What's the dumbest thing you've done in Minecraft as a pro?

JadenJFilms's Avatar JadenJFilms10/16/14 10:18 am
10/16/2014 2:26 pm
Happs's Avatar Happs
The title says it all. You can be a pro but also do something stupid in Minecraft.

I think the dumbest thing I've done was giving 500 dollars (obviously server in-game money) to someone to be in their faction. Luckily I had like 1500 before I got scammed.

Posted by JadenJFilms's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Network

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10/16/2014 2:26 pm
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
I made a giant map and it was amazing, almost to completion, there was TNT element to it and they were scattered around the map to progressively destroy the part of the world you were on so you could only go forward. I meant to make a copy to test the map functions. Yes it worked, no I forgot to make a copy...
10/16/2014 2:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Hunter
StuffedTurtle's Avatar
I was playing hardcore ssp, in the nether looking for blazes. I was one blaze rod away from my goal of 20, and I had just found a blaze after looking for 10 minutes. ( I had already been in the nether fortress for an hour, so I was getting pretty impatient. I must have run through the fortress so many times that I knew it like the back of my hand) But the blaze was on the roof with a ton of wither skeletons. I got up there, got my blaze rod and prepared to leave, but then a ghast started shooting fireballs at me. I had wither skeletons and a ghast attacking me, so I turned around and jumped off the edge. I was very confident that there was a balcony that I could land on, but I was wrong. I fell 50 blocks to my grave of flames.

Now I always check my surroundings before I go BASE jumping in the nether.
10/16/2014 2:08 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Grump
HariusAwesome44's Avatar
I lost. I never forgot that day.
10/16/2014 1:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ranger
Silenced_Nodas1995's Avatar
A long time ago i just joined a new faction server. After leaving spawn i fled in to the forrest. Traveled for a few thousand blocks. All nice.

I killed one chicken and ate it as my food.
Just when i started with eating the raw chicken. Arrows came from the right. In front of my nose. People in Diamond armour rushed towards me from two sides.

My reaction was naturel. Uurg i am out of food. So i rush to another chicken that stood in front of me. I only noticed the flying arrows so far.

before i realised what happened i stood in the middle of a battlefield. Raw chicken in my hands. I managed it to sneak away and survived the onslaught.
Most stupid thing was to go for the chicken. But omg. What was i relieved and not a target to kill for both teams.

Ooh. Ill make it a top 3.

2. I once faced some staff in creative mode who raided my base... i thought i was able to stop and kill them.

3. One time i attempted to seek my last stand on some mountain tops. I had 6 members with my. Lightly armed. We were hunted by almost 20 peeps in full dia armour.

Ever since that fight i love mc gravity^^
10/16/2014 1:19 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Pig
ChilliWiggles's Avatar
I was making a mob spawner display,i was going to make a TNT spawner and when i used the command there was a huge explosion, All my spawners were destroyed
10/16/2014 1:01 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
punchtree1000's Avatar
Tried to parkour on a peice of glitchy floating snow...
funny bunny
10/16/2014 12:52 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
funny bunny's Avatar
Wasted all my snowballs on a guy who obviously could dodge in skywars
10/16/2014 12:48 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Meme
VeryMadCrafter's Avatar
I was on a multiplayer survival server. I found a small house and a button inside it. The sign next to it sait: Click the button to get free iron!
I believed it and clicked it and a piston trap opened under me so I fell to death.
10/16/2014 11:23 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
KenthriaGaming's Avatar
I did once get tempted on a walls map to destroy the blocks under a team mate that was coming down from a tower. I decided to be nice. He then came down, took all my iron (i had no iron weps/armour) and disappeared. I hope the sucker died down there...
10/16/2014 10:48 am
Level 20 : Expert Toast
Tumblr_Cat's Avatar
i'm not a pro i can't do hunger games, epic structures, i can't survive....but hey, i have fun anyway, SINGLE PLAYER FTW
10/16/2014 10:44 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Fisherman
Dominos's Avatar
I accidently deleted a world that I had worked on for a year ._.
10/16/2014 10:30 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
My bestie and I were playing on this old factions server where there was an /f home command so that you could always get back to your faction's home. That being said, our method of mining was digging straight down and then /f home-ing our way back up again. When our faction town was still tiny, I dug one of these down-to-bedrock holes in an unused portion of the land and covered it back up. Later, after I'd forgotten about it, I built a house over that piece of land and broke the covering accidentally while putting in the floor. I fell in the hole and died, losing all my stuff. So I took a stack or so of ladder and started to climb down the hole to get it. I fell off the ladder, died, and lost the ladder too. I tried using a dirt block to repeatedly place underneath me to avoid falling all at once, but it failed a lot. I never did get all my materials back from that stupid hole.
10/16/2014 10:34 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Zeerawk's Avatar
Water bucket would've helped.
10/16/2014 10:29 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Skinner
-DarkSkies-'s Avatar
Mcpvp's Survival Games, conversation is as follows:

Guy: Hey wanna team?

Me: Sure!

Guy: Okay, tower up.

Me: -towers up-

The guy then proceeded to knock me off the 100 block high tower, killing me, he then took my iron armor and weapons and headed off to win.
10/16/2014 10:23 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
KenthriaGaming's Avatar
Skyblocks- I transferred to someones island, paid them the money i had (was my first and last time), and they knocked me off the edge of the island before giving me the item!
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