Why Movies Suck These Days/ No More Classics...

telamonianajax's Avatar telamonianajax2/19/14 4:37 pm
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2/22/2014 6:52 am
sualeos's Avatar sualeos
EDIT: I didn't make this very clear, but I meant that we haven't seen many truly GREAT movies. Seriously. In the last decade, thousands of movies have been released, and 30 years from now maybe a dozen will be remembered as great. Point being, nothing is a classic as it used to be, i guess the stories just suck.

I have the Flu, so I have been watching lots of movies.
And I realized nobody makes a serious movie anymore.
All plots suck, (except for the odd exception, such as the Batman trilogy, or Iron Man)
and the movies are held up by nausea-inducing 3D and stupid jokes.
For example:
take LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring. Amazing movie, very serious.
The Hobbit Part One: An Unexpected Journey. A good movie, probably better, but with far too many jokes, and not nearly serious enough.
or for older people:
Die Hard: In my opinion, best action movie ever. Extremely realistic, very serious, intriguing plot, no jokes.
Red: An okay movie, with a terrible story, with excessive drama and special effects that attempt to hide the poor writing of the movie.

I mean, look at the classics.
Wizard of Oz
Star Wars (or Trek, or Gate, or Prefix-Battle, etc)
Jurassic Park
Independence Day
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
(okay, I like Sci-fi too much, um)
Toy Story
Gone with the Wind
Most Disney Movies before 2000
i could think of a few more, but am rather exhausted, as I mentioned in the first sentence.

Point being, all these movies I listed are pre-2000's. Anything after that, is a shoddy attempt at a story, masked by excessive attempts at CGI, and post-avatar/2009, ridiculous usage of 3D, making terrible movies even worse.

So: Main points being:
WHY ARENT MOVIES SERIOUS ANYMORE?!?!?!? The plots suck, and the writers try to hide it with their stupid jokes

3D SUCKS. The Hobbit Part 2 is all the evidence you need. Those shots of the Elf Kings hair…

PS: And it isn't the directors fault. Most directors don't want 3D. Because it stinks. and its just a gimmick that decreases the immersiveness (i just invented a word ) of the movie. The COMPANIES are the ones who DEMAND 3D, even though the directors don't like it.

It's all about money.
a 3D ticket, on average, makes about $1.32 more than a 2D ticket.
(EDIT: I mean that it MAKES more. It costs a heck of a lot more than 2D for the consumer. It also costs a lot for the company. However, $1.32 extra from millions of people is what they want. And we just keep watching these movies, giving them what they want… Last movie I saw in 3D was Hobbit Part 2 [I'm not sure that can be classified as a children's movie, at least not in todays stupid culture. stylized beheadings and stuff], and that movie disgusted me. It could have been as amazing as the original LOTR movies, but all the terrible gimmicks they resorted to in the filming ruined that film. Plus that river scene shot with a GoPro. Disgusting. )

So: What makes movies suck most:
Posted by telamonianajax's Avatar
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter

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02/22/2014 12:20 am
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
antenna's Avatar
Best movie ever was East of Eden. Rebel Without a Cause was good too.
James Dean is just perfect though. Best looking person in the history of ever (coming from a guy, no homo) and a brilliant actor.
02/22/2014 6:52 am
Level 26 : Expert Fish
sualeos's Avatar
"No homo".. The stupidest phrase on this entire planet.
02/22/2014 12:15 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Lumberjack
WelcomeToAmania's Avatar
Too many Book-Movie adaptions. It is extremely rare that they pull it off, and when they don't pull it off, its just baaaaad.
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Two years ago I heard that my favourite book Series, The Spooks, was getting a movie adaption, I was super excited because the books had a great story and character development. They released the trailer for it last year, it looks horrible. The main character in the first book is 10 years old, he is being played by a 32 year old, the friendship they have between two main characters, they're making them get together in the movie, and worse of all, they are craming the first 4 books into one ACTION PACKED MOVIE!
I know you can't judge a movie by its trailer, but seriously, it looks horrible.
02/21/2014 11:56 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
The worst movie in our modern age? The Last Airbender. That movie was a sacrilege to the memory of the show. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief sucked too in a big way
02/21/2014 11:58 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
Oh god... how did I forget the Last Airbender...
02/21/2014 9:27 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
SoccerkidJT-7's Avatar
To be honest, this whole argument about "modern movies suck" is invalid.

Allow me to explain. Sure, there are terrible movies, but haven't there ALWAYS been terrible movies? The old days had some pretty terrible movies too. The possibly worst movie ever made, Plan 9 From Outer Space, was made in 1959, when some of the best classics were also coming out. Bad movies have always surrounded us.

The same is for the modern era, there are probably classics that came out just this year, we just haven't seen them as classics yet because they are still fairly new.

I bet in the 1990's they said the same thing, and 1980's, and 1970's, etc.

But, on the topic of talking about movies....

Hunger Games Catching Fire was not half bad, it just didn't make a lasting impression on me. It is an easily forgettable movie in my opinion, and that is its largest flaw.

Frozen has good reviews, but I haven't seen it so I wont judge.

Mr Peabody and Sherman, what the? I seriously don't get this movie from the trailers. I have seen enough from the trailers to know that this is sort of an awkward movie with the dog being a father to a BOY (probably adopted). I think the movie looks a little bland and unoriginal. I could be totally wrong though.

Lego Movie, awesome. I am seeing it tomorrow, and I am excited for it, but I wont judge yet.

*Not-so-dramatic speech ends*
02/21/2014 9:09 am
Level 25 : Expert Cowboy
Aethroz's Avatar
The Hunger Games:I couldn't stand the first one! Bad plot, bad acting, did not follow the book, and that would have been its save and grace in my opinion. I stopped watching after 40 minutes.

I disagree with most of the rest of your post as well but this really stood out.
1: "Bad plot" The plot is based on the book -_- seriously. Just. GAH!
2: The acting was not bad. By any standards. Amazing? No. Great? Maybe. Good? Yes. But definitely not "bad".
3: You need to read more, not a very well written book.
4: Saving grace. Not save and grace. Again, read more.

1. Exactly. My. Point. Although the idea was a pretty good one, how they wrote the script to capture the books idea of Katniss being a heroine absolutely failed in that it came out as "This girl just got selected, too bad, well she didn't die because her boyfriend saved her, so she won. Yep."
2. Acting is a personal choice, but honestly, Peeta's acting was forced dialogue, Katniss was decent, but shallow, and the rest of the characters were bland emotional representations, as in, evil in its forms and love and that stuff.
3. I read the book twice. I read it twice to make sure I didn't miss anything. The movie did not follow the book in that it did not have the same resonance. It was a bad script translation.
4. Well, that is specifically why I said, in my opinion. That meant I really don't know how you feel about it, but personally, if the movie had the same overall feeling to it, it would have made me like the movie more.

Thankyou for giving somewhat constructive criticism on my opinions and views. Really.

1&3: To be completely honest(I get a lot of hate every time I say this) I thought the writing of Hunger Games was very sub-par. It was lacking in every area where a book should excel, and I couldn't feel any of the characters. That being said, Suzanne Collins is not a bad author. I enjoyed the Overlander series(Gregor the Overlander, read it).
2: Both Josh Hutcherson(Peeta) and Jennifer Lawrence(Katniss) have very unemotional faces. I loved the way the movie was done, even though I agree it was the epitome of archetypes.
02/20/2014 11:24 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Engineer
jjcyalater's Avatar
hunger games was pretty good but I dont like the whole 3D thing
02/20/2014 10:19 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
The Hunger Games: I couldn't stand the first one! Bad plot, bad acting, did not follow the book, and that would have been its save and grace in my opinion. I stopped watching after 40 minutes.

I disagree with most of the rest of your post as well but this really stood out.
1: "Bad plot" The plot is based on the book -_- seriously. Just. GAH!
2: The acting was not bad. By any standards. Amazing? No. Great? Maybe. Good? Yes. But definitely not "bad".
3: You need to read more, not a very well written book.
4: Saving grace. Not save and grace. Again, read more.

1. Exactly. My. Point. Although the idea was a pretty good one, how they wrote the script to capture the books idea of Katniss being a heroine absolutely failed in that it came out as "This girl just got selected, too bad, well she didn't die because her boyfriend saved her, so she won. Yep."
2. Acting is a personal choice, but honestly, Peeta's acting was forced dialogue, Katniss was decent, but shallow, and the rest of the characters were bland emotional representations, as in, evil in its forms and love and that stuff.
3. I read the book twice. I read it twice to make sure I didn't miss anything. The movie did not follow the book in that it did not have the same resonance. It was a bad script translation.
4. Well, that is specifically why I said, in my opinion. That meant I really don't know how you feel about it, but personally, if the movie had the same overall feeling to it, it would have made me like the movie more.

Thankyou for giving somewhat constructive criticism on my opinions and views. Really.
02/20/2014 9:41 pm
Level 26 : Expert Fish
sualeos's Avatar
Mr. Nobody is a classic movie, so is Inception.

Memento is the mot innovative movie i've ever watched.
02/20/2014 7:40 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
SilverKytten's Avatar
telamonianajaxThe Hobbit Part One: An Unexpected Journey. A good movie, probably better, but with far too many jokes, and not nearly serious enough.

Not even going to comment on the rest, because I agree, for the most part. (3D, gross)

But you do realize that "The Hobbit" is for kids, right?

"The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, is a fantasy novel and children's book by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald Tribune for best juvenile fiction. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in children's literature."

FUN FACT: did you know that the LOTR and hobbit series are based slightly off WW1?
the Orcs represent the Nazis, the Hobbits represent the English, etc.

It was influenced by Tolkein's experiences in WW1, not based off of WW1 itself.
02/20/2014 4:34 pm
Level 42 : Master Nether Knight
fritzfun123's Avatar
telamonianajaxThe Hobbit Part One: An Unexpected Journey. A good movie, probably better, but with far too many jokes, and not nearly serious enough.

Not even going to comment on the rest, because I agree, for the most part. (3D, gross)

But you do realize that "The Hobbit" is for kids, right?

"The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, is a fantasy novel and children's book by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald Tribune for best juvenile fiction. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in children's literature."

FUN FACT: did you know that the LOTR and hobbit series are based slightly off WW1?
the Orcs represent the Nazis, the Hobbits represent the English, etc.
02/20/2014 3:34 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
My Little Pony

is an amazing show.
02/20/2014 11:00 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Blacksmith
NewBoss3234's Avatar
Did Hawkstormer edit you for grammar?
02/20/2014 3:30 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Zombie
planetminecrafter52342's Avatar
People all have different opinions on movies, therefore some people may think that movies are bad, others will think they're good. So that is that.
I watch My Little Pony, and yes others don't like the show, that is fine. We all are different, so the OP just has a different opinion.
02/20/2014 3:03 pm
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
REALLY?! WIZARD OF OZ?! That movie was horrible!
02/20/2014 3:46 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
NewblyLance13's Avatar
uhh no, just no
02/20/2014 2:56 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
none are well rounded
02/20/2014 2:58 pm
Level 25 : Expert Cowboy
Aethroz's Avatar
none? really? Not a single movie?
02/20/2014 3:49 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
well i guess the avengers and ummm.... ya thats all i can think of
02/20/2014 2:51 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
Not all movies these days suck.....
02/20/2014 2:46 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Movies these days rock. You are either biased or stupid (i don't like sugarcoating things)

-EDIT- all the movies i've seen recently rock, i don't remember the last movie i saw that stank
02/20/2014 2:24 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
Ben10Omnicraft's Avatar
Seriously? What about Despicable Me 2? Or The Lego Movie?
02/20/2014 1:07 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
telamonianajax's Avatar
I liked Joker, because he was the most realistic of all the Batman Villains. I mean, like, most likely to happen in real life. Its scary.
02/20/2014 1:35 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
NewblyLance13's Avatar
I guess I just prefer my comic book movies more on the unrealistic side
02/20/2014 12:55 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
NewblyLance13's Avatar
I'm probably honna get a lot of hate for this, but I hated The Dark Knight, I was horribly bored by it and thought the Joker was a horrible villain. I liked TDKR because Bane was enjoyable. But that's just my opinion.
02/20/2014 11:34 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
multikraft's Avatar
Ah guys...

Movies dont suck compared to the movies made before 2000. Its very easy to explain, the amount and the age of people who actually watched movies has changed. Young kids and less-evolved people go more to the cinema these days. Movie coperations use this, they make quick stupid movies like planes and hercules.
But really, in the past 5 years some really really good movies have been made:

12 years a slave
The dark night (rises sucked in my eyes)
Django unchained (!)

The list goes on and on. Its just that these movies arent classics, but they will be in 10 years.
02/20/2014 11:44 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
telamonianajax's Avatar
Good points. I mostly agree with you, personally I thought Gravity was a little odd. My cousin is in NASA (well, used to be, he's actually applying for SpaceX now) and he just stared when whatshisface was pulled from the tether into space.

The Dark Knight is one of my favorites of all time, ( rises was okay, wasn't as good, maybe because wasn't as dark. not the plot, the whole movie was in daylight!!!!!) because it followed the formula of a good movie.
Amazing Writing
Great Acting
Great Morals
Outstanding Action and Special Effects (which merged perfectly with everything else, unlike most movies)
Great Characters
It wasn't a movie designed to appeal to every stupid noob out there, it was a movie made to appeal to people who actually care about watching a movie with a deep story.
THAT is why that movie is amazing.
02/20/2014 10:40 am
Level 37 : Artisan Cake
NeFt's Avatar
You could go back to animated movies, like the Lego Movie and Frozen. The Lego movie has 99% critique review, and so far I haven't met anyone who didn't like frozen.
02/20/2014 10:47 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
NewblyLance13's Avatar
I hated Frozen (as seen by my post) but the Lego movie was great. The movie's only flaw was the pacing, it was sooooo bad. Otherwise, it was good.
02/20/2014 10:44 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
ElEcTrIkWoLf476's Avatar
Emos don't like frozen
02/20/2014 10:28 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
ElEcTrIkWoLf476's Avatar
Three words

Anime ruined America

your arguments are invalid
02/20/2014 3:04 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
WritingIsFun's Avatar

But seriously, if you know some people probably won't like that, don't say anything. Me and several other people on PMC love anime.
02/20/2014 11:37 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
telamonianajax's Avatar
lol. I agree.
02/20/2014 10:21 am
Level 28 : Expert Dragon
Here are some movies i enjoy
How To Train Your Dragon (Number 2 coming out this summer)
and ummm that might be close to about it, i could watch those movies when ever!
02/20/2014 10:17 am
Level 25 : Expert Cowboy
Aethroz's Avatar
The Hunger Games: I couldn't stand the first one! Bad plot, bad acting, did not follow the book, and that would have been its save and grace in my opinion. I stopped watching after 40 minutes.

I disagree with most of the rest of your post as well but this really stood out.
1: "Bad plot" The plot is based on the book -_- seriously. Just. GAH!
2: The acting was not bad. By any standards. Amazing? No. Great? Maybe. Good? Yes. But definitely not "bad".
3: You need to read more, not a very well written book.
4: Saving grace. Not save and grace. Again, read more.
02/20/2014 9:39 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
I'll back this thread up with a list of movies that, obviously, sucked.
Iron Man 2: Horrible story, bad antagonist, lousy acting on Downey's part.
Iron Man 3: Bad antagonist, bad plot, blows up all his suits, makes Mandarin "odd".
I use odd loosely.
Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug: There is absolutely no part of this, beyond the actual, basic framework, where they follow the book. Dragon did not turn gold, there was no barrel chase, Kili did not stay in Rivertown, and most importantly, Bilbo did not take off the Ring when he was talking to Smaug.
Ice Age 4: Interesting idea, forced jokes. Over the top, slightly, ever so slightly racist, and less overall quality to the humor and story.
The Hunger Games: I couldn't stand the first one! Bad plot, bad acting, did not follow the book, and that would have been its save and grace in my opinion. I stopped watching after 40 minutes.
02/20/2014 12:17 pm
Level 42 : Master Pixel Painter
telamonianajax's Avatar
all agreed.
I was disgusted with the infidelity to the book in the Hobbit.
Goes to prove that the Companies are interfering WAYYYY too much.
02/20/2014 10:06 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Mage
NewblyLance13's Avatar
I agree with you mostly, except for The Hobbit and Iron Man 3. I highly enjoyed Iron Man 3. It had a good villain, an intresting storyline, and I laughed several times. I do like Iron Man 2, but it's because I kept watching it and gre ro love it, but I did hate it when I first saw it. I will admit the Hobbit is a terrible adaption of the original classic, but it's still one of the better movies to come out in a while and I was glad I saw them at their midnight premiers and I will see the last one at midnight as well. I hated Frozen, it had terrible characters and god awful songs and singers. The villain was put in at the last second and I just didn't want to follow the character's journey.
02/20/2014 9:05 am
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
ASF's Avatar
Movies really do suck.
I mean, don't even get me started on the terribleness of Frozen.
02/20/2014 9:11 am
Level 25 : Expert Cowboy
Aethroz's Avatar
Please, start.
I haven't seen it, but I have heard nothing but good reviews from everybody. Even people who aren't fans of animation and Disney stories
02/20/2014 9:15 am
Level 35 : Artisan Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
yes it has good reviews but it is a pile of -snip-
02/20/2014 9:03 am
Level 25 : Expert Cowboy
Aethroz's Avatar
Aethroz"Movies suck these days." Proceeds to diss Hobbit.

PS. Watch Les Miserables. Damn fine story. Bonus: It's very serious. You'll enjoy it.

By Les Miserables I'm assuming you mean the 2012 movie staring Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. Yes, it did have a good story, but I fear there was a bit of a, ah, miscasting on Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. I mean, Hugh Jackman has an annoying vibrating sound whenever he holds a note, and don't get me started on Russell Crowe.

And for a movie that was made recently that wasn't total garbage, was Captain Phillips.

I put Story purposefully I saw it on stage years before I saw the movie. The movie was well composed and I appreciate the fact that they recorded the singing on site instead of in a booth. I hate when you can so easily tell they are just lipping.
While they are definitely not stage actors, I don't think their acting detracted from the story.
02/20/2014 8:58 am
Level 25 : Expert Cowboy
Aethroz's Avatar
telamonianajaxThe Hobbit Part One: An Unexpected Journey. A good movie, probably better, but with far too many jokes, and not nearly serious enough.

Not even going to comment on the rest, because I agree, for the most part. (3D, gross)

But you do realize that "The Hobbit" is for kids, right?

"The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, is a fantasy novel and children's book by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald Tribune for best juvenile fiction. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in children's literature."

The lord of the Rings isnt a children's book! Way to advanced reading for them

1: As mentioned before, Hobbit. Not LOTR.
2: Children today are nowhere close to the reading comprehension level of the "olden days". Seriously. It's sad.
3: They don't mean 5 and 6 year olds -_-. "Children" can be anywhere from 3-18. But I believe they are meaning the age around 10-15. I and all of my siblings were in that age group when we first read Hobbit.
02/19/2014 9:36 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
-Kali-'s Avatar
I can't choose multiple options?
02/19/2014 9:13 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
yogscast-lover's Avatar
And let's not forget about He Who Shall Not Be Named.
Click to reveal
02/19/2014 9:13 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Navbarry's Avatar
telamonianajaxThe Hobbit Part One: An Unexpected Journey. A good movie, probably better, but with far too many jokes, and not nearly serious enough.

Not even going to comment on the rest, because I agree, for the most part. (3D, gross)

But you do realize that "The Hobbit" is for kids, right?

"The Hobbit, or There and Back Again, is a fantasy novel and children's book by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald Tribune for best juvenile fiction. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in children's literature."

The lord of the Rings isnt a children's book! Way to advanced reading for them

He said the HOBBIT, which was a children's book
02/19/2014 9:12 pm
Level 42 : Master Blob
Navbarry's Avatar
Plan 9 from Outer Space (Terrible yet amazing)
02/19/2014 9:10 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
yogscast-lover's Avatar
Aethroz"Movies suck these days." Proceeds to diss Hobbit.

PS. Watch Les Miserables. Damn fine story. Bonus: It's very serious. You'll enjoy it.

By Les Miserables I'm assuming you mean the 2012 movie staring Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. Yes, it did have a good story, but I fear there was a bit of a, ah, miscasting on Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. I mean, Hugh Jackman has an annoying vibrating sound whenever he holds a note, and don't get me started on Russell Crowe.

And for a movie that was made recently that wasn't total garbage, was Captain Phillips.

Captain Phillips is an Oscar magnet.

But what I'm wondering about is how the heck did Tom Hanks not get nominated?
02/19/2014 9:09 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragonborn
DylanDylan54321's Avatar
Aethroz"Movies suck these days." Proceeds to diss Hobbit.

PS. Watch Les Miserables. Damn fine story. Bonus: It's very serious. You'll enjoy it.

By Les Miserables I'm assuming you mean the 2012 movie staring Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. Yes, it did have a good story, but I fear there was a bit of a, ah, miscasting on Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe. I mean, Hugh Jackman has an annoying vibrating sound whenever he holds a note, and don't get me started on Russell Crowe.

And for a movie that was made recently that wasn't total garbage, was Captain Phillips.

Captain Phillips is an Oscar magnet.
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