Herobrine is NOT Removed!

HerobrineModder's Avatar HerobrineModder6/3/12 4:54 pm
1 emeralds 5.9k 99
7/24/2013 3:47 pm
Jetra's Avatar Jetra
According to the internet herobrine is not removed.
People said it was removed just so people would stop going on about it!
and they believed it!

Herobrine is Fake AkA made up or A Stupid person in multiplayer
Posted by HerobrineModder's Avatar
Level 20 : Expert Network

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07/24/2013 3:47 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar

Herobrine Finder
07/24/2013 1:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
Herobrine Finder's Avatar
HMM. I'm having the same problem and I am on sigalplayer. this is a sneaky way to scare people calm down, because your not the only one
P.S The account was removed but kept being remade
03/23/2013 9:16 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
AssassinastionMan's Avatar

Hello World!...
03/23/2013 9:08 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
AssassinastionMan's Avatar
HerobrineModderAccording to the internet herobrine is not removed.
People said it was removed just so people would stop going on about it!
and they believed it!

Herobrine is Fake AkA made up or A Stupid person in multiplayer

I don't Know What to Say but go to My post and See this

11/09/2012 8:13 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Fisherman
penguinluv1117's Avatar
He Was NEVER Added Check The Wiki
11/06/2012 4:09 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Pecksta's Avatar
Herobrine Could be steves skin only having the eye pixels blanked out by code. Or the more logical Quote by me is:

'There will be Herobrine once there is a update that does not say '-remove herobrine.' How did Mineshafts and dungeons get on the world (without the knowledge of generating but taking a more logical approach such as someone being there before' - By Pecksta (AKA Nathen Peck)

Of cause it could be a load of bull, but who knows. Spread this quote to everyone you know so people get the knowledge of Herobrine
12/26/2012 9:49 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Narwhal
Giraffestock's Avatar
I promise you, there is, never was, and never will be Herobrine impletemented in-game.
With your questions of mineshafts and dungeons, thats like asking 'Where did the zombies come from?'.
11/03/2012 8:24 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Skinner
WolfrevoLP's Avatar
NumbersCup yeah thats true. U can still search the codes of minecraft u will not find it.
11/01/2012 8:18 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
CamoDude836's Avatar
It's a FRIGGEN mod genius, entering your MC username on not trustable sites will sone times download that u know.
10/28/2012 8:10 am
Level 44 : Master Zombie
minecraftworkers's Avatar
they are right he is not removed but deleted
10/23/2012 7:22 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Canine28's Avatar
Spartan, there WAS a hacker named Herobrine long ago in Minecraftia. He/she could hack into single/multiplayer worlds, and basically scare the shit out of you.


I'm not kidding. There was a hacker long ago, but has since dissapeared from the land of Minecraftia.
10/23/2012 4:16 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
spartanops101's Avatar
ok mojang needs to settle this but i know one person herobrine could be...
he/she might be a talented hacker able to hack into almost anyones computer/laptop and then hacks into peoples servers or worlds and just trys to stop people playing minecraft or it's lots of people with the same username. anyone agree with me???
10/22/2012 3:43 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Hunter
shadowpistol1's Avatar
oh my xD
10/20/2012 5:56 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Firestarawesome33's Avatar
HerobrineModderAccording to the internet

ACCORDING. to the internet.

-You can't believe EVERYTHING on the internet
-Notch has said he was never real, so he couldn't be removed if he was never THERE
10/10/2012 10:44 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
ShadowHunterDX5's Avatar
listen i im a victim of herobrine still wondering what happened i say to my self notch may not have him as a mob but he may of added him in the texture codes that when you open its just a bunch of symbols but if hes real notch may have added him in that code just to add more suspense to the game
10/11/2012 12:06 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Narwhal
Giraffestock's Avatar
But many of us have searched through the code, and what do you mean by 'texture codes'?
10/09/2012 9:15 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
LordFooFoo111's Avatar
If Herobrine existes I'm a fairy
10/09/2012 9:14 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
LordFooFoo111's Avatar
Oh my god LordFooFoo111 is facepalming.A hole forum about Herobrine.He's not real nor was he ever!!!
10/08/2012 9:27 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
ThatAwesomeGuy37's Avatar
Says the guy with the name of 'HerobrineModder'.
10/02/2012 2:34 am
Level 25 : Expert Narwhal
Scandiman's Avatar
Seriosly, LOOK IN THE FREAKING CODE Look in the mobs folder and guess what? YOU WILL NOT FIND ANYTHING
09/22/2012 11:31 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Dillon845's Avatar
If Heroine exists : his invisible
09/22/2012 11:22 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Hunter
WalkerB's Avatar
HerobrineModderAccording to the internet herobrine is not removed.
People said it was removed just so people would stop going on about it!
and they believed it!

Herobrine is Fake AkA made up or A Stupid person in multiplayer

I completely agree. Me and my friend were playing the Tekkit Pack and we had a Wireless Map, and i was filling it out and we found these strange random signals around the map. There were 3. We whitelisted the server when we started it. True story. Oh and i forgot we went to the signals and dug to bedrock and found nothing.
09/22/2012 11:10 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Dillon845's Avatar
LoL one person makes a pic of him now all Hebroine look like that "RotFlmao" ehhh fake " bubble bubble" ( don't ask )
09/19/2012 1:57 am
Level 25 : Expert Narwhal
Scandiman's Avatar
Herobrine is not real he is not in the code. Look into it! You will find nothing!
08/13/2012 4:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Tokiocar's Avatar
herobrine is real,i was playing SINGLEPLAYER and i saw him
09/14/2012 1:38 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Bunny
Typhlosionboy's Avatar
And i am really Notch in disguise.... -_-
08/12/2012 11:15 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
twoonetwo212's Avatar
Actually, if you look in the picture, notice how herobrine is partially covered by the torch. And also notice how the blue circling showing him covers the area where his feet touch the ground. This can suggest that it's edited.

Yes, I edited the picture. TO ADD THE CRICLE AND MAKE IT BRIGHTER! Freak.
06/28/2012 5:08 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
HarryHigh5's Avatar
HeroBrine is my skin now! Don't dis him, he's EPIC!!
spooky man
06/28/2012 11:41 am
Level 28 : Expert Peacock
spooky man's Avatar
HEROBRINE IS SO FAKE!!! These people are just wanting atention!! Herobrine ISN'T REAL!!!! Notch s either just trolling or your friend came over and installed a mod. Another reason, people (with pictures) are PHOTO SHOPPING!!! Last, People that belive in Herobrine are just going n about it (AKA) KEEPING HIM ALIVE!!!! End of discussion.
06/28/2012 11:12 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
battlemaster29's Avatar
it might be a gohst of notches bro haunting his game because he was jelous
06/28/2012 2:26 am
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Xamboldore's Avatar
OK, he still has no right to call me a douchebag.

Herobrine. Well, I don't know what to believe.
06/28/2012 9:06 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pony
waterskier's Avatar
again, that Is speech. Free speech is a right. Therefore, he has the right to call you a douchebag. I'm not saying he is right, I'm just saying he has the right to say it
06/27/2012 11:22 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
twoonetwo212's Avatar
Herobrine is a human mob. I never said he wasn't. I am just saying that he was real, and I don't understand why everyone makes such a big deal out of me saying that Herobrine is real.
06/26/2012 12:42 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pony
waterskier's Avatar
More proof
(taken strait from that page)
Herobrine (Pronounced "Hair-oh-br i-ne) is the subject of a community-made "creepy-pasta" (Creepy story). He is one of the major community icons of Minecraft.
Herobrine has not been present in any version of Minecraft.

many quotes from notch and the rest of mojang
"I've publicly told people there's never been any such thing as Herobrine, and that I don't have any dead brothers"
"Getting loads of tweets and emails about Herobrine again. I don't have a dead brother, and he never was in the game. Not real. Never was"
"ok. To be honest, there has never existed a Herobrine. It was just a rumor started by some douche and then someone probably created a mod"
"He has never existed.. Quote me if you want"
"Herobrine isn't real in any way, no. I never had a brother (well, there's a half brother I never meet..), and he's not in the game."
"Herobrine is still not real, and I added an option to 1.5 to turn on occlusion culling. Most computers can handle it, and it helps a lot."
"Anyway; I don't do interviews at the moment, Herobrine never was real, and Microsoft gave us a huge bag of money for exclusivity."
06/26/2012 12:34 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pony
waterskier's Avatar
Herobrine was made up by creepypasta.
creepypastas are all jokes. None of them are real. If you don't believe me on that one then here is something I took from the FAQ on the creepypasta website.

1. Where do all these stories come from? Do the site admins write them all?
In the beginning, the “classic” creepypastas were pulled from actual ongoing threads on places like /x/ and the small archive that ED had archived. Once all the original pastas were posted, the site began accepting submissions from its readers, and since then has only posted reader-generated content. The site admins do not write the pastas (though this is not to say we may not contribute someday if the mood strikes us), we just read all the submissions and decide which ones to schedule for publishing on the site.

There is also alot more proof. Look in the texture files he is nowhere to be found. If you are someone who says that his texture is made in the code then I invite you to look at every line of code in every class file. I'm sure after that you won't believe in this stupid myth.
06/26/2012 11:57 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
I thought of something, that I posted in another Herobrine thread.

Before the human mob was removed, before the coding for it to spawn was removed and to press the G button to spawn it, maybe people thought it was Herobrine when they accidently pressed the G button or something and a glitch made the texture have white eyes.All it would do though was walk around.

This shows it was just the human mob and if there was a Herobrine code it was just part of the human code.
06/26/2012 4:45 am
Level 25 : Expert Artist
Ryche's Avatar
Not real.
You can easily tell by going into your .jar file and take a look at the standard textures; no Herobrine texture anywhere.
Thus, if he'd exist, he wouldn't have his characteristic skin.
06/26/2012 6:31 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
twoonetwo212's Avatar
Hey, guess what? Mojang removed him. It's not hard. Try using your brain.
06/26/2012 7:18 am
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
jhask's Avatar
They never removed "Herobrine". They said -Removed Herobrine in the first update where that was mentioned just to joke with people. What they were actually removing was the Human mob, which was a mob with the default steve skin that showed up in game and was an agressive mob for a while. Herobrine never existed, but the human mob did.
06/25/2012 1:45 pm
Level 28 : Expert Scribe
Xamboldore's Avatar
twoonetwo seems to be the only one offering any valid points here.
06/25/2012 4:47 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
twoonetwo212's Avatar
Thank you.
06/25/2012 2:29 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pony
waterskier's Avatar
If you still believe in herobrine, then you are an idiot.
06/25/2012 12:38 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
twoonetwo212's Avatar
Are you sure? I have an IQ of 167. Now, if that makes me an idiot, it makes YOU dumber than dirt.
06/26/2012 12:05 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pony
waterskier's Avatar
I'm not sure what my IQ is but I know I took the test when I was 8 and got 142. I'm 14 now so I'm pretty sure I would have you beat on that one. But however you think of it you're point was just saying that I was smarter than you. I think what you meant to say was. "I have an IQ of 167. Now, if that makes me smart, it makes YOU dumber than dirt."
06/24/2012 6:59 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
twoonetwo212's Avatar
It's only me and a couple friends that know about the server...plus the IP changes every day.
06/24/2012 1:17 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
twoonetwo212's Avatar
No, it's not cracked, and my server runs with a whitelist.
06/24/2012 11:55 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
Hackers could get past a white-list. *I guess.*
06/22/2012 3:17 am
Level 21 : Expert Pony
acs26's Avatar
If so many people have seen herobrine,where's the proof?Can I facepalm anymore?
07/18/2012 8:22 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blob
UltimateRecursion's Avatar
http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq27 ... obrine.png[/quote][/quote]

Actually, if you look in the picture, notice how herobrine is partially covered by the torch. And also notice how the blue circling showing him covers the area where his feet touch the ground. This can suggest that it's edited.
06/22/2012 9:50 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
twoonetwo212's Avatar
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