InfinityCraft SMP Now Recruiting!

CoosterBoosters's Avatar CoosterBoosters4/19/15 10:46 pm
5/13/2015 9:28 pm
Frawleyz's Avatar Frawleyz
Hello! We are Infinitycraft SMP. We're a community based SMP minecraft server, Similar to the Hermitcraft/Mindcrack/Cube servers! Meant for Mature players. We would like this server to be full of active players who will be interactive not only on the skype chat but the server aswell. Please note we are looking for around 20 people maximum.

Click to reveal


Please keep swearing at a minimum.

No rude/vulgar jokes.

If you are age 12 to 14, please promise to be mature.

Here is the application Form:

Maturity 1-10:
Time Zone (Or country, state or city):
Skype Name:
Youtube (optional):
How long have you played Minecraft?:
What are your skills at Minecraft?:
Any interesting facts about you:
Why do you want to join:

Good Luck to All of you!
Posted by CoosterBoosters's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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04/19/2015 11:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
OwnerOfUSAFactions's Avatar
Name: Brennan
IGN: Mr_yoshi
Age: 14
Maturity 1-10:8
Time Zone (Or country, state or city):Utah
Skype Name: Vanderspek221
YouTube (optional):No I don't have a YouTube
How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 years
What are your skills at Minecraft?: Making Plugins Work If they are Not
Any interesting facts about you: I Am a Developer That is Looking to Help Small Servers To be Come Big Servers
Why do you want to join: I want to Join Because I love Helping Small Servers I am Almost all ways on and if u need me u call me And I will come on
04/19/2015 11:23 pm
Level 43 : Master Skinner
Phetagorah's Avatar
Name: Finn

IGN: zwatkins15

Age: 13

Maturity 1-10: 6 (I tend to laugh around, immature at times and make jokes whenever I can but when the time comes for me to be serious, I will be.)

Time Zone (Or country, state or city): +8 (Philippines)

Skype Name: zrav101

Youtube (optional): None

How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 years

What are your skills at Minecraft?: Building

Any interesting facts about you:
  • I'm one of those people who are still planning to buy Minecraft.

  • I wasn't named Finn after Finn the Human, the protagonist of the series, Adventure Time

Why do you want to join: I haven't been able to join any SMP servers lately and it left a huge gaping hole. I was hoping that by joining this server or at least helping it in some way could help me as well.
04/20/2015 6:29 pm
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
04/21/2015 4:28 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
iRedx's Avatar
Extra Bump
04/22/2015 6:46 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
TheGamingMonkey's Avatar
Extra Extra Bump!
04/22/2015 6:51 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
SketchingCraft's Avatar
Name: Michael
IGN: SketchingCraft
Age: 14
Time Zone: GMT+8
Skype Name: Mangaliman309
Youtube (optional):DestroyerMC
How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 years and a half
What are your skills at Minecraft?: Building,Making Plugins
Any interesting facts about you: Im a well experienced player that finding a server so i could help.
Why do you want to join:I want to join because i would like to help the server so it can get some players by advertising and i can give some feedbacks about the server or news about the server or what is going on the server and i can be active i can play for 1-5 hours but if i have some school stuff maybe 2hr-1h
04/22/2015 6:15 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
Isaacjohnl's Avatar
Name: Isaac
IGN: FyreTango
Age: 13
Maturity 1-10: 8-9 I am serious but fun to be around.
Time Zone (Or country, state or city): Idaho, USA
Skype Name: live:isaacjlawrence
Youtube (optional): Don't have one.
How long have you played Minecraft?: About 3 years
What are your skills at Minecraft?: Building, Mining, Exploring, and Farming
Any interesting facts about you: I do gymnastics and I have 2 cats. :3
Why do you want to join: I have been looking for an Smp to join for awhile. I hope I can join your wonderful community!
04/22/2015 6:57 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
star78816's Avatar
Name: Dawson
IGN: star78816 (prefer FrostedPopTart)
Age: 14
Maturity 1-10: 10
Time Zone (Or country, state or city): =(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Skype Name: dawson_wehage
YouTube (optional): Not Applicable
How long have you played Minecraft?: About 4 years
What are your skills at Minecraft?: Building, Moderating, Administrating, Adding New Plugins Such As ServerTP, Lockette, Multiworld, Etc
Any interesting facts about you: Young Network Administrator (Specializes In Servers such as Running, Adding Functions, Stopping For Maintenance, Working On Basic Spigot And Bukkit Plugins.
Why do you want to join: I'd like to join to help out because I think you guys may need the help and I can be a massive amount of work everyday, I can play for at least 3 - 4 hrs a day maybe 5 hrs. I am very mature for my age and work really hard at getting things done. I would say that I can do very well in either staff rank you put me in. If you always need help I can be there in a jiffy. Maybe not all the time but 90% I can always help. And those are trusty numbers. And if you every need help building something simple well i'm the guy too do it. I've been trying to get recruited on server for at least 2 months but i'm always last to get in because they are full. But you can count on me. And i'm always on skype so you can always text me if you need too. Thank You Very Much For Reading My Application. And You Can Always E-Mail Me At wehaged@hotmail.com.

Yours truly,

Dawson Wehage
04/24/2015 12:34 am
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
04/24/2015 4:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Klopso890's Avatar
Name: Brendan

IGN: Smithers_Games

Age: 15

Maturity 1-10: 8
(I never grief ((unless it's a prank )), I trade and sell/buy with trust, I dislike people who scream, but It's nice to be able to laugh and have fun when playing.)

Time Zone (Or country, state or city):
Pacific Standard Time (Vancouver, Canada)

Skype Name:

Youtube (optional):
don't have a short link, will send over skype.

How long have you played Minecraft?:
4 years

What are your skills at Minecraft?:
Building, Redstone, PvP, Survival, Selling, Trading.

Any interesting facts about you:
I don't swear, but I am also not offended by people who do.
I'm a pretty fly white guy.

Why do you want to join:
Minecraft is a game that I enjoy playing when I have free time (pretty much whenever I'm not in school) and I think that some servers have taken mods and plugins to far. I enjoy playing on vanilla servers that have a nice twist, and having a good small community of people to play with!

TO CONTACT ME, PLEASE SEND ME A EMAIL AT brendansmith1999@gmail.com
Clain Y
04/24/2015 6:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Clain Y's Avatar
Name: Colin
IGN: Klain
Age: 14
Maturity 1-10: 8
Time Zone (Or country, state or city): Pacific Timezone
Skype Name: None but you can PM me which I check daily.
Youtube (optional): none
How long have you played Minecraft?: 5 years
What are your skills at Minecraft?: Redstone and big piston doors
Any interesting facts about you: I love to work with redstone and I can play on the server a ton. I also won't leave the spawn area to build my base and I have a bunch of fun minigame ideas.
Why do you want to join: I have always loved to play on SMPs and I love the sense of community that they have. I also like people to critique my work and help me to build.
04/24/2015 7:34 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Enderdragon
Act's Avatar
Applying for:


Texas, USA

Time Zone:
Central Time Zone

My name is literally "lol".


How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft:
I have been playing Minecraft for well around four years now.

Do you have any past experience moderating a minecraft server:
Co owner on Widow PVP ( )
and co owner on ( ezeecraft.com )
Head moderator on aeroverse ( aeroverse.cu.cc:25583 )
Head moderator on DaedraCraft ( daedragodz.com )
Head moderator on DopeCraft ( mc.dopetothecraft.com )
Admin on Camelot ( )
Admin on NoooosePVP ( )
Moderator on MassiveMine ( us.massivemine.net )

Why do you want to be a part of staff:
Because I love to help out the community anyway I can. I know how to deal with trolls and minges, and I stick to the rules. I am very strict and I think I can benefit the server.

What can you bring into the server:
I can bring strictness and moderation to your server. Strictness is key to a good server, to make sure everyone has fun. There does need to be rule enforcing to make sure everyone has fun. I think I can also bring trustworthyness and leadership to the group. I will watch over the members, and make sure they are playing correctly. If another staff member needs help, I will lead them into the right direction.

What makes you special upon the other applicants:
Well, although many other applicants can TELL you they will be respectable and truthful, most of them will not stay true to their word. I honestly can say I stick to my word, always. I believe trust is the best thing you can have with someone, and you have that with me.

How long can you play on the server:
In the summer I can probably play 8 to 12 hours every day unless if I am busy. During the school year, I can only play around 3 hours, but on the weekends I can play 8-12 hours as well.

Can you be active on our website:
Yes I can, I love browsing the web, and forums are my favorite kind of sites. I can help bring quality stuff to the website as well.

Can you donate:
Yes, I can donate. I make around 30 bucks from Youtube. ALTHOUGH, I do not want to become staff just because I can donate because I may not. To me that is not fair to the other people applying, and I would be stealing a spot I do not deserve.

Can you promote us:
I am willing to spend a few bucks on advertisements if I have the money, and I am willing to post on forums, and do give aways. Again IF I have the money.

Other info that is not needed:
I know a lot about mybb, and I used to help run a site. One of the owners went crazy and messed it all up, as you see here ( http://sinatral.com/ )
I can hopefully put a few bucks into the site, I get a decent about from Youtube and a few other Private Money Making Methods. I can code a bit, mostly mods, just getting into Plugins for my friend.
04/24/2015 8:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bluebeard92's Avatar
Maturity 1-10:8
Skype:bluebeard92 but it's better if you pm or email me at ldogacer@Gmail.com
I have played minecraft for 3 years
My skills in minecraft are pvp mining and farms
Any interesting facts about you? Ive been part of 3 SMP servers
I've been watching a lot of hermitcraft lately and I've been trying to find a server like it
04/30/2015 8:31 pm
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
05/02/2015 8:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hawkamania1's Avatar
Name: Ethan
IGN: hawkamania1
Age: 13
Maturity 1-10: 9
Time Zone (Or country, state or city): Central
Skype Name: hawkamania1 Ethan
Youtube (optional):

How long have you played Minecraft?: I have played minecraft for three and a half years.

What are your skills at Minecraft?: I love mining, I am good at making farms, I can kind of use redstone, I am ok at building, and know every crafting recipe and almost all brewing recipes.

Any interesting facts about you: I am a very talented slackliner and soccer player. I love camping and rock climbing. Also, I am a very nice person and I love to help people out.

Why do you want to join: I've wanted to join an SMP server for a while now, after the first server I played on finally reset and decided to stop running the server. I'd like to play with a group of fellow people that play minecraft, so that I'm not all alone in singleplayer. But a big reason is also this, I have a dream build I plan on creating. It will be the biggest thing that I ever plan on building in minecraft survival. This build will take weeks to make. But, I know I can put in the commitment to this server to help others out and provide to the community.

Thank you for your time, have a great day!
05/02/2015 8:59 pm
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
05/03/2015 2:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Omegabrandon's Avatar
Name: Brandon

IGN: Omegabrandon

Age: 15

Maturity 1-10 : 8-9/10

Timezone : My timezone is GMT + 1

Skype Name : my Skype name is Omegabrandon

Youtube(Optional) : I Currently don't have youtube

How long have I played Minecraft : I have played minecraft for 3 years

What are my skills at Minecraft : I am good at redstone and building and im ok at PvP

Any intesting facts about me : I always like to give someone a helping hand if they need it and I play Minecraft pretty much every day.

why do I want to join : I want to join because I love smp servers and sadly the last server I was on closed down so im looking for a new one to join.
05/03/2015 8:20 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Garfunkell's Avatar
Name: Kyle
IGN: kylehogey
Age: 14
Maturity 1-10: 8
Time Zone (Or country, state or city): Eastern Timezone, Canada
Skype Name: kyle.hogey
Youtube (optional):
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since April, 2012. So 3 Years.
What are your skills at Minecraft?: Im great at owning servers, building, redstone, survival, and exploration.
Any interesting facts about you: I went to Minecon 2013, and now have a cape in game to remember it.
Why do you want to join: I have never been in a SMP, but I have watched youtube series on them, and I know how they work, and the rules to follow to make it fun for everyone.
05/03/2015 11:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
yoyozalish's Avatar
Name: yoav
IGN: yoyozalish
Age: 13
Maturity 1-10:8
Time Zone (Or country, state or city):GMT+2
Skype Name: yoyozalish
Youtube (optional):None
How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 years
What are your skills at Minecraft?: building little bit redstone and alot of creativity
Any interesting facts about you: I would make projects that will help everyone like farms in spwan
Why do you want to join:Id like to join a new not alredy built server plain vanilla
05/03/2015 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hawkamania1's Avatar
Thanks for accepting me, could you please send me the ip or add me on skype?

It would be greaty appreciated. I want ot get on the server and start working very badly.
05/03/2015 1:33 pm
Level 40 : Master Architect
nammerbom's Avatar
Name: I will share this if I get accepted, but prefer to keep private unless I do.

IGN: nammerbom

Age: 16

Maturity 1-10: Really for you to judge, but 9 in my eyes compared to other players I have seen. I also would like to point out that, this doesn't mean I'm not a fun person - I just know when its the appropriate time to act a certain way.

Time Zone (Or country, state or city): PST, Washington state

Skype Name: nammerbom3

Youtube (optional): I am currently setting up a youtube channel for use this summer. It can be found here:
I am also waiting for some new recording equipment to arrive in the mail, like my new microphone, which should be in by the end of this week.

How long have you played Minecraft?: 2 and a half years

What are your skills at Minecraft?: I know the ins and outs of survival and most of the small mechanics in game, and I am also skilled at building and can give tips/help other people out with there builds on the server.

Any interesting facts about you: I like playing hockey and I know how to play the piano. I also enjoy learning about computers.

Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a small survival server like this for a few months now. I'm looking for a small community that enjoys working together and building awesome projects and machines, and having general fun. I also would like a server to do some videos on later this year when I start to do youtube.

A few other things I would like to add:
Until summer break (which is, as of this post, 6 weeks and 4 days away) I will only really be able to play on the weekends and for a little bit during the weekdays. I will be limited to how much time I can skype call as well because other members of my family will be busy studying for exams. However, during the summer I will have all the time in the day to be on.
05/04/2015 12:48 pm
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
Bump! Only a few more spaces left!
05/06/2015 11:45 pm
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
05/08/2015 8:46 pm
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
Bump! We still need more players!
05/08/2015 8:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheShovelMiner_'s Avatar
Name: Jay
IGN: TheShovelMiner
Age: 17
Maturity 1-10: 8.9
Time Zone (Or country, state or city):Louisiana
Skype Name: TheShovelMiner
Youtube (optional):TheShovelMiner
How long have you played Minecraft?: 1 1/2 years
What are your skills at Minecraft?: Everything but mostly pvp
Any interesting facts about you: Im funny
Why do you want to join:Because I need to start a.new series on my YouTube Channel
05/10/2015 11:27 am
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
05/13/2015 6:04 pm
Level 1 : New Network
CoosterBoosters's Avatar
05/13/2015 9:28 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Frawleyz's Avatar
Name: Adam
IGN: EmoFrawley
Age: 17
Maturity 1-10: 9
Time Zone (Or country, state or city): Colorado (MTD)
Skype Name: adamfrawley.ajf
Youtube (optional): www.youtube.com/AdamFrawley
How long have you played Minecraft?: Since Alpha so about 6 years
What are your skills at Minecraft?: I really enjoy modern building, and some redstone here and there
Any interesting facts about you: Well I'm a professional Filmmaker as my part time job, and a lighting designer for a theater company.
Why do you want to join: I deeply enjoy the fact that i can log on to a server and have people that are cool know me, i also like the survival aspect with being able to help people and stuff with building and what not.
Planet Minecraft


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