~~~===// CITYOFHEAVEN \\===~~~ Recruiting all staff team -

Lori00's Avatar Lori006/5/16 12:35 pm
6/14/2016 12:18 am
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar FrostJam_Owner
Hi there!
We are a new SkyBlock server which is looking for staff.
We need a whole staff team. We currently are on Whitelist and we will keep it until we go public. Accepted staff members will be added to the whitelist.
We are in need of staff members who cover these positions:

Builder - (4)
Helper - (6)
Mod - (4)
Sr. Mod (Senior Mod) - (2)
Admin - (1)
Developer - (1)
Head Admin - Not available

You are required to post an application in the comments below.
Builders do not need to write an application

Application Format
2. Which rank would you like to apply for?
3. Why do you want to be a staff member?
4. How old are you?
5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest)
6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills?

Good luck!
Posted by Lori00's Avatar
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer

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06/05/2016 12:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mastermind0426's Avatar
IGN: mastermind0426

Rank: Head Builder or Admin (I prefer Head Builder)

Why: I am very good at building and I used to be an owner of a server.

Age: 13 but mature

Maturity: 7.5

Experience: I used to own a server that is now corrupted

Thank you for your time

(I know builders don't need to do this, but I want you to trust me.)
06/05/2016 3:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
If you would like to apply on skype add me and apply to me too i am the server owner
Skype: FrostJam1111
06/06/2016 5:26 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
06/06/2016 8:14 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
AwesomePeridot108's Avatar
1.IGN: awesomeperidot18
2. Which rank would you like to apply for? Admin or Sr.mod
3. Why do you want to be a staff member? I should be a Admin/Mod for these reasons. I have high experience with minecraft servers, I have around 4 hours a day of time to go on servers. Other reasons are, I am well trusted and I am very good with grammar and can do 60 words per minute. I have a very high trust level. For example I don't get the fun in griefing it just doesn't seem right. It is bad when done to you so why do it? I am hated by about 7 hackers now. The reason is i have caught people on camera really quickly and then have been able to get a good report. As a staff member I would be able to take a screen shot of a hacker quickly then punish them. these are just a few reasons i am trusted. My next reason is building. If any building is required I can be excellent. I have won so many games of building games. I can build without world edit, and I am really good with world edit. Game developing. I am really good at developing simple server games. I know how to set up a /server then get the build. I also know how to transfer a rank over and get global ranks on. Then I set default game modes and then begin on what the game is about. These are just a few things why I should be Admin. If you like my style it would be awesome to be a helper for these reasons again: I am well trusted I am good at english, I can capture pictures of hackers for proof before they get banned, I have really good building skill and I am really good at developing in server games. There are many things a server needs. As I have recently said I am extremely good at developing. I understand how to make ranks and apply. I am also very active and for example i am put on to support centre on the forums I can be there to help. With my knowledge of servers and my very hight activity rate I can help a server alot. But thats just the beginning. With high server knowledge I can be very helpful to people that might need help. I have had 2 1/2 years of experience on minecraft servers. For the first year I didn't understand but I got interested and I decide to go onto youtube and understand more about servers. I then learn more and more. I am also very friendly and can help someone who needs help. For example someone asks how to get more things I can tell them they can donate to get it or if they are on a game I can tell them where they find it. Along with my knowledge on minecraft servers I have been on the server for about 2 months now and I have released what plugins there are and how to develop them. Despite all these things There are still much more ways I can help the server grow.
4. How old are you? 15
5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest) 9.8
6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills? I was an Admin on my old friends server. It had a player base of 5-40 players and didn't grow that much. I put all of my effort into the server each day coming on to, fixing bugs, helping members with issues and problems, banning hackers etc. I realized the server wasn't growing anymore and everyday more and more players left. I then resigned and joined another small server. The same process happened there. I gained trust, worked to the best of my ability helping the server out. Months after, it then closed down.
What could you bring to the server?
I can Moderate the chat from spam, advertisement, bullying and hazing, and other infractions, as well as issue punishments to offenders and defuse situations between players such as fights or conflicts that create unnecessary disturbance for other players on the server. I can dedicate my time and effort to ensuring such problems do not occur, and if I am away from home I am fully able to use the Slack application on my Android as well as join the game on my Windows tablet if necessary. I like solving problems, finding answers and making informed decisions. Currently, I do my best to help answer questions other players may have. I've made Youtube videos to explain certain builds in Factions, and have helped a few other players figure out how to access the /help pages. I try to stay on top of current bugs or issues with the server, so that I can confirm "It's not just you, this is an issue, it's being worked on." I also encourage players to use the forums to stay updated. As staff, I would be more able to encourage players to voice their concerns. I would do my best to answer questions or solve problems, even if that answer is simply "I don't know at the moment. Give me an hour to find out, I will get back to you." I would do my best to be accessible through Skype and inbox messages, as well as any time I'm in-game. I would be sure to communicate through forums as well as in-game, for the benefit of players not online at the time and to be heard longer than the few minutes a chat box stays active.
06/06/2016 8:25 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Qust's Avatar
copy pasted
06/06/2016 8:26 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
How do you know it's copy pasted?
06/06/2016 8:28 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
AwesomePeridot108's Avatar
you need to stop harassing me
06/06/2016 9:46 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
RevLefty's Avatar
06/06/2016 8:29 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Qust's Avatar
AwesomePeridot108These are just a few things why I should be Admin. If you like my style it would be awesome to be a helper for these reasons again:


AwesomePeridot108I have been on the server for about 2 months now

The server is whitelisted.

2. Which rank would you like to apply for? Admin or Sr.mod
3. Why do you want to be a staff member? I should be a Admin/Mod

What could you bring to the server?
I can Moderate the chat from spam, advertisement, bullying and hazing, and other infractions, as well as issue punishments to offenders and defuse situations between players such as fights or conflicts that create unnecessary disturbance for other players on the server. I can dedicate my time and effort to ensuring such problems do not occur, and if I am away from home I am fully able to use the Slack application on my Android as well as join the game on my Windows tablet if necessary. I like solving problems, finding answers and making informed decisions. Currently, I do my best to help answer questions other players may have. I've made Youtube videos to explain certain builds in Factions, and have helped a few other players figure out how to access the /help pages. I try to stay on top of current bugs or issues with the server, so that I can confirm "It's not just you, this is an issue, it's being worked on." I also encourage players to use the forums to stay updated. As staff, I would be more able to encourage players to voice their concerns. I would do my best to answer questions or solve problems, even if that answer is simply "I don't know at the moment. Give me an hour to find out, I will get back to you." I would do my best to be accessible through Skype and inbox messages, as well as any time I'm in-game. I would be sure to communicate through forums as well as in-game, for the benefit of players not online at the time and to be heard longer than the few minutes a chat box stays active.

Extra question.

Oh come on, put some effort into the copy/paste.
06/06/2016 8:33 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
AwesomePeridot108's Avatar
buddy i meant i been staff on an srver for 2 months
06/06/2016 8:35 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Qust's Avatar
06/06/2016 8:48 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
K guys please fight on privet chat and not here this post is suppost to get staff so please...
06/06/2016 9:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lyme_Sweet's Avatar
AwesomePeridot you've posted that same application on like 10 other servers your really gonna say you didnt copy it lol lies.
06/06/2016 2:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
06/07/2016 12:47 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Guys we're still in need of Devs and Builders!
06/07/2016 3:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
iExclusive's Avatar
1.IGN: iNubGod

2. Which rank would you like to apply for? I am looking to apply for Helper

3. Why do you want to be a staff member? I want to be a staff member because I am a huge fan of skyblock servers, I am always making sure people join the server and are welcomed, I am also good at handling arguments between players and handling it in a professional way, I am also willing to help with new ideas for the server and I am always wanting to help people that are in need of a hand

4. How old are you? 14

5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest) 8

6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills? I have been helper on a server and I got helper of the month 3 times in a row, this server shut down due to a problem with the owner and his IRL business, I am now currently Helper at a new server based on factions, skyblock, KitPvP, prison, and many more are coming, I actually just got a promotion from Chat Mod to helper, I have also bought particles and VIP from this server and the donation that I have made helped them open up a new type of element on the server
06/07/2016 7:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Xx_WamblingComet_xX's Avatar
Add me on skype for some more questions my skype is WamblingComet
06/07/2016 3:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CHGamerConfirmed's Avatar

2. Which rank would you like to apply for?
Admin / Sr.Mod

3. Why do you want to be a staff member?
Because i don't really have anything else to do.
And i think that im good at that job.

4. How old are you?

5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest)

6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills?
Yes. And those skills are from finnish servers called: KinderMine / City / RalliCraft (all closed now.. sad)

06/07/2016 7:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Xx_WamblingComet_xX's Avatar
Add me on skype for some more questions and the IP :WamblingComet
06/07/2016 5:56 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Aether117's Avatar
1.IGN: FlameLandRPG (Soon to be: AncientV_YT)

2. Which rank would you like to apply for?: I would like to be an Admin

3. Why do you want to be a staff member?: Reasons: 1: To Help The Server. 2: To Help All Players When the server gets released to the public. but still help staff if they do not know something and would like to know it. 3: To make the server increase more before it gets released to the public.

4. How old are you?: I am 12.

5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest): I would say, about: 6.7

6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills?: Yes I do as a matter of fact. I am the Owner of a server, but I don't go on often. I do not know why though. and I have also been an Admin on a server. but that server reset and thus so did staff.

I hope you can accept this!
06/07/2016 7:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Xx_WamblingComet_xX's Avatar
All Admin spots are full would you like to apply for something else if so Add me on my skype (WamblingComet)
06/07/2016 6:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CreeperKill3r's Avatar
1.IGN- CreeperKill3r

2. Which rank would you like to apply for?
Mod, Sr. Mod or Admin (Admin most preferably)

3. Why do you want to be a staff member?
I think the main reason I would want to be a staff member is so I can help out new members and what not. I find that i always seem to be helping other people get started on servers by helping them find good land or giving them tips on where to start. So I figure that being a staff member will allow me to take that quality to a more professional level. I also feel as if I could bring a lot to the server, whether it be suggestions on how things can work better or pointing out when something isn’t quite right. Im not the best builder, i’m fairly good, however not the best- so I’m much more comfortable in a position in where i won’t be responsible for building.

4. How old are you?

5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest)
This question typically varies for me, I can be right up there with a ten if I’m required to be, or, if people want me to let loose then i can go down to like a five- so it honestly depends on what environment I’m working in and how people expect me to act

6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills?
Skills wise, I’ve been on minecraft for over five years now- so I’m pretty skilled when it comes to knowledge on how certain things work and what not.
With experience, I have been a admin on several small scale servers a few years ago.
06/07/2016 6:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SgtSem's Avatar
1.IGN: SgtSem
2. Which rank would you like to apply for?: Sr.Mod.
3. Why do you want to be a staff member?: I personally love Skyblock, I know everything there is too know about it, and it happens to be my second favorite gamemode. I also really enjoy helping out other people, and becoming staff on ANY server is a great way too do so. I am very experienced with players, do not have a short temper, and always know what to do for any situation. I have always gotten along with other staff members and players, and never had any trouble with the owners. And, I am very active on the servers I'm staff on, so you don't have to worry about me not being active. All servers have a future. And I want to help this server find there's. I'll do what I can too help, and I look forward to the server opening.
4. How old are you?: Thirteen.
5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest): 10.
6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills?: I do have previous experience, I was Moderator on multiple servers, and Admin W/Console, which was my most recent experience.
UPDATED: The only reason I am applying for Sr.Mod, is not because I am power hungry, like the majority of people who just apply for Admin, I'm only applying for such high of a rank, so that when the server opens, the spot is filled. I am not trying too make myself look like one of those kids. I normally would apply for Moderator or Helper, depending on the server, but this is only because of the current situation.
06/07/2016 7:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Xx_WamblingComet_xX's Avatar
Accepted add me on my skype : WamblingComet
06/07/2016 7:35 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragon
dasrafa's Avatar
2. Which rank would you like to apply for?
3. Why do you want to be a staff member?
I really like building and I do it alot. I've been playing MineCraft since spring 2013 and I still like it, so I don't think I will suddenly stop whilst on your server (it will probably be down by then).
I think I will be a great addition to your staff team, because I can build really good (I can show you some examples, if you want me to) and I think I'm mature enough for it too.
4. How old are you?
5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest)
Not a fan of rating myself, but I think about 7.5, I wouldn't even want anyone to go much higher than that, as you'd be so dull.
6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills?
Yes I do. I have been staff on a server called MCDiamondFire for a year and a half. It is quite a big server and I've built alot on there too, so you could check there if you want to see my buildings too. I'm not a builder on there, but just a normal staff :3

I have also built alot on newer servers, in the hope they would grow big, just like DF did, but well, none really did. They all went down or at some point the owner got so selfish he'd take too much donation money for his own pocket and then there was no more money for the server .

I really hope we can become a great community and grow to the top
06/07/2016 7:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Xx_WamblingComet_xX's Avatar
Accepted add me on my skype for some more questions and the IP
06/07/2016 9:38 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Hey! I am the owner and we decided to change the name to VoxelMC!
anyone else that wants to apply please do it fast before someone else does
And all admin spots are taken!
06/07/2016 7:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Xx_WamblingComet_xX's Avatar
06/07/2016 7:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ningag2's Avatar
1.IGN: Ningag2
2. Which rank would you like to apply for?: Admin
3. Why do you want to be a staff member?: I've been out of it for a while and I really loved interacting with the community and making my server better.
4. How old are you? 15
5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest) 8
6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills? A few years back me and a few buddies of mine decided to start up a factions PvP server using the heroes plug-in as our main building block. It went great for a year and a half with peaking at 60-70 players on at a time. Then with a combination of finals and a lack of donations, We didn't have the time or money to work on it. We put it off for 2 months and tried making a comeback but there was no interest and no former players came back.
06/08/2016 12:13 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Sorry but all admin spots are full
06/07/2016 10:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
DOGGO69420Jesus's Avatar
1.IGN: CowzFool
2. Which rank would you like to apply for?: Moderator.
3. Why do you want to be a staff member?: I want to be a moderator because I want to be there for players who need it, to help the server as best as I can (who can't use an extra set of hand, am I right?), and to also help you owners to have time for your own lives outside of the server. What I mean by this is I help so you don't have to do as much work on the server as if I wasn't here.
4. How old are you? 17 years old, and not getting any younger.
5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest) 9. I am a 9 because I like to joke around sometimes. SOMETIMES.
6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills? I was recently a Co Owner on a server in building. The owner fired me because he did not like how I was, and I'm quoting here, "acting like he paid for the vps". I can skype you the screenshots if you want them. I have also been on numerous staff positions throughout my time in Minecraft. I have been Co Owner twice now, Head admin, Moderator, and a Helper. I know my way around.
06/08/2016 12:13 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
I've added you on skype
06/08/2016 8:03 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Still looking for developers and builders!
06/08/2016 3:08 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
We're still in need of Developers apply and will contact you!
06/08/2016 3:17 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Qust's Avatar
1.IGN Qust
2. Which rank would you like to apply for? Developer
3. Why do you want to be a staff member? I enjoy developing and helping small servers. I will combine my development skills with my knowledge of the game to create the best possible playing experience for all players and other staff members.
4. How old are you? 17
5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest) 7
6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills?
Legacycloud - Developer
OblivionFactions - Developer
SapphireDynasty - Developer
TheExtant - Developer
06/08/2016 3:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Add me on skype please it's FrostJam1111
06/08/2016 3:31 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Minevo's Avatar
1. Minevo
2. Mod
3. I would like to become a Moderator of this server because I love watching people have fun meeting new friends and just having fun but... There are bad sides to this... There are hackers. So I think that I have what it takes to become a Moderator and get rid of spammers, hackers and people who just make the server an un-pleasent place to be I believe I can fix this. I am on minecraft a lot because I am a no-life I am on this server a lot too. I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger and be the positively best server ever (which it already is).
4: 13
5: 6 ( Im a teen ok xD )
6: I have good communication skills and friendship. And I do not disband a job which I have been assigned to or dedicated to be done. I used to be a Admin on another server so I know many plugins and how to use them.
06/08/2016 3:35 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Sorry but all mods spots are taken we're looking for some more developers
06/09/2016 12:24 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Still in need of Developers
06/09/2016 9:26 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
We are still looking for developers guys! Please apply
06/09/2016 2:20 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Developer spots are still open!
06/09/2016 11:53 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
We are still in need of developers and we need them quick!!
06/10/2016 1:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
grover78's Avatar
IGN: grover78
Which rank would you like you apply for?: Head-Admin
Why do you want to be a staff member?: I would like to be a staff member because i love to help out on servers that are just getting started and are new. I haven't been able to stick to any of the servers because the community wasn't as good as i thought it was and the staff weren't doing their job. I want to be a staff member because i like helping out when help is needed and i like helping those who are new and just in need of help of what they are doing. I also like being looked upon by those who aren't staff so they can see how hard i work and i will always look up to the higher ranked staff above me.
How old are you?: 16
Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10?: 9 because sometimes i can be on my funny side and i sometimes doting realize when I've taken something to far but i love to have a laugh now and then.
Do you have previous Experiences/Skills?: I've been Owner,Co-Owner,Head-Admin,and builder. I know how to help with server websites and might even be able to help with plug-ins.

Thank you

P.S. btw I might be able to help or research somethings on plug-ins for the server
06/10/2016 10:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Boxu's Avatar
1.IGN Boxu

2. Which rank would you like to apply for? Head Mod/Mod (your choice c:)

3. Why do you want to be a staff member? I'm kind to people that need help, but I'll punish the ones that break the rules. I can use worldedit very well, so if I can help with that too I will! Can use the /region commands well too, like to set a message when entering a specific area, or to protect an area from griefing (mob explosions, tnt). I also am used to spot hackers on pvp servers, I know how the mods that hackers use are.
Aaand I had a server, 1000 slots and 200-300 people constantly online and playing... It was a beautiful thing to give people an opportunity to play with their friends in a server with good and kind staff members.. But we had to shut it down, because the owner could not pay the hoster anymore..

4. How old are you? 18

5. Rate your maturity on a scale from 1-10 (10=highest) 10, kind with people that need help, stubborn with hackers.

6. Do you have any previous Experience/Skills? Yup, as I said before I was co-owner of that server, very good with worldedit, /region, and spotting hackers.
06/13/2016 12:10 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Developers are still needed!
06/14/2016 12:18 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Blacksmith
FrostJam_Owner's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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