Need builders, plugin managers, ops and admins for server

dmccabe734's Avatar dmccabe7344/21/12 12:36 pm
4/21/2012 2:13 pm
Toyorm's Avatar Toyorm
Hey all, I have a new server, and I need players, builders, plugin managers, ops and admins for it.
If you want a position on the staff fill out the form below

Role you want:
Why do you want this role:
How long have you been playing minecraft:
What do you think you can bring to the server:
Do you have past experience in the role you want:
Posted by dmccabe734's Avatar
Level 23 : Expert Artist

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04/21/2012 12:41 pm
Level 24 : Expert Cake
irleetness's Avatar
Role you want:Admin
Why do you want this role: Because I have had past experience of staff on 5 different servers, and I was long term. I also want this to help give people help and to keep the server in line.
How long have you been playing minecraft:Since the end of January.
What do you think you can bring to the server: I can bring fun, discipline but not too much as to not have fun, just enough to rule out things that break the rules, and most of all, enjoyment.
Do you have past experience in the role you want: Yes, as I said, admin on 2 different servers and long term.
04/21/2012 12:46 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
lolbobguy4's Avatar
IGN lolboboguy425
Role? Admin
I want this to help out a server and play with people and make the server better
Age 14
Time Playing: 2 years
I can bring redstone creations castles villages fun
ive benn admin 5 times and other staff alot
i love building and i hope i can help pm me if im accepted
04/21/2012 12:50 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Modder
pat333's Avatar
Role you want:Dev(plugin manager)
Why do you want this role:I love helping people with plugins and premissions
How long have you been playing minecraft:how long has mc been out?
What do you think you can bring to the server:Helpfullness!
Do you have past experience in the role you want:Yes alot of times i helped people
04/21/2012 12:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DeanySaur's Avatar
IGN DeanySaur
Role: OP
I want to help out the server because i can play most of the time almost all days of the weeks
Age 14
Time Playing 1 year
I can build many Castles Ships and other things.
I have been OP MOD ADMIN on a lot of servers.
I like CAKE! PM me if i get accepted! thanks for reading
04/21/2012 12:50 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Unicorn
dudeblah101's Avatar
IGN: dudeblah
Role you want: op+admin
Why do you want this role: i want this role because i love to help everyone and i am very careful with what i do and how i do it. if i make a mistake i will do my best to fix it.
Age: 11 (dont judge me by age plz)
How long have you been playing minecraft: since 1.7.3
What do you think you can bring to the server: i can bring helpfulness and i can bring joy to all the people who join this server. i would make sure everyone loves this server.
Do you have past experience in the role you want: yes and ive got even higher, ive been staff on 3 servers, mod 3 times and op on on server that im mod on, Co_owner with op, and SuperAdmin with op.
04/21/2012 12:53 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Unicorn
dudeblah101's Avatar
oh im also pretty good with redstone, not the best but i can make a few things
04/21/2012 12:53 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Wert67's Avatar
IGN: wert67
Role you want: builder
Why do you want this role: I've been wanting to build on a server lately
How long have you been playing minecraft: Since basically the beginning
What do you think you can bring to the server: Redstone, buildings
Do you have past experience in the role you want: yes, I've built on custom maps and made redstone creations, with my experience I'm almost considered an old man on a few servers.

PM me if I get in please.

I don't really care if I get in or not, there are opprotunities everywhere,

04/21/2012 12:54 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Kilgann's Avatar
IGN: Kilgan
Role you want: Mod/Op
Why do you want this role: Because I am looking for a good server to help out with and I am good at what I do.
Age: 16
How long have you been playing minecraft: Since 1.2
What do you think you can bring to the server: I can bring the server whatever the server wants.
Do you have past experience in the role you want: I used to run my own server and have been mod on a few others. I.E. Exidous.com and Azalon.com
04/21/2012 12:57 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
FacreZ's Avatar
dmccabe734Hey all, I have a new server, and I need players, builders, plugin managers, ops and admins for it.
If you want a position on the staff fill out the form below

IGN: Facrez
Role you want: OP/Admin
Why do you want this role: i want it to help the server and help other people
Age: 15
How long have you been playing minecraft: about 1 year maby
What do you think you can bring to the server: people and good replays
Do you have past experience in the role you want:
yes owned a server before and been admin on 4 others.
04/21/2012 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
alpay15's Avatar
Role you want:Admin
Why do you want this role:I want to be this role because i want to protect the server
How long have you been playing minecraft:2 years
What do you think you can bring to the server:I can bring red stone creations and beautiful buildings. I can stop greifers from griefing
Do you have past experience in the role you want:i been a admin for 3-4 server and protected them from getting griefing
04/21/2012 1:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
chuckchilly's Avatar
Hello im chuckchilly

IGN: chuckchilly
Role you want: I would like to be a op.

Why do you want this role: An op has a very big responsibility. it is not as big as admin, but i can keep this server together. i have been an op on every server that i have been on. i can promise you that i can do whatever that is required.

Age: I am 14 years old

How long have you been playing minecraft: I have played minecraft ever since the 3rd version of alpha. i have played for a long time and i am very experienced.

What do you think you can bring to the server: I can bring a nice and happy team of player to this server. i will do my best for there to be no racism, bullying, cursing, and any sort of threat to anyone. this server will be known for its great staff.

Do you have past experience in the role you want: Yes, i do have experience in this role. i love to help other people no matter what the deal is. i will make sure this server is in line and will not be over run by people that destroy others creations.
04/21/2012 1:08 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Tmananator's Avatar
Role you want:builder or op
Why do you want this role: I would like to build and help the sever in anyway i can
How long have you been playing minecraft:2 yr.
What do you think you can bring to the server:Great houses and less greifers
Do you have past experience in the role you want:yes
04/21/2012 1:11 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
Kingofwar24's Avatar
Role you want:Admin
Why do you want this role: To watch over the server and help you the owner
How long have you been playing minecraft: About a yea
What do you think you can bring to the server: People
Do you have past experience in the role you want: Yes
04/21/2012 1:18 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
TikeRike's Avatar
IGN: TikeRike

Role you want: Plugin-Manager

Why do you want this role: Because I want to help the server community and show my skills. I am very helpful and trustworthy and I obey the rules.

Age: 13 (don't underestimate me!)

How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Minecraft Beta 1.2

What do you think you can bring to the server: I can configurate the server's plugins correct and I will setup EVERYTHING for you if you want.

Do you have past experience in the role you want: Yes, I do. I was Plugin-Manager on 2 servers, one of them is LastEmpire, Admin on 3 servers, Mod on 2, and I have owned my own server before and I have configurated everything alone

Thanks for reading my application and I hope I get choosen

04/21/2012 1:26 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
dmccabe734's Avatar
sorry to everyone who posted here, but the server is being shitty, and is lagging and everything for everyone on it
04/21/2012 1:28 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Nngag's Avatar
IGN: ningag2
Role you want: op or admin
Why do you want this role: i want to help the server by keeping it clean from greifers and hackers, enforce the rules, help anyone who needs help, make sure everyone is having fun, i don't ban for no reason, i don't op anyone for no reason (not even if their my friend),i'm not a greifer like those idiots,i had my own server (i'm good at running servers) i have been admin on 3 servers and mod on 3, i know all sorts of commands (i'm always learning more), i'm a great builder and i'm really helpful
i have skype also
Age: 16
How long have you been playing minecraft: alpha 1.1
What do you think you can bring to the server: exactly what the why you want this role question was
Do you have past experience in the role you want: yes 5 time op, 6 time admin
04/21/2012 1:30 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Spleefer
Abdydude's Avatar
IGN: Abdydude
Role you want: Admin and/or builder
Why do you want this role: I am fantastic at building and I have experience being and admin.
Age: 16
How long have you been playing minecraft: Since 1.1 came out.
What do you think you can bring to the server: I can bring fantastic structures and put cheating down.
Do you have past experience in the role you want: Yes I have. I've been admin and mod on many servers. I also have built amazing houses for my friends.
04/21/2012 1:31 pm
Level 24 : Expert Cake
irleetness's Avatar
Dmc you can fix it I bet? Google how to make mc server less laggy. Also You should get to the apps aswell.
04/21/2012 1:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Ianb007's Avatar
IGN: Ianb007
Role you want: Mod/Admin
Why do you want this role: I am great at building. I need a new server to play on and help on.
Age: 16
How long have you been playing minecraft: 3 years
What do you think you can bring to the server: Great Buildings/monuments. Fun times.
Do you have past experience in the role you want: Yes I have had ALOT of experience.
04/21/2012 1:34 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
spin00's Avatar
role you want: op
why do you want this role: Beacuse i want to join a server that needs help
I want to help it because I am kind but not a item
what do you think you can bring to this server: A coolheaed op that can
work with both sides.
do you have past experince in the role you wnat: Yes I was a op in countless
servers till they got greifed
by cleinters and just
04/21/2012 1:35 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Hunter
ChrisBambie3's Avatar
IGN: chrisbambie3
Role you want: Mod/Admin
Why do you want this role: I am great at building. I need a new server to play on and help on.
Age: 16
How long have you been playing minecraft: 2 years
What do you think you can bring to the server: Great Buildings/monuments. Fun times.
Do you have past experience in the role you want: Yes I have had ALOT of experience.
04/21/2012 1:46 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Kaiamie's Avatar
Role you want: well im a try for three different roles, builder,admin, plugin manger
Why do you want this role:builder, i used to build full servers for people. admin, i like helping players and being able to do something if something goes wrong. and plugin manager, i like setting up plugins and i don't mind doing perms i've have done both.
How long have you been playing minecraft: almost 2 years
What do you think you can bring to the server: great buildings, a good flushed out plugin base, or helping new players get settled in and set up
Do you have past experience in the role you want:builder, as i said i used to build servers for people. admin, i lost track on how many and if needed i can direct u to my last server i was admin. plugin manager, only ever did it 4 times but i always double checked the work i did and it rarely screwed up

if u require more info please don't be afraid to pm me
04/21/2012 1:56 pm
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
thepancakeking's Avatar
Role you want:admin or op.
Why do you want this role:I want this role to help out the server.
How long have you been playing minecraft:one year
What do you think you can bring to the server:I can bring friends and I'll stp and greifer/hacker
Do you have past experience in the role you want:yes I'm admin on two other servers
04/21/2012 1:59 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
shepdawg15's Avatar
IGN: 28379556
Role you want: I would like to be an admin
Why do you want this role: I would like to be able to kick griefers/rule breakers to keep them off of this server
Age: 15
How long have you been playing minecraft: about 3 years
What do you think you can bring to the server: I am a very mature person for my age that is willing to follow orders 100%
Do you have past experience in the role you want: yes, i was admin on my friend's server for quite awhile before he shut it down
Anything else: I would love to be a part of this server and help run it, thank you for giving me the chance!
04/21/2012 2:02 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
mick_the_dick's Avatar
IGN: mick_the_dick

Role you want:admin/op
Why do you want this role: ive had past experience being an admin on other servers and my own server. im really nice to all the players and other staff. if i see anyone griefing or breaking rules i will kick/ban/jail immediatley.

Age: 15

How long have you been playing minecraft: about a year and a half

What do you think you can bring to the server: more players, friendly environment, awesome builds, friendly staff

Do you have past experience in the role you want:yes i was an op on legendary craft and ive had my own server for a while
04/21/2012 2:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iTzSeyeko's Avatar
IGN: iTzSeyeko
Role you want: OP
Why do you want this role: Because I'm the best at it
Age: 17
How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Alpha
What do you think you can bring to the server: I can bring order and fun time to players.
Do you have past experience in the role you want: YES I do
04/21/2012 2:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Toyorm's Avatar
Role you want: Builder
Why do you want this role: the reason why is because lately I've missed building and i like people giving my objectives to achieve while building and people telling me what to build it really pushes me to my max potential
How long have you been playing minecraft:2 years
What do you think you can bring to the server:i can bring a new level of instructive buildings which will attracted the attractable to come on join this server and it will allow the global community to realizes that the server has made a lot of effort to comfort the public joining the server.
Do you have past experience in the role you want: i have a lot past experience with this role and what love to share it with everyone and also i love to work in a team to achieve the unachieveable!
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