+GUIDE+ How to make a successful server *NEWB Friendly!*

EpicAwesome1's Avatar EpicAwesome13/9/13 8:10 pm
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3/10/2013 1:41 pm
EpicAwesome1's Avatar EpicAwesome1
Hey PlanetMinecraft community! Epic_Awesome1 here with a guide on how to make a successful minecraft bukkit server! Read on to find out how to do it, and useful steps to take when creating your own server!


Creating a bukkit server


Chat/Rank Systems


Choosing the right staff



Creating a bukkit server

So, let's start off with how to make your server. First head over to www.bukkit.org and find and download the latest version of CraftBukkit. Then go to your desktop (or wherever you want to keep your server files) and create a folder called whatever you want (this folder is to keep all the files in one place) then drag the craftbukkit.jar into the folder and rename it to bukkit. Create a New Text Document. Enter the following:

"java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar bukkit.jar" Save the file as "run.bat"

If that does not work, enter the following:

java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit.jar


java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar

Double click the run.bat file and wait for all the files to generate, then type stop into the command prompt.

Congratulations! You have created a bukkit server now let's move on to how to make it successful.


Plugins are, in my opinion, what makes or breaks a server, without plugins the server (again in my opinion) is boring and just plain vanilla minecraft. Below are some plugins that I find essential to a good server.

EssentialsEssentials GroupManager (or PermissionsEX, whichever you prefer)

EssentialsChat (Required for groupmanager to work)

WorldEdit (not necassary but it makes building much faster)

WorldGuard (can be replace with EssentialsCoreProtect, whichever you prefer)

CombatTag (for PVP servers to prevent combat log)

Chat/Rank System:

In my opinion, having a chat/rank system makes a server look much more professional. Your chat can be customized with colors, ranks, prefixes, world names, ect. Your ranking system is how you want players to rank up on your server. (NOTE: GroupManager or PEX can be used to do these things)

Here is a basic server ranking system, this of course can be changed to meet your servers needs.






Your server need to be portforwarded in order for people to be able to join your server. This (in my opinion) is one of he easiest ways to do this: Go to www.portforward.com and find your router, then follow the given instructions. If your router is not listed I am sure you would be able to find a guide on how to portforward your router somewhere else. For people to be able to join after you have portforwarded you need to give them your ip adress. To do this go to www.ipchicken.com and give them the ip adress that that website gives you.

Choosing the right staff:

Now you can't be on to moderate your server 24/7 so you need staff to help your server out while you are offline. To do this you need to let people know that you are recruiting, the best way that I find of doing this is going to www.planetminecraft.com going to their forums, and making a post in their Server Recruitment section. Now that people know that you are recruiting they will (hopefully) start applying. But how do you know who is going to be good staff? Well you need to look closely at people's application if someone's applciation is one sentence asking for a staff rank, DO NOT choose that person, as they didn't put much time into applying, good staff write at LEAST a paragraph when asked why they want to be staff. You can also check their McBans profile to view any previous bans.


To get people to know about your server you need to advertise, some places to advertise are listed below:





Other servers (I don't recommend this but it is an option)

And now we're done if you follow these steps your server should continue growing and become successful.

Epic_Awesome1 - Main writer

rlsands1997 - Video Maker (helped with portforwarding and creating a server sections)
Posted by EpicAwesome1's Avatar
Level 38 : Artisan Pixel Painter

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03/10/2013 12:29 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
-Kali-'s Avatar
hey is the run.bat code different for a 64 bit?
03/10/2013 1:41 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Pixel Painter
EpicAwesome1's Avatar
No, I myself have a 64 bit OS and the same process works fine for me.
03/10/2013 12:37 am
Level 31 : Artisan Geek
Z645's Avatar
Why didn't you just make a blog :l
03/10/2013 11:25 am
Level 38 : Artisan Pixel Painter
EpicAwesome1's Avatar
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