Rating your own maturity "level"

aceyxx's Avatar aceyxx10/9/13 8:31 pm
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10/9/2013 9:57 pm
_Shako's Avatar _Shako
Rating your own maturity level is like looking at a one meter tall pole (approx 3.2ft)...

For someone who is 50cm (1.6ft) it's really tall...
but for someone who is two meters (6.5ft) it's really short.

Anyone else get this same feeling? I just think putting your maturity level based on your own opinion an rating system can mean anything. Basically I disregard maturity levels when I see them on applications and posts.
Posted by aceyxx's Avatar
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon

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10/09/2013 9:57 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
_Shako's Avatar
I never pay attention to people's "maturity levels", because it usually isn't quite right.

(however, it is pretty easy to see that I'm the most disciplined student in my school... I live in a world of Rednecks...)
10/09/2013 9:40 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
There's a bit of a phenomenon with skills, being that the more you become skilled at something, the more you feel like you still have to learn. People who are noobs at something don't know enough about it to know how unskilled they are, but as you become more skilled you ironically become more aware of how much you still have to learn. To me, it seems like ranking your own maturity is the same way. Immature people aren't mature enough to understand how mature/immature they are, so they usually put a high number. More mature people are able to recognize their faults and therefore might put a more honest (and lower) number.
10/09/2013 8:40 pm
Level 28 : Expert Geek
c165's Avatar
I believe that maturity is an illusion that people believe comes with age to fool themselves into doing certain things.
10/09/2013 8:37 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
aboveordinary's Avatar
I completely agree. It's also the same with age (although more quantative). I disregard it completely because I know adults that act less mature than a 13 year old. I think both of these questions should be thrown out of application process as you can't really know what the person is like until you talk to them
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