Cosmoscraft space server! Needs staff! ALL POSITIONS!

Meeper434's Avatar Meeper43411/10/15 10:17 am
11/10/2015 1:39 pm
Meeper434's Avatar Meeper434
Hello! I am Meeper434, admistrator and recruiter for cosmoscraft! We here at cosmos craft need responsible, dedicated staff we can count on. We currently have 3 planets (besides spawn) Mars,creeperplanet and aqua (something). Sorry, I forgot the last part of the aqua planet. We need staff that can check applications, modorate, code, build etc. We need the following staff ranks

Developer (infinite)
Moderator (5)
Helper (infinite)
Builder (infinite)
Administrator (3)
Graphics designer (2)

Please DO NOT apply for anything above administrator
MUST be 10+ for any of the staff ranks.

Age (10+):
What rank are you applying for?:
Past work (dev, resource pack creator and builder only):
How to contact you?:
How long have you been playing Minecraft (any edition):
Why are you fit for this position?:
Even if denied, will you still help others and play on cosmoscraft from time to time:
Have you ever been banned from any server:
In a maximum of 350 words, tell me why you are fit for this position (staff ranks only):
1 word to decribe yourself:
Can we trust you?:
Anything else you would like to add?:

Your application will be checked in less then 24 hours.
Posted by Meeper434's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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11/10/2015 12:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Destiny_Slayer's Avatar
Age (10+):14
What Rank are you applying for? Im applying for a builder.
Past work (dev, resource pack creator and builder only):I can give you some photos on my skype
Experience:I was a builder before and a moderator too i think im pretty good im still learning stuff
How to Contact you? I have a skype my name is Destiny_Slayer you can add me.
Timezone:Im from Montenegro Podgorica Right now its 6:00PM
How long have you been playing Minecraft (any edition):I am playing Minecraft for 7 years now.
Why are you fit for this position?:Becouse i like building alot and im still learning to build and i like helping players build if needed !!
Even if denied, will you still help others and play on cosmoscraft from time to time:Maybe yes or no i dont know but i know that i will help every player who needs help not just at building!
1 word to describe yourself:Trustworthy
Can we trust you:Yes you can fully trust me.
Anything else you would like to add?:No but just to know im single ;D!
11/10/2015 12:16 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Meeper434's Avatar
It's a good looking application. I'll go over it with the owner. As soon as our decision is made we will contact you
11/10/2015 12:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Meeper434's Avatar
Okay destiny, here is the IP: mc.cosmoscraft.se
If Santa is online tell him I sent you! Also please link him to this thread!
11/10/2015 12:37 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
typimpdaddy's Avatar
Age (10+):16
What rank are you applying for?:admin
Past work (dev, resource pack creator and builder only):
Experience:i have owned many servers most closed due to lack of staff and crappy hosting im very experienced in the server management field
How to contact you?:skype: typimpdaddy
How long have you been playing Minecraft (any edition):i think it was 1.3.2 but i know its been 5 years now
Why are you fit for this position?:very experienced and love to help run and create upcoming server i also have a great knowledge in this field and enjoying doing it
Even if denied, will you still help others and play on cosmoscraft from time to time:yes
Have you ever been banned from any server:no
In a maximum of 350 words, tell me why you are fit for this position (staff ranks only):Well like i stated before i am very experienced in the server management field i enjoying runing and being apart of server i like the feeling of giving someone a great playing experience and somewhere
1 word to decribe yourself:very creative
Can we trust you?:yes u can and that shouldn't be a question once u get to know me
Anything else you would like to add?: if needed help with payments i will help
11/10/2015 12:50 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Meeper434's Avatar
Great application! Here is the IP: mc.cosmoscraft.se

If Santa is online, tell him I sent you! Also link him to this thread.
11/10/2015 1:04 pm
Level 20 : Expert Blacksmith
titchy9's Avatar
Age (10+):10
What rank are you applying for?:helper , builder
Past work (dev, resource pack creator and builder only): I have made one public map called introduction to parkour
Experience: I once worked with the j team
How to contact you?:skype but pm for it
Timezone:I live in England so GMT and bst
How long have you been playing Minecraft (any edition): I have been playing minecraft for four years
Why are you fit for this position?: I believe I an fit for this position because I am very creative and always obey rules
Even if denied, will you still help others and play on cosmoscraft from time to time: Definitely
Have you ever been banned from any server: never
In a maximum of 350 words, tell me why you are fit for this position (staff ranks only):
1 word to describe yourself: creative
Can we trust you?: I am a very trusty person
Anything else you would like to add?: I did not fill in the maximum word of 350 thing because I am not sure the ranks I applied to are applicable
11/10/2015 1:11 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Meeper434's Avatar
I'll have to go over it with Santa before an official response. But it still is a good application.

By J team do you mean like, Jackie Chan?
11/10/2015 1:12 pm
Level 20 : Expert Blacksmith
titchy9's Avatar
meeper i tried to cnnect oto cosmosnaut but it wouldnt come up
11/10/2015 1:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Destiny_Slayer's Avatar
I joined!Is Santa Coming on?
11/10/2015 1:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Meeper434's Avatar
Okay, I might be able to come on in a second, and titchy, its cosmoscraft not cosmonaut maybe try that and it will work.
11/10/2015 1:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Destiny_Slayer's Avatar
Will you come online?
11/10/2015 1:23 pm
Level 20 : Expert Blacksmith
titchy9's Avatar
I did
11/10/2015 1:25 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
typimpdaddy's Avatar
were all on
11/10/2015 1:29 pm
Level 20 : Expert Blacksmith
titchy9's Avatar
are you coming on meeper
11/10/2015 1:38 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Meeper434's Avatar
IP: mc.cosmoscraft.se
11/10/2015 1:39 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Meeper434's Avatar
My mom is using the computer right now just wait a few more minutes.
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