Best way to learn Java?

l_Pro_Assassin's Avatar l_Pro_Assassin2/12/13 1:17 am
2/19/2013 8:25 pm
tellier's Avatar tellier
I really want to learn Java, can anyone please tell me the steps that they took to learn?
Any tips are appreciated. Also, is there any YouTube videos that you recommend? Or maybe some good programs?

Thank you everyone.
Posted by l_Pro_Assassin's Avatar
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon

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02/19/2013 8:25 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
tellier's Avatar
It really depends on what kind of person you are. Do you feel comfortable with the logical aspect of programming and with the Java syntax? In that case I would probably recommend you to start reading small code snippets from other small programs and try to implement variations of them in to your on methods etc.

If you feel that you want to get more efficient in your coding and learn everything between (System.out.println(a+b);) and advanced ArrayLists with multiple loops etc. I would REALLY recommend http://www.codingbat.com. This website has it all! (And if you're boored you can always learn the same basics in Python while on the website!)
02/15/2013 5:05 pm
Level 40 : Master Droid
number1_Master's Avatar
This is how I learned Java, and no wI am really good with it!

- I watched thenewboston videos online, but every time I had a question, I googled it. StackOverflow.com helped had various answers!
- When I was confident I had the basics down, I went on and learned the some Craftbukkit API. This expanded my knowledge on game desigining.
- I then watched thenewboston Intermediate Java tutorials, BUT I learned so much from the Craftbukkit API that the tutorials didn't really help me.
- I then learned the LWJGL Game Library, a Java Library which is designed to help with the creation of games. This concluded my general knowledge of games.
- To rap up everything, I watched thenewthinktank (http://www.youtube.com/derekbanas) refactoring tutorials. They are really helpful! He is soon going to start a new series entitled "Code Algorithms," which should also help with various ideas.

I am now very skilled in Java and I am capable of making my own games. Currently, I develope Craftbukkit plugins! They are fun !

Edit: I also watched a few CodeAcademy videos, but I prefer thenewboston for the most part!
02/15/2013 4:19 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Lava Rider
DerpyZ's Avatar
02/15/2013 4:23 pm
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon
l_Pro_Assassin's Avatar
DerpyZ, you have already said that Codecademy is "The best" but if you actually knew the difference between Java and JavaScript, you would just stop commenting.
02/15/2013 4:32 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
atomick86's Avatar
02/15/2013 3:53 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Modder
ehdfawq3er's Avatar
TheNewBoston is the best. Use his tutorials, becuse they are just so amazing =)
02/15/2013 4:01 pm
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon
l_Pro_Assassin's Avatar
Yeah, I have been using his tutorials.
02/12/2013 4:26 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Phrozenbit's Avatar
Bugs_eI am learning java myself, im at a basic level as of now. I have watch many tutorials on youtube, and read many online books. They say the best way to learn is to play around with code.

My method:
-learn the basic java syntax(how things should be formatted in java).
-learn the hello world program by memory(as in know it like your phone number).
-then make a simple calculator (make it add 2 numbers together, and display the output).
-then make the same calculator, except use a scanner to get user input for the numbers they will add.

It sounds lame but its a good way to get your feet in the water, and easy to do . I also test myself by making a sheet of java terms and reviewing them daily. I have had no programming experience prior to teaching myself java, and its been going pretty good. If you want to look at code samples, look at them from programmers with a good reputation so you get good habits.

No it does not sound lame. People should not expect to be able to start programming on an MC mod or a game right from the get go. Fully agree with this.
02/12/2013 4:15 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Phrozenbit's Avatar
Get eclipse:


Read a lot of tutorials:


Find some example code, and mess around with that. Create some useless programs just to get a hold of the language and gain experience.
02/12/2013 4:11 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Cowboy
Fark's Avatar
Syphenwww.w3schools.com/ ??

That site teaches you javascript not java
02/12/2013 4:03 am
Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
Syphen's Avatar
02/12/2013 3:50 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon
Dralyona's Avatar
Here is what I use and I think it the best: http://www.codecademy.com
02/13/2013 10:37 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Lava Rider
DerpyZ's Avatar
^^^^That is the best.
02/13/2013 10:33 am
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
_ThisDIctator_'s Avatar
This is for Javascript, not Java. I used the same thing assuming Java was the same as Javascript.... It's not.
02/12/2013 4:09 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Cowboy
Fark's Avatar
That site doesn't teach you java,it teaches you javascript.
Theres a huge difference.
02/12/2013 2:58 am
Level 1 : New Network
SuhDude's Avatar
This is a good websites for beginners http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=31
02/12/2013 3:15 am
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon
l_Pro_Assassin's Avatar
Thanks! I will check it out.
02/12/2013 1:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bugs_e's Avatar
I am learning java myself, im at a basic level as of now. I have watch many tutorials on youtube, and read many online books. They say the best way to learn is to play around with code.

My method:
-learn the basic java syntax(how things should be formatted in java).
-learn the hello world program by memory(as in know it like your phone number).
-then make a simple calculator (make it add 2 numbers together, and display the output).
-then make the same calculator, except use a scanner to get user input for the numbers they will add.

It sounds lame but its a good way to get your feet in the water, and easy to do . I also test myself by making a sheet of java terms and reviewing them daily. I have had no programming experience prior to teaching myself java, and its been going pretty good. If you want to look at code samples, look at them from programmers with a good reputation so you get good habits.
02/14/2013 1:01 am
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon
l_Pro_Assassin's Avatar
Sorry for the late reply, but I have learnt the basic syntax, I know the hello world program (I learnt it in like, 10 minutes, lol), I have made a simple calculator that displays the output and I have also made the scanner calculator, any tips on what I should do next?

And everyone, I want to learn Java, not Javascript.
02/12/2013 1:27 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Modder
CreativeNation's Avatar
What's a good website to start on?
02/12/2013 1:22 am
Level 29 : Expert Geek
Intelligic's Avatar
I'm going to be learning Java this year in College, my Computer Science teacher has her own website with some tutorials on it - but I would recommend checking out the Google. It's a very universally used language, there's bound to be tutorials all over the web.

I'd definitely recommend having some prior programming experience first, even if it's just basic scripting to get the idea of syntax and structure. =)
02/12/2013 1:20 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
SenorBellZim's Avatar
I want to learn java too
Planet Minecraft


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