13 scary stories part 1

spiritcrusher's Avatar spiritcrusher11/2/12 8:45 pm
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11/4/2012 4:08 pm
spiritcrusher's Avatar spiritcrusher
Hello Halloween is over. I have 13 Scary stories though. These Have nothing to do with minecraft. If you want to sleep for the next few days I highly recommend you don't read this.

1. Chain-ed Mail

Ryan was checking is E-mail. Then he opened some junk mail. "Uggh, More chain mail." Ryan said to himself. He read just cause He had nothing to do. Here's what it said:

"Please don't read this, If you do you will have to send it to 13 people by Halloween Night or suffer the consequences, It is coming for you, it knows where you live, send this to 13 people by Halloween night Or it will come for you. It knows."

Ryan thought to himself "Does this guy seriously believe in this stuff?" He deletes the message, then an error message pops up, "Error: You can't delete this message It knows you tried to, It's coming Ryan" Ryan was bewildered, "How does it know my name?" He thought. He heard heavy chains being dragged in the basement. He was really freaked out. Then his little sister Jessica cried "Help Ryan, somethings got me!" He ran and saw something so scary if I described it to you you would have nightmares for weeks, It chained his sister to the wall. And that was the last sight he ever saw... Before he woke up. But when he saw a figure dragging heavy chains in his bedroom and it pinned him to the wall and started choking him. He knew this was no dream... Now that you read this you have to send the story to 13 other people tonight or it will come...

2. Summerset Manor

Jack and his friend Nathan loved seeing kids screaming there heads off when they dare them to go into the old Summerset Manor. They dared each other occasionally. A new kid, Andy was their next victim "So Andy do you want to get into our club?" Nathan asked. "I don't know, I don't think he's brave enough." Jack said. "Test me, I am." Andy replied. "Alright spend the night in the old manor then." Jack said. And so Halloween Night Andy went into the house...

The next Morning they went to check on him. It was much darker than they imagined. And it was daytime. They then saw Andy, tied to a wall. The next day none of them were at school. Or the next day, or the next day. The three boys were never seen again. Some say to this day on halloween night you can hear screams coming from the house. Check it out, I dare you.

3. Don't go into the forest...

Tim was staying with his Uncle Jerry and His cousin Angelina. The first day he was there his uncle told him to stay away from the forest. "Why?" Tim asked. "There are some things young people shouldn't know." Uncle Jerry replied. They were having sausage that morning. That night Tim and Angelina snuck out of the house. "Are you sure we should be doing this" Tim asked. "Of course, I go here every night." Angelina replied. They went into the forest and saw an s carved into the tree. "What's that stand for?" Tim asked. "Beats me." Angelina replied. They went through the forest, Angelina tripped. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tim yelled. "A little Tense?" Angelina asked. they kept walking. Tim kept thinking he saw this man. Then he saw him again "Must be my imagination." Tim thought. Then they were approached by a tall thin man with a suit and no face...

The next night Jerry went looking for them. Then he saw them chained to the tree. "I knew they couldn't resist." Jerry snickered. "I see you found the sacrifice." "It wasn't good enough, Goodybye Jerry." A voice said. And that family was never seen again. In fact the whole village disappeared when they went looking for them.

4. Mirror, Mirror

Dan was looking at himself in the mirror, He combed his hair. He did this every day, his little brother Jason was trying to sneak up on him since it was Halloween, His brother jumped at him and went through the mirror, It didn't break. Dan touched the mirror and his hand went through, by his reflection he saw his little brother banging on the glass, Except Jason wasn't standing by Dan outside the mirror, Dan quickly pulled his hand out, His reflection had grabbed it and was dragging him into it. "Help!" He cried but no one heard him. His left foot went into the mirror. He was using all his strength to stay outside the mirror, His right sneaker came off and his right foot flew into the mirror. Then with his only hand he dug his fingernails into the wood floor and some say that the mark is still there, He was pulled into the mirror and saw his reflection leaving for school, outside the mirror. He tried banging on the glass to get back through but no avail. He was trapped, as a mere reflection.

5. The Scarecrow

Drake was at his Grandpa's house in the country, he was shown around the cornfield and was interested by a particular scarecrow, It had a straw hat, a rotted pumpkin head, a button up plaid shirt, and some ragged overalls. They were having Rhubarb pie when Drake asked "How come you don't put up a new scarecrow?" "Well ummm..." Grandpa Phil was thinking when Grandma Evelyn said "Just eat your Rhubarb Pie." Drake was puzzled, why didn't they want to tell me? he thought. The next day Drake was helping harvest the corn when he saw something interesting. The scarecrow moved. It wasn't the wind because the wind was blowing really hard right now and the scarecrow didn't move. They didn't go outside anymore yesterday either. The next Night he went outside into the corn... when there he saw a shifty hitchhiker. The hitchhiker had a sweatshirt and a hood covering his face. No one was picking him up. Drake pulled off the hood and saw, that the hitchhiker's head... was a rotting pumpkin. Drake began to run away when a straw arm shot out of the sweatshirts arm and grabbed his legs "NO TRESPASSERS IN THE CORN!" It yelled in a demonic voice and began twisting Drake's ankle. It let go by accident and Drake ran into the house and shouted "Grandma, Grandpa! The scarecrow it's... alive!" "We didn't want to do this... but you know too much now." Grandpa Phil said. Then both there heads came off and then slowly, Two rotting pumpkins raised out of there necks. Then the straw arms shot around Drakes neck and... he broke free! Then he stumbled into the basement, and saw in horror, his real Grandparents, Chained to the wall. Then the Scarecrows stuffed straw into some other clothes in Drake's suitcase, Put a pumpkin on it's head. and put a mask that made it look just like Drake...

6, 7, and 8 Coming next week!

Posted by spiritcrusher's Avatar
Level 24 : Expert Scribe

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11/04/2012 4:08 pm
Level 24 : Expert Scribe
spiritcrusher's Avatar
btw guys the reason this is called 13 scary stories part 1 is cause next halloween I'll write 13 Scarier Stories to keep you up at night!
11/04/2012 3:44 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Goblin
hornetsboy21's Avatar
Please don't read this, If you do you will have to send it to 13 people by Halloween Night or suffer the consequences, It is coming for you, it knows where you live, send this to 13 people by Halloween night Or it will come for you. It knows......

I'm sorry i had to do this to you....
11/04/2012 3:39 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
Apple_Sauce's Avatar
I kinda thought it was bland, not enough detail, too much stuff like "jason was trying to sneak up on him" before the action even happened, just my opinion
11/04/2012 3:58 pm
Level 24 : Expert Scribe
spiritcrusher's Avatar
I'll try to work on that in the later stories.
11/04/2012 3:35 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
eldin's Avatar
I'm reading!
You should rename them to Creepypastas, that's the internet form of "scary stories."
11/04/2012 3:28 pm
Level 24 : Expert Scribe
spiritcrusher's Avatar
Added Number 5 Hope you guys are still reading these.
11/03/2012 1:44 pm
Level 24 : Expert Scribe
spiritcrusher's Avatar
Alright guys If you didn't see I added number 4
11/02/2012 9:19 pm
Level 24 : Expert Scribe
spiritcrusher's Avatar
Wow thanks, don't worry 4, 5, and 6 will come out soon.
11/02/2012 9:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
you really like people being chained to walls! lol

Those were some of the best scary stories I HAVE EVER HEARD!!! Amazing!
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