Players and their bans

DatGuyAustin's Avatar DatGuyAustin2/8/15 9:43 pm
2/12/2015 9:58 pm
+PixelPirate+'s Avatar +PixelPirate+
Hello, I have a server and usually when you have a server you have an application for your server so players can fill it out and apply for staff. What I think is funny and it always happens is that when you put the sentence: Have you ever been banned and why? This is the funniest part because everyone has been banned from a server in Minecraft. If you haven't been banned than you must be the nicest person in the world and not talk what so ever in the game. They all say "No but I've got warned" or "I've never been banned on any server". It just gets annoying when they lie about it and can't say the real reason why and how many times they have been banned.
Posted by DatGuyAustin's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Network

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Histor the Noob
02/08/2015 9:49 pm
Level 28 : Expert Geek
Histor the Noob's Avatar
It does get annoying. I haven't been completely banned, only temp-banned. Then they tortured me because they thought I griefed someones hotel. I never grief. I'm serious. I never even SAW this hotel, for Pete's sake! They just had to go and not believe me. I don't even know if I had PERMS to do that. I wasn't OP'ed or anything. They even gave me good armor because I was their friend, and they KNEW I'd never grief.
02/08/2015 10:01 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
i have one ban registered against my account with MCbans (which is a site i completely am against and disagree ith, it blacklists players) and that was for exploiting xray glitches
02/08/2015 10:06 pm
Level 25 : Expert Network
4377699683's Avatar
not everone lies on that.
If you follow the rules of the server you won't get banned.

I'm pretty sure i've never been banned. Can't really remember.

EDIT: never mind. I remember this one time. Me and my friends were playing jokes on the owner (a friend of ours) and I guess he just got mad. So yeah I've been banned before.
02/08/2015 10:09 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
I've been banned countless times due to stupid -snip- admins.

Once an admin kept killing me with admin commands and trolling and all that crap, I got revenge, and got banned.
forgot about you
02/08/2015 10:16 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
forgot about you's Avatar
That's called an abusive admin, pls.

Also, every admin has their purposes to ban someone, which is why they got the rank in the first place, so thy isn't "stupid -snip-"
02/09/2015 3:31 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
HissTheCreeper's Avatar
I've only ever been banned once, and not even on my current account.

Years ago when only my brother had Minecraft and I was a complete noob I found a random creative building server. I built a tree (yes, a tree, and didn't even plant a sapling, how nooby) then followed a guy because he "looked nice". He started building a tower of something, so me being a total idiot built a tower of dirt or a similar material right next to it. He started calling me a griefer. I had no idea what that meant. Next minute, bam! Banned.

This account is ban free though
02/09/2015 3:41 pm
Level 38 : Artisan uwu
ItsJustVanilla's Avatar
I got temp-banned on a server by joking around and saying "omq can i haz op? Not really. I'm just joking." Meanwhile, someone else did the same thing a few seconds before and I'm pretty sure they DIDN'T get banned.

Me and my friends were perma-banned from a server, though.
By the way, I'm not even joking. We all got banned for NO REASON, even though we were supposed to be helping with the spawn.
02/09/2015 3:45 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
Veritas025's Avatar
I've never get banned for breaking the rules although my friend IRL kicked me to prove he was moderator and then I said you don't need to ban me to prove you are moderator next minute I'm banned and he doesn't have permission to the /unban command
02/09/2015 3:54 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Kitten
PaperDragon1's Avatar
I once triggered the auto ban on a server by accident, but I was unbanned within a minute.
funny bunny
02/09/2015 4:12 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
funny bunny's Avatar
I have been banned several times for supposedly "annoying" server owners. I think it was my sarcasm..
02/11/2015 2:58 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Braven10's Avatar
I got banned once from my server when I was a mod. Was playing with a bot too much and overriding the ignores on it. Oops It was only a few hours though, Owner was just pissed with me for the evening lol.

I think that was on topic, but in relation to anyone having trouble with abusive admins: I'm sorry! I promise we all don't act like children and kick you around just to have fun!
02/12/2015 8:37 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Warrior
Treyvaderxio's Avatar
I get banned for dumb reasons (Most of the time :I). I was playing on a faction server this one time, and I went in a nether portal. after exploring the nether I came across another portal. So i went in it and BAM! Its somebody's base! "Jackpot!" Is what I thought. I raided the guy and burnt down the base, only to get banned for "griefing".
02/12/2015 8:42 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1638765's Avatar
02/12/2015 9:08 pm
Level 43 : Master Creeper
Dr_Steve's Avatar
<a href=''>


PLEASE!!!!! Give me Internets!
02/12/2015 8:45 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Magical Girl
sslaptnhablhat's Avatar
I've been banned from 2 servers because, being the nooby kid I was at the time, started going on a killing spree on one of the servers and then burning down a building on the other.
02/12/2015 8:53 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
GG50's Avatar
I was banned from one of the Disney-esque servers for inciting a 'riot' in the chatbox.

I proclaimed that Obama was literally satan and a bunch of kids raised by their democratic parents got mad. Then, another group of children, raised by republican parents, went after the democrats. The whole ordeal lasted for about half an hour and was a glorious shouting/L337CAPSLAWK debate filled with ill-informed opinions and so-called facts.

I'll be allowed back on the sever within the next 20 years.
02/12/2015 9:06 pm
Level 43 : Master Creeper
Dr_Steve's Avatar
I never got banned from Element Animation but I hated a rule about no swearing that it didn't allow even censored, abbreviated, and substitute swearing. And all subjects had to be kid friendly
02/12/2015 9:18 pm
Level 27 : Expert Fish
Blobfish's Avatar
"Bad Fellowship". Still have no idea what that means.....
02/12/2015 9:58 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
+PixelPirate+'s Avatar
Umm... The OP lies. I am definitely not a nice person and I've never been banned from any servers. I've been playing since 2011...
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