»» BODzCRAFT«« [Needing Staff + Players]

Baus's Avatar Baus4/13/13 12:17 am
8/5/2013 1:38 am
anonpmc699701's Avatar anonpmc699701
Hello Guys.

BODzCraft is looking for some new people to join this Hub Server.

It has Factions, Towny and HungerGames.

It's in the process of looking for staff members
The ranks needed to be filled are listed below.
1 Co-owner
1 Plugin manager
1 Head-Admin
6 Admins
1 Head-Moderator
6 Moderator

It has a TeamSpeak Server which is: bodcraft.ts.nfoservers.com
Minecraft Server IP: mc.bodzcraft.com

Note: Some Admins will be paid by donations

Fill out this app
and you might be choosen!
(Words with the * next to them must be filled out!)


*Age14(Or very mature):

*Must have Skype and a mic, if so whats your skype:

*Experience in being staff:

*What will you do if you get staff:

*How can you help people when you are given a staff rank:

*How can you prove that you are better than others in being staff:

*Can you advertise?:

Thanks for filling out this app and hopefully we can see some of you people becoming staff!

Posted by Baus's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner

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08/05/2013 1:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc699701's Avatar
04/13/2013 2:34 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
digbuildplay's Avatar
I can be Admin,Head-Admin,Co-Owner,PluginManager


*Age14(Or very mature):14

*Must have Skype and a mic, if so whats your skype:gunner52360

*Experience in being staff:Unlike other applicants i'm not going to put "I've been admin on like 4 servers and co owner of 2!" Because i know you really don't care and if i was the owner i would actually discourage myself away from those applications because it shows how little time they've had to write out there applications.

*What will you do if you get staff:I still like to play the game so if i was to hired the Spawning (If there is) or Gamemode (If there is) won't affect me, it just makes it easier to help others in their time of need. I will be a active member of the community as in being in a faction with non staff members chilling hanging out. Making sure everyone actually likes me. I put a great stress on my reputation for the most part but i will get down and dirty and do work.

*How can you help people when you are given a staff rank:I try to be the best I can be on every server and do my best to make everyone's experience the best it can be!A New player is Cursing Every One Out and Spaming What do you do?:Mute and tempban

Oh No, Some One as been Griefed And is very Upset How do you deal with it?:Ask you if you can role the server back

*How can you prove that you are better than others in being staff:I have also helped many developing servers with their plugins and setting up their donation system. I love helping others more than myself and I spend most of my time on the computer working on other people's servers. I have plenty of time dedicated to helping these servers and I always can get the job done for them, no matter how hard it is, I always stick with it until the end.I am pretty good at advertising look good. I know how to make people want to donate to servers. I have helped about 5 different servers grow and turn into huge successful servers. One server that I set up for an owner is now doing amazing and is a server hub. I am very fast at setting up server and can get the job done dispite my young age. I know what types of plugins amazes people and what to configurate the files to make them work the best that they are capable of. I am a pretty good builder and I know some pretty advanced redstone.. I strive for perfection in my grammer, builds, and plugins. I always use proper grammer, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, ect. I try to be the best I can be on every server and do my best to make everyone's experience the best it can be!

*Can you advertise?:Yes on youtube.....etc.....
04/13/2013 2:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
PlainOldBread's Avatar
*Name: dragondude3434 Head admin or admin

*Age: 14 Mature.

*Must have Skype and a mic, if so whats your skype: tyler.gale7

*Experience in being staff: I have been staff on many other servers, mod or admin.
currently I am an admin on a small server, Good with voxel sniper.

*What will you do if you get staff: Do what told to do. Help others if they need help
answer questions. Help the server grow.

*How can you help people when you are given a staff rank: Tell people about the server,
what the server is like, what to do and welcome new people.

*How can you prove that you are better than others in being staff: I don't think that anyone
is better than anyone, but here are a few things.
1. Kind and not strict (only strict when needed.)
2. Good builder voxel sniper (love that plugin) and world edit also just building with bricks.
3. Online every day.
4. Enforce the rules, not to much.
5. Been on monecraft for a while.

*Can you advertise?: Yes I have a youtube account.

Thank you for reading
04/13/2013 2:07 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
xjosh50x's Avatar
Please PM me for any questions or the final decision on my app!
04/13/2013 2:05 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
xjosh50x's Avatar
Co-Owner or Admin app.

*Name: Josh ( ign: xjosh50x )

*Age14(Or very mature): I am 16 years old and am very mature.

*Must have Skype and a mic, if so whats your skype: xjosh50x

*Experience in being staff: I have a lot of experience in being a staff member. I am currently admin on two and mod on two. I have also been a Co-Owner on a server. I know the usual commands extremely well. I also have a very good memory, which helps me remember any new commands that I may learn. Also, I am very good at plugins. ( configuring )

*What will you do if you get staff: Treat the players with respect and help the server out any way I possibly can.

*How can you help people when you are given a staff rank: Help them with any thing they may need and make the players experience better in some ways.

*How can you prove that you are better than others in being staff: I am better at being a staff member because I am a very mature, and trustworthy person. Also, I am not bias and know how to handle many situations that are flown my way. I love helping others more than myself and I spend most of my time on the computer working on other people's servers. I have plenty of time dedicated to helping these servers and I always can get the job done for them, no matter how hard it is, I always stick with it until the end.

*Can you advertise?: Sure!
04/13/2013 1:54 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
XxcrazykieranxX's Avatar
i forgot to say good luck to everyone
04/13/2013 1:45 pm
Level 47 : Master Unicorn
Pintaloosa's Avatar
App for Co-Owner or Head Admin
*Name: IGN is MattMk2, real name is Becca. (my minecraft account is a gift from my brother, Matt. I didn't choose the name of it. =P)

*Age14(Or very mature): I am 14 and very mature.

*Must have Skype and a mic, if so whats your skype: I'm sorry, I don't have a mic. But I do have Skype, and my name is snowcookie98.

*Experience in being staff: I was one of the co owners of a medium-sized multiverse server for 7 months. Unfortunately it closed down. I am currently mod on a small faction server which is seldom online. I was admin on 4 other servers which also closed down. All in all, I've been staff many times and consider myself to have lots of experience!

*What will you do if you get staff: If I become staff, I will try my absolute hardest to make the server a success. It's sad when servers have to close down, so I want to help you make your server a long-term place to play and have fun. I love helping people, greeting new players, and keeping hackers off the server. I will be a dedicated staff member who can always be trusted not to abuse power or be inactive.

*How can you help people when you are given a staff rank: I can welcome the new players, answer questions, talk to people on the server forums, and enforce the rules - just about anything you need me to do! Many people on servers I've been staff on see me as a friend that they can always count on to be nice to them, even when nobody else is. That way, the people don't quit the server. And, of course, we want lots of players!

*How can you prove that you are better than others in being staff: I don't like to brag, but here's a list of stuff that makes me awesomer:
1. I don't curse, use all caps, spam, insult others, or rage.
2. I'm not super-strict (because let's face it, nobody likes super-strict staff), but I still enforce all the rules.
3. I will help with anything you need me to do.
4. I know how to use tons of plugins, like McMmo, Factions, World Edit, ChestShops, and more.
5. I will never, ever abuse power. My reputation is good, I'd like to keep it that way.
6. I'm online every day for about 2 hours. I also have an app for my phone that lets me chat on the server and keep an eye on it when I don't have access to my computer.
7. I'm nice! Every server needs nice staff! =D

*Can you advertise?: Of course! I can do that on my YouTube channel. I make animations and would like to try making an animated server promo video. I can also do let's plays there occasionally. I can also advertise on my PMC blog, where I have 36 subscribers, and to my friends.

I hope you pick me, and thanks for reading. =)
04/13/2013 1:33 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc490974's Avatar
04/13/2013 1:39 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
PrankVsPrankFtw's Avatar
You did not put the rank you wanted
04/13/2013 2:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc490974's Avatar
04/13/2013 1:26 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
XxcrazykieranxX's Avatar
When are you going to announce who is staff
04/13/2013 1:21 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pixel Painter
XxcrazykieranxX's Avatar

Name:XxcrazykieranxX or just kieran

Age14(Or very mature):12 but mature

Must have Skype and a mic, if so whats your skype:XxcrazykieranxX

Experience in being staff:been a part of staff in up to 7 other servers

What will you do if you get staff:i will advertise it,play on it very often and help others with problems and show people around.I will tell you if there are glitchers and also tell if someone is being mean.

How can you help people when you are given a staff rank:I will be on both sides if there is an arguement,show them around,cheer them up, chat with them,sometimes play with people and stop griefers from destroying peoples dreams.

Oh No, Some One as been Griefed And is very Upset How do you deal with it?:ask them who the griefer is then stop him. then tell the other staff what has happened, then help the griefed person out.

How can you prove that you are better than others in being staff:I will advertise it around other websites, build, actually sort the problem out properly and not be so strict and i will act as if i am just a normal person in the server

I can advertise by posting on websites eg here or go and post on other servers
04/13/2013 11:53 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
PrankVsPrankFtw's Avatar

*Can you advertise?:Yes

How can you advertise?
A Posting On here B posting youtube Vids C Enjin
04/13/2013 2:09 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Baus's Avatar

*Can you advertise?:Yes

How can you advertise?
04/13/2013 1:28 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
PrankVsPrankFtw's Avatar
Co_Owner App


*Age14(Or very mature):15

*Must have Skype and a mic, if so whats your skype:thelittletoomuch

*Experience in being staff:Unlike other applicants i'm not going to put "I've been admin on like 10 servers and co owner of 1!" Because i know you really don't care and if i was the owner i would actually discourage myself away from those applications because it shows how little time they've had to write out there applications.

*What will you do if you get staff:I still like to play the game so if i was to hired the Spawning (If there is) or Gamemode (If there is) won't affect me, it just makes it easier to help others in their time of need. I will be a active member of the community as in being in a faction with non staff members chilling hanging out. Making sure everyone actually likes me. I put a great stress on my reputation for the most part but i will get down and dirty and do work.

*How can you help people when you are given a staff rank:I try to be the best I can be on every server and do my best to make everyone's experience the best it can be!A New player is Cursing Every One Out and Spaming What do you do?:Mute and tempban

Oh No, Some One as been Griefed And is very Upset How do you deal with it?:Ask you if you can role the server back

*How can you prove that you are better than others in being staff:I have also helped many developing servers with their plugins and setting up their donation system. I love helping others more than myself and I spend most of my time on the computer working on other people's servers. I have plenty of time dedicated to helping these servers and I always can get the job done for them, no matter how hard it is, I always stick with it until the end.I am pretty good at advertising look good. I know how to make people want to donate to servers. I have helped about 5 different servers grow and turn into huge successful servers. One server that I set up for an owner is now doing amazing and is a server hub. I am very fast at setting up server and can get the job done dispite my young age. I know what types of plugins amazes people and what to configurate the files to make them work the best that they are capable of. I am a pretty good builder and I know some pretty advanced redstone.. I strive for perfection in my grammer, builds, and plugins. I always use proper grammer, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, ect. I try to be the best I can be on every server and do my best to make everyone's experience the best it can be!

*Can you advertise?:Yes
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