¤¤ Faction Server Looking for Help ¤¤ Looking For Name ¤¤

SmileyPlayz_'s Avatar SmileyPlayz_1/24/16 5:00 pm
1/25/2016 4:26 pm
SmileyPlayz_'s Avatar SmileyPlayz_
Hey Guys! My Name is SmileyPlayz_ and I own a faction server!

This is a faction server under development, actually it is almost complete but I need more help to perfection it! We are still looking for a name and I would like to have experienced people!

Apply Here:


Age: (It Doesn't matter)


Name: (Optional)

What is your past experience? (Name the servers and your work done on there)

Why do you want to help us?

Are you commited to your work?

What can you do to improve the server?
Posted by SmileyPlayz_'s Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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01/24/2016 10:54 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
dariansteven's Avatar
MC IGN: dariansteven

Age: (It Doesn't matter) if it doesnt matter then why ask? 14

Maturity: Trick question. The immature say out of 1-10, a 10. While the mature say 8-9. What i have to say... just dont let me have the missile codes and i should be fine.

Name: Smiley Factions... wait no that doesn't make sense... idk i havent been on the server

What is your past experience? (Name the servers and your work done on there) My old servers were usually my buddies or off brand servers, so they usually ran out of funding. But i have worked as admin, head admin, several mods, several builders, helper. All da gud stuff.

also my specialty is factions.

Why do you want to help us? I love working for faction servers. Not much else to say here.

Are you commited to your work? well i have no life so i have no choice.

What can you do to improve the server? I can build and manage the kids that know how to get under most helpers skins. I have several resources to invite people to the server. I have tons of experience, after all i have been doing this for a few years now... i do best with builder mod positions.

note: 16 is the age you use when you are 11. I used to use it until i turned to a respectable age for this. The comments above made me laugh.
01/25/2016 4:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SmileyPlayz_'s Avatar
The only thing that seems honest from this app is your note at the end. Therefore, this app is denied. I get that you want to apply for a factions server but it appears that you don't want it that much due to your lack of effort. Denied.
01/24/2016 10:40 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
ServerWizard's Avatar
The name should be {TanSausageCraft}
01/24/2016 10:55 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
dariansteven's Avatar
01/24/2016 8:34 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Veletix's Avatar
Minecraft IGN: Veletix

Age: 16

Maturity: 9/10

Name: I'd like to keep it anonymous.

What is your past experience?: I've moderated and administrated a great number of servers in the 4 years that I've been playing Minecraft. I know how to use all staff commands and if there's something that I am new to learn, I will surely learn it quickly. Even so, I've gone as far as created my own Factions server, which lasted over 8 months worth of a solid player base and making profit in donations. Servers that I've worked on have been FunFactions, MooCraft, RoyaltySurvival, ResistFactions, and many more. I have owned my own server for a while, FunFactions, before I eventually had to quit because of needing more focus on school and exams at the time. My server lasted me for over 8 months and I made over $600+ profit at the end. All in all, I am a very experience staff member.

Why do you want to help us?: I love to help out other Minecraft servers by using my knowledge and being able to create an positive impact. I am a rather fast typer, so I will be able to eliminate any problems like punishing spammers, getting rid of hackers, or just taking care of a discussion in chat. I have a very simplistic life, so I will have lots of time every single day to be able to attend the server and serve my voluntary purpose. I will also be rather professional and mature on the job, as you can tell from my grammar in this application.

Are you committed to your work?: Yes, I am committed to my work.

What can you do to improve the server?: I love to help out other Minecraft servers by using my knowledge and being able to create an positive impact. I am a rather fast typer, so I will be able to eliminate any problems like punishing spammers, getting rid of hackers, or just taking care of a discussion in chat. I have a very simplistic life, so I will have lots of time every single day to be able to attend the server and serve my voluntary purpose. I will also be rather professional and mature on the job, as you can tell from my grammar in this application.
01/25/2016 4:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SmileyPlayz_'s Avatar
This app is amazing, you are in! We will need your skype, you can either PM me or add me on skype: andy69sanschagrin.
01/24/2016 8:28 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
bloodngutzs's Avatar
Age: (It Doesn't matter)
What is your past experience? (Name the servers and your work done on there)
I owned my own server
Why do you want to help us?
i want to help make i better in any way possible
Are you committed to your work?
Very committed
What can you do to improve the server?
01/25/2016 4:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SmileyPlayz_'s Avatar
I apologize, this app was not correctly formatted and had no appreciation or effort put into this. This app is denied.
01/24/2016 8:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SmileyPlayz_'s Avatar
Why did you repost?
01/24/2016 7:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jason986712's Avatar
MC IGN: xXAceRedd

Age: 13

Maturity: 9.5

Name: Jason

What is your past experience?: I have worked on several servers but sadly they could not continue i can name 1 or 2 of them The first one was called lightning factions and i started at mod and worked my way all the way up to Head-admin and the second one was called cloudy craft and i was Owner on there for the entire period cause me and the owner started it together

Why do you want to help us?: I want to help you because i just got done with wrestling so i have had a lot of free time to do stuff so i was all like hey how about i get staff on a good server so that my talent with plugins and people does not go to waste

Are you commited to your work?: Yes i am i will do everything you throw at me as fast as possible

What can you do to improve the server?: I can get people and i can make videos on the server cause me and my friends just started a clan and we make vids but keep in mind that i just started Youtube so i dont have any subs but my friends each have 150 subs so thats some people

Sincerly, xXAceRedd

P.S if you need to contact me my skype is itzzengaming which was my old user name
01/24/2016 6:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SmileyPlayz_'s Avatar
01/24/2016 6:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jason986712's Avatar
MC IGN: xXAceRedd

Age: 13

Maturity: 9.5

Name: Jason

What is your past experience?: I have worked on several servers but sadly they could not continue i can name 1 or 2 of them The first one was called lightning factions and i started at mod and worked my way all the way up to Head-admin and the second one was called cloudy craft and i was Owner on there for the entire period cause me and the owner started it together

Why do you want to help us?: I want to help you because i just got done with wrestling so i have had a lot of free time to do stuff so i was all like hey how about i get staff on a good server so that my talent with plugins and people does not go to waste

Are you commited to your work?: Yes i am i will do everything you throw at me as fast as possible

What can you do to improve the server?: I can get people and i can make videos on the server cause me and my friends just started a clan and we make vids but keep in mind that i just started Youtube so i dont have any subs but my friends each have 150 subs so thats some people

Sincerly, xXAceRedd

P.S if you need to contact me my skype is itzzengaming which was my old user name
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