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Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar Ace_Monkey_Ilium8/6/20 4:35 am
8/20/2020 6:41 am
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar Ace_Monkey_Ilium
Hello, as the title saids if you have any questions regarding servers feel free to ask. I’ll try my best to give you the best detailed answer to your questions.

Here are some of the questions I can answer;
  • How do it setup a Minecraft server on my pc?


Vanilla: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/download/server

Bukkit/Spigot: https://getbukkit.org/download/spigot
  • How to add plugins to your server?

A: Go into your server folder, there should be a folder in there called plugins, install your plugins in here/drag them in.
  • How do I make sure my plugins don’t break?

A: Make sure your plugins are up to date for that version. Some plugins may not be compatible with others so add one plugin at a time.
  • How to setup Bungeecord?

A: This video will teach you everything you need to know on how to setup bungeecord: https://youtu.be/13bTgRcvyFQ
  • Why does my server not start up?

A: Most likely you have a bug in one of your plugins, try removing some of your plugins. There may be other issues coming into play depending on the situation.
  • The server is extremely laggy

A: These could be number of different reasons: your host might not be the best. You might have a plugin that might take up a lot
  • My files corrupted after files transfers.

A: Try it again, always keep backups of your file. Things don’t always go right.
  • What is the difference between FTP and SSH and which should I use?

A: The difference between FTP and SSH is one is drag and drop, the other are command lines. If you can use SSH as FTP is very unstable and can easily corrupt your server. Most hosts use FTP so it is unavoidable so keep that in mind when using most hosts
  • What file type is the best to make sure my server doesn’t get corrupted?

A: First off of you are transferring folders DO NOT transfer them as folders as that may corrupt your files. Compress your folder into either a ZIP(Maximum of 2GB) or tar(tar.gz)

if you have other questions besides what I listed feel free to comment down below and I’ll give you a reply ASAP. Don’t ask me to be staff on your server or run your server, I’m only here to answer questions and guide you through making the best server you could possibly make.
Posted by Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer

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08/06/2020 5:26 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
UHC-Host's Avatar
How much do servers cost?
08/06/2020 5:38 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
The prices can vary depending on what kind of server you want. If you just want to get the cheapest server you can use Pebblehost, It only cost $1 but there is a huge downside though. The server is extremely cheap so you don’t get the best quality. At first glance everything would look normal and functional but as soon as you start having players your server will start lagging.

In the other hand if you wanna go for more on a scale of making a full network server or a huge server I would recommend getting a dedicated machine of some sort. You can either buy one, which would be extremely costly or you can rent machines. One of which I would recommend is AMAZON AWS. Yes they offer servers, one thing to note is if you already don’t have a good understanding of how Minecraft servers function do not waste your money on a good quality server, you’re just gonna put it to waste, which is why cheap hosts exist to suit your low quality needs. Anyway back to what I was saying if you are going to go with Amazon get a Linux machine, why? Linux is the cheapest option for what you wanna do and what your might wanna do in the future. Linux isn’t that hard to learn so look up a YouTube tutorial about that. Also another thing to note is amazon aws changes you by your usage meaning you can rent a server from them for just 1 hour and end it.

this is how prices can vary depending on what you are trying to achieve
08/06/2020 5:29 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ANM's Avatar
They cost fortune
08/06/2020 5:39 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
If you are going to a powerful server yeah, they cost a fortune. Some costs like $5+ per hour. With 128 CPU cores and 1TB of RAM if that’s what you would want
08/06/2020 9:38 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ANM's Avatar
Isn’t that like big game company’s!
08/08/2020 6:37 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
Perhaps it can be. Only business would need that kind of a powerful beast.
08/06/2020 4:32 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragonborn
Veloriux's Avatar
Been out of the whole minecraft scene for awhile now and looking to starting a server.

What kind of game modes are popular nowadays?
What game mode would have the best chance at attaining a steady player base?
08/06/2020 8:39 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
Pretty much any game mode will work, as long as it's not minigames. Another thing I recommend is NEVER to start with a network(Bungeecord) unless you are going to pay a youtuber to make videos from the beginning. Start with one server, build up a player base then expand onto other servers.

Some of the game modes to get the best chance at attaining players are prison/factions, however I doubt you would want to go for a route like other servers that heavily rely on p2w and some type of scams. I would recommend a vanilla survival server, people will always play a vanilla survival server, if that's what you don't want to go you can go with semi-vanilla with small economy along with claiming. Whatever you are good at making is what would grow your server. Spend the time, show your community what you are working on, for any reason DO NOT give up. That's going to quickly kill the server.
08/06/2020 5:30 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ANM's Avatar
What’s this ftp and ssh thing. What’s that have to do with Minecraft?
08/11/2020 9:51 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
nutmeg_'s Avatar
Only relevant for minecraft server owners/managers. SSH is a secure way to log into a server, which you can (almost) completely control through lines of text provided you know what to put in and have permission to do it. This includes, but is far from limited to moving files around. FTP is a method of file management and transferring files from one system to another, and nothing more. SSH is much 'broader' in idea than FTP.

Saying "apples to oranges" is not far off. They simply aren't the same thing, although SSH can do the same things FTP does. FTP is specifically to transfer files, while SSH can be used to run servers all by itself. SSH is specifically command line, while FTP often comes with an interface to make things user friendly.This is where the OP's simple "drag and drop" vs "command lines" comes in from the original post.

It can get more complicated, but I think this covers the idea to give a second opinion.
08/11/2020 11:37 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
You explained it better than what I could of put it,, I rarely use FTP so thanks for clearing it up.
08/12/2020 8:44 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
nutmeg_'s Avatar
Yeah, the usual cheap hosting solution with a preconfigured minecraft host (ie, most server owners on site) will end up using FTP because that's the default option and in my experience, lacks the unreliability you mention in the first post. There's the SFTP/FTP distinction as well, but since SFTP (at least should be) default, it's not too relevant in explanation.

SSH isn't even something I'd bring up to most people unless they go the next level in technical competence. At that point questions like this they'd probably know the answer to already, or they're badly out of their league and need to research more deeply before attempting a non-prebuilt online host.
08/18/2020 5:36 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
That’s very true. I just always used ssh more than ftp and found that much more useful and reliable.
08/20/2020 6:23 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
nutmeg_'s Avatar
I can't say I've had much issue with FTP (on a properly set up host), but I will say knowing SSH is both more useful to you to know in the long run and gives you more power in the moment.
08/06/2020 5:43 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
When you wanna transfer files over you have to connect to your server. It’s how you connect to them.
08/07/2020 8:49 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ANM's Avatar
Still confusing but ok
08/08/2020 6:42 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
Let me give you an example. You want your friend next door to come over. You either go knock on his door and tell him to come over or you message him using your phone. You might say, messaging your friend would be better but who knows the entire internet might be down and then you get to get your body pumping because you decided to move rather than being a lazy person.

That’s an example of FTP and SSH in the simplistic way I could possibly have explained it.
08/08/2020 8:26 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ANM's Avatar
Apples to oranges?
08/19/2020 5:28 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
In a way
08/06/2020 5:05 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
muck_oily_meanie's Avatar
how do i make private Roblox server
08/08/2020 8:27 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ANM's Avatar
Buy be robux plz
08/06/2020 5:15 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spleefer
Ace_Monkey_Ilium's Avatar
I’m apologize this is something I don’t know 🤷‍♂️
I thought this was only Minecraft related
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