Don't use netherite Armor, I'll tell you why not + more info

Cavemine's Avatar Cavemine6/22/22 3:29 pm history
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6/25/2022 1:04 pm
CowedOffACliff's Avatar CowedOffACliff
Everyone by now knows about that new netherite Armor that was released, everyone started wearing it, it was pretty neat looking design by Mojang since we have never seen any sort of armor look like this But as we can see here.. Netherite has a full gear of 20 Armor plates, or armor hearts pretty much full, Helmet 3, Chestplate 8, Boots 3 and Leggings 6. Pretty good right? now lets just Take a look at diamond now.. We can notice it has 20 ARMOR PLATES value and Helmet 3, CHESTPLATE 8, boots 3, And leggings 6. Why are they the same in value? And if that where not enough its just a scam! You'd rather be better off with diamond gear and netherite tools instead of netherite armor and netherite gear, So what it provides a little knockback protection? They do not have a big amount of difference and it wont even stop you from being knocked back by the ender dragon itself or being pushed by it, Its not like anything will change, Even from an explosion what will change, Its not helpful in some places such as the nether but me being honest.. Netherite armor is a waste of a resource. + Diamond is still easier to get than netherite which is better because it has the SAME values as it yet no one is using it.


How about gold armor, Yea its weak but somehow... This armor is better than both leather and chainmail, Why?

Lets also bring up how the End might even be stronger than every dimension in minecraft, Since why would a regular mob there have double the health as a person while in the end the zombie piglins, piglins, the hoglins or whatever they are called are most of the times WEAKER than the player in health.
Piglins: 16 | Zombie Piglins: 20 | Hoglins: 40 | Zoglins: 40 | Piglin Brute: 50 | Blaze: 20 | Wither Skeleton: 20
Wither: 300 + Heals overtime, Shoots skulls and breaks in its path
Enderman: 40 | Shulkers: 30
Dragon: 200 + Heals overtime, Shoots fireballs, can knock the player, can attack with melee damage.

Edits: After noticing more stats, Netherite is more helpful than diamond
Posted by Cavemine's Avatar
Level 26 : Expert Crafter

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06/25/2022 1:04 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
CowedOffACliff's Avatar
Please don't format your text with obnoxiously large font. Everyone's eyes are naturally adjusted to read whatever text size is most common and all you're doing here it making it three times harder to read.
06/23/2022 7:09 pm
Level 24 : Expert Geek
Jupit3r's Avatar
Oof literally everyone had reasons against your statement.
06/23/2022 8:04 pm
Level 43 : Master Taco
Tacoperson0's Avatar
Thats cuz his statement is mosty wrong.
06/23/2022 6:54 pm
Level 43 : Master Taco
Tacoperson0's Avatar
Better durability
KB resistance
Netherite gear doesn't burn in lava/fire if you die
Armour toughness
Cooler looks

I think you forgot the above.
I mean yeah it won't stop the dragon yeeting you but nothing will.
Kb res is good for pvp.
Armour toughness decreases dmg.
Not burning is self-explanatory.
06/22/2022 7:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
FPMC's Avatar
you've missed out on the durability aspect netherite I think from memory has 1,600 while Diamond only has 1,300 feel free to correct me but I know for a fact it's much higher than diamonds durability and me personally durability is second best just behind 20 armor plating I think your opinions are objectively invalid my guy
06/22/2022 6:37 pm
Level 45 : Master Engineer
lzxh's Avatar
Armor toughness makes netherite protect better against high damage attacks.
06/22/2022 4:12 pm
Level 27 : Expert Chef
Dizzistitch's Avatar
Knockback resistance is extremely useful. Fire immunity is extremely useful. Your opinion is not quirky and interesting, it's objectively wrong.
06/22/2022 4:04 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
MrJakkar's Avatar
PvP favors netherite armor set. Falling into lava favors netherite armor set. Also increased durability. Without mending, prioritizing tools/weapons would be a correct choice, but with mending you can safely improve diamond gear with netherite, especialy since it won't burn in lava.
06/22/2022 6:50 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Procrastinator
Spuduking's Avatar
Also, thanks to higher armor toughness on netherite, getting blown up by creepers favors netherite.
06/22/2022 3:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
You're right, netherite and diamond armor both have 20 armor points (generic.armor attribute) for a full set.
What you didn't consider is the armor toughness (generic.armor_toughness attribute). Diamond armor grants +2 armor toughness per piece (=8 for a full set), while netherite armor grants +3 armor toughness per piece (=12 for a full set). That means, while the base protection is the same, netherite is stronger against attacks that deal more damage at once.

Edit: The higher durability is also something that shouldn't be ignored.
06/22/2022 3:32 pm
Level 26 : Expert Crafter
Cavemine's Avatar
where i said Its not helpful in some places such as the nether but I ment it was helpful in the nether and mostly nether only, it wont be so good in the end aka the final place
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