Graxius PVP

xJavinPvP's Avatar xJavinPvP9/18/15 6:27 am
9/18/2015 7:21 am
cheatstar204's Avatar cheatstar204
Welcome to offical GraxiusPVP server recruitment page.
Graxius PvP is a full faction server.What is factions? Factions is one of the greatest, and most popular PVP Bukkit plugin. Type /f help to get started.This is a guide intended to help players to understand, and play in a Factions server.

Graxius PvP is hiring experienced Staff Members,The server is not fully functional yet but we are installing plugins.Here comes the templates.

In-Game Name:
How will you help the server:
If 2 people were fighting in the middle of the server,What would you do?
Any Experiences[Optional]?

In-Game Name:
How will you help the server:
How much time will you dedicate to the server:
Are you familiar with commands:
If 2 people were fighting in the middle of the server,What would you do?
Any Experiences[Optional]?

In-Game Name:
How will you help the server:
How much time will you dedicate to the server:
Are you familiar with commands:
Why can we trust you with commands like /ban?
If 2 people were fighting in the middle of the server,What would you do?
If someone was spamming/advertising in chat,What would you do?

In-Game Name:
How will you help the server:
How much time will you dedicate to the server:
Are you familiar with commands:
Why can we trust you with commands with OP?
Do you know how to use PEX?
If 2 people were fighting in the middle of the server,What would you do?
If someone was spamming/advertising in chat,What would you do?

Co Owner:

In-Game Name:
How will you help the server:
How much time will you dedicate to the server:
Are you familiar with commands:
Why can we trust you with commands with OP?
Do you know how to use PEX?
How will you help to guide everyone in the Staff Team?
Are you responsible?
Note:Co Owner is one of the best spots I offer,Do not join because of the rank,I will moniter you first.

In-Game Name:
How will you help the server:
How much time will you dedicate to the server:
Are you familiar with commands:
Do you know how to use PEX(Instant Reject if NO)

In-Game Name:
How will you help the server:
How much time will you dedicate to the server:
Are you familiar with worldedit and building commands?

You can send me your application via skype,as I may not reply here.My skype is xJavinPvP,Which is my IGN.Please hurry up and skype me.
Posted by xJavinPvP's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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09/18/2015 7:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cheatstar204's Avatar
i will add u
09/18/2015 7:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cheatstar204's Avatar
In-Game Name:cheatstar204

Skype[Optional]: If you really need it please reply to me

How will you help the server:By keeping a watch if anyone hacks/advertise/spam and helping people solve problems/Glitches/Issues and sometimes help build a little

How much time will you dedicate to the server:1-5 hours each day

Are you familiar with commands: Basic commands yes

Why can we trust you with commands like /ban? Yes Because I am very Mature and is very trustworthy staff

If 2 people were fighting in the middle of the server,What would you do? give them 2 warning and if they don't stop i will tempban

If someone was spamming/advertising in chat,What would you do? mute them for 5 mins to start off then 10 then 20 and if they keep spamming tempban for a day but if they still wont stop perm ban

I hope You would Accept my app BTW i am applying for Mod
09/18/2015 7:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
xJavinPvP's Avatar
Okay so,You are accepted,The server is open but I dont have plugins yet,Im looking for devs to help.Also,The skype is needed for easier contact
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