What Grade are you in?

Gover217's Avatar Gover2179/4/19 7:02 pm
9/20/2019 8:35 am
ChickenMac7's Avatar ChickenMac7
What Grade are you in?

P.S If I got the number of grade wrong, sorry.

Poll ended 09/19/2019 7:02 pm.

Posted by Gover217's Avatar
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher

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09/08/2019 6:12 am
Level 38 : Artisan Procrastinator
arKanSMC's Avatar
wtf where daycare where pre-k, kindergarten and university
The Skin Shaper
09/08/2019 1:14 pm
Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
Energy Master
09/05/2019 5:41 pm
Level 23 : Expert Procrastinator
Energy Master's Avatar
What do I choose if I’m in ninth but doing eleventh level or higher subjects (homeschooled)
09/05/2019 5:03 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
Hey bud where's -3th grade?
09/05/2019 5:03 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Spider Rider
InfamousArgyle's Avatar
I'm in graduate school (I've already done like 6ish years of college and have two degrees to show for it - mostly on a full scholarship!). If you really like learning and want a job that requires a decent amount of education, it most certainly is not a waste of time. But yes... the key word here is "passion".
09/05/2019 6:34 am
They/Them • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Artist Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
Does it count if I'm a teacher in a specific grade? :'D
09/05/2019 2:55 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Kitten
PickleCat's Avatar
How to grades work? I'm English..
09/08/2019 8:50 am
Level 49 : Master Nerd
FireBellFairy's Avatar
1st Grade is generally ages 5 - 6
2nd Grade is ages 7 - 8
3rd Grade, 8 - 9
4th Grade, 9 - 10
5th, 10 - 11
6th, 11 - 12
7th, 12 - 13
8th, 13 - 14
9th, 14 - 15
10th, 15 - 16
11th, 16 - 17
12th, 17 - 18
And then, usually after you gradeuate 12th grade you move up to College or University...
09/08/2019 12:58 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Kitten
PickleCat's Avatar
Thank you.
09/08/2019 1:27 pm
Level 49 : Master Nerd
FireBellFairy's Avatar
Of course!
09/05/2019 3:42 pm
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher
Gover217's Avatar
So... am I... Do you mean you're from England?
09/05/2019 4:05 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Kitten
PickleCat's Avatar
Yes, as well as the first thing I said.
09/05/2019 6:02 pm
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher
Gover217's Avatar
Okay, well it works by age, if you're young you're going to be in 1st-6th grade.
Baked Orange
09/05/2019 3:07 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Baked Orange's Avatar
The grades basically denote how many years you've been in school (excluding kindergarten)

A 9th grader is typically 14 years old.

1-5 is usually elementary school. Sometimes 6th grade is included.

6-8 is usually junior high or middle school. Sometimes it is just 7-8.

9-12 is high school. Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors, Seniors (respectively)
09/20/2019 8:35 am
Level 37 : Artisan Artist
ChickenMac7's Avatar
In Canada you got Elementary (K-7) and High (8-12).

EDIT: At least in my case (BC).
09/05/2019 2:19 am
Level 37 : Artisan Loremaster
047Gaming's Avatar
What The Difference Between Highschool And 9th-12th
09/05/2019 3:42 pm
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher
Gover217's Avatar
I said I didn't kno the grades in the description of this.
09/05/2019 1:12 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Toast
Laurent_Conlon's Avatar
"I have a job gang" where you at?
Eli the Zeratoed
09/05/2019 1:05 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Already graduated high school, and I'm never going to college. Ever. It's just gonna end up being a waste of 2 useless years while the other two are for stuff you're actually going to use in your career. And what's worse is that you have to pay for everything, even those two wasteful years.
09/05/2019 4:43 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Infinity577's Avatar
I totally agree. I've never met anyone that actually understood that which has always shocked me. I even thought high school was a total waste so I spent all my class time teaching myself. Good to know that there is someone out there who gets it.
09/05/2019 5:12 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
Just figured to tag along something neat I found out with doing research:

-yup, it won't help yer career
-yup, it shouldn't force you to pay it


-people with associate's degrees make a lot more money than people with highschool degrees; and people with bachelors make a lot more than them etc. . .
-that knowledge isn't going to be used with your career but it helps to know. I mean, it really does.
- There are transferrable skills somewhere in there, not 100% useful but atleast a good 20%
- Countries that require things like art and culture and a lot which we think is useless actually do a heck of a lot with:
    -building culture
    -reducing stupidity
    -increasing wealth
    -and so on so forth you get the picture

But these countries also pay it for you, soooo . . . basicallly:

-forcing people to pay for classes they don't need for careers is pretty stupid
-but it would be nice if they learned that stuff anyways

Eli the Zeratoed you too!

If you want the sources because you think my claims are dubious or too 'conservative' or too 'libtard' ish (which I have been called both which is both funny and stupid) lemme know! I just don't want to bother putting them on here because they're a HECK of a lot :L and look I'm not that committed to you guys xD

(Except maybe you Peridot XJ9 you're amazing)
09/06/2019 9:09 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Infinity577's Avatar
My opinion is based on my personal experience so there isn't much point in debating, you may have had a better experience. In my case (and from my perspective) the material that was taught to me in many of my courses was almost completely useless in any practical sense, let alone for a career. Some of my professors even taught blatantly incorrect practices. Due to the increased job security and pay that comes with having a degree, I can't say that it's always the wrong choice, but it certainly was the wrong one for me. I tried it though. I care a lot about the education of the general population because I think it is the best way for a country to make progress, but the US education system is total garbage, even at the college level. I've sought out valuable knowledge from a number of sources that led me to learn many skills so I can say with a level of certainty that a good portion of the knowledge gained at college is relatively worthless (Again, this isn't always 100% true).

Again this is just me so you may have a far better experience or you may not be knowledgable in some areas so all this may not apply to you. There are some careers that you just can't get or won't be able to do without higher education, doctors for example. My purpose is to just share my opinion so that you can better form your own. (not speaking directly to CHorse, just anyone reading). Citing my own experiences is far more work than even listing sources and this would be at least twice as long so I'm not going to bother.
09/06/2019 9:34 am
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
Ummm no xD firstly I think you don't understand how this works. Experience is just a sample, usually you have to look at studies for populations buddy. But yeah, the Us education system is garbo, and hey buddy please stop making this like something that I'm personally basing it off of. It's pretty stupid to try to draw conclusions from your own experience and try to apply it to populations. Well, the thing is is that sharing opinions is fine and dandy n' all but my opinion is more factually based, and even if all opinions are valid, certainly some are more incorrect than others. Personal experience does nothing. It's of little to no use most the times when studying statistics.

Sorry I sound so annoyed but I hate it when people assume I overgeneralize, which ironically is an overgeneralization in itself on other people's parts. if anything I advocate for understanding niches and outliers, so that's why I'm a bit annoyed by you assuming it's based on experience.
09/08/2019 7:46 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Infinity577's Avatar
I didn't try to apply my experience to populations. I am only using my experience as a sample to others. As I stated repeatedly, my experience is only one case. In my very first sentence, I recognized the fact that personal experience is not something that holds up in a debate. I also made no assumptions about you overgeneralizing, my response wasn't even directed at you, again, as I stated. I never made any claim that anything I said was more correct than anything you said. My choice was more correct FOR ME and some others out there. My only reason for even responding at all is so I can be someone who said "College isn't for everyone, and it wasn't for me. Here's why:". If someone can relate then they might make the decision not to go to college.

Personal experience can't stand up in a debate, but (in this situation) here is why it matters:
Going to college is a personal choice, it isn't a law. It is relatively common for what might come of personal choices to be rated. On google you can rate your experience at physical locations, including colleges. Everything that I said is just me rating my own experience. A single 1 star review may not matter a ton, but it allows people to make inferences about their own experience. So, you said, "if anything I advocate for understanding niches and outliers, so that's why I'm a bit annoyed by you assuming it's based on experience.", but providing some understanding of an outlier is exactly what I'm doing. I'm not trying to say that anything, except for my opinion, is based on my experience.

Since you had the audacity to make incorrect claims about what was said in my response I'm going to state where you were wrong:

You: "Experience is just a sample, usually you have to look at studies for populations"
Also You:"...try to draw conclusions from your own experience and try to apply it to populations."
Me:"...this is just me so you may have a far better experience or you may not be knowledgable in some areas so all this may not apply to you"
Also me: "My purpose is to just share my opinion so that you can better form your own."

You:"...stop making this like something that I'm personally basing it off of"
Me: Nowhere did I say anything remotely like that; the only time I referred to your reply was when I said I wasn't speaking directly to you.

You:"...I hate it when people assume I overgeneralize..."
Me: Nowhere did I assume that, you're just assuming that I'm assuming.

Also, don't call me "buddy". I'm not your buddy. I've said all I need to say so even if you respond to this I'm not going to reply, no matter how stupid the contents of your response are.
09/04/2019 8:23 pm
Level 20 : Expert Theorist
MeatBagFrancis's Avatar
wtf where's daycare
The Skin Shaper
09/05/2019 4:54 pm
Level 43 : Master Procrastinator
The Skin Shaper's Avatar
yeh i know i am angry now
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