CraftBukkit Is now DEAD! Spigot is Next!

ProkingPlays's Avatar ProkingPlays12/2/14 3:34 am
1 emeralds 1.3k 10
12/2/2014 10:12 am
-Baron's Avatar -Baron
It seems CraftBukkit's download page has been severed with a DMCA takedown.
The API page as of posting this is still up.
But the real question is...

Is Spigot next?

Update: RIP in piece, Spigot and Bukkit.
I don't know too much about this, but I think Wesley did the right thing. Imagine working your heart out on a project for 2 years, only to find out another company has owned your work, and decide to mess with the project. If this is to troll Mojang, I applaud him, and you should too.

Update 2: Thought I might include this in the OP. For Sponge, FAQ can be found here. The official webpage can be found here. Note that there has been a terrible attempt at a fake DMCA takedown for Sponge, if you want to have a little giggle, you can find that here. There is also a *clean-room* approach for a replacement called TridentSDK, GitHub repos can be found here and here. And let's not forget that @md_5 hasn't given up on Spigot just yet. Sponge's IRC is at irc.esper.net:6667#Sponge, make sure you read the topic before saying anything
Posted by ProkingPlays's Avatar
Level 20 : Expert Ninja

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12/02/2014 10:12 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Guard
-Baron's Avatar
There are already multiple threads pertaining the same discussion.

12/02/2014 9:10 am
Level 38 : Artisan Modder
Calm_Hawk's Avatar
why can't anybody just use Forge? I mean seriously.
12/02/2014 9:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
OwlWhim's Avatar
Apparently you don't know the difference between plugins and mods.
12/02/2014 9:59 am
Level 38 : Artisan Modder
Calm_Hawk's Avatar
I do, but it is possible to use one or the other. and forge is backwards compatible with bukkit
12/02/2014 8:30 am
Level 49 : Master Creeper Hugger
Cookiesz's Avatar
This guy must be a time traveller. He traveled from January 2014 to December 2014 so he didn't heard about the DMCA stuff. Or he was living under a rock . . .


Jacob Rigoberto
12/02/2014 8:29 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
Jacob Rigoberto's Avatar
Neither is dead..
12/02/2014 8:22 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
MCNivaCraft's Avatar
Spigot is run off the Bukkit API. They are essentially the same thing. They are both discontinued projects, and sponge is the next big thing.
12/02/2014 4:36 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
kemmeo's Avatar
Well, Bukkit will not be doing anything since all the staff left and they're left with a skeletoncrew, they cant even develop bukkit further since Wesley Wolf DMCA'd them.

Sure Bukkit Plugins are still being made, but they'll be used for Spigot servers, as any server running either Semi or full 1.8 can only do so through spigot.

The Devs over at Spigot have just updated to 1.8 so, bukkit plugins wont be dying off any time soon, but bukkit, as in the project itself is pretty much long dead.
12/02/2014 3:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
OwlWhim's Avatar
They're not dead yknow... Bukkit's still verifying and testing new plugins the community feeds in and Spigot just released an experimental 1.8 jar. They're still developing, but unfortunately the DMCA's there slowing things down. There should still be hope though, you can't just say RIP when the communities are still active and working.
12/02/2014 3:49 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
Karbru's Avatar
Where have you been.....
Planet Minecraft


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