RevengeIsThe-Key's Avatar RevengeIsThe-Key6/10/14 12:48 pm
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6/11/2014 1:29 pm
xXCrAcKiNpNuTXx's Avatar xXCrAcKiNpNuTXx
I've been thinking about setting up this fantasy hardcore roleplay server. It will have several races, dimensions and a lot of magic. We will be needing two moderators, for now, and they will be expected to either lead the vampires or the werewolves.

The Shadowhunters are from the books of Cassandra Clare

Warlocks (Half Demon/Half Human)
Shadowhunters (Half Angel/Half Human)

Each immortal race will have its own Original, the first of that race that is. They are the most powerful of that race and are expected by the Shadowhunters, which are basically the supernatural police, to keep an eye out on the others from their race.

Faeries and Warlocks can use magic. Vampires and werewolves have supernatural strength and speed. Shadowhunters are faster, stronger and can draw runes to enhance their skills. There's nothing special about humans though.

The Overworld is divided into 5 provinces and are all ruled by one king. Whoever kills the king, becomes the new king. Or if they die naturally, their successor becomes the next king.

The Faeries will have their dimension to live in. And so will the Shadowhunters. These are their home countries which only they can travel to (other races can as well but only with permission). But of course they can live in the Overworld, if they want to.

There will be a lot of wars, events and such to keep things from being boring.

Fill out this form, post it and we'll pick the best two!

Moderator application form
Do you have Skype?
Skype Username:
Where are you from?
How long per day would you play on this server?
Have you ever roleplayed on a server before?
How experienced are you with roleplay? (Some experience with roleplay will be needed)
Preferred Race: (Vampires or Werewolves)
How can you contribute to the server with your knowledge?
Maturity Level: (Be honest) From 1-10
Posted by RevengeIsThe-Key's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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06/11/2014 1:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
xXCrAcKiNpNuTXx's Avatar
Age: 13
Do you have Skype? Yes
Skype Username:xxcrackinpnutxx
Where are you from?Nevada
How long per day would you play on this server?2-4 hours
Have you ever roleplayed on a server before?Yes
How experienced are you with roleplay? (Some experience with roleplay will be needed) I don't have a lot so I'd say 4/10
Preferred Race: (Vampires or Werewolves)WereWolves, I mean there wolves, Nuff said
How can you contribute to the server with your knowledge? I can help with questions like crafting or information about the server and some RP, mad players or trolls, Nobody likes trolls, (I mean the griefing stealing trolls not the actual like troll) I am nice and funny and can help with lots
Maturity Level: (Be honest) From 1-10 7

And my friends app:
Age: 13
Do you have Skype? yes
Skype Username: Doesn't like it share it with people
Where are you from? Utah
How long per day would you play on this server?3-5 hours
Have you ever roleplayed on a server before?Yes
How experienced are you with roleplay? (Some experience with roleplay will be needed) 6/10
Preferred Race: (Vampires or Werewolves) Werewolves
How can you contribute to the server with your knowledge?Responsible Makes sure everyone is following the rules very nice and a amazing builder, (if you need him to build anything he's the guy)
Maturity Level: (Be honest) From 1-10 8 (My friend is very mature and responsible sometimes I don't think he's 13 O_o)
06/11/2014 1:25 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
Roer's Avatar
Age: 14
Do you have Skype? No
Skype Username: N/A
Where are you from? U.S.
How long per day would you play on this server? I would try to be on for about 3-5 hours every day.
Have you ever roleplayed on a server before? Yes
How experienced are you with roleplay? (Some experience with roleplay will be needed) Very
Preferred Race: Vampires
How can you contribute to the server with your knowledge? I would be able to build anything required and I have also been Builder/Mod on one server (I was promoted to Mod after applying for Builder) and Owner on another.
Maturity Level: (Be honest) 10 (I know this shouldn't really be my answer, but it is true)
06/11/2014 1:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Lone_Surviver's Avatar
Age: 13
Do you have Skype? Yes
Skype Username: yoloandswagisg4y
Where are you from? Kentucky (in the US)
How long per day would you play on this server? 3-8 hours
Have you ever roleplayed on a server before? I've played on roleplay servers before and like them.
How experienced are you with roleplay? (Some experience with roleplay will be needed) I use to role play all the time with my brother.
Preferred Race: (Vampires or Werewolves)
How can you contribute to the server with your knowledge? I can contribute with my outstanding building or my sense of humor.
Maturity Level:(Be honest) From 1-10 9
06/11/2014 12:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MetroidV's Avatar
Age: 14
Do you have Skype? Yes
Skype Username: Will Private Message it
Where are you from? USA
How long per day would you play on this server? At LEAST one hour
Have you ever roleplayed on a server before? Yes
How experienced are you with roleplay? (Some experience with roleplay will be needed) I love to RP and i RP a lot, I know a lot about rping.
Preferred Race: (Vampires or Werewolves) Either one is fine, though Vampires if they have no major weaknesses. If they do have weaknesses Werewolves
How can you contribute to the server with your knowledge? I can help players with RPing and anything in general about the server and I will be able to answer questions from anybody.
Maturity Level: (Be honest) From 1-10 9
06/10/2014 1:02 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
CzarinaBanana's Avatar
Moderator application form
Age: 17
Do you have Skype? Yes
Skype Username: Will private msg it.
Where are you from? NewYork, NewYork
How long per day would you play on this server? 1-5 hours
Have you ever roleplayed on a server before? Omg, yes I love playing on on rpg servers!
How experienced are you with roleplay? (Some experience with roleplay will be needed) I have played and have been staff on 4 roleplay servers:
WarCraft: Admin
WitchCraft: Mod
SurvivalCraft: Head-Admin
FreedomCraft: Admin
Just Experience:
DevaCraft: Senior Admin
FreedomCraft: Head-Admin
TavCraft: Admin
WarSteals: Staff Manager
DerpCraft: Head-Operator
Nerf-Craft: Head-Mod
ChickenCraft: Admin
AnkietCraft: CO-Owner
MortalityServers: Co-Owner
MiniMc: Co-Owner
GhostCraft: Admin
Factions101: Admin
VSNNetwork: Server police (Just below admin)
LedzCraft: Admin
DiamondCraft: Dev
GoldCraft: Admin
MinePlaza: Admin
HaliCraft: Head-Admin
CheechCraft: Mod
Preferred Race: (Vampires or Werewolves) Werewolves
How can you contribute to the server with your knowledge? I can contirbute my knowledge of roleplaying and minecraft in general. I know alot about both, so I will be able to answer any questions players or staff have.
Maturity Level: (Be honest) From 1-10 9.5
Planet Minecraft


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