✨Feudal Tales: Roleplaying Server ✨ Dynamic Events, Quests, Dungeons, McMMO Custom Mobs, Magic, Brewery, and more!

Pink_Reptile's Avatar Pink_Reptile 7/7/2020 2:47 pm history
7/7/2020 2:47 pm
Pink_Reptile's Avatar Pink_Reptile

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Aetharl, Heart of the World-- her nauseous swamp, arid desert, primeval jungle, snowy mountains, and bosky riverbanks coalesce to acknowledge this title. Located in what is generally considered the ‘center’ of the known world, this realm is a geographical wonder. Scholars, monks, and mystics, everywhere, despite their differing opinions on other matters, all seem to agree that this marvellous land is most unnaturally formed.

Just as the land itself is a wonder, so are its societies. It seems that all creatures of the world were drawn to her wonder. Remarkably, they have learned to coexist-- to an extent, at least. The Kingdom of Ardea is governed by a king, elected from and overseeing a governing council of each race living within the kingdom: dwarves, elves, humans, and non-tribal orcs. A remarkable feat indeed as kingdoms elsewhere in the world are usually composed of a single race and culture.

Day to day, new arrivals arrive in Aetheral, eager to begin anew. Some aspire to join the council and represent their peoples, some to start a business venture, or perhaps become a great knight, studious mage, or a petty bandit. Opportunity is endless, or better or worse.

Feudal tales offers a serious roleplaying environment where all players are expected to be in character at all times. As such we have several plugin features to compliment roleplay including: character cards, a chat system, an economy allowing for merchant characters to open shops, a brewery plugin for the crafting of alcohol, pipe tobacco, various exotic plants for farmers and druids, NPCs with quests, and more. Join other mature roleplayers in creating a unique and adventurous experience in the realm of Aetheral!

Joining Feudal Tales is very simple. Unlike other RP servers, we do not require that you write a character biography, but you will still be held to a high roleplaying standard. But don't be scared away-- this is an all-inclusive server! If you are a new roleplayer, we will help get you on the right track! Provide us with the following information as a response to this thread and you will be whitelisted.

Minecraft Username:
Do you understand this is a roleplaying server and you are expected to participate?:
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The Kingdom of Ardea is very diverse-- home to dwarves, elves, orcs, and, of course, humans. Even the humans of Ardea are diverse in appearance and culture, arriving on the shores of Aetheral from all corners of the world. It is difficult to identify an exact human-Ardean culture, although pride in what it means to be Ardean culture usually involves a pride in diversity and overcoming great odds.

Dorboroughians hail from the badlands of Norenia. After years of warring against the orcs, in an unrelated cataclysmic event involving the corrupt orc Zulga, the Norenian orcs monolith was destroyed. Thus, the orcs of Norenia fled, with no monolith to gather under-- at last, Norenia was left open to long-desired human domination. Thus, the fair-complexioned Norenians take pride in their history and resilience despite the brutal conditions of the badlands. Notably, Dorboroughians are quite xenophobic due to their wartorn history and the isolationist nature of their kingdom.


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Dwarves hail from all corners of the world, living in several secluded, underground kingdoms, cavern shanties, and highland forests. In Aetheral, there is no known dwarven kingdom, though the dwarves do have a presence. A clan of rich merchants hailing from a faraway land have come to the Kingdom of Ardea, secured a position on the council, and run a very lucrative trade operation with the outside world.

Dwarves are stout creatures, whose girth makes up for their short size of three to five feet. Dwarves hailing from the grand underground kingdoms are typically fair featured, though in the deeper levels of the caverns, the dwarves can take on a dark skin tone mirroring the darkness of their caverns. Despite any cultural or physical differences, all dwarves seem to sport a long beard.


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Aetheral’s diverse landscape has attracted all of the races, and the Elves are certainly no exception. High Elves are often privileged with nobility (often being born into it) and arcane research positions, as this human Kingdom does not fear magic as some others do. Drow are often residents of Ardea’s run-down Dusktowne district, and genuinely seem to prefer it to living within the city's walls-- Some even seem to take pride in it. Drow who prefer to live amongst themselves came to settle Aetheral’s caverns and swamps. Many tribal Woodelves believe the continent to the heart of the world. It’s landscape is so diverse that they feel it must be intentional, crafted by Saria as a place where all the people of the realm may live together in harmony. Those tribes have settled around it’s expansive forests and are generally less based on traditions than their predecessors, welcoming the diversity of the other races and sharing the art of Druidism. The Wood Elves who are less connected to the earth often live alongside humans, being farmers, hunters, apothecaries, and the like.

High Elves:
Proficient in both magic and commerce, these Elves are the category perhaps most present in cities and Kingdoms. The first of the subraces to weave themselves into Human society, now commonly reaching knighthood, noblestatus, academics, and so forth. Elitism runs rampant in their attitude towards the Elven variations, thinking themselves superior. High Elves are the tallest of the Elven subraces. Their flesh tones, hair color, and eye color reflecting that of humans, but often can be more saturated.

Wood Elves:
The Elves said to most closely resemble the Ancient Ones, most Wood Elves remained in their Saria’s lush forests.They center their lifestyle around her mission: to nourish and love the earth just as it does to us. They accomplish this with the art of Druidism, a humble magic that serves the land. Many of the Wood Elves remain in their forest tribes, distinguishable by their elaborate body tattoos and hide clothing. Thought by now, just as many live integrating into other societies. Unlike their High Elven brothers, Wood Elves are typically commoners, farmers, hunters, and the like. Their flesh and hair tones reflect that of nature: dark and earthy. When a Wood Elf hails from a tribe, they are likely given tattoos when they come of age.

Dark Elves (Drow):
Certainly the most elusive of the Elves, researchers know very little about their history. After the schism they were said to have been disgusted with the realm and feared magic.Therefore, they receded into the underground where they formed civilizations in it’s massive caverns. They intentionally made labyrinthian to ward off the curious. After centuries of lonesomeness the Drow began to integrate into some Dwarven societies, feeling they understood their perspective. Present day, many Drow still opt to live in secluded caverns or have settled small villages in swamps. Many also live in cities, often as commoners if not impoverished due to prejudice but in place by High Elves. The Drow’s features represent their devoid environment-- Flesh being grayish blues, eyes bright and glazed over, and hair sapped of color.


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Dark Crystalline stone stands rooted in the ground, shouting the power that the Spirit World holds over the Mortal Realm. At first the Orcs did not see the importance of these monoliths but, over time, were able to tap into the network of stones bred deep within and around the mortal realm. Now, anywhere there is a monolith, an orcish tribe can be found. Orcs’ appearances vary by the environment in which they live.

Orcs in Aetheral:
The secluded orcs of the jungle follow their Matriarchal Gazer. Their society holds death close to their hearts-- everything they do is in preparation, or perhaps celebration, of their end. Compared to most Orcs, they truly despise the unnatural things of this world. Their houses are not built of the stone of the earth, but rather the roots that are energized by the spiritual world beyond.

These sickly green, sometimes brown, humanoids stand typically around seven feet tall. Their bone structure is rigid, pulling their posture forward into a hunch, causing their matted black hair to hang over their bodies. Dark colored birthmarks appear all over a jungle orc’s body, randing from lighter shades of green to charcoal blacks.

Non-Tribal Orcs:
There also exist orcs in Aetheral that have chosen a different path in life than their brothers and sisters, rather than making their home within the tribe, they find themselves within the diverse kingdom of Ardea. Represented by the orcish councilman of the kingdom, these orcs dress and act as humans would, living a non-tribal lifestyle.

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Posted by Pink_Reptile's Avatar
Level 34 : Artisan Architect

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07/05/2020 6:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Waffle
Donkypoink's Avatar
Minecraft username: Donkypoink

Character name: Baker Ree
Character Race: Human
07/06/2020 1:58 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
Your roleplay name is not really within the roleplay guidelines. Please change it to a fitting name for a human in a medieval setting and you will be whitelisted.
07/06/2020 7:22 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Waffle
Donkypoink's Avatar
Fair enough

Minecraft username: Donkypoink

Character name: Benjamin Ballows
Character Race: Human
07/07/2020 4:17 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
Whitelisted ;)
07/05/2020 7:24 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
The_Chaz's Avatar
Minecraft Username: ConcealedElement
Character Name: Judas Iscariot
Character Race: Human
07/05/2020 12:58 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
07/02/2020 12:42 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sotaku333's Avatar
Minecraft username: sotaku333
I do understand this is a roleplay serv er and I am willing to participate
Character name: Barden
Character Race: Ardean Human
07/04/2020 5:32 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
Hey, Im getting an error when trying to whitelist you "That player does not exist".
Are you on Java?
07/07/2020 1:55 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
sotaku333's Avatar
I am, welp, guess I do not exist. I'll try to see what's going on
07/07/2020 2:47 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
Odd indeed, you can add me on disc Pink_Reptile#8473 , maybe we can figure it out
06/30/2020 6:39 am
Level 29 : Expert Geek
Stalkative's Avatar
Minecraft Username: Stalkative
Do you understand this is a roleplaying server and you are expected to participate?: Yes
Character Name: Cyran
Character Race: Wood Elf
06/30/2020 8:46 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
06/29/2020 5:54 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
robert5800's Avatar
Minecraft Username: robert5800
Do you understand this is a roleplaying server and you are expected to participate?: Yes.
Character Name: Lural Ironbelt
Character Race: Dwarves
06/30/2020 4:53 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
Meta Gaming
06/22/2020 2:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Prince
Meta Gaming's Avatar
Looks really fun, could I join?
Minecraft Username:
Character Name: Hernán Cristóbal Vespucci
Race: Human
I understand that this is a roleplay server and I would like to join.
06/22/2020 1:40 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
CyborgVillager's Avatar
MC: CyborgVillager
Name: Dagda
Race: Human
06/22/2020 5:28 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
06/21/2020 11:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DewDropBoi's Avatar
Minecraft Username: DewDropCrofter
Character Name: Matte Matthonway
Character Race: Wood Elf
06/21/2020 4:42 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Pink_Reptile's Avatar
Whitelisted! See you on the server!
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