Zombie Attack RP App Thread

Rakqoi's Avatar Rakqoi3/13/12 9:32 pm
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7/1/2012 2:57 pm
bb8's Avatar bb8
Zombie Attack RP!
Now live! Check it out here!

I'm changing several things to hopefully keep the story going. Even if it doesn't, I might as well try.

-No being overpowered. This means all of the following:
--Finding ridiculously impossible to find items (Oh look, an RPG in a dumpster)
--Killing zombies every shot/hit
--Being better than another person in any way that isn't fair.
--No more magic. This is modeled after REAL life.
-No ridiculous actions ("Then the city blows up" "A tank runs you all over!" Etc.)
-Stay in character, otherwise put it in a spoiler or ((In double parenthesis))
-Follow the regular forum rules as well!
-Use correct grammar and spelling, for all of our sakes. (No "u r ded na0")
-Please, try and keep the RP fun.
-Don't roleplay as other people. ("And then I shoot a bullet, and Rip dodges. He says "HAH!" and then I go back... etc.)
-Also, no killing other people. No matter if they are zombies or alive.
-Read what's going on before you post, so you know where everyone is, and what everyone is doing. If you can't, ask for a quick update.
-And finally: Be as realistic as possible! This sums up several of the rules!
If you abuse any rules too much, I'll disallow you from playing the RP.

Like the old thread, the zombies are very standard. They do not run, and are not smart. They are three times stronger than an average human, and vary in appearance greatly. They horde up very often, and are only stoppable by their brain being destroyed. Zombies are stupid, and cannot open doors, climb ladders, use weapons, or anything. They have bad balance; I good body slam can knock them over, as can a blow to the head with something heavy. It takes them nearly half a minute to get back up. There are no "special" zombie types. There is one exception: When lit on fire, they run faster, are twice as strong, and cannot be killed as easily. They are attracted to fire and spread it to other zeds.

Anyone not dead yet. They can be any type of human, any strength, lifestyle, and can come from everywhere. The RP takes place in a single large city, and the outlying area for a few hundred miles. This can include farms, dig sites, fields, forests, suburbs, and basically anything else. The roleplay can now take place anywhere within reasonable distance and means. For example, no flying a jet airliner to Japan. This means you can now roleplay in other cities or areas. If bit by a zed, there is a good chance that survivor will become a zombie within 3 days. Dying from any other cause (Other players, falling off a building, smashed by a car or falling building, fire, etc.) will result in the player lying there until found by a zombie then devoured. That player will then rise as a zombie, if enough of that person is left.

Current players:
Click to reveal
Let Jahinoki - RipClaw - RP Owner
-Japanese thief who fights with his hands.
Day Dagger (Scarifar)
-A dead shot with a rifle, Day is on a mission to avenge his father.
Violetta Alexandra (Ranulf787)
-A once rich girl who lost her parents, and is searching for her brother.
Joseph Clark (uselessFlaw)
-An eagle eyed kid with the best shots in the world, only missed once.
Brian Mayor (Jdmcrib)
-A rough man who likes to be the decision-maker, and can use a shotgun very well.
Adwin Giltner (ControlledRage)
-An achieved boy scout protecting his brother.
Theodor Hawkey (Blockorz)
-A night guard,fighting to survive.
Jason Giltner (SuperSodaPops)
-An achieved boy scout protecting his brother.
Terry O'Neil (BuccaneerBubbles)
-The perfectionist Canadian scientist that enjoys blasting zed skulls from huge distances.
Zphr Reise (marioman0803)
-Has a long line of military in his family. Also called techno geek
Teasyung Yong (DaHomie00)
-From Korea, moved to US to learn it was infected, brought his guns just incase.
Leon Royroy (mdaddy14100)
-Outgoing swordsman who likes to fiddle with metal.
Jack Daniels (Gobble124)
-Ex-Army Sniper and Engineer.
Arthur Whitney (Clue, he has 2 characters)
-A scholarly figure, excelled in the arts of medieval combat.
Damon Farrow (Deth_Glitch)
-Gun-slingin' Sheriff who can never forgive himself for the 'accident' he's sure its his fault.
Josh Watkins (MinecraftGuysBlog)
-A young man with a bad past that's out for revenge.
Jole Collins (sgtjole)
-Mostly calm loner is capable of grouping up. Doesn't care what zombies he kills.
Agent Vilkas (aaron5699)
-Brave, strong and courageous, and will stop at nothing to cure this pandemic.
Steven Skarter (venomouscoke)
-Former soldier for the army. Doesn't quit easily.
Ryan Estheim (ParkourPhysics)
-A young man with a dark resolve that lies within covered only by a sunny disposition.
Ethan Graaf (bnrdhdu)
-Jake's older brother. Sneaky and deceptive.
Xacier Bwanter (ThunderFang)
-A persistent Army scout
Wilson Black (liam193)
-Good with bow, tall, quiet, serious
James McCormick (Dr_Trapezoid)
-An Ex-Spec. Ops soldier separated from his unit, he slaughters hordes and searches.
William "Bill" Berkins - (hailman123)
-A wandering mechanic with a led pipe he uses to bash in zombie skulls.
San Lavits - (flyingcheeseburger)
-Uses an iron katana, or his bare fists to fight the undead.
Rika Miyafuji - (Holmzilla)
-Happy willing to help, Shy but is good with any type of gun.
Charles Harrison - (Graythunder247)
-A battle hardened soldier with his squad dead fighting for survival.
John Briggs - (LukeBaxter77)
-A Vietnam war veteran with eyes only on survival.

Hulk Hogan (Teh Sahas)
-Strong zombie looking to kill people who are alive.
Tyrael Flamefinger (Clue)
-Fire, fire is his name, his game. Tyrael is master of Flame. Beware his wrath.
Matt Easton (Doughty)
(Suicide via explosives. Helped take out a horde.)
Rip Remgate (RipClaw)
(Arm torn off, infected. Destroyed the colony with the help of...)
Jake Graaf (bnrdhdu)
(...Who was infected for several days, along with Rip, until the new outbreak.)

Calum Hunter (LukeBaxter77)
-A big Scottish office worker who kills anything that isn't on his side.

The application!

[b]Occupation[/b] (Thief, leader, scientist, etc):
[b]Appearance[/b] (Image or at least 3 sentences):
[b]Biography[/b] (At least one paragraph):
[b]Other info:[/b]
[b]Character summary[/b] (15 words or less, used on the player list):

Put time into your biography, it's the most important part! I will judge by it mostly.

My own application:
Click to reveal
Name: Rip Remgate
Age: 34
Race: American, bred from an English family line.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Solo goer, manual laborer.

Appearance: (I moved this so you can imagine my character giving his backstory) A big man, with strong arms. Black medium length hair and a full beard (Not a long beard, mind you). He wears a black tank top with worn jeans, and hiking/work boots. He has blue eyes and very tan skin (As you'll know why in a minute). He wears a fairly large back pack all the time, in which he carries anything he needs. He very much dislikes guns and carries around a metal bat. Not the smartest, and pretty stubborn. He hates being around other people usually. He has no training in brute force, but has developed his own style from a lifetime on a farm, wrestling animals and such.

Biography: So it hit, about time. I've seen it coming for months.... I grew up on the family farm, lived there my whole life. Got me real tough, see. *Flexes arm* Eventually, my family all died off and left me. I kept it for a while, until I was unable to pay for it anymore... Man, I hate taxes. The bank took it from me. I then took off, no aim or goal. Walking, walking for months. In fact, over a year. I did jobs where I could, mostly manual labor. People generally disliked me, as I am pretty stubborn. I don't like people. Actually, I hate people. I should learn to get along... Anyway, as I was saying, I have no home. I carry whatever I have in my pack, but it's usually empty. I keep whatever food I manage to buy in it. My life is good, but most people would refer to me as a hobo or a slum. I prefer the term "Trekker" since that's how I spent the last year of my life. That is, until now.

When it struck, I was ready. First radio broadcast I heard, I found an abandoned, run down home and claimed it. Laws? I don't give nothin'. It's mine, I need to live, see. The deads came, but I had fortified every window, door, wall... No way they could possibly get in... I was wrong. A horde of them managed to somehow get on the roof, broke it right through. It near broke my arm, all those boards and plaster falling on me. I managed to escape though, and continue my life of wandering. I found a metal bat in someone's garage, they don't need it no more. In fact, I think I batted their head in when they tried to bite me...

Other info: My character doesn't like people, but will work with them most of the time. He has a cool temper though, despite his attitude. When he does get mad, he sure does show it. In his pack he was carrying a loaf of bread, a few $10 bills, and some rocks. He throws them at zombies in emergencies. He carries around a dark red, metallic, sturdy baseball bat, and is exceptionally skilled with it using his brute strength. He knows how to shoot a gun, but is only a fair shot with one. He hates the need for ammo, so he won't carry one if he has a choice. He also has a 4 inch sheath knife on his belt.

Character summary: A strengthened survivor who lived on a farm, then wandered for over a year.

The app for my new character (So you guys can know basically who he is)
Click to reveal
Name: Let Jahinoki
Age: 17
Race: Japanese
Gender: Male
Occupation: Raider
Appearance: A japanese teenager who is skilled with martial arts. He wears typical clothes; dark grey pants, and a black tank top. He wears fingerless gloves and a bag around his waist. He isn't the strongest, but he is fairly fast.
Biography: Let moved from Japan three years ago, when his family was murdered. He had to move with relatives, and his only remaining were living in America. He had trouble adapting to the new environment, but eventually got used to the new teenagers, friends, and climate. Once the undead broke out, he fled from there to find a safe haven. To this day he wanders around, stealing what he needs from either abandoned locations or survivors. He fights with his hands and feet, but usually runs from the undead and cross survivors.
Other info: He absolutely hates other people, unless they are very accepting and willing to give him things.
Character summary: Japanese thief who fights with his hands.
Posted by Rakqoi's Avatar
Retired Moderator
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator

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07/01/2012 2:57 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
bb8's Avatar
Name:Carl Roe
Occupation:Military (Thief, leader, scientist, etc):
Click to reveal

Biography: Carl was a Private in the war, his family was killed while he was trying to protect them, he is very experienced and can handle himself well. He is friendly with other survivors and always tries to help when he can. He is always satisfied when he gets to shoot a zombie's head clean off. He takes after the saying "Never leave a man behind" Very well.
Other info:
Character summary: An experienced private who fought in the war.
05/22/2012 9:29 am
Level 32 : Artisan Goblin
LukeBaxter77's Avatar
Not been on this RP in ages, you can scrap my old character for this new one.

Name: John Briggs
Age: 59
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Occupation: Vietnam war vet, homeless
Appearance :
Click to reveal

Biography (At least one paragraph): John fought in the vietnam war when he was young. He isn't as nearly fast as he was in the war but he has the heart of a warrior and knows how to handle himself. His motto is "if it ain't friendly kill it" he doesn't necessarily mean this to everything humans would be spared unless they had committed murder as he says "whats done in the dark will be brought to the light"(he won't kill any rper's)) . He has a smoking habit and doesn't care what anyone says.
Other info:
Character summary: A vietnam war veteran with eyes only on survival.
05/18/2012 11:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jambomoomin's Avatar
Ripclaw i have edited so i hope you accept!
05/18/2012 7:39 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
At ARC: I don't think you will like this roleplay very much if that is the kind of character you want to be. This isn't all fun and games, we don't just prance around the streets dodging zombies. If you revise to make it seem possible, be my guest. But picture what a female survivor would look like after a year, how she would act, look, feel.

At Jambomoomin: Not bad, but I'd like to know about his personality a bit more. For example, how does he act towards others? Is he easy to work with, or does he prefer to go alone? How does he talk? What about his backstory? All we know is what's been going on since the apocalypse started. We don't know anything about his life beforehand. Otherwise, nice app, I'll accept it once you add some of these details.
05/18/2012 6:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jambomoomin's Avatar
Name: Ramon Bromsson
Occupation:Police Officer
Biography:Captain of a police department in the city, he led his men on the frontward assault against the zombies. Many men were lost but now he travels looking to help other and also for a safe haven free from zombies. Before the outbreak he lived alone and enforced the law as Captain of the police department. He had never killed anyone before the outbreak but now seems quite accustomed to it.
Other info:natural born leader, respected, trustworthy, loyal, confident around other, knows when to be led and to lead
Character summary:A guy who uses guns to unleash shit on zombies
05/18/2012 3:21 am
Level 23 : Expert Ninja
_LoveBunny_'s Avatar
Name: Elisa Woods
Age: 19
Race: Human
Occupation: (none, yet)

Biography: Ever since the day they came her world fell apart, the remaining survivor's that she was with all died, or she thought they did, and she has been hiding in her house.When she believed it was safe she left to a in search of more people, however she has had no luck. So she has been travelling through the city, searching for any people.
Other info: I saw the thread and I need somebody to explain what has happened through the last 100 pages...
Character summary: She is very gentle and kind so she won't be killing many zombies any soon. Though she is very encouraging and always help's out when she need's to.
05/17/2012 8:23 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Well, anyone is welcome to make more characters.
05/17/2012 8:23 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
And *quite* possibly, may make a new character. Emphasis on the quite.
05/17/2012 8:20 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
aaron5699's Avatar
Or....Vilkas was in a coma, and he walks out of the Base and sees it destroyed?
05/17/2012 8:19 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Maybe if this gets back on it's feet I'll bring Ethan back. After all, I never officially killed him.
05/17/2012 8:21 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
I don't think it was ever really on it's feet.. more like walking on it's knees, occasionally falling. But hey, it's made progress. Hopefully it will actually get ON it's feet.

And Aaron, sure.
05/17/2012 8:16 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Be my guest.

Quick summary to everyone: Right now the old colony is destroyed. We're kind of starting a new stronghold, sort of, and most of the currently active characters are heading back to it. If you want to join in, just emerge from a building, perhaps the woods, or just walk in. If you want you could be injured maybe, and need saving.
05/17/2012 8:09 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
aaron5699's Avatar
Rip . Can i jump back in?
05/17/2012 8:07 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Alright, added you Graythunder. Sorry about that.
05/17/2012 8:05 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
GinKurama's Avatar
This seems interesting...Ill join in a few, maybe. Hopefully, you guys aren't far in the rp.
05/17/2012 8:07 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Well, we are, but it's still very easy to join in at any time. Right now, in fact, we kind of need more people to progress.
05/17/2012 8:04 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Graythunder247's Avatar
Remember mine, I fixed it.
05/17/2012 8:02 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Quick bump, new players are very welcome. Next app, no matter how stupid, (Okay, maybe there IS a limit on stupidity) will get accepted. Maybe.
05/05/2012 9:32 am
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Graythunder247's Avatar
Other Info:Voice:Raspy from inhaling smoke on the battle field,somewhat nerdy voice.
Personality:Battle hardened,average intelligence,brave, and will take a bullet for his allies any day.
Emotions:In shock and dazed.(For now)
05/04/2012 11:10 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Graythunder247's Avatar
[b]Name:Charles Harrison
Occupation: Marine
[b]Biography:Charles grew up in North Dakota in a small town, when he was 18 he knew he had no future there and joined the US Marines.Serving a term in Iraq and Afghanistan, he learned weapon skills,CQC,military tactics, and how to lead a squad.After they returned home,him and his squadron drove into a city where there was high gang activity when suddenly they were attacked.Not by gangs,terrorists,rioters, or anything else they had fought before, but by walking corpses.His team fell one by one until Charles was the only one left. His guns were out of ammo and he jammed the truck into full gear, he was alone in a hostile city with only police baton, walking cautiously through the streets, he began his fight for survival.
[b]Other info:Lol sorry link is so long.
[b]Character summary:A battle hardened soldier with his squad dead fighting for survival.
05/05/2012 8:04 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Describe your character more. I want to know how he acts, how he talks, and why he does what he does. You should describe his emotions and such.
05/05/2012 5:16 am
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
If your accepted (probabily will be) then try to meet up with my team

also replace you appearance with this [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_jWJOCio02kQ/SFkU_oPCgtI/AAAAAAAABCE/lu_QCcqhoq0/s400/North+Eastern+Kenya+US+marines.jpg[/img]its your pic, click full size in future
05/04/2012 11:06 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Turtle
Deth_Glitch's Avatar
is this being revived?????
05/04/2012 10:52 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
[quote="zomboi32"]Name:chris mercer
[b]Occupation[/b] (Thief, leader, scientist, etc):leader,assassin,rouge
[b]Appearance[/b] (Image or at least 3 sentences):I am a brown rouge/assassin
[b]Biography[/b] (At least one paragraph):He was with his family he was watching the news he heard about the infection first his sister infected all the other members of this family he swore that he will kill the zombies because of his family if that the last thing he does
[b]Other info:[/b]He a sneaker so dont think is hes not come in front of you
[b]Character summary Fierce sneaky quick strong and not scare of anything

a year passed he kept slicing and dicing the zombies he found shelter he hid their for a week the barricades broke down he found a house with a bow and he said
[color=#FF0000]We just getting started [/color][/quote]
Needs some more work. You didn't define your character enough; notice it says "Biography", not "backstory."
05/04/2012 9:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
zomboi32's Avatar
Name:chris mercer
[b]Occupation[/b] (Thief, leader, scientist, etc):leader,assassin,rouge
[b]Appearance[/b] (Image or at least 3 sentences):
[b]Biography[/b] (At least one paragraph):he was born in japan his two brothers was in the army he was hanging out with his friends one of them was infected he quickly found a sword and he had to slice him
[b]Other info:[/b]He a sneaker so dont think is hes not come in front of you
[b]Character summary Fierce sneaky quick strong and not scare of anything

a year passed he kept slicing and dicing the zombies he found shelter he hid their for a week the barricades broke down he found a house with a bow and he said
[color=#FF0000]We just getting started [/color]
05/04/2012 9:13 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
TheSparkyChick's Avatar
HolmzillaName: Rika Miyafuji

Not bad, I'll add it. However, right now in the RP we're a year into the apocalypse, so you might need to come up with a story on where she is right now, and how she has survived a year.

PwnerskillI might make one, I dunno though.

Yes please! There aren't many people actually active right now, and we can use as many people as possible.

She's in a Run down house with the survivors looking for others who lived. she has only lost two of her fellow allies to the dead.
05/01/2012 8:18 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
HolmzillaName: Rika Miyafuji

Not bad, I'll add it. However, right now in the RP we're a year into the apocalypse, so you might need to come up with a story on where she is right now, and how she has survived a year.

PwnerskillI might make one, I dunno though.

Yes please! There aren't many people actually active right now, and we can use as many people as possible.
04/14/2012 6:49 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
TheSparkyChick's Avatar
Name: Rika Miyafuji
Age: 13
Race: Human, Japanese/American
Gender: Female
Occupation: School girl.
Appearance: Sweat pants, T shirt, Short hair With blue eyes.
Bibliography: Rika was born in japan but moved to america, her father was working in the military so she didn't see him much & her mom was at work mostly so she was alone at home when she was 6. A few years later, while Rika was in school A zombie infected one of her teachers, she managed to escape by finding a gun in the teachers desk. She has teamed up with other survivors in her class to survive.
Other info: Is a gun lover.
Character summary: Happy willing to help, Shy but is good with any type of gun.
04/12/2012 4:27 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
flyingcheeseburger's Avatar
"Ok Rip i'll try my best." Said San Hapilly

04/12/2012 4:26 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Read my blog, "How to be a good Role Player'. First link in my sig.
04/12/2012 4:25 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Maybe at the time, it was only in a single state/area. Alright, I'm accepting it now. Make sure to practice sentences though. (Also, don't use "plz", and always capitalize the first letter of a sentence. The word "I" is always capitalized too.)
04/12/2012 4:23 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
flyingcheeseburger's Avatar
Oh i just diddnt know dat but plz can i join in?
04/12/2012 4:22 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
Umm... I'm sure that the Zompocaylpse was world wide...
04/12/2012 4:17 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
flyingcheeseburger's Avatar
flyingcheeseburgerName: San Lavits
Age: 16
Race: American
Gender: male
Occupation: Karate
Appearance: Look at attachments its derpy i know
Bioagraphy (dont get mad because i dont like using capitals)
San is a strong teenager that Lives in Nebraska. He is a black belt but he never wears it. He used to have a girlfriend named Lisa but then she dumped him after she thought he stole her car. San recently found about the zombie apocolypse and he wanted to go help so he did. San usually uses his fists to beat up things but he also uses a kantina. Other info: san never tells anyone that he secretly uses swords sometimes
Character summary: has a iron kantina that he uses and he uses his fists

there how was that?
04/12/2012 4:13 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
flyingcheeseburger's Avatar
just just im really not good at sentences but ill try
04/12/2012 4:11 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Um.... Sorry? No need to overreact. You could have just fixed it up.
04/12/2012 4:10 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
flyingcheeseburger's Avatar
04/12/2012 4:09 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
flyingcheeseburger's Avatar
04/12/2012 4:07 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Sorry, but no. This isn't in minecraft, there are no creepers in real life. Also, your biography isn't very specific and it's a run-on sentence.
04/12/2012 4:00 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
flyingcheeseburger's Avatar
am i accepted? and im sorry for my derpy picture
04/12/2012 3:43 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Skinner
flyingcheeseburger's Avatar
Name: San Lavits
Age: 16
Race: American
Gender: male
Occupation: Karate
Appearance: Look at attachments its derpy i know
Bioagraphy (dont get mad because i dont like using capitals)
San is a strong teenager that fights like a boss he is a black belt but he never wears it he used to have a girlfriend named lisa but then she dumped him after he accidentally made a creeper blow up her new car san was called into the zombie fight because he had the best fighting skills in nebraska he refused to help but then he gave in because he was always ready to help
Other info: san never tells anyone that he secretly uses swords sometimes
Character summary: has a iron kantina that he uses and he uses his fists
04/12/2012 3:35 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Great app, go ahead and start roleplaying.
04/12/2012 3:20 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
hailman123's Avatar
Name: William Berkins (Mostly known as Bill)
Age: 27
Race: Caucasian (Canadian).
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mechanic

Appearance: A tall, well built man with broad shoulders. Bill has decent muscles from working on cars in his Uncle's garage. Bill has short, spiked black hair with a samll goatee on his chin. Bill wears his old mechanic uniform with the sleeves cut off. He has scars on his left arm from when a crazy man attacked him when he was a teen. Bill has one tattoo on his right arm that reads "Never Forget".

Biography: Bill was born in a small town outside of Toronto, Ontario. Bill had a normal childhood with a normal family, and was just another average student. From a young age Bill had a unique obsession with cars, which some would argue stemed from his father and 3 uncle's, who all owned garages. At the age of 13 Bill started to work at his fathers garage and very quickly discovered a talent for car repairs. By age 17 Bill had a guaranteed spot in his local collage for Auto-Motive repairs. By age 20 Bill gratuated at the top of his class, and went to work full time as his fathers partner. On Bills 22nd birthday his father gave him a plane ticket to Toronto to spend a week in the city. When Bill returned he found the garage burnt down and his father dead. With little money left to his name, Bill arranged to fly to America to work for his uncle in his garage. At age 25 Bill met his girlfriend and married her a year later. They bought a house together and had a son named Franky. When the zombie outbreak started Bill took all the money he had as well as his family and left town. 2 weeks after leaving his family was attacked and both his wife and son were bitten. Bill found a dead police officer, took the pistol from his hand, and shot his wife and son. Bill now wanders around with nothing but a backpack full of survival gear, and a lead pipe he took from his uncle's garage he uses to kill zombies.

Other info: Bill is a gruff man who usually doesn't find a need for a gun, and prefers to only use his led pipe. He will use other weapons when he needs to prefering blunt weapons over swords or guns. Bill likes to talk to people but doesn't like to start the conversation. Bill is usefull for building or fixing things especially cars (obviously)

Character summary: A wandering mechanic with a led pipe he uses to bash in zombie skulls.
04/09/2012 7:30 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Rakqoi's Avatar
Yeah, you're in.
04/08/2012 12:58 am
Level 39 : Artisan Dragon
DaHomie00's Avatar

Oh noes spammer
04/07/2012 1:03 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Dr_Trapezoid's Avatar
Name: James McCormick
Age: 23
Race: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Occupation: Ex-Spec. Ops
Biography: James was on leave across seas for the start of the outbreak. His unit fought Taliban, and undead hordes over in the Middle East. After a successful rescue mission was carried out by remaining Units in the area, they flew back to America in one of the few planes that were left behind in the wake of the attack. After landing and fighting for hours from the undead attracted by the noise made by the plane, they were able to get into the city. James was separated from his unit in a firefight with survivors. He now wanders the city trying to find his unit, whether they are dead or alive is unknown.
Other info:: Being a skilled marksman, he can take long shots with various weapons and still get the kill.
Character summary: An Ex-Spec. Ops soldier separated from his unit, he slaughters hordes and searches.
04/07/2012 12:21 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Spelunker
liam193's Avatar
Thank you.
04/07/2012 12:15 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Scribe
bnrdhdu's Avatar
04/07/2012 12:14 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Spelunker
liam193's Avatar
This is the joining place right? Is there another one in witch we actually rp on?
04/07/2012 12:01 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Spelunker
liam193's Avatar
Oh cool i got excepted.
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