MCAura | Creative PlotMe Server | Recruiting Staff

AuraBT's Avatar AuraBT7/5/14 3:28 am
8/12/2014 3:45 pm
AuraBT's Avatar AuraBT

What is MCAura?
MCAura is a minecraft server bringing you a creative server with an experience like none other! All of this is brought to you by AuraBT (Aura Build Team), providing a safe and fun experience for all!

What is special about this creative server?
At MCAura, you have the possibility to prove yourself and build with detail and skill - doing such will give you a rank up if the builders/moderators of the server deem you worthy. Currently, we are thinking of having 5 different ranks of which you can rank up, the third of which will give you the possibility to use //wand.

How do players rank up?
Players rank up by building on their plot, and when they think their plot is good enough to rank up, they type in /rm submit - this will submit their plot for review. A moderator/Builder will then review them and decide whether to promote them to the next rank or not. If the player does not succeed, then the moderator/Builder will have to write a little note saying what they need to do to improve.

What will staff members be required to do?
Staff members will be required to review plots, moderate, chat, moderate the server, and all the other basics that come with moderating.

What does MCAura aim to do?
MCAura aims to give players the possibility to truly push their building skills to the limit, and help players improve their talents.

So, how do I help?
Simply complete the following application below and paste it into the comments, and we will review you. If you wish to apply to become a builder, the post can be found here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/aura-build-team-recruiting-t413894.html

Why you want to help MCAura:
Rank you are applying for:
What you can bring to the table:
Staff experience:
Anything else:

We are looking for mature players who are preferably of and over the age of 15! We can make exceptions for moderators, but please do not apply for higher ranks if you are not of the age of 15 or over!

Thanks for reading!
Posted by AuraBT's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Network

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08/12/2014 3:45 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
08/12/2014 3:42 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
07/09/2014 4:04 am
Level 49 : Master Cowboy
ObbyRaidz's Avatar
Nice man
07/09/2014 3:49 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
07/08/2014 8:50 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
07/07/2014 5:58 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Still recruiting!
07/06/2014 3:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Work8888's Avatar
Name: Ryan
Age: 15
IGN: KilerKiten (I might have an alternate account in the future, I will inform you if I do.)
Why you want to help MCAura: Aura seems like a great server that could use a helpful staff member. It looks like a great server, and I would love to help the players online as well as help the owners. I would also love to enjoy the different gamemodes and worlds that MCAura gives to the players to experience. Every server needs great staff members, and that's why I want to help MCAura.
Rank you are applying for: I am mainly applying for the rank Admin, but you can place my rank as anything you want after reading my application.
What you can bring to the table: I have many skills. I believe that I could use them in a sense that it will help MCAura to become a great community. I am an all around person. I can build very well. If you ever need me to build anything whatsoever for the server, then just ask. I can build things such as castles, spawns, 3D models, etc. I would rank myself a 9/10 in terms of building ability. I work well in group builds and solo builds, so it does not matter what the situation is. I am also very experienced with many varieties of plugins. I know how to set up permissions. If you ever have an error with permissions, I could always fix it for you. I could create prefixes, fix bugs in permissions, and many more things. Also, I know most if not all commands in plugins such as Essentials, World Edit, World Guard, and Multiverse. If I do not know the commands in a plugin, I will spend time learning everything I can about that plugin. I can also recommend plugins to add to the server to make the server experience even greater. The next skill of mine I would like to talk about is Moderating the server. I can moderate MCAura, looking for players that are breaking the rules. I will study the rules carefully, and act with justice if I find a rule-offendor. I always work by the rules, and if there is ever an issue just tell me and I will fix it.
Staff experience: I have owned a server before, so I know the troubles that are gone through to set up the server. I have also been many different ranks such as Builder, Helper, Moderator, Administrator, Head-Administrator, and Co-Owner. Therefore, I know the limitations and permissions that each of these ranks contain. I always stay within my limitations, and I will respect my superiors. I will be kind to every player, no matter what age or rank.
Anything else: I appreciate when people tell me any constructive criticism. If I am doing anything that you would like me to improve or change, please tell me. I hope to make the server a great experience for all, thanks for reading.
07/06/2014 3:38 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Accepted! You obviously put a lot of effort into the application, and know quite a few things! There were a few things you could have made better, but on the whole it was quite a good application! Please PM us your Skype so we can talk. Thanks.

Still recruiting!
07/06/2014 8:35 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
iMurder's Avatar
Good to see a recruitment thread that actually has standards, and does not accept absolutely everyone who raises a hand.
Keep it up!
07/06/2014 9:28 am
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
WTFshady's Avatar
Thank you (I'm part of Aura as a builder). As with builders, we only accept the best at the job.
07/06/2014 3:52 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
ServerWizard's Avatar
Name: Jack

Age: 13

IGN: kingdak

Why you want to help MCAura: I want to help because I think that your server a lots of potential. I also enjoy helping players even when I am not a staff member.

Rank you are applying for: Moderator

What you can bring to the table: I can contribute to they server in many ways. Some examples are chat moderation, helping players with basic problems, and advertisement. Now I am going to talk about the advertisement part first. When you normally advertise on server or PMC you get people asking for staff that probably don't have enough experience. It can be tremendously annoying when this happens.I plan to tweet the server post it on forums (one that don't include authorization of server ownership) and spread the word throughout youtube videos also (not from me, but from friends with about 300 to 2500 subs). I love helping players! feeling the pride after helping someone is the best feeling ever. I know about servers so helper players won't be a difficult task. Helpers mostly help people with issues. Lastly, I want to talk about chat moderation. I hate when players start harassing others, but I mostly hate racism and anti religous comments. People should be judged for what race they are or for what religion they practice. The only thing that matters is the person him/her self. If I ever catch someone doing so I will kick, mute, or ban depending on what they said.

Staff experience: I am currently staff part-time on Outbreak-Prison

Anything else:Hello. My IGN is kingdak and I have been playing Minecraft for about two years. My passions are Minecraft, school, and sports. Servers have been a big part of my whole Minecraft experience. I have even tried making modded-plugin, factions server. As for sports, I enjoy playing soccer, basketball, and dodgeball. I think that Physical education and education are necessary to live happy and healthy. I enjoy going to school unlike most teens my age. As I already said I think education is a very important part of life. I hope to study hard and work towards becoming an engineer.
07/06/2014 5:50 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Accepted! Please PM me contact details. Some of the grammatical/spelling errors were annoying but generally you made up for it!

Still recruiting!
07/06/2014 1:59 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
07/05/2014 4:04 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
swaggyk101's Avatar
Name: Kane
Age: 13
IGN: swaggy_k101

Why you want to help MCAura: Not for the perms, or the fact im in command of everyone else or the prefix, its just i really love helping servers and would love to help this one

Rank you are applying for: Admin

What you can bring to the table:
-More players
-Good perms
-Good rules
-Nice family friendly policy
-Chat monitoring
And more
Staff experience: I am admin of 2 servers and dev of one
Anything else: Well i would love for this to be accepted and i will never abuse or grief

If it gets accepted i will never let you down

07/05/2014 4:06 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Denied! - Sorry but your application was really short and you don't look like the type of person we are looking for.
07/05/2014 4:01 am
Level 22 : Expert Cowboy
fartcrafter's Avatar
Why you want to help MCAura: because I believe everyone is equal no matter the rank I also think that abusing commands is not what staff should do I also don’t like trouble makers E.g hackers, spammers and advertisers I also don’t like people thinking they can tease, attack or swear at others. I also follow rules and rarely break them. I think hiring me will help your server grow and prosper. I may not be the world’s best Architect or Famous scripter but I can still get the job done no matter the size. Enough with bad stuff here is some good, I am very active and I love patrolling servers for as long as I can I am also very funny and I have a sense of humour unlike some people, I also can help with advertising and the creation of minigames, I can create very unique ideas for minigames and other things. Overall you would be stupid not to hire me because I care for everyone on the server and try to make the experiences last for a long time.
Rank you are applying for:admin/mod
What you can bring to the table:i can bring my ideas for minigames, unique structures and much more that can help the server grow to new hights
Staff experience:i have been staff on many servers that have been terminated or abandoned and i have owned many servers that have had a decent fan base (i can supply more information)
Anything else:nope
07/05/2014 4:04 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Denied! - Your last application was obviously copied/pasted from another thread of someone else hiring staff, and this one was using the write format but had the same text as your last application - this leads us to believe that you haven't read the thread. Please do not apply again as we do not one someone lazy like this on our team.
AwakenedRelic75 Mods
07/05/2014 3:59 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
AwakenedRelic75 Mods's Avatar
AwakenedRelic75 Mods
07/05/2014 3:58 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
AwakenedRelic75 Mods's Avatar
AwakenedRelic75 Mods
07/05/2014 3:51 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
AwakenedRelic75 Mods's Avatar
Name: James
Age: 11
IGN: AwesomeDino04
Why you want to help MCAura: I think that every server should have a happy community with players who play alot and get their friends on and some kind staff that go around and helping and greeting others.
Rank you are applying for: Admin
What you can bring to the table: lots of users and a happy community
Staff experience: I am a owner on 2 servers, co-owner on 1 and admin on 3
Anything else: I can sometimes make you laugh
07/05/2014 3:57 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
Denied! - Your application was really short, and you don't seem like the person we are looking for. Sorry!
07/05/2014 3:47 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
AuraBT's Avatar
1.1 simple info
1.2 small application
1.3 large application
1.4 past problems/experiance

Rank:admin or mod
IGN: mineman5787
NAME: Jeff
AGE: 18
SKYPE: mineman577
COUNTRY: Australia
PROS: Like socialising, on as much as I can, do not abuse commands, have past experience with commands and staff positions and im funny
CONS: building, permissions
Hello, im mineman5787 and im applying for staff on your server, I believe everyone is equal no matter the rank I also think that abusing commands is not what staff should do I also don’t like trouble makers E.g hackers, spammers and advertisers I also don’t like people thinking they can tease, attack or swear at others. I also follow rules and rarely break them. I think hiring me will help your server grow and prosper, Thank you mineman5787.

Hello, im mineman5787 and im applying for staff on your server, I believe everyone is equal no matter the rank I also think that abusing commands is not what staff should do I also don’t like trouble makers E.g hackers, spammers and advertisers I also don’t like people thinking they can tease, attack or swear at others. I also follow rules and rarely break them. I think hiring me will help your server grow and prosper. I may not be the world’s best Architect or Famous scripter but I can still get the job done no matter the size. Enough with bad stuff here is some good, I am very active and I love patrolling servers for as long as I can I am also very funny and I have a sense of humour unlike some people, I also can help with advertising and the creation of minigames, I can create very unique ideas for minigames and other things. Overall you would be stupid not to hire me because I care for everyone on the server and try to make the experiences last for a long time. Thank you Mineman5787.
I have been staff in many server which have been either abandoned or terminated and I have learnt a lot from them.

Denied! - You did not follow the application that you were given. Please use it.
07/05/2014 3:41 am
Level 22 : Expert Cowboy
fartcrafter's Avatar
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