Youtube gaming channel! [Closed]

Themoonwolves20's Avatar Themoonwolves206/24/12 11:34 am
6/28/2012 11:31 pm
Themoonwolves20's Avatar Themoonwolves20
Hi everybody. Moon here deciding to make a gaming channel for Youtube! I am getting a new computer soon so no activity will be happening until then. We will be playing a variety of games ex. Minecraft, Happy wheels, anything else you want to play (as long as it isnt rated M because my mom wont let me).

Notice:Quoting your application over and over and arguing and spamming will NOT get you accepted.

So take a look at the application(s) below. You may only fill out one unless you are applying for lets player and camera man.
Notice: You must have a decent mic for skype.

Lets Player Application:
Age (its OK if you dont want to):
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):
Maturity level:
Gaming skill:
Do you have a good name for the channel?:
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:

Cameraman Application (meaning you will film the gameplay and post):
Age (its OK if you dont want to):
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):
Maturity level:
Gaming skill:
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:
Is your computer fast?:
What is the program you use to record?:
(Optional) can the program record voice chats and stuff?:

Thanks for applying and I hope to see you soon!
Posted by Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Robot

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06/28/2012 11:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Unicorn
Coolpickles0's Avatar
Lets Player Application:
Age (its OK if you dont want to):13
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): sexy-emo-chick (don't ask)
Maturity level:hopefully 10/10 well im smart
Gaming skill: about 7
Do you have a good name for the channel?: Not at the moment, I,ll get back to you
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: no
Love a little laugh
06/28/2012 11:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Meh OK we needed just one more person so there ya go you is in!

No more posts! We will ignore them!
06/28/2012 10:51 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
MrMooshroom's Avatar
Age (its OK if you dont want to):
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):mrmooshroom
Maturity level:8
Gaming skill:8
Do you have a good name for the channel?: not really
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: NOT AT ALL!!
06/28/2012 10:48 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Well I have set up the channel and we are almost ready to go. Only accepting 1 more person.
06/28/2012 10:14 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
DavidRocks12345's Avatar
Cameraman Application (meaning you will film the gameplay and post):
Age (its OK if you dont want to):13
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):No
Maturity level:8/10
Gaming skill:8/10
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:No
Is your computer fast?:Yes
What is the program you use to record?:Camtasia Studio or Bandicam
(Optional) can the program record voice chats and stuff?:Yes it can but not mine because my mic broke but I can make mod spotlights
06/27/2012 2:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bronzewolf78's Avatar
Is it too late to apply? The only question i have right now is whats ign?
Lets Player Application:
Age (its OK if you dont want to): 16
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): hunter.brodie
Maturity level: i can be mature when i need to be
Gaming skill: i consider myself a gamer, but im not an expert
Do you have a good name for the channel?: no
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: no

Cameraman Application (meaning you will film the gameplay and post):
IGN: ?
Age (its OK if you dont want to): 16
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): hunter.brodie
Maturity level: same
Gaming skill:same
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: no
Is your computer fast?: yes
What is the program you use to record?: Debut video capture software
(Optional) can the program record voice chats and stuff?: yes
06/24/2012 11:28 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Mage
thepsplitle's Avatar
IGN: splitle
Age: I rather not say...
Skype: dandydee3
Maturity level: 8/10
Gaming skill: 7/10
Do you have a good name for the channel?: Not really, but if I have time I could think of a name.
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: Of course not!
06/24/2012 11:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
spencerhubbard33's Avatar
Lets Player Application:
IGN: DarkEdge111
Age (its OK if you dont want to): 13
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): spencer.joalie
Maturity level: 8
Gaming skill: great
Do you have a good name for the channel?: Minecrafters123
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: no
06/24/2012 11:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
propop893863's Avatar
Oh sorry forgot to give skype my skype is preston.gertner sorry about that
06/24/2012 11:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
propop893863's Avatar
Age (its OK if you dont want to):11 (sorry if your off about my age)
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):Yes I have skype
Maturity level:Dont really know how to say this one, but I'll just go with a lot.
Gaming skill:Playing since last year
06/24/2012 9:29 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Dragonborn
mist13's Avatar
I don't like to apply for these usually, but I have some multiplayer things that would make for good videos. They are vanilla, unfortunately, but they are still interesting.

http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/191 ... AnchorMap0
- Play one of the SSP maps, you'll get the idea. Their fun, hard challenges that bring out the best in vanilla. There are some 4-8 player ones, and an 8-12 player one.

http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/600 ... try7927291
- The original Skyblock. Group goes through the original goals, then we do some custom ones.

And now, my app:
IGN: holymist13
Age (its OK if you dont want to): 15
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): nostradaum
Maturity level: I'm an egoist, who thinks that I can sway other people to follow him, and is eventually let down due to implications with reality. I think myself to be pretty mature, but than again, egoist. (Believe what you will)
Gaming skill: I'm great at minecraft, I only play on hard these days. I've reached hour 14 in Feed the Beast insanity mango, which trust me, few can get that far.
Do you have a good name for the channel?: PMC_United? I don't know, I'm not good at names. Of course, I play other games; I own the Valve Complete Collection, Terraria, a few MMOs, and an ever expanding collection of others.
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:Of course not. I'm not that much of a sadist

Anyways, I'd love to be working with a group, so long as we get to do interesting, challenging, maybe even impossible things.
06/24/2012 9:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Minecraft_4_Cows's Avatar
Lets Player Application:
IGN: MiNeCrAfT_4_CoWs
Age (its OK if you dont want to): 13 going onto 14 in September.
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): Yup.
Maturity level: 8/10 Sometimes like to make comments hurhurhur.
Gaming skill: Good at survival, not very good at PVP combat.
Do you have a good name for the channel?: I'll start brainstorming ideas for it.
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: I wouldn't delete the channel or trash it and I don't see a reason why anyone would go out of there way to do it.

06/24/2012 9:00 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
KingOfTheStatus's Avatar
well i would apply , but seeing as your profile makes you look younger then a preteen, i'd rather not
06/28/2012 10:57 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Im not under preteen age thank you very much. I am 11 and 1/2 OK? God nobody cares...
06/24/2012 8:44 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
happyday887101's Avatar
Age (its OK if you dont want to):14
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):I have it, but I can only talk at certain times, and I would be fine with singleplayer.
Maturity level:8.5/10
Gaming skill:7/10
Do you have a good name for the channel?:Depends, would it be mainly minecraft, or would it be other games too? If mainly Minecraft, maybe ummmm... "BlockCraftMine"? If it's an equal amount of different games, maybe "1337GamerCrew? <--Cheesy name is cheesy.
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:I don't even Know how to delete a youtube channel, So no way... José.
06/24/2012 8:35 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
bossanova2's Avatar
Age (its OK if you dont want to):12
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):haloceaf
Maturity level:87
Gaming skill:100
Do you have a good name for the channel?:yes
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:wtf no...
Dude i have a gaming channel to i have an awsome name and an AWSOME CAST! we got four chicks and 4 dude plus you. thts only if you want :3
06/24/2012 8:33 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
TwiliHero's Avatar
Age (its OK if you dont want to):13 going onto 14
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):TwiliHero
Maturity level: 7/10 >.>
Gaming skill: 8/10
Do you have a good name for the channel?: I have one in mind
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: Why should I?
06/24/2012 8:20 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
thelifrs's Avatar
Age (its OK if you dont want to):14
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):Mpalestis
Maturity level:7
Gaming skill:9
Do you have a good name for the channel?: Yes. 3 Channel names
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:
Of course not, i wont want to delete hard work
06/24/2012 8:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Imma_Creeper's Avatar
Age (its OK if you dont want to):14
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): tnarg65
Maturity level:6-7
Gaming skill:alot
Do you have a good name for the channel?:Notchs Apples
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:Hell no
06/24/2012 8:14 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
snow_ninja67's Avatar
Since i can do both of the apps ima apply for both of the positions.

Lets Player Application:
IGN: snow_ninja67 or scarecrow (depending if its steam or not)
Age 14
Maturity level: 8/10 (usually depends on the person i am talking to if they respect me i give them my full respect)
Gaming skill: 9/10
Do you have a good name for the channel?: No not really im not good with making names :C.
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: No i wont delete the channel if i get access to it.

Cameraman Application (meaning you will film the gameplay and post):
IGN: snow_ninja67 or scarecrow (depending if its steam or not)
Age 14
Skype? yes
Maturity level: 8/10 (usually depends on the person i am talking to if they respect me i give them my full respect)
Gaming skill: 9/10
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: No i wont delete the channel if i get access to it.
Is your computer fast?: Yes i7 2600k 18 gigs of ddr3 ram 1tb hardrive gtx 550 ti.
What is the program you use to record?: Fraps
(Optional) can the program record voice chats and stuff?: Yes
06/28/2012 7:55 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Awesome! You are in.
06/24/2012 8:08 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
CloudPhantom's Avatar
Lets Player Application:
IGN: Ragequitzz, and CloudPhantom, and some other names involving Cloud xD
Age (its OK if you dont want to): 12
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): CloudPhantom
Maturity level: 8/10
Gaming skill: 10/10 (Though I mostly play fun kiddy games, not hardcore first person shooters. I can also rom pokemon games, if your doing more than minecraft.)
Do you have a good name for the channel?: I would need to know a little more about the channel first.
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: Of course, every body is gonna say no to this one, but no of course, what would be the point of that?


I can also do like custom skins incase of an adventure map or special occasion~
06/28/2012 11:12 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Alright! You is in!
Steel Soul15
06/24/2012 7:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Steel Soul15's Avatar
Lets Player Application:
Age (its OK if you dont want to):13
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):homeslicej
Maturity level:8 and a half/10
Gaming skill:9/10
Do you have a good name for the channel?:Mmm, Not really but I will think
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: I didn't even know there was a delete button, but no I won't.
06/24/2012 7:41 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Rockz157's Avatar
App for Lets play
IGN: yoyo19869
Maturity level: 7/10
Gaming skill: 8/10
Do you have a good name for the channel?: Moon's Gamin' Shack
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: If I did, what would be the point of me applying?
06/24/2012 7:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hammy_Time's Avatar
Lets Player Application:
Age (its OK if you dont want to):11
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):HammyTime44
Maturity level:1-10 7
Gaming skill:1-10 9
Do you have a good name for the channel?:yah
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:NO!

Cameraman Application (meaning you will film the gameplay and post):
Age (its OK if you dont want to):11
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):HammyTime44
Maturity level:1-10 7
Gaming skill:1-10 9
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:NO!
Is your computer fast?: Kinda
What is the program you use to record?:BBFlashBack
(Optional) can the program record voice chats and stuff?:um no idk

Thanks for applying and I hope to see you soon!
06/24/2012 8:01 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Hmm...Well OK your also in. We will be accepting 5 more people.
06/24/2012 7:34 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Infectablegamer's Avatar
Lets Player Application:
Age (its OK if you dont want to): 14
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff): pantom1113
Maturity level: Very high
Gaming skill: Skilled
Do you have a good name for the channel?: Not sure
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?: No.
06/24/2012 7:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc52215's Avatar
06/24/2012 7:29 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Totally accepted. You are so in. I will pm you my Skype soon.
06/24/2012 7:42 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc52215's Avatar
06/24/2012 6:53 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Ah OK thats fine.
06/24/2012 12:15 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Oh well here we go...*bump*
06/24/2012 12:05 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Refine_xMRRB's Avatar
i missed 1 r really
06/24/2012 12:01 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
TheAlmightyLemon's Avatar
hey moon! xD
can i get the ip of the new server that u guys are on and i'll apply too xD

Lets Player Application:
Age (its OK if you dont want to):13
Skype? (If you cant skype you will need to do singleplayer stuff):no i dont have skype but i could talk on like server chat or something because i cant record
Maturity level:8/10 (u already know me xD)
Gaming skill:10/10 but i gotta learn da game first xD
Do you have a good name for the channel?:maybe...
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:no
06/24/2012 12:05 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Hi cool. Im pondering just not doing the training camp because we have been having...issues. Well ill get back to you soon. Also accepted. Try to get skype.
06/24/2012 12:31 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
TheAlmightyLemon's Avatar
well, i would get skype but my parents wont let me so yeah. but if we need to talk we can talk on the server chat and i cant record either until i get my own computer/xbox then i can do 360 stuff xD well i hope that i can get skype soon probably not tho i can use it when i get my own computer tho well thx for accepting me xD
06/24/2012 11:59 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Refine_xMRRB's Avatar
i done it corectly
06/24/2012 12:01 pm
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Well you didnt even spell correctly correctly so...
06/24/2012 11:55 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
pattoniscool's Avatar
Age 13
Skype? yes its patton.strong
Maturity level: 7 out of 10
Gaming skill:8 out of 10
Do you have a good name for the channel?:no
If we give you access to the channel will you delete it?:no
06/24/2012 11:52 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Refine_xMRRB's Avatar
lets player
ign:xmrrb for mc
age 13
skype: ill add u
matirity 10/10
gaming 9/10
YT name ; dont know
delelte the YT no
06/24/2012 11:56 am
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
I dont believe your maturity is 10 when you didnt fill out the application correctly.
06/24/2012 11:48 am
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Nobody? Really?
06/24/2012 11:42 am
Level 21 : Expert Robot
Themoonwolves20's Avatar
Erm anybody?
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