"Don't Run" Chapter One, "Birth". Possible Roleplay

TheMapMakerX's Avatar TheMapMakerX10/2/13 9:25 pm
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10/2/2013 9:42 pm
Summertime's Avatar Summertime
Alright first time doing one of these! I want to set this up and possibly play it out with real people, real time!

Steven Alex Smith had just gotten back from a quick trip to the mines. His family of soon to be four needed income, and selling the valuable ores and minerals he found payed for it, and then some. As he arrived home he smirked quickly at how fast times were changing, not long ago his father had been teaching him basic swordplay, in this same house. He soon snapped out of his day dreaming, kissing his wife Ellen, and baby Junior, had brought him back to reality. His wife sat him down, told him about what had happened today, normally Ellen had tended to the animals, baked goods for their neighbors, and was teaching Junior how to walk.
As Steven walked to the kitchen to start up a kettle for tea, a loud crash had shook the house, almost knocking him off his feet.
"What the-", Steven started.
"Look", Ellen said with wide eyes and open mouth.
Down the road a pale violet, and orange glow was resonating from the depths of the graveyard. Steven, Ellen, and the baby started to walk over, when suddenly black spires and tentacles appeared from the depths of the crater.
"Stay here", Steven said as he walked down the gravel road past the houses of the once-peaceful town.
As he walked down the path, black figures appeared and started moving very fast, no teleporting very fast, to all the inhabitants, taking them away, closer to the depths of the earth. Steven ran as fast as he could back to his family. He sent them home. He grabbed a sword from a nearby shop. As he started back to the chasm, more corruption came from the depths. Pitch black corruption, flowing from the pit. Steven ran full charge hacking and slashing wildly at the black, tall figures before him.
Before he could even touch one they would teleport away. Fighting would do no good. He started to slow his pace, keeping a steady jog. They never stood in his path.
As Steven looked behind him, he saw that the black figures were standing in a line, straight backed and tall, emotionless figures, beckoning him forward. As he continued, ignoring them, he reached about 20 meters away from the chasm, and noticed a different figure.
This figure was shorter, around his height, only partially cloaked in darkness. He recognized the face, it was the Smithy.
"Run, run, take your family", a deep raspy voice said.
Soon after more partially cloaked figures, those of other townsfolk, appeared out of the chasm. They were standing on the edge of it. The tentacles appeared and enveloped them in darkness. Steven ran home, got on his horses with his family, and had them run as fast as they could. As he looked back on the barren town, he noticed that instead of the partially covered people, were tall, black figures, with glowing violet eyes. Mouths opened, they stared straight into him. And then the unexpected happened. They let him go.
The time is 8 years later. The family spread the word throughout the land, in hopes they could fight back. After finding a secure place to settle down, tired of running Steven his family, started to prepare, and fight back.

Alright, that took an hour, but I think it's good! Give me your thoughts, and maybe we can do a series on this!
Thanks a bunch
Posted by TheMapMakerX's Avatar
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon

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10/02/2013 9:42 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Prince
Summertime's Avatar
But... you don't make a roleplay a series. This seems like some plot to a weird book.
10/02/2013 9:28 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
TheMapMakerX's Avatar
Alright, give me your ideas. And if you'd like to do a series on this contact me!
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