Command Blocks + Servers

CGBrothers's Avatar CGBrothers5/15/15 7:24 pm
5/15/2015 7:32 pm
CGBrothers's Avatar CGBrothers
Since command blocks have risen, I have been using them on my server to customize things I ordinarily couldn't of. But for some reason my permissions plugin, PermissionsEx, is getting in the way of the default minecraft commands.

I originally had a problem with players not being able to /trigger, but I figured out that it was because they did not have the permissions minecraft.command.trigger. But now it gets the error that when they trigger an objective that I have enabled for them, they still cant.

I think it is a permissions issue where there is some permission node to be allowed to be enabled for a trigger? I honestly have no idea at this point. All the redstone is in order. It works with me (Op and * permissions) but it wont for a default player.

Any ideas?
Posted by CGBrothers's Avatar
Level 53 : Grandmaster Lego Builder

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05/15/2015 7:32 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Lego Builder
CGBrothers's Avatar
Just in case that any of my plugins or such are affecting this, here's a list and a quick summary of each:
Click to reveal
BetterAlias (Lets me have many commands be executed via a custom command)
WorldEdit (Plugin that allows for mass editing of the world in game)
WorldGuard (Sets up regions and allows control of what happens in region)
PermissionsEx (Permissions plugin)
Towny (Similar to Factions, lets players create towns/nations and manage them)
VoxelSniper (See WorldEdit Def.)
MinecraftMarket (Like BuyCraft, lets me have a online webstore for donations)
Vault (Whatever Vault does)
Multiverse-Core (Manage, create, delete worlds)
Essentials (Adds useful commands)
ChestShop (Lets players create shops from chests)
MobArena (Exactly what the name says)
DragonTravel (Lets players ride on dragons)
SpawnTP (For some reason /spawn wasnt working, got this to replace)
Playtime (Records players online time)
Lockette (Allows players to lock containers)
BookShelf (Bookshelves can store items)
TownyWars (Hooks into towny to manage the war system better)
Questioner (Votifier thing?)
PhatLoots (Create chests that will hold items that can be looted, etc)
SupplySign (Create signs that act as chests, storing infinite amounts of an item)
Referrals (Referral system)
mcMMO (RPG like plugin for skills)
Planet Minecraft


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