[ExodonMC] | Admins | Developers | Recruiting

fastgameing361's Avatar fastgameing3613/7/15 12:42 pm
3/9/2015 1:35 pm
fastgameing361's Avatar fastgameing361
ExodonMC, Recruitment!

Server information
Website: exodonmc.com/ [Coming Soon!]
Contact us: Skype: jake361361 or jake.nelms15

Please read the thread, to find out more information on available positions, as well about the Server!

What is ExodonMC?
ExodonMC is a new professionally run Minecraft Hub Server searching for a group of skilled gaming users. We focus on providing the best possible Minecraft experience for all users that visit ExodonMC. In addition, we attempt to be as professional as we can while providing the finest game play for all server users. We are currently having Skyblock, Creative, Duel PvP, Survival, Skywars, Hide n Seek, Survival Games and wonderful custom game modes in are Arcade that ExodonMC will be bringing to the server in the future. The server is here to stay and to be as successful as possible while providing a great experience for you to play and staff on our server with no lag or disturbances. So apply now to join the ExodonMC community and expect nothing less than the most dedicated and friendly group of people you will ever game with.

What is expected of you
Developer - You will be expected to develop for the server at your skill/experience for free. You will be expected to make custom features for the server. Examples: Plugin coding and/or website developing.
Admin - You will be expected to have lots of experience on running/ setting up minecraft servers, that will include lots of plugin work (this is not a laid back rank)
Please take note of the above, you will be tested.

The application should take time and effort, it is a test

[Developer] |Application

[size=125][Developer] |[bgcolor=yellow]Application[/bgcolor][/size]
General Questions:
IGN (In Game Name):
[color=#800000]Please state the History of your IGN’s[/color]
What is your age:
[color=#800000]State your current age. [/color]
Have you ever been banned on a server, if Yes, please explain.
[color=#800000]Explain if you have been banned on any server’s, if not, say no if you have not been banned.[/color]
What is your skype: [color=#800000]Required.[/color]
What time Zone are you in:
[color=#800000]State your time zone.[/color]
Can you be on at least 3 hours a day:
Also please make a detailed Schedule of your weekly Minecraft hours on our server:
[color=#800000]Answer if you can be on at least 3 hours a day, and make a detailed schedule of your weekly Minecraft schedule.[/color]
Do you understand what it takes to be a staff member:
[color=#800000]Detailed Answer required[/color].
Main Questions:
In your opinion, what is required of a developer:
[color=#800000]Answer what you think is required.[/color]
Do you have experience as being a developer for a different server:
If yes, Please provide proof:
[color=#800000]Answer N/A if you do not have previous experience as a staff member on any server.[/color]
How complex out of /10 would you say your skill in developing plugins is:
[color=#800000]Answer a number between 0 and 10.[/color]
Why do you want to become a developer on this server, and what separates you from the rest:
[color=#800000]Add in the reason you want staff on the server, and why you think you have a better chance than others.[/color]
Being a developer requires hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism, skill and what else in your opinion:
[color=#800000]Add another trait which you feel is important for a developer to contain.[/color]
Finally, anything else you want to add:
[color=#800000]State anything else you want to add.
Please remove all the Red writing as that is for your help only.[/color][/center]

[Admin] |Application

[size=125][Admin] |[bgcolor=yellow]Application[/bgcolor][/size]
General Questions:
IGN (In Game Name):
[color=#800000]This is your in game name which is displayed on the server.[/color]
What is your age:
[color=#800000] State your current age. [/color]
Have you ever been banned on a server, if Yes, please explain.
[color=#800000]Explain if you have been banned on any server’s, if not, say no if you have not been banned.[/color]
What time Zone are you in:
[color=#800000] State your time zone.[/color]
Can you be on at least 3 hours a day:
Also please make a detailed Schedule of your weekly Minecraft hours on our server:
[color=#800000]Answer if you can be on at least 3 hours a day, and make a detailed schedule of your weekly Minecraft schedule.[/color]
Do you have a skype: [color=#800000]Required.[/color]
Do you understand what it takes to be a staff member:
[color=#800000]Answer in detail.[/color]
Main Questions:
In your opinion, what is required of a admin:
[color=#800000]Answer what you think is required.[/color]
Do you have experience as being a staff member for a different server:
If yes, Please provide proof:
[color=#800000]Answer N/A if you do not have previous experience as a staff member on any server.[/color]
How would you be able to help the staff team if you were selected as staff:
[color=#800000]Answer how you can help the server if you were a admin.[/color]
Why do you want to become a admin on this server, and what separates you from the rest:
[color=#800000]Add in the reason you want staff on the server, and why you think you have a better chance than others.[/color]
Being a admin requires hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism and what else in your opinion:
[color=#800000]Add another trait which you feel is important for a admin to contain.[/color]
What can you add to the staff team if selected for admin:
[color=#800000]Add in what you will add to the staff team as a admin.[/color]

Final Questions:
Why should a admin keep his/her emotions out of the server:
[color=#800000]Answer why emotions are important to keep out of the server.[/color]
Why is teamwork important for a staff team:
[color=#800000]Answer what you feel the main reason teamwork is important.[/color]
Are you a leader:
[color=#800000]Answer if you think you are a leader.[/color]
Are you good at managing stress:
[color=#800000]Explain if you can handle stress and the process you go while dealing with stress.[/color]
Do you think of yourself as a risk taker, why:
[color=#800000]Explain whether you think you are or are not a risk taker.[/color]
Why do you believe that you will not be selected:
[color=#800000]Answer why you think you won’t get the admin position.[/color]
Finally, anything else you want to add:
[color=#800000]State anything else you want to add.
Please remove all the Red writing as that is for your help only.[/color][/center]

Anything else?
ExodonMC, We would much like it if you are offering any other services. Such as youtubing, advertising, beta testing, graphic design, etc anything that wasn't stated. Please privately message me and or post a reply to this form. Thank you for reading.
Skype, Teamspeak and you must have a mic this is key for communication.
Posted by fastgameing361's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Network

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03/07/2015 1:03 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
SkytechCEO's Avatar
[size=125][Admin] |[bgcolor=yellow]Application[/bgcolor][/size]
General Questions:
IGN (In Game Name): Mineskywalker
What is your age:I'll put in a range 13-16
Have you ever been banned on a server, if Yes, please explain. No I have not.
What time Zone are you in:PST (California)
Can you be on at least 3 hours a day: Easily
Also please make a detailed Schedule of your weekly Minecraft hours on our server: weekdays are 3-6 hours weekends are 3-8/9 hours
Do you have a skype: [url=mailto:emailconnorjames@gmail.com]emailconnorjames@gmail.com[/url]
Do you understand what it takes to be a staff member: Yes I do, I understand that it is my duty to follow the rules and make sure others follow them too. It is also my duty to protect this server from greifers, spammers, hackers, and ETC.
Main Questions:
In your opinion, what is required of a admin: To make sure the rules of a server are followed, and to protect the server from rule breakers, furthermore it is also my duty to help people out with anything difficult (but not full out give them diamonds or stuff like that)
Do you have experience as being a staff member for a different server: Yes but sort of N/A Because most of the servers I've been staff on are down now.
How would you be able to help the staff team if you were selected as staff: I would be able to help them with whatever they need help with. I also have great amounts of experience with Minecraft and its plugins, mainly because I've been a crafter for over four years.
Why do you want to become a admin on this server, and what separates you from the rest: Because I have a lot of experience, also many people tell me that I have good charisma, am a great helper, and that I am a natural born leader. Also I don't care if I don't make it to staff. I'll still love to play.
Being a admin requires hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism and what else in your opinion: Personally I think it also requires charisma because it is great if you're an admin who gets along with other players.
What can you add to the staff team if selected for admin: I can add, Experience, Leadership, Enthusiasm, Charisma. I am great for that purpose, also I can advertise on my twitch account.

Final Questions:
Why should a admin keep his/her emotions out of the server: Because he/she might get mad at random people and blame them for their emotions, leading to a kick or ban for them.
Why is teamwork important for a staff team: Because without teamwork the server wouldn't be able to function, let alone the entire world. With teamwork you can get things done quicker easier and if you get stuck they can help you.
Are you a leader: Yes I am, I love to lead things all my friends say "You're a natural born leader Mineskywalker!"
Are you good at managing stress: Yes I can, if things get too stressful I'd probably go offline for a day or two to get it out of my system. Also I'd breathe deeply since its proven to help relive stress.
Do you think of yourself as a risk taker, why: I do, mainly because in real life I love to try new things and take risks. Whether it be parkour, skateboarding, biking, eating, or anything else I'd love to do it.
Why do you believe that you will not be selected: Probably the my age, because people usually think that younger people aren't mature and can't cope with stress and (I hate to use this word in a professinal document "stuff") other stuff like that.
Finally, anything else you want to add: I have a twitch.
03/07/2015 1:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
meegwee's Avatar
[size=125][Admin] |[bgcolor=yellow]Application[/bgcolor][/size]
General Questions:
IGN (In Game Name):
[color=#800000] natdog1402 (made the acc when i was 10)[/color]
What is your age:
[color=#800000] 14 [/color]
Have you ever been banned on a server, if Yes, please explain:
[color=#800000] Yes i have, not going to lie, so has everyone, if someone says they haven't they are lying But i was banned for having an argument with a Admin about his eyesight xD. I showed him clear proof of his cousin hacking and he refused to ban him, so i said some bad things to him . [/color]
What time Zone are you in:
[color=#800000] GMT [/color]
Can you be on at least 3 hours a day:
Also please make a detailed Schedule of your weekly Minecraft hours on our server:
[color=#800000]Monday: 4 Hours / Tuesday: 2 Hours / Wednesday: 3-4 Hours / Thursday: 3 Hours / Friday: None / Weekends: 4-5 Hours[/color]
Do you have a skype: [color=#800000]meegwee[/color]
Do you understand what it takes to be a staff member:
[color=#800000]Yes, i do. Get commands and do nothing. xD Nah i'm just kidding. Keep the community clean by taking away all the hackers, glitchers, spammers and all the rule breakers![/color]
Main Questions:
In your opinion, what is required of a admin:
[color=#800000]Whatch over all the staff and make sure they are doing they're job correctly, make sure everything runs smoothly, and manage the departments.[/color]
Do you have experience as being a staff member for a different server:
If yes, Please provide proof:
[color=#800000]Yes a few. But i currently have no proof of any involvement, sorry.[/color]
How would you be able to help the staff team if you were selected as staff:
[color=#800000]I am very observant, i can spot a lot of problems quickly, i can advertise, moderate the server daily to get rule breakers off of the server and keep the community happy.[/color]
Why do you want to become a admin on this server, and what separates you from the rest:
[color=#800000]I am mature, smart, observant and funny with a great sense of humour! I am not like your normal 12 year old wanting free stuff and an advantage over others by gaining staff. I become staff to help the community to the best of my ability and cheer up the people having a bad day, i also host weekly events such as drop parties etc to keep the community happy.[/color]
Being a admin requires hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism and what else in your opinion:
[color=#800000]Passion and time, passion to keep your mind interested in what you do and help you come up with new ideas for the better of the server, and time for the time you put into it, and use your spare time to help players enjoy the server you help run.[/color]
What can you add to the staff team if selected for admin:
[color=#800000]Passion, time and anything that is needed. I will add team work and do my very best to help the server reach it's greatest potential and create a community full of gamers and players with a passion for Minecraft such as we do.[/color]

Final Questions:
Why should a admin keep his/her emotions out of the server:
[color=#800000]Depends what emotions in my opinion, if they are something that can affect the teams work or his/her work, they should try deal with it with family or friends that they can really open up to.[/color]
Why is teamwork important for a staff team:
[color=#800000]I think team work is important because the more you work together the more success you will have, for example, no football team will win if 1 player is trying to run with the ball and score, without passing or creating team work. In my opinion teamwork is essential in this kind of business that's why i hope to bring more of that to the table.[/color]
Are you a leader:
[color=#800000]Yes, very much so, i love making decisions and leading people to glory [/color]
Are you good at managing stress:
[color=#800000]Very good at it, i don't like boring jobs, stress help me work harder and better, my process is listening to music and concentrating, it's not unique but it works for me![/color]
Do you think of yourself as a risk taker, why:
[color=#800000]I believe i am yes, if i haven't told you already i live in Portugal, and the Portuguese have a saying, Quem Nao Arrisca, Nao Petisca, which means whoever doesn't take risks, doesn't eat. And i learned a lot from that. I like taking risks because you will never know if it will work or not without trying it out first.[/color]
Why do you believe that you will not be selected:
[color=#800000]Because of my cocky attitude maybe, i guess you could call it cocky. And maybe because of my age.[/color]
Finally, anything else you want to add:
I speak English, Portuguese, i can understand Spanish and i can speak a bit of French. I can also do a bit of GFX.

03/07/2015 1:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MyMCAdmin's Avatar
Lmao Such A Long App. Your Server Will Never Get Big. Trust Me. 99% Of All Newly Created Servers Die And Fail. Yours Is One Of Them! Haha!
03/07/2015 2:01 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
fastgameing361's Avatar
Response: Well we can clearly see that you are not interested and we are not asking for any responses like this. We do not encourage negative options about the server. I can tell you now we are the 1% you speak of and what you say is wrong, I know this server will be a success because of our great Owner and time and effort being put in. Meet us and you will know we are that 1% that MyMCAdmin seems to think we are not (because he has never, never seen anything of the server but this forum post).
03/07/2015 2:20 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
SkytechCEO's Avatar
If you could hit me up with that invite again that would be nice thank you
03/07/2015 2:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
AmirahassanGGGG's Avatar
[Admin] |Application
General Questions:
IGN (In Game Name):SkiidPvP
This is your in game name which is displayed on the server.
What is your age:14
State your current age.
Have you ever been banned on a server, if Yes, please explain. Im not going to lie I've been banned before but you know these kids who create minecraft servers , They are the people who ban me for nonsense. They don't know what they are doing. I have been banned for correcting a staff and he starts to rage , you know stuff like that
Explain if you have been banned on any server’s, if not, say no if you have not been banned.
What time Zone are you in: East Time zone New jersey
State your time zone.
Can you be on at least 3 hours a day: Yes
Also please make a detailed Schedule of your weekly Minecraft hours on our server:I might be on for atleast 3 hours but not at the same time , I have a life. I'm not going to lie I will be on but not at the same time 3 hours in a row., For example I can be on for an 1 hour and then leave come back and stay another hour, I can be on everyday.

Answer if you can be on at least 3 hours a day, and make a detailed schedule of your weekly Minecraft schedule.
Do you have a skype: Required. Yes
Do you understand what it takes to be a staff member: Actually Yes I do, I have already skyped the lead moderator about the staff before I applied I wanted to see if they are mature and know what it takes. I don't want to be apart of an community if they are not fit for the job.
Answer in detail.
Main Questions:
In your opinion, what is required of a admin: Admins Should always be honest and do their job correct. They should help the lower staff members if needed. Admins should run the server is the owner is not on to do so. Admins have lots of responsibility's , they should always help the owner ,members and other staff members. They should show the members they are mature but they can atleast make a joke once and a time but you should not be immature and just play around.
Answer what you think is required.
Do you have experience as being a staff member for a different server:
If yes, Please provide proof: Actually I have and I have not liked it , I have helped people and helped more but I realized that they aren't fit for owning a server. That's when I stopped helping people and started thinking what kind of people I should start helping, I am staff on a server called Realraidz, If you need proof go on their and ask but its on my other account AmiraHassan , SkiidPvP is my backup account.
Answer N/A if you do not have previous experience as a staff member on any server.
How would you be able to help the staff team if you were selected as staff: Honestly I could do GroupManager,Pex and stuff like that . For example I can do ranks, prefixes , permissions and that's about it! I can help the community grow by inviting people and advertising for the server. I'll be a mature staff member and make sure I do my job correctly
Answer how you can help the server if you were a admin.
Why do you want to become a admin on this server, and what separates you from the rest: This staff team looks mature, they took their time and asked for people to take their time writing this and that's the kind of server I have been looking for. Other servers say their mature but their servers go nowhere and I think this server will go somewhere in the future.
Add in the reason you want staff on the server, and why you think you have a better chance than others. Some people just suck up to the staff to get staff, I don't suckup I don't care if I don't get this position I just know that I'm better, I'm confident and I'm not perfect. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE.
Being a admin requires hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism and what else in your opinion: Maturity, No profanity , Helpful, Vocabulary, Patience. That's about it but I think their should be more.
Add another trait which you feel is important for a admin to contain.Experience, Kind
What can you add to the staff team if selected for admin: I could help ban people who hack or advertise and maybe DDoS someone on the server. I could mute people who have been warned but continue to do something disrespectful or keep spamming.
Add in what you will add to the staff team as a admin.

Final Questions:
Why should a admin keep his/her emotions out of the server:
Answer why emotions are important to keep out of the server.Their are some kids out there who play with staffs head so they can get mad and explode and then they will get reported and banned.

Why is teamwork important for a staff team: If you show the members that you cant work together and continue to fight it will show that you are immature and cant handle being a staff member. This is why we have to work together
Answer what you feel the main reason teamwork is important.
Are you a leader: Yes, I will never be a follower
Answer if you think you are a leader.
Are you good at managing stress: Yes, People can curse and everything they want but I wont reply I'll just do my job and warn them then mute them if they continue.
Explain if you can handle stress and the process you go while dealing with stress. Well 100 people can ask me for help at once, I would do as much as I can and lead the other followings to another staff member who can help me.
Do you think of yourself as a risk taker, why: Yes
Explain whether you think you are or are not a risk taker. Well I would take the risk if it was something really risky like I cant ban a staff member but they were griefing I would take the risk and ban them.
Why do you believe that you will not be selected
Answer why you think you won’t get the admin position. Well I don't think I wont make it , I belive I will
Finally, anything else you want to add: I'm fine , I think I said everything in my app, Thanks and hope I make it !
State anything else you want to add.
Please remove all the Red writing as th
03/07/2015 2:28 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
AmirahassanGGGG's Avatar
I think we should add factions , Factions is awesome
03/07/2015 2:33 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Lavaboy844's Avatar

[Admin] |Application
General Questions:
IGN (In Game Name): Lavaboy844
This is your in game name which is displayed on the server.
What is your age: 13 Years old.
State your current age.
Have you ever been banned on a server, if Yes, please explain.
When I started on Minecraft I was around 9-10 years old and I was a bit of a liar at the time so the staff decided they would ban me for being a liar.
Explain if you have been banned on any server’s, if not, say no if you have not been banned.
What time Zone are you in: Central Standard Time
State your time zone.
Can you be on at least 3 hours a day: Yes, I can be on atleast 3 hours a day.
Also please make a detailed Schedule of your weekly Minecraft hours on our server:
Monday-Friday I can be on atleast 4 hours and on Saturday and Sunday I can be on atleast 10-11 hours.
Answer if you can be on at least 3 hours a day, and make a detailed schedule of your weekly Minecraft schedule.
Do you have a skype: Required. Yes I have a skype.
Do you understand what it takes to be a staff member: Yes.
Answer in detail.
Main Questions:
In your opinion, what is required of a admin: An admin will watch over the players and lower ranked staff members while doing administrative things, that the other staff can not do. An admin has to be mature, has grammar, and most of all nice to all the players.
Answer what you think is required.
Do you have experience as being a staff member for a different server: Yes, I was an admin on a Tekkit Classic server averaging about 20-30 players a day.
If yes, Please provide proof: If you message me your skype, I will send you the owner of the Tekkit Classic server.
Answer N/A if you do not have previous experience as a staff member on any server.
How would you be able to help the staff team if you were selected as staff: I can help fix problems in the staff team, I can be very active during the day and be on when no other staff members are on.
Answer how you can help the server if you were a admin.
Why do you want to become a admin on this server, and what separates you from the rest: I want to be on the staff team because, I feel I can help a lot and do what some players can't. I am very good at my job. The owner of the Tekkit Classic server said I was one of the best staff he had because I was very active, I donated when I could, I would stop building my base or doing something non staff instantly to go help a player that needed or even another staff member.
Add in the reason you want staff on the server, and why you think you have a better chance than others.
Being a admin requires hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism and what else in your opinion: It requires you to be a good person, a person who doesn't hold grudges against other players and help them whether they want to or not.
Add another trait which you feel is important for a admin to contain.
What can you add to the staff team if selected for admin: I can add an active player, a good staff member and a overall fun person to be around.
Add in what you will add to the staff team as a admin.

Final Questions:
Why should a admin keep his/her emotions out of the server: If a admin brings his/her emotions hate/love they will treat some players differently and it would overall make the server look very bad.
Answer why emotions are important to keep out of the server.
Why is teamwork important for a staff team: If there is a good staff team and they work in perfect sync they work together then its beautiful. The players will love it and the staff team will operate at a much higher rate of efficiency.
Answer what you feel the main reason teamwork is important.
Are you a leader: I think sometimes I am a leader. I will be playing with my friends in a game of oh... Ultra hardcore and I would just start micro managing them being like "You get wood, You get food, you get iron and then go off and do something that I needed to do to benefit the team so we win.
Answer if you think you are a leader.
Are you good at managing stress: Yes, I am very good at managing stress(I live with 2 little sisters, I learned over time )
Explain if you can handle stress and the process you go while dealing with stress.
Do you think of yourself as a risk taker, why: I do not generally take risks unless they need to be taken or the majority says it needs to be taken.
Explain whether you think you are or are not a risk taker.
Why do you believe that you will not be selected: I think I might not get it because I am not good at writing detailed apps as much its not one my specialties.
Answer why you think you won’t get the admin position.
Finally, anything else you want to add: I would like to add that I am not a normal 13 year old immature douchebag, I generally do not like those kind of people.
State anything else you want to add.
Please remove all the Red writing as that is for your help only.
03/07/2015 6:17 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
fastgameing361's Avatar
Still recruiting.
03/08/2015 6:24 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
fastgameing361's Avatar
03/08/2015 2:27 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
AJCowLoer's Avatar
What is your age:18

When did you first join the server: Today but obviously i would have never heard of this server without this website

Have you ever been banned on a server, if Yes, please explain. Just started playing again so i am pretty sure i have not been playing for around 4 years

What time Zone are you in:Pacific

Can you be on at least 3 hours a day:Yes can most likely be on 3-5 Weekdays 5-up Weekends

Do you understand what it takes to be a staff member: yes

Main Questions: What does Destiny Need at the moment ? In Beta? Launched?

In your opinion, what is required of a moderator: There are multiple activities/ abilities that are required such as being a fast typer or being on the server when your on the server if you don't know what i mean i am saying that when someone is not actually on but is playing another game or browsing the internet full attention is needed and of course appearance making a appearance every so often announcing your alive

Do you have experience as being a staff member for a different server:
If yes, Please provide proof:Unlike other applicants i'm not going to put "I've been admin on like 10 servers and co owner of 1!" Because i know you really don't care and if i was the owner i would actually discourage myself away from those applications because it shows how little time they've had to write out there applications. But other than that i would have no proof as usually servers are made by children with parents money and they all seem to go down the drain.

How would you be able to help the staff team if you were selected as staff:I have helped many developing servers with their spawn and it can get pretty fun doing so. i help setting up their donation system. I love helping others more than myself and I spend most of my time on the computer working on other people's servers. I have plenty of time dedicated to helping these servers and I always can get the job done for them, no matter how hard it is, I always stick with it until the end.

Why do you want to become a moderator on this server, and what separates you from the rest: Like some other players i would simply like to help you out or anything that is wanted i don't care what type of staff specification is given to me i will give it my all
I put a great stress on my reputation for the most part but i will get down and dirty and do work.

Being a moderator requires hard work, enthusiasm, professionalism and what else in your opinion: There is a large amount of required abilities this question seems like the other one if you still want me to answer it ask

What can you add to the staff team if selected for moderator: More playerbased, Plugin Development

Hypothetical Questions:
Explain what you would do or how you would handle the situations listed below.
A player accidentally says the IP of another server, and immediately says sorry wrong post, what do you do? I always warn advertisers and spammers before they get kicked. First i would Take it as a warning keep an eye on the chat in game for that certain user(may seem weird but i have a note pad of users i have given out from other servers so i keep track )

A player accuses another user of hacking, and will not stop spamming saying the user is hacking, what do you say to him?if I see a hacker and have proof (Screenshot, video, ect.), I will instantly ban them. I have no patience with hackers but try to be fair with everyone else

You see a Head Moderator hacking, and abusing his power for their own benefit on the server, what do you do? Report it as soon as possible to (((Ajay))) make sure for screen caps

A player is constantly spamming another user with teleport requests, the player being spammed with them asks you for help, how do you handle this situation?
talk to the user for sometime asking to kindly stop if this goes on i would mute them for a certain time
Final Questions:
Why should a moderator keep his/her emotions out of the server? Some others may not give one damn about someone elses life but honestly its a game not a chatroom one on one

Why is teamwork important for a staff team: You can easily help out another staff member if they need help with a user if they are not getting something or just helping one another

Are you a leader: When i think about it i can be a leader when i am by myself but with a higher authority i am indeed a follower

Are you good at managing stress: I get no stress of games or people its a game none of this will impact me at the end of the day it will only be happing mentally not physically

Do you think of yourself as a risk taker, why: Not really if i was making a big impact on the server like trying to make a decision by myself i would verify with someone with higher authority rather then taking it by the horns

Why do you believe that you will not be selected: Always being put down easily just because of my age

Finally, anything else you want to add: My name is Ajay, I am 18 years old and i live in the United States. More importantly California. I go by the Pacific U.S. Standard time. I have a lot of free time on my hands doing plugins work, economic, managing funds, and last but certainly not the least of the four, working on permissions.
03/09/2015 1:35 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
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