Experienced Head Admin/ Co-Owner Available.

El See's Avatar El See10/31/13 3:21 pm
11/2/2013 5:01 pm
El See's Avatar El See
I'm 19 and a highly experienced admin and co-owner. I've started as a temp mod and worked my way up on several servers, but now I'm looking to skip a few steps. I was not banned from these servers, so that is NOT the reason that I have come here. These servers gradually become unpopular over the time of about a year each. The owners would get distracted and neglect doing any maintenance on the servers, including allowing me to take over the work from them.... lazy jerks. They started screwing around and playing other games and rarely doing so much as even visit the server once every two weeks to a month. One of the servers I was staff for was DDOSd and was down for a month, when I returned to it there were different staff, different spawn, everything. They pretty much screwed me over.

Building: 9.9/10
Management: 9/10
Approval: 8/10
Redstone: 9/10
Availability: 7/10 (I attend a university and still co-own one small server occasionally)
Plug-in know-how: 4/10 (I know the necessary info, but I've never actually ran my own bukkit server to have the personal experience)

My experience as Co-Owner includes:
- working things out with players in very reasonable ways rather than resorting to ban, kick, mute immediately like most mods and admins. However, I do not allow player to cause trouble or blatantly break rules.
- specifying specific and easy to follow rules
- spawn/ city building ( I build a LOT)
- moderate plugin knowledge
- great with world edit
- selecting staff for roles involving gaining popularity of the server
- use of essentials and permissions ex
- Training admins/mods for use of permissions
- teaching world edit to builders or trial staff

My only fault is honesty. I tend to get banned from servers for stating facts. I'm not rude or angry about it either. I support arguments with logic while not making a public issue out of them and am still always threatened with being banned. Just know that I am NOT a 'yes-man'.

What I'm looking for is a server's whose owner is willing to put forth the work and effort to see to it that the server continues to run well into the future. For this reason I’m looking for an owner that is experienced themselves, I’d rather not start on an empty server that has very little to offer or show for. Previous owners that I’ve worked with before haven’t quite meet the maturity requirement that I expect of an owner so this time I want the owner to at least be 17 years of age or older. Also a server that doesn't have a problem with me building in creative if it is a survival server. I'm not a total imbecile about it. I just like to be constructive about my time by creating rather decorative and very textured structures rather than being a regular player that does nothing more than mine and kill mobs. ( I used to build for a creative server as a builder, and haven't been able to stop building nifty things.) I’d prefer a server that doesn’t try to have as many plug-ins as possible, just the plug-ins that people would use often by regular players.

If you're interested in a trustworthy partner to work with help you with the development of your server and a long term buddy to manage things when you're away then I might be exactly what you're looking for. If you decide that you’d like to recruit me, just reply to this post and by telling me what your server ip is and make sure to mention which position you are offering to me. I can only join one and that doesn’t necessarily mean that I will be joining the first person available. I’ll message you my both my skype and my mobile phone number after visiting your server. My IGN is LegitCreation.
Posted by El See's Avatar
El See
Level 1 : New Miner

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El See
11/02/2013 5:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
Well, there is a trust problem for a large majority of servers which is why people fill out an application and wait for months to gain ranks. However, I have past experiences which I explain through this post and is why I get to skip the painfully long steps.
As to whether I pick you or not, XposedHero, I'm afraid that I'll have to decline.
The main problem i have is that your only 13. I started a server with a 14 yr old once, he kept the server hamachi for a month and still never has changed the ip of the server like he should have. Plus he didn't let me have any part what-so-ever in making the name for the server.... he named it Epic Server Time.
God I hate that guy....
11/02/2013 4:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XposedHero's Avatar
So... Am I Accepted?
I kinda exaggerated the crappy part. I just told them that they needed some work and that I would be happy to help. Then they were just being douches... lol.
El See
11/02/2013 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
Just a tip when visit server's don't insult peoples' work. They spend a lot of time developing a functioning server. Calling it "crappy" in public chat too, is pretty much an arrogant slap to the face of the server.
What i do to piss of retarded admin is "/msg socialspy is for d-bag NOOBS!" and watch the messages from admins and mods come pouring in at an amusing rate. So much fun pissing off overly self-confident staff that aren't even of age to drive. When they decide to ban me while still keeping the conversation limited to reason, they pretty much say "screw reason, BAN!" This is why I never respected anyone who obtains mod or even admin.
11/01/2013 8:40 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XposedHero's Avatar
Hey El See,

I see you are making a great forum post. Well I really need someone to help with the server. I got great advertisers and builders, but I really need a co-owner I can trust. Then POOF! I see this post. I'm not sure if I can fully trust you yet, but hey I'll give you a try. The server idea will be a HUGE minigame server. There will be minigames like CopsNRobbers, HideNSeek, Spleef, Skyblock, Skywars, Etc. If you want to help just add me on skype (raymondchentong) or on PMC. If you will message me on PMC just note that I wont be on much... You seem like a very qualified person. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
I'm 13, though I have lots of experience in minecraft. Just like any other kid I have school but I can manage a server pretty well. I have owned many servers before, but most of the owners like you raged after someone like me were just being honest. For example one time I went on a server and It was just built terrible. I will leave the chat below.
Click to reveal
XposedHero: Oh Hi Everyone!
Admin: Hey
XposedHero: Hey Just Wondering You Need Help With This Server? It Looks Like It Needs Some More Effort.
Admin: What Do You Mean? We Made This Server Awesome! Its Going To Be Like Hypixel's Server Soon!
XposedHero: His Server Is The Most Popular, and Yours Is Kinda Crappy, I Don't Think So...
Admin: Alright Ill Ban You Then!
XposedHero: Rage?
I Get Kicked Then...The Ban Hammer Has Spoken!

My server is currently in beta, so I don't really want to give out the IP, but if you accept me or message me, I will give it to you. I really am looking forward to working with you, as you know there arent many people that are like you. As nice enough to post on planetminecraft, not request like $100 or something, or just outright have a great heart to help someone elses server. I have read your post and It seems like you had some hard times, but don't worry I will be active at least once everyday (unless im grounded which doesnt happen a lot...) I have some basic coding skills, but I'm kinda crappy at that... Thanks Dude! Your post just made my day even If I didn't get picked. This has happened to me lots of times, and I thought I was the only one. Even so I will hope I will be picked. I would be very grateful If I could work will someone like you.

Above is an accidental repost. Srry...
11/01/2013 8:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XposedHero's Avatar
Hey El See,

I see you are making a great forum post. Well I really need someone to help with the server. I got great advertisers and builders, but I really need a co-owner I can trust. Then POOF! I see this post. I'm not sure if I can fully trust you yet, but hey I'll give you a try. The server idea will be a HUGE minigame server. There will be minigames like CopsNRobbers, HideNSeek, Spleef, Skyblock, Skywars, Etc. If you want to help just add me on skype (raymondchentong) or on PMC. If you will message me on PMC just note that I wont be on much... You seem like a very qualified person. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Thanks!
11/01/2013 8:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XposedHero's Avatar
Hey El See,

I see you are making a great forum post. Well I really need someone to help with the server. I got great advertisers and builders, but I really need a co-owner I can trust. Then POOF! I see this post. I'm not sure if I can fully trust you yet, but hey I'll give you a try. The server idea will be a HUGE minigame server. There will be minigames like CopsNRobbers, HideNSeek, Spleef, Skyblock, Skywars, Etc. If you want to help just add me on skype (raymondchentong) or on PMC. If you will message me on PMC just note that I wont be on much... You seem like a very qualified person. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Thanks!
11/01/2013 8:20 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XposedHero's Avatar
Hey man, we're creating a brand new upcoming minigame server. We haven't found co-owners yet but we will be up and running soon. I'm not sure, but you seem like a fair guy. If you want to help just add me on skype (raymondchentong) or just msg me on PMC (i wont get back that quick.) i got builders to help and stuff, but I kinda need someone to be on and people to trust while I'm not on. If you could help I would love it. Thanks.
11/01/2013 8:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DatGuy_'s Avatar
Didn't mean to promote, just indicating as you DID direct me here. I would like to know if you are able to match the requirements of my points on my thread. Hop on over to my thread you have already visited and we can discuss.
El See
11/01/2013 7:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
lol... promoting your server on my thread.
Back to the subject, I'm plenty unique and original, I even go to the lengths to design builds shaped unlike anything that some one would build, yet still manage to keep it looking like an actual building. I spend a 1 week - a month on some of these builds just to make sure they're original. I mainly cover the building aspect of a server, it's the owners duty to make develop things such as shortcuts and nifty tricks that keep players coming.
11/01/2013 7:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DatGuy_'s Avatar
Well, I agree with you. Just one thing, it depends on the server and it's donation income. If the server is a plain old survival server with no donations coming in, your point is well....true or valid. But, if they server is a unique, big server, donations will be flying in, or at least they usually do. That is what our plan is, over at Nova Universe. We plan to bring a range of UNIQUE, ORIGINAL servers that provide our users an enjoyable and fun playing environment.
El See
11/01/2013 7:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
I'm hoping to find a server that doesn't have someone charge them to host. To me, it's like renting a house you plan to live in for the next 20 years.
11/01/2013 7:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DatGuy_'s Avatar
What exactly do you mean by this? Are you saying you don't want a server that pays for their hardware and hosting? Or a server that does not require you to pay?
El See
11/01/2013 7:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
What I mean by this is that renting adds over time and seems like a waste. Say you pay $18 per month for someone to host the server for you. Over one year that will have counted up to $216. That $200 could easily have been used to purchase components for a computer of your own to host the server more smoothly, and DDOS isn't even a problem when you run the server off of your own property.
11/01/2013 6:00 am
Level 21 : Expert Engineer
nickpauwels1988's Avatar
Actually it is that easy :p

el see, I've read through your post and would like to speak to you after the weekend. I've sent you a PM with my skype
10/31/2013 9:56 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Zombie
planetminecrafter52342's Avatar
The way my servers work is only by gaining rank over time, Co-owner is impossible to get unless you help pay the bills, and I know you irl. Head-Admin, well I have 2, and they became one after like a year. What I am trying to say, Getting ranks are not as easy as posting to try to get the position. It has to be earned by trust with the owners over time.
El See
11/01/2013 11:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
I'm mainly looking for someone who is willing to at least give me a try.
I've already gone through the process of gaining trust, building, and administrating several years in a row, once the owner made one of his extremely unqualified friends (that he knew in real life) the co-owner and completely forgot about me. I'd rather not have to go through all of it again. And regarding payments, I do not desire to throw away money into a server that will primarily value my being there based on my constant funding.
10/31/2013 9:39 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
Yodahans27's Avatar
I need a really good spawn for my server...
Srry not the person who fills out huge forms y u should come.
El See
10/31/2013 8:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
I am 22 years old and decided to take a break from university as things were not working out. As such I now have time to concentrate on the server between work. I use to be a Admin on a server that was owned by a 14yr old that could never make up his mind, always taking the server down for weeks without explanation and would always make questionable decisions. So I went to make my own server. We started with a small creative server that turned out to be successful so we decided to make a bigger better Network but it took longer than expected to build and we lost our players and have been trying to restore it ever since.

I've been experiencing something very similar in this last year or so.
Also I took a look at your server and as a builder I honestly don't think you need me or my help. The spawn is very well developed with overwhelming decorative detail.
10/31/2013 8:26 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
RoaringThunder11's Avatar
Hey Bud,
I am Owner of The PhoenixThunder Network. We are currently running a new Survival server and we are currently looking for help to help bring our server alive! Your rank can be negotiated once the time comes, but to be honest I need a good player/builder as an adviser to get this server going! The more builders we have the better as well. We are working on mini games like PvP Arenas, and Spleef.
Our goal is to become a large community spread over several minecraft game modes. We have a create map ready to go as soon as we have a good player base.
Facts about myself,
I am 22 years old and decided to take a break from university as things were not working out. As such I now have time to concentrate on the server between work. I use to be a Admin on a server that was owned by a 14yr old that could never make up his mind, always taking the server down for weeks without explanation and would always make questionable decisions. So I went to make my own server. We started with a small creative server that turned out to be successful so we decided to make a bigger better Network but it took longer than expected to build and we lost our players and have been trying to restore it ever since. We definitely could use a person like you and I would like to work with you to bring alive our Network!
Please PM me if this something you think you would like to become apart of.
Our IP:
Website: ptnservers.com
El See
10/31/2013 8:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
Being nice can be costly to a server's reputation in the long run.
"Drop parties are how a server starts, not how it thrives."
10/31/2013 8:00 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
Lazark's Avatar
I really want to start my own faction server, I am 17 myself. Owned 1 previous server when I was younger, since I was "too" nice, that may have been the reason the server only lasted a few months.
If I could get in touch with you that would be great!
You seem like the dream head admin I've always been looking for but never found, until now!


El See
10/31/2013 8:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
That's nice to hear. I'll send you message through pmc so you know what my skype info is and we'll both look into what your future plan are to develop a server.
El See
10/31/2013 7:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
My current server's owner just told me to change my availability rating to 10/10.
I wonder what that must mean....
El See
10/31/2013 6:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
El See's Avatar
Also I don't even charge minimum wage!
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