
GSteve's Avatar GSteve6/28/12 9:50 am
1 emeralds 486 4
7/15/2012 2:47 pm
Craftoo's Avatar Craftoo
Welcome To Drug Wars...

Staff Application For Op
Minecraft Username:
Staff Experience:
Owned A Server:
If So List Here:
Why Do You Want To Be Staff:

Drug List
Rovie(Sugar) A cheap drug but very addictive. A Simple high and after awhile you gain super human strength and speed.

Murk(CactusGreen) A hard to grow crop but worth all the time. Taking 64 of these kills a man. Also gaining strength and speed.

Shrooms(Brown/Red Mushrooms) Very hard to grow or even find. These babies sell for high prices off the charts.
Posted by GSteve's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/15/2012 2:47 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Craftoo's Avatar
server down?
06/28/2012 11:30 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
freddyfish's Avatar
IGN: freddyfish
Plugin experience: lots - essentials, w.e, pex - lots of others!
Experience as staff: i have been a co-owner on 3 servers, admin on 5 and moderator on 2
Are you a good builder? ofcourse YES im fucking EPIC i can build u an epic brand new spawn to attract new members
Can you donate? yes after a couple of weeks so im not being abused in any way shape or form!

Please PM me as soon as possible, im BORED! see ya soon!

Additional Info: i am a perfectionist so i wont make something crap
Rank wanted: any staff rank - prefered admin or co-owner but i really dont mind
Are you nice to people? yes ofcourse
Suggestion/question: is it cracked? if it is you will get lots more members, and making it a pvp/faction server increases the population
Age: 14
Dedication: all my dedication!
How many hours i play minecraft: 6 a day as im doing coursework
Gender: male
Are you creative? yes of course i am - look at my app compared to theirs!
Trustworthy: Ofcourse!
06/28/2012 10:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cryptic_killer's Avatar
dude this servers sucks, i tired to join but got banned by the fucking anticheat before i could type /register
06/28/2012 11:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GSteve's Avatar
Lol Probably turned on one of your hacks from the other servers you try and hack...
L2U(Learn to use)Hacked Client Newbie
Planet Minecraft


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