What was the worst injury you have ever recieved?

TheMightyWaffle's Avatar TheMightyWaffle4/5/14 2:30 pm
11/12/2014 9:50 pm
TheCarlMan77's Avatar TheCarlMan77
Mine was when i was dirt biking out in the woods, and tried to turn around a large branch on the ground. i didn't make it and hit the branch and rolled of the trail, hitting my leg on a very small, but strong stick. it made about a 2 inch deep hole in my leg that was about 4 CM around. it hurt like you would not believe.
Posted by TheMightyWaffle's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter

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11/12/2014 9:50 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TheCarlMan77's Avatar
11/12/2014 7:46 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
TheMightyWaffle's Avatar
Don't ask me why, but once, about a month ago, I was at my friends house. we were fighting, so I grabbed a dog toy, tackled him, then repeatedly smashed it into his face. it was hilarious. then he pushed me off, and then proceeded to walk over to me. I was holding up the dog toy in defense, but it didn't matter, because he then kicked me in the nards. extremely hard. I then blacked out for about 30 seconds.

Another time, but with the same friend, he was showing me his new knife(this was like a year and a half ago)and he then stood up so he could show me how he would swing it if someone was trying to attack him. I then stood up, and he almost stabbed me in the face. Luckily, I was not a moron, and I ducked. we joke about it now, cause I now realize that it was extremely cool.(how I dodged it, not how I was almost stabbed.)
11/03/2014 5:10 am
Level 1 : New Network
Pyr0mrcow's Avatar
Riding bike, stick foot in wheel, wheel stops, momentum causes bike to instantly flip over and fling me off.
Fly through the air a bit, face-plant, knock one tooth out, another loose.
Never broken an arm or anything, that's really the worst.

In retrospect, it would have been hilarious to watch.
11/03/2014 4:52 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
After reading everything here, I have decided that my post is not worthy.
11/12/2014 7:39 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
TheMightyWaffle's Avatar
write it anyway. these stories... they are disturbing... yet interesting.
11/03/2014 4:45 am
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher
Meluii's Avatar
I stepped on a piece of Lego and got 1,000 stitches.
11/03/2014 4:36 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Cops_Target's Avatar
My neighbor gave me their really really old bike and everytime you press the brake the back goes flying up, so one day I wanted to have some fun and went to the top of a long bushy hill and went down sooo fast and then pressed the brakes and I went flying off the seat lol It hurt so much but it was worth it .
11/03/2014 4:54 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
That happened to me on a scooter, but it was a road, and I had no safety gear, Long story short my chin was quarter way gone.
11/03/2014 4:28 am
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher
Meluii's Avatar
This happened when I was a little 6 year old.
I was on a trampoline, I attempted a back-flip and I landed head first on the ground. I suffered from huge headaches. Luckily I didn't break any bones.
I've never broken a bone yet. You see, I'm a very lucky person

I had a lot more bad injuries. But I forgot.
10/29/2014 8:11 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
ThatBootieDoe's Avatar
The worst one i have had was when i broke my leg.. Ouch... It was in March/2012-2013? I was skiing down the hill when i probably was braking way too much and so I flipped over and had to go by ambulance to the hospital and was there for 4-5 hours .. Fun fact: When I went home,the car broke down , so I had to call for someone to pick me up ... In the middle of the night .
10/29/2014 7:53 am
Level 36 : Artisan Steve
starrynight's Avatar
I had 2 big ones.

First was around second grade when I was just playing with my friends and then fractured my ankle. I had it for 4/5 days. But in the 3/4 days, I could walk since I had a little support thingy back then.

Second was not too much. We there at class just liked stealing stuff and then just passing it over to one classmate to another. Then somebody passed a coin to me. The owner (another classmate of mine) of it punched me. I was going to give it back. My sight was blurry and I could have been unconscious. Luckily, I quickly regained a few seconds later. It was still quite funny tho'. XD
10/29/2014 5:10 am
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
gibaxd's Avatar
When I was 7-9 (I don't exactly remember), I was outside playing with my friends. We were kicking a soccer ball and the ball somehow got onto a garage. The only way to get it was to climb a 2,5 meters high fence. So I climbed it, and I got cocky and stood up. I fell into a bush. I was lucky not to loose my vision. Anyways, there was like a hole in my lower-part-of-right-leg. I still have a bump there.

6 months ago, me and my family had a fondue, but my father burnt in too much flame, so the oil started burping around. I still dipped a sausage in, and then a few drops of oil fell out and burnt me. I still have 2 spots.

When I was in kindergarten, I was bored. My "colleges" were showing black papers to a girl and she was cutting them. So I did that too, but on the first time she cut my finger. She almost cut through it.
10/29/2014 4:55 am
Level 24 : Expert Artist
asdfjkajksjgf's Avatar
When I was in Kindy someone crawled over my arm when I was in a playground.


I kept it in a cast or whatever. I couldn't do anything because it was my dominant hand.
10/25/2014 11:09 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Meme
VeryMadCrafter's Avatar
Am I the only one here who haven`t recieved any serious injuries in my entire life?
10/28/2014 4:43 pm
Level 49 : Master Batman
Casamify's Avatar
nope, youre not the only one
10/24/2014 4:32 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Modder
guestds's Avatar
i also know a 2ish 3ish something year olds worst one so far he ran in the Y.M.C.A. and tripped breaking his jaw dont worry hes alive and he needed something for his tonsels because of that idk
10/24/2014 4:26 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Modder
guestds's Avatar
my sister forgot to get the soap washed off the floor of the tub and i got it wet thought i cleaned it all away but i slipped and my toe nail was caught on it but luckily it only flipped over itself so i flipped it back and this actually just happend yesterday of when this was posted lol
10/24/2014 3:59 pm
Level 26 : Expert Grump
IceCream_Sundae's Avatar
Second degree burns on the top of my foot from soup.

I didn't like the soup before the accident, and I sure don't now. It's crappy soup, any way.
10/24/2014 2:23 pm
Level 22 : Expert Skinner
jajayjo's Avatar
The worst injury I have ever got was when I was playing soccer my brother shot at the goal and then the goaly blocked the ball and then the ball hit my knee and my foot went into a rusty nail on the bleachers (I never got the stitches and I was 10) and so I was bleeding all the way down my leg and then my brother and cousin ran to a fire department and they gave us so some paroxide and a bandage, and that's the worst thing that's ever happened to me. (injury wise)
Diverted Skinner
10/24/2014 2:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Diverted Skinner's Avatar
Also if this counts I woke up in the middle of the night and wasn't able to move I tried to scream but nothing came out. I started crying but i couldnt apparently this is called Sleep paralysis and it is where you wake up while your muscles are still 'sleeping'.
Diverted Skinner
10/24/2014 2:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Diverted Skinner's Avatar
Ok so this is kinda weird but yeah,

So i was like 17 and we went to a skatepark and i was biking round i jumped into the bowl with my bike and did a few tricks.
My friend had dared me to do some dangerous tricks like backflips frontflips etc...
I said yes to a backflip so I jumped into the bowl with my bike and I went up the highest bit and did the backflip, but in mid air i fell straight down causing my bike to do this. I smacked my head off the ground and broke 2 ribs and parts of my hands as i tried to stop myself from hitting the ground.

Annoyingly my bike was snapped in half from the pressure it hit the ground.

My bike in half:

10/24/2014 1:55 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokemon
SkeletonBunny's Avatar
I tripped over and hit my head on a wooden block.

Nuff said.
10/24/2014 1:51 pm
Level 21 : Expert Geek
loppe1's Avatar
i was around 4 Years old, was gonna read a book or something so i climbed the bookshelf, the bookshelf fell onto me and i broke my arm (this was a huge bookshelf,not that kind you hang up on the wall,more like a wardrobe)
10/24/2014 1:26 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
NiceMonster64's Avatar
A few months ago, I was getting changed after going swimming. The floor was quite slippery, and I slipped. My foot happened to hit the bench and on the edge of the bench, one toe went one side, the other two the other side. So I split my foot open. There was a lot of blood...

I then had to spend hours in hospital waiting to get an appointment.
10/24/2014 1:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
BrosUltimateGaming's Avatar
When I was 5 I was running between my kitchen and living room and there was a 3 step difference anyways i tripped over my couch fell and split my chin open on a metal ridge on the stairs. Had to get 7 stitches and I could feel the needle.
10/24/2014 12:33 pm
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Condesce's Avatar
When I was little, I was running, tripped over, bashing my chin on the concrete floor. I had the scar for six years until it gradually faded away.
10/24/2014 12:25 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Scribe
TheoOwl's Avatar
My most serious injury was probably my parents' divorce.
But I've recovered now
10/24/2014 12:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Tey's Avatar
Simple; Hit by car :I
10/24/2014 12:10 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
GamerGeeked's Avatar
when i fell on a tredmill
10/08/2014 11:10 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
WhaleOfLife's Avatar
I was on vacation and i fell off of a rope swing and broke my tailbone or so i've been told
10/08/2014 10:52 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pig
JosephD100's Avatar
Nothing really bad happens to me,
Never really had surgery,
Only remember scraped knees, but that's nothing.

Just remembered when I tripped while riding escalators, had shorts
I didn't fall I just kneed down on the step above me, apparently, I thought it was nothing, but when I got off I looked and I had a cut, and there was blood,
it didn't even hurt, and it turned out to be very minor, but I still have the tiny scar that won't go away,
10/08/2014 10:36 pm
Level 26 : Expert Unicorn
Leeanne's Avatar
I accidentaly cut myself with a pair of sicssors today in science class...that seems like the worst...it was even bleeding ;(

This is probably not my worst injury, but it DID happen today...and it's 10pm and it still hurts. My pain counts.
10/08/2014 10:05 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Mikeroboblox's Avatar
Probably not worst. A tooth grew under my tongue. Far back. I am not kidding. It moved back as I talked.
11/03/2014 4:32 am
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher
Meluii's Avatar
Oh dayum.
10/08/2014 10:10 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
TheMightyWaffle's Avatar
that... sounds quite disturbing...
10/08/2014 11:00 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Mikeroboblox's Avatar
We thought it was a piece of apple.
10/08/2014 9:43 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
MEZZ's Avatar
Well this isnt mine, but my best friend's dad was accidently shot at a shooting range in boy scouts, good thing is that it wasnt brutal. It was a 25 calliber to the foot.
10/08/2014 9:10 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Archer
Ghei's Avatar
I cracked my head open when i was 10 once. I-i-is that good enough?
10/08/2014 9:07 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Pie_N's Avatar
Eh... Probably the worst (It's not as terrible as half the stuff on here):
I was climbing around on the back of the couch, and I slipped and fell down the back of it. There was something sticking out and it cut my stomach. I don't remember much since I was young, but I'm pretty sure I didn't even have to go to the doctor. It just hurt D:
I still have a very very faint scar there.

Oh, and also, I got shot in the eye with a nerf bullet >.<
I'm pretty sure that's the reason why I have glasses now, or at least part of it...

Okay, hopefully this is the last one I think of, getting tired of editing this...
I got hit in the face with either a soccer ball or a football, I can't remember which. Got knocked out from it o.o
10/08/2014 9:06 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
nozzle's Avatar
Okay, got it.
A very long time ago, when I was near ten or eleven years old, I was playing hide and go seek with a bunch of friends. We were all having fun playing, when all of the sudden, my little self decides that I should hide under the raised porch. So, as I walk in, one of the others playing jumps out to get me, and I run, resulting in me stepping on a huge-ass rusty nail. It was bleeding like crazy and ripped a hole into my shoe, (and foot!) but thankfully I had not gotten tetanus.
10/08/2014 8:56 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
53MP3RF1's Avatar
I was 7 years old, just new to riding bikes with actual brakes on them. I was in Montana, with my parents, on vacation just before school started. I was biking (alone) on a little circular track that ran up and along a path before going down a hill. Unknown to me, there was a second hill after the one I had usually gone down. much steeper. I went down that hill, and I tried to turn at the bottom, but hit a tree. My bike flipped over, front tire blown open, frame bent, and I landed on the ground five or ten feet away. Broken leg (simple fracture, but very bad), broken arm (simple fracture, not as severe), ruptured spleen in three pieces, punctured lung, cracked rib. A lost biker found me and went to the little compound my parents were waiting for me in. I sat in the compound for almost half the day, and when I still couldn't move my leg (no one knew my injuries at that point), my parents took me to the hospital. I got into the hospital, and upon doing a CAT scan on me, they found that I had nicked my aorta. They quickly airlifted me to the only Level 1 Trauma Center in the region, in Seattle, Washington. Once there, they did a CAT scan again, and found that the first CAT scan had just been wrong (some dust on the screen, perhaps). I was operated on, and my leg had three one-foot long titanium rods put inside of it. One year later, they took them out (I was still young enough for the bone to be able to grow back). Today, I'm fine as a dandelion and as fit as a fiddle. It was a traumatic experience.

tl;dr i hit a tree while biking, broke my left side of my body, crisis averted, surgery, now i'm fine
10/08/2014 8:43 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
87man's Avatar
I fell of a crate in my basement. I had badly bruised a knee. It hurt to bend the knee all day.
Once I was sick and I couldn't move my leg or it would hurt. Similar to above.
10/08/2014 1:07 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Toast
potatotoes's Avatar
I was like 8, and I was super mad. So I slammed the door hard and didn't see my finger there and crushed my finger._. I started bawling my eyes out.
10/08/2014 8:07 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
KingRex35's Avatar
I broke my arm sitting on the back of a chair to see something.
11/03/2014 4:34 am
Level 40 : Master Button Pusher
Meluii's Avatar
Definitely the worst.
10/08/2014 7:29 am
Level 36 : Artisan Narwhal
JakaCraft's Avatar
I play hockey so uh yeah I was on a breakaway 1v1 he hit me so hard I hit both of my ankles on the post and almost broke my neck
10/08/2014 7:01 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc794251's Avatar
10/08/2014 6:00 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Pony
icestar96's Avatar
i remember rollerskating for the first time. i slipped and fell on my butt, and sprained my tailbone. it was one of the most painful experiences for me.
10/08/2014 1:25 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Aventius's Avatar
I jumped into a pool misjudged the depth and sprained my ankle.
10/05/2014 8:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Navbarry's Avatar
I broke my elbow and got surgery, leaving an extremely wide and long scar.
I broke my foot
I broke my ring finger
I broke my pinky finger
I broke my big toe
I got a severe concussion and a few staples
I gashed the side of my cheek and got a few stitches
I gashed the side of my eye and got a few stitches
I cut my pointer* finger badly and got a few stitches
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