brick56's Avatar brick561/13/15 6:27 pm
1/15/2015 8:41 am
magnhunter89876's Avatar magnhunter89876
Hello! I am the Head-Admin of Exposure Factions and we are currently looking for staff. We are a factions pvp/raiding server and we need staff to help make give our players the best experience possible. The server is 24/7 right now but is currently undergoing many plugin developments so a lot of the permissions are still being worked on. If you are interested in applying for staff then use the template below to make a staff application. To prove that you even somewhat read this your staff application must contain the word potatoes at the end of it for you to even be considered. We do not discriminate against younger staff but we prefer mature and experienced people over the less experienced. You MUST have skype to even be considered.

We Need 4 Admins and we need 5 Moderators. If you are interested then follow the template below to apply.

Have you ever been mod/Admin before?:
How many hours can you play on weekdays/weekends?:
Skype:(You can just PM me this if you don't feel comfortable posting it here).
What would you do if someone was spamming the chat with another server's ip:
Any extra notes about yourself:

If you are accepted I will add you on skype and contact you with further information there.

Good luck to all who apply and remember to include the Secret Word at The End of Your application!
Posted by brick56's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn

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01/13/2015 6:44 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Venidos's Avatar
Your in-game name: Venidos

Age: 17

Which rank are you applying for :Admin

Past Experience/Past Builds (Planetminecraft build links/screenshots): i have been on 2 pro build servers. i have been apart of the Aria City Project, i have voxeled a custom map on another build server, i specify in medevial and achient aztec sandstone building but enjoy building modern on the side, and i am starting to take up modern buulding after 2 years of leaving it behind. i enjoy creating custom terraformed maps and spaces for my builds. I am a former member of Team Paragon

Are you able to use world edit tools?: yes i am extremly good with voxel sniper and worldedit. World Painter is my all time favorite and produces the best looking results

What type of builds do you specialize in (if this applies to you)?: medieval and ancient aztec, i used to build modern and could easily do that also.

Why do you want to join the server?: i enjoy helping others and other servers. my knowlage of minecraft over the past 5 years, I have seen it all and have done it all and want to pass that experience on to others.

Why should we choose you, instead of another applicant?: i have owned and operated 4 servers, i have admined 8+ servers you stop keeping track after awile, i have extreme experiance with plugins and server setup and config

How much time are you willing to put into the server?: instrested in a part time week day and all day weekend position as school can consume my time.

Have you ever been banned on a server before: no feel free to seach my name here : http://fishbans.com/search.php this is where i check my players and it crossrefernces bans with MCbans, MCbouncer, Minebans, MCblockit and Glitzer.

What is your Time zone?: USA Est standard.

Skype: venido.s

How can we contact you?: PM me on PMC.
01/13/2015 6:57 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Optimus1800's Avatar
IGN: Optimus1800
Age: 13
Timezone: I'm in Australia, Victoria so I think I'm 10 hours ahead GMT.
Have you ever been mod/Admin before?: yes, I have been admin on two servers and a mod on two servers as well as a helper on one.

How many hours can you play on weekdays/weekends?: I can play on Weekdays and Weekends about 1+ hours but only until the end of my school holiday. After that I can only play 1+hours on Weekends but I'll dedicate as much time as possible.

Skype:(You can just PM me this if you don't feel comfortable posting it here). I don't have Skype but you can message me through private mail on planetminecraft to further give me information.

What would you do if someone was spamming the chat with another server's ip: I would give them a warning to stop, then I would threaten to kick them. If they kept that up i would kick them but if they still went on I would temp kick them for 1d and if they come on again and still spam it I will ban them.

Any extra notes about yourself: I am willing to dedicate time and effort to this server and I think I can help players who come on have a great server experience. I love to build and redstone as well as build mini games. It would be great if you accepted me and I would treat it as a privilege.
01/13/2015 9:14 pm
Level 1 : New Network
BraxtonOD's Avatar
Name: braxtongarthglen
Age: 13
Timezone: Mountain Time
Have you ever been mod/Admin before?: Yes
How many hours can you play on weekdays/weekends?: weekdays 3-6 hours weedends 10-11
Skype:(You can just PM me this if you don't feel comfortable posting it here). braxtongarthglen
What would you do if someone was spamming the chat with another server's ip: mute them and report them
Any extra notes about yourself: I love to help out the community and can help with permissions
01/13/2015 10:01 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
BenGoesLive's Avatar
IGN: Benny93368
Name: Benjamin
Age: 19
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
Have you ever been mod/Admin before?: Yes. I am an Admin on 2 servers and a Mod in training on a server I just joined.
How many hours can you play on weekdays/weekends?: Weekdays: 2-5 hours Weekends: 2-7 hours
Skype: BenGoesLive
What would you do if someone was spamming the chat with another server's ip: Give them a warning and if the continue a kick and if they then re join and continue a mute.
Any extra notes about yourself: I am kind of hoping for Admin in this app but I really don't mind if I only get Moderator
01/13/2015 10:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
baronbrocket's Avatar
IGN: BaronBrocket
Name: Doug
Age: 22
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Have you ever been mod/Admin before?: Yes, in quite a few games. Mainly Minecraft and Gmod as of late.
How many hours can you play on weekdays/weekends?: I usually try to be on for a couple of hours a day, but I do have a full time job, so I get on while I can.
Skype: dougmacnally
What would you do if someone was spamming the chat with another server's ip: I would kick and ban them immediately. They obviously have no interest in being on the server if they plan on spamming for another server.
Any extra notes about yourself: I'm pretty friendly and most players I've admin'd or moderated have liked me. I'm not going to sit here and dote on myself about how good I am at being an admin, but you can just ask my potatoes.
Larry Newman
01/13/2015 10:22 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Larry Newman's Avatar
For the sake of being fantastic, here's a better version

01/13/2015 11:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KiritoKraft2's Avatar
IGN: Kirito2424
Name: Nicholas
Age: 14
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Have you ever been Mod/Admin before?: Yes i have on several servers
How often can you play: Hours and Hours From After school till i go to bed i can be on
On weekends almost all day
Skype: Kirito2424
What would i do if someone was spamming another server IP: I would give them a warning if the continue kick with the message of : If you continue to spam anothers IP it will be a perm ban. If the continue a tempban then ask another staffs opinion for a ban.
Extra Notes: I am a good staff member who can be fair during tough situations I know most commands i know my boundrys i am good with Worldedit And im a good pixel artist

01/14/2015 12:53 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
brick56's Avatar
Bumpity Bump and Remember that Secret word!
01/14/2015 1:27 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Twiistify's Avatar
IGN: Twiistify
Name: Jamie
Age: 14
Timezone: UK

Have you ever been mod/Admin before?: Yes, On a few small servers but now Im dev on two pretty big servers, One beta 1000 slot network server and a 200 slot beta factions server (they have not been released yet but i can give screen shots....

How many hours can you play on weekdays/weekends?: weekdays, about 6 hours maybe 7, weekends, pretty much whole day.

Skype:(You can just PM me this if you don't feel comfortable posting it here): pm

What would you do if someone was spamming the chat with another server's ip: ban them.

Any extra notes about yourself:

I've had a lot of experience in the past, I owned a server but I had to shut it down seeing as it wasn't going anywhere. I think of my self as quite a sensible and trustworthy person. I'm quite active on minecraft so I think I'll be quite helpful.
01/14/2015 5:03 pm
Level 28 : Expert Network
austin652's Avatar
IGN: austin652
Name: Austin
Age: 15
Timezone: EST
Have you ever been mod/Admin before?: Yes, I own a server and have past experience as mod/Admin
How many hours can you play on weekdays/weekends?: weekdays usally 6/7 hours and on weekends around maybe 11/12 hours
Skype: austin652_
What would you do if someone was spamming the chat with another server's ip: kick them if the return and spam again mute them.
01/15/2015 8:41 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
magnhunter89876's Avatar
Have you ever been mod/Admin before?:mod on 4 servers and admin on 2
How many hours can you play on weekdays/weekends?:3-10
Skype:(You can just PM me this if you don't feel comfortable posting it here).,magnusdk123
What would you do if someone was spamming the chat with another server's ip:warn them if they not stopped i mute them for 5 minutes and double the mutex2 every time the person scammed
Any extra notes about yourself:hope you choose me as a mod or admin
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