Zirconiium's Avatar Zirconiium11/9/16 6:52 pm
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11/10/2016 6:12 pm
UnknownIsGod's Avatar UnknownIsGod
Hello! I am in the process of scouting for professional and mature players to administrate a server. People that I am recruiting need to have a solid amount of experience when it comes to managing servers. The goal for this server is to expand it and improve whenever we can. We need proper moderation and a sense of humor as well of course! The server is completely setup and running, spawn is already built. The server incorporates Towny along with some survival enhancements & slimefun.
Currently accepting 2 administrator roles that are willing to put dedication into this server and continue to be active and helping.

Anyways, if you feel that you fit the criteria and think you have what it takes please submit a response below with the following:

What is your age? (preferably 16 or older):

How many years of experience would you say you have?

Are you familiar with a majority of commands?

How often do you play Minecraft?

Are you willing to dedicate your time to our server? If so, how many hours/days a week?

What are some good qualities that you pertain?

What things can you achieve for our server to become the best it can be?

What makes you more qualified for this position than anyone else?

Do you have Discord and Skype? (both are required along with a mic):

If you are accepted I will send you a PM to see if you are still interested, thank you!

Posted by Zirconiium's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Network

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11/10/2016 6:12 pm
Level 1 : New Network
UnknownIsGod's Avatar
What is your age? (preferably 16 or older): 14

How many years of experience would you say you have? : Ive been playing since around 1.5.2 around a day or two,

Are you familiar with a majority of commands?: I know most of W/E commands, Voxel Sniper, and some World Guard commands

How often do you play Minecraft?: I take small day breaks, so mostly 4-5 days a week for 4-5 hours more or less

Are you willing to dedicate your time to our server? If so, how many hours/days a week?: I can put in 4-5 hours mostly more or less like I said,

What are some good qualities that you pertain?: Building, Server moderation, graphics design

What things can you achieve for our server to become the best it can be?: If you ask for anything or need anything else I can most likely do it...

What makes you more qualified for this position than anyone else?: I think I can bring good building to the server with mainly Nordic build style but my other build styles can be fantasy, or medeival... I can also do modern type builds but not the best..

Do you have Discord and Skype? (both are required along with a mic): I have skype discord and a microphone!
11/10/2016 1:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
icedark12's Avatar
-I am currently 17 years old.
-I've been a head admin on a server for about a year and a half, but sadly its been shut down because of a hacker.
-I am familiar with commands that staff usually has, and i believe i am a bit advanced, I know how to use group manager etc.
-I play minecraft daily, I don't take days off, I grind on minecraft.
-I am willing to dedicate my time to your server. Weekdays i am on after school ends, but will be off if when go to the gym or when I have basketball practice, but after that I am mostly free and will be on.
-Some qualities i pertain is my strive of helping others and making the server a great place for the players. The players are number one. I would go help them then playing the game.
-Your server will have a person that is dedicated to helping others. When i help others, and i love to feeling that you get after helping someone. It makes me feel great!
-Why am i more qualified then others? I am different then other staffs. They like to play the game and are sometimes busy, but me? I would stop whatever i'm doing and i will go help the player that needs my help. I know all the rules that a staff should follow and I would never break them.
-Yes i have both skype and discord. I'll let you know what they are.
11/10/2016 5:45 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Zirconiium's Avatar
Put into further consideration, please check your PMs.
11/10/2016 10:00 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Zirconiium's Avatar
11/09/2016 10:45 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
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Planet Minecraft


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