime seen.
Lacuna Corporation
11/26/2015 12:01 pm
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Lacuna Corporation's Avatar
Just to clarify- dreams are not memories- they may be, but they don't have to be. I am a practicing oneironaut (for around 2 years now), and I have learned from personal experience that dreams are whatever you make them. It seems odd that you're having 12 dreams a night (assuming that they aren't really short), which would suggest that you're having an unusually high number of REM cycles. You're most likely too well rested, and you should sleep less for the next couple of nights so that your body counteracts your sleep reduction by transmitting delta and theta brainwaves which should help to reduce your nightmares and restore your sleep to it's normal state.

Hope this helps.
11/26/2015 12:20 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
ZachDevv's Avatar
This will be your most likely explanation, because, science.
11/26/2015 11:47 am
Level 20 : Expert Pokemon
GamingAleks's Avatar
I thought dreams were meant to process information.

And dreams usually reflect you, your desires and fears.
11/26/2015 11:10 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
ZachDevv's Avatar
Try searching for easy ways to get rid of nightmares. I recently started having vivid/memorable dreams (although, not nightmares). They don't seem to be about any memories, and while your theory is great (and I love theories), but it is highly unlikely.
Han Solo
11/26/2015 11:16 am
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
Han Solo's Avatar
Having dreams and nightmares are natural to humans, no matter what you do, you'll always experience nightmares wether you like them or not.
11/26/2015 11:18 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
ZachDevv's Avatar
But vivid nightmares, as the @OP describes, is not normal. There are plenty of ways to rid nightmares.
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