In Need Of Dev Team To Start Up A Big Server!

MinecraftPandah's Avatar MinecraftPandah3/2/12 12:24 pm
3/2/2012 6:06 pm
kegged1's Avatar kegged1
Hey Guys!
I Wondeirng if i could ask your help im wanting to make a server, i will need a few people to help me get this server pritty cool. What im wanting to do is a RPG Server with different races like for example human, elf, ogre and many more and have different quests to complete and stuff like that but i can talk more about that with the Server producers, if your wondering what they are well ill get onto that now, what im wanting is a few server producers to start of with, The positions i have open at the moment are:

Plugin & Commands Manager: ( Deals with all the plugins and can configure them correctly )

Server Designer: ( To Sort out all the maps ect, basically a main architect )

Offline Manager: ( Deals with all the stuff offline from the server e.g youtube videos, websites, forums and so on)

Events Manager: ( Deals with all the evens on the server and forums and helps out me with other stuff )

So I am looking for around 4 people to do the job, at the moment i do not have a server set up, this is because i will need to configure a lot of things for the server with the server producers, and also i can host a server but i do not have the most amount of ram to run it and i maybe will need to port-forward my internet, i am eventually when the map is ready going to be looking for a server to rent from a site but at the moment i do not have the money to do so, and if anyone could host the server or buy one for us then i would really apprichiate it and you would get an Owners rank on the server. Now if you would like to apply for one of the server producers please fill out the application below:

In Game Name:
Position You Are Applying For:
Any Experiance (If So State):
What Can You Offer For The Server:
Evidence Of Your Past Work:
Can You Host:
Any Other Information You Can Give ( More The Better)

The Applications will be closing when i think i have enough entrys for me to decide on each postion.

Posted by MinecraftPandah's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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03/02/2012 2:05 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
MinecraftPandah's Avatar
Ok Guys The Server Host Has Been Chosen! The Server Host Is Patrick Thanks Dude For Being The Host For Our Server!
03/02/2012 6:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kegged1's Avatar
No plroblem ill send ip in a pm
03/02/2012 1:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kegged1's Avatar
In Game Name:Kegged1
Position You Are Applying For:Server Host (currently rented from Lethal drive but i could change providers)
Any Experiance (If So State):dont believe i need to state any :L
What Can You Offer For The Server: The Server
Evidence Of Your Past Work: Not needed.
Can You Host: Yes.
Any Other Information You Can Give ( More The Better) Just pm me for any extra info u want.
03/02/2012 1:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PenguinBlinky's Avatar
Name: Aisha
Age:I don't wanna say !
In Game Name:PenguinSaysMeow
Position You Are Applying For: Events Manager
Any Experiance (If So State): Well , I have been mod's and Admins on the last 12 server's I've been on (The guys on there were Pussies)
What Can You Offer For The Server: Well , As everyone knows , Not many girls play minecraft , I will be organised , funny and just generally help out!
Evidence Of Your Past Work: Hmm , Check out this server and talk to Sgt. Smurf Smurfy knows me , he's my mate
Can You Host: Yes Quite late on week ends , and all through the day most other days (well I'm going through exams at the moment but Screw Revision!)
Any Other Information You Can Give : Ima Girl :3?
03/02/2012 1:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JonathanBlack's Avatar
Name: Jonathan

Age: 15

In Game Name: Mouldy_Burrito / LordBlack102

Position You Are Applying For: Server Designer

Any Experiance (If So State): Co owner of 2 servers, used to host one, admin on another server. played since 1.4

What Can You Offer For The Server: Hosting / planning?

Evidence Of Your Past Work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkhSytUPkPQ

Can You Host: Yep. 16gb ram alienware

Any Other Information You Can Give ( More The Better) I am from UK. One server i co own (Coolioserver.net) Has about 30-60 people online!
03/02/2012 1:16 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
fishyman1's Avatar
Name: David
Age: 11
In Game Name: fishyman1
Position You Are Applying For: Server Designer
Any Experiance (If So State): Yes, Sorted And Delt With Loads Of Maps
What Can You Offer For The Server: Loads, Stable Maps, Awesome Sculptures etc.
Evidence Of Your Past Work: Sorry But I Cant Mate, No Photos
Can You Host: Well.... NoOo
Any Other Information You Can Give: Totally, I have hosted loads of cool servers been an op on 3, server designing on 9 so if you need anything ask!!
03/02/2012 1:12 pm
Level 41 : Master Lava Rider
Name: Omar
Age: 15
Position You Are Applying For: Plugin & Commands Manager or Events Manager
Any Experiance (If So State): i used to be a Plugin manager for a populer server but now its down due to the owner having problems , and i used to be an events mananger for my friend's server for a while
What Can You Offer For The Server: i can offer all my abilites from coding,GFX anything i can do
Evidence Of Your Past Work: I'm on my new PC when im on my old one ill update this.
Can You Host: No.
Any Other Information You Can Give ( More The Better)
I have worked with alot of servers by helping them increase and build an awesome community & build awesome buildings
03/02/2012 1:01 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
RylannTheBuilder's Avatar
Position you are replying for- Builder / moderator
Any experiance- i had a server (bukkit) used world edit and permissions+essentials a lot aswell
what can you offer for the server-Awsome builds and experiance also about 4 hours on weekdays + 7-8 on weekends.
Evidence of past work-I have some but it will take a week to get as its on a different pc
can you host-i could but not recommended by me
03/02/2012 12:53 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
craftycrafter123's Avatar
Name: craftycrafter123
Age: (secret)
In Game Name: craftycrafter123
Position You Are Applying For: Admin or any leader with advantages
Any Experiance (If So State): Made lots of houses and mansions in singleplayer
What Can You Offer For The Server: Fun and joy
Evidence Of Your Past Work: Not any
Can You Host: Yes
03/02/2012 12:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NeedUtubePartners's Avatar
Name: Elliot
Age: 12
In Game Name: xMrAkoo
Position You Are Applying For: Your Wish Is My Command
Any Experience: I Build Peoples Server For Them
What Can You Offer For The Server: LOTS Of Time And Effort For An Epic Server In The End i can build anything really
Evidence Of Your Past Work: Hopefully I Will Get Good Evidence From This Server
Can You Host : Yes But Hamachi
Any Information: I Live In England ALL Of My Time Goes Into Gaming And Minecraft
Also Hope You Pick Mee
03/02/2012 12:46 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
EnderHDGaming's Avatar
Name: Chris
Age: 12
In Game Name: dario23
Position You Are Applying For: server designer
Any Experiance (If So State): i was owner of a server
What Can You Offer For The Server: My time, and alot of good building, towns and idea's
Evidence Of Your Past Work: www.youtube.com/EnderHDGaming
Can You Host: no
Any Other Information You Can Give: I live in the netherlands, i have 10 fingers and 10 thoes, and i play minecraft
03/02/2012 12:42 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
D1AM0ND_M1N3R's Avatar
Name: Troy
Age: 17
IGN: d1am0nd_m1n3r
Postition: I would appreiciate it if i could be a Server Designer
Exp: I have been admin on lots of servers like craftasia, mac'n'burger, DKF craft, Imagicraft.
Host: I don't really sont know what you mean...
Extras: I am amazing at building cultural buildings, temples, cy-fi buildings, Statues and towns so i am a good architect as i have been on most of the server admins i am on. I am also on a lot of the times so i will progress quickly and finish the jobs with no fuss, just tell me what to do and i'll do it!
03/02/2012 12:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
THEZMAN9999's Avatar
Position :I would like to be the events manger,or a admin if not
Exp.;I am a admin on anther server and I have real life experience in planning
I could offer the server my time(I'm homeschooled so I have a lot of time)
I am a admin on another server and And I produced a movie onec(not like a full scale movie but a class progect)
Host:I can not
ETC:I have Skype,oovoo,Xbox live.And I have a lot of time to play minecraft
Thanks for reading this!
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