Apply for [Trial-Mod]! [1.7.2] 24/7 Factions/PvP

shaaarks's Avatar shaaarks12/22/13 11:12 pm
1 emeralds 274 3
12/23/2013 3:58 am
DerpyBadger's Avatar DerpyBadger
IP: thefriendzone.mpro.co

Apply for Trial-Mod here!
You will be notified on Planet Minecraft if you have been selected.
Abuse of the Trial-Mod rank is an automatic IP ban
Failure to use the correct format of the template below is an automatic rejection.
You must have been logged in to the server for a day before applying


Age: (Don't lie, we can tell)
How long have you been playing MineCraft?:
What other servers have you been staff on?:
How often would you be able to be on the server?:
About you:
How you would benefit the server:
Posted by shaaarks's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Artist

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12/23/2013 3:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DerpyBadger's Avatar
IGN: DerpyBadger
Age: 15
How long have you been playing minecraft?: I have been playing since Beta 1.3
What other servers have you been staff on?: I have been staff on 1 other server but unfortunately that closed down.
How often would you be able to be on the server?: I would be able to contribute around 7-9 hours a day.
About you: About me? Well this is the hard part but I believe that I am mature, helpful and kind. Not a lot I know but I don't want to seem big headed I live in England so obviously I speak English and yeah...
How you would benefit the server: I could benefit the server by being online consistently and also putting good ideas forward to the admins and owners, I already am planning one with one of the owners which is kinda cool I could answer questions for everyone and also I could help promote the server.
12/23/2013 1:38 am
Level 27 : Expert Dragon
jith123's Avatar
IGN: Jith123
Age: (Don't lie, we can tell) 16
How long have you been playing MineCraft?: 3 years
What other servers have you been staff on?:
I have a lot of experience with being staff on servers. Here is the list:
1. Mod on play.avengerminecraft.com
2. Mod on m.mcuniversal.tk
3. Admin on mc36.serverminer.com:26091 (server may be down due to hackers)
4. Co-Owner on (server may also be down for same reason. If you want proof that it was an actual server, go to PMC and search "CriticalCraft." Then click on the one that says, "Made by Jith123."
5. Head-Staff on dracon.us.to
6. Owner on (site: http://www.planetminecraft.com ... er/baccas-dreamland/)
7. Owner on connorserver.no-ip.com (site: http://theminecraftserverlist. ... nnorserver.no-ip.biz
8. Mod on uprisingcraft.beastnode.net (1.7.2, rest are 1.6.4)
9. Mod on mcbiopvp.com
These are all of the servers I have been staff on. I have been staff on more, but most of those servers have shut down, or they are loaded on my other laptop.
How often would you be able to be on the server?: 5-7 hours on weekends, and 3-5 hours on weekdays
About you:
How you would benefit the server:
Skills That I have: I am a pretty decent builder and I am always fair. I would never ban anyone for no reason. I also follow a certain ban order for people that swear or spam like 3 times.
Ban Order:
1. Kick
2. Mute (Time Varies)
3. TempBan (Time Varies)
4. Ban
As you can see, the last one would only be used for people that would decide to advertise on our server. I would never let them advertise, since we would never want our players leaving.
Why I want Staff: I would like to have staff because I love helping out players. I love to try and make players join and stay, and I will always advertise this server on other servers, trying to get more and more people to join. I want to be staff also because I will be able to help Owners, and other staff members with upcoming builds that could be coming.
Why Should I be Accepted: I think I should be accepted mainly because I have been staff on many other servers so I have the experience to do it. I also know the rules, and I never abuse. I always play fair and by the rules and if anyone notices anything bad about me, its demotion time for me! I do not want anyone thinking that I am a bad staff member and if anyone does, then I shall be demoted.

Other Info:
Other Info:
How You Can Contact Me: Skype: JithMonster Gmail: jithinlucas@gmail.com or jithstereyes@gmail.com
mark altshuler
12/22/2013 11:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
mark altshuler's Avatar
ign: mark7654321
How long have you been playing minecraft?: since 1.3
How often will you be on the server: 5 hours a day
How you will benefit the server: I believe I am suitable for the Admin postion because of my good character, personality, experiance, maturity, and my kindness. I am a clean person, in the sense that I never, and will never, cuss in global chat, ally chat, and/or clan chat. I am a mature individual that is always willing to devote all of my time to help theCitizens with any questions they have. I have gone through the prestige system and prison, so I am well aware of all of the information needed in prison servers, and will help anyone in need of assistance. I am a kind and respectful person in the community who would love to take the extra step into helping others at anytime at all in the community.At the moment, whenever someone has a question about the commands and how they work, or the location of places, I am more than glad to help via global chat. People have told me I was "mini-modding", but the truth is, it is just my good nature of helping people with their problems. I believe this characteristic that I possess is an important one if I am to take up the role as admin.I am a fairly quick typer, so I am capable of responding to others in a moments notice. I believe this too is an important trait of a Head Admin that I possess.I am aware of all rules, and I understand muted offenses, such as Foreign Language, Cussing, Spam, Staff Disrespect, etc. I am also knowledgable of the ban offenses, such as advertising other servers, racism, and major spam. I am fully aware in the /mute and /warn commands and will most certainly not abuse this power if I am to be accepted as Admin.Although I might not have experiance moderating on different servers, I will act respectfully, honestly, and responsibly if accepted as Admin. I have expressed my kindness, generosity, and good will to my peers in and out.I will be a great asset to the staff, in my opinion, and will help out with questions/concerns, and any help in general. I am as active on these forums compared to my playing time on the server. I will portray the same kind, helpful, respectful traits on these forums as well, as I do already. Because I am a pretty experianced player.Im a really fun loving, hilarious dude that will not only bring all of my knowledge into chat, but as well as crack a few jokes along the way. Im a great guy in general, and I wish to contribute more to this server.
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