Opinion on Dragons

cameron777's Avatar cameron7776/24/12 1:58 pm
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6/24/2012 3:15 pm
Spyro999's Avatar Spyro999
So I've been working on a project of a large dragon, mid-flight. I have a couple reference pictures to help me out while building, giving me some sort of idea for what to do. I recently noticed that some dragons in images, have two back legs, two front legs, and a pair of wings on their back. This is what my two reference pictures looked like, so that is what I was building my dragon like. It was while I was building the front legs, that I realized that some images of dragons have two back legs and then a pair of wings where the front legs would normally be. I'm torn as to which type I should build, and which way would look better. What do you guys think about this? Which way do you think would look better? -cameron777
Posted by cameron777's Avatar
Level 26 : Expert Ninja

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06/24/2012 3:15 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
Spyro999's Avatar
Dragons are complex, wondrous creatures, I think you can build it how ever you desire, for they are different from each other in many ways. It is all up to you. However, i personally prefer the two front leg being the wings.
06/24/2012 2:39 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
zonate12's Avatar
the first one is the typical stereo type of a dragon, but in legends and myths its depicted as wise and cunning, and they usually talk as well. story books often say that dragons like this are like some kind of mischevios trickster that either plays with your head for a bit and then kills you, or helps you on your way. this is implied in skyrim as the good dragon that helps you has front and back legs and wings, and this one talks to you, whereas the wyverns ("proper" name for back legs and wings instead of arms) all try to kill you without remorse and only roar and hiss at you, never saying a word and lusting for blood. in books the wyverns tend to try and kill you at all costs and are usually evil, but there are a some good ones dotted about in certain stories, btw good dragons tend to be happier colours that one thats out to kill you. also even though wyverns are crazy and trying to eat you, they tend to be described as really skinny and lanky, with massive wings and smaller, thinner bodies. and the 4 legged 2 winged ones are usually bigger, more muscly and have wings that look they could only just lift them off the ground...just. also both kinds of dragon tend to small webbed wits between their feet.
hope i helped slightly and not just bored you to death while i project my obsession with dragons to a webpage.
06/24/2012 3:09 pm
Level 26 : Expert Ninja
cameron777's Avatar
Thanks, Don't worry, you didn't bore me to death I'm working on the legs right now but they don't seem to look right. Heres a couple of screenshots I just took of them http://imgur.com/a/mA52T I'd love to have some opinions on it Thanks
06/24/2012 2:18 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
Oh, sorry, I have no idea what that second one is. I assumed you meant something else with how you described the second one.
06/24/2012 2:23 pm
Level 26 : Expert Ninja
cameron777's Avatar
Oh no, I meant when the dragon only has Two back legs, and the front legs/arms are replaced with wings. Heres a better picture: http://geneticwriters.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/skyrim_dragon.jpg
06/24/2012 2:04 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
BlackFTW's Avatar
I personally prefer Western dragons (The ones with four legs and a pair of wings) for my recreational needs (I.E. drawing, writing, ect.), but Eastern (I'm assuming that's what you mean?) dragons are more academic-ish to me because they have Asian mythology and they just feel down right more mystical in my opinion, so yeah.

Not sure if that would help anyone, but I would personally go for Western, as I'm familiar with that kind and I think it's easier to get it down (As, you know, four legs, a head, a torso, wings, and a tail. Easy.) to the correct anatomy.
06/24/2012 2:14 pm
Level 26 : Expert Ninja
cameron777's Avatar
This is one of my reference pictures, which I would assume is a Western Dragon http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-77dF2hZHF0E/TsgPOo3_cRI/AAAAAAAADGY/9iENncARAX8/s1600/red-dragon.jpg and then I would guess this is the Eastern Dragon? http://www.skyrim5.com/images/skyrim-dragon-1.jpg I do think I will go for the western Dragon, and see how it turns out
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