David Ca1226's Avatar David Ca122610/29/12 5:51 pm
11/19/2012 12:38 pm
David Ca1226's Avatar David Ca1226
What is Islandia?

Islandia is a small factions server, with a slight twist: The entire map is an ocean.
What sets us apart?
We've all been on that one server, you know, the one where the admin kept spawning stuff, cheating, banning unfairly, or generally being stupid. This isn't that server. We strive to prevent jerk admins, mods, and players.
Among others!
The Assassin, who sneaks around waiting for the right opportunity, then strikes.
The Wraith, who uses their mobility to harass there enemy, then steal their life while their weakened.
The Archer, who uses defensive spells to keep their enemy at a distance.
The Druid, who uses their life spells to create and sustain life.
The Pyromancer, who uses fire based magic to ignite his enemies.
And more to come!
Player Driven
The owners are constantly looking for feedback from the players, to avoid OP classes. Don't like something? Tell and admin, and odds are it will change.
Admins don't get any bonuses- they have to earn everything just the same as you. Spawning items is prohibited save for rollback restoration and other rare scenarios.
Posted by David Ca1226's Avatar
David Ca1226
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger

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10/30/2012 1:42 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Thommphson's Avatar
I came on but nobody was on.
10/30/2012 2:16 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Ninja
Donkey_Destroyer's Avatar
My ign is: Donkey_Destroyer
I would like to be on a mod admin op on a server as I always want to help people out when I can and when they need something ill try get it for them if u want me to
I am a great builder if I am flying or on creative
I love to build farms(Mainly wheat farms
I'm co-owner operator admin mod on many servers
ill help build up spawn , help build a pvp aena,hep build a mob arena
I'll also help advertise on planet minecraft and other places to
I hope to become a mod admin op on any server
i know i may need to prove that i deserve that position and ill do that so u know i deserve the position
David Ca1226
10/30/2012 10:41 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
Well, your right: You will have to prove yourself. The mod selection process is fairly simple, just act like a good player, bump threads, and generally don't cause problems, and you'll get a consideration.
David Ca1226
10/31/2012 6:22 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
Added a few bosses to MA
David Ca1226
11/01/2012 6:21 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
We're coming out with a new class tommorow!
Get Psyched for the Knight!
David Ca1226
11/03/2012 4:56 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
Tweaked MA! (Again)
David Ca1226
11/04/2012 5:57 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
Two new MA arenas are in the works!
David Ca1226
11/05/2012 7:27 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
MobArena is currently down, we're working hard to bring it back up again.
David Ca1226
11/09/2012 6:19 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
Removed a member of staff.
David Ca1226
11/10/2012 10:34 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
David Ca1226
11/10/2012 5:09 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
A new world is coming out tonight! Buy a lot in Skyworld, to keep your valuables safe, and show off! These lots are expensive, however.
David Ca1226
11/11/2012 5:47 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
We're looking for new staff!
David Ca1226
11/12/2012 3:28 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
Skyworld is open! Come buy a lot!
David Ca1226
11/13/2012 5:56 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
I'm getting lonely here! Anyone have any questions? Comments?
11/13/2012 5:58 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
fignutten's Avatar
I'll apply for staff!

IGN: fignutten

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Experience: Currently I am Co-Owner on 1 and Head-Mod on another. I've had more experience then this these are just my current ones. If you want the IP's, PM me. **Edit: I'm now Admin/Head-Admin on a server.

Skype: I actually do have a skype but I'm strongly against sharing it with people. I would much rather talk on here. Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause you.

Plugin Knowledge(1-10): I'm actually not very good at configuring or making plugins but I do know lots of good plugins to have and most of their commands. So I'm going to give myself a 5 because I'm generous.

Building Skills(1-10): I consider myself OCD so if I build anything everything inside and out will be symmetrical. So if you have a spawn and the signs are placed weird I will keep obsessing over them until they are changed. I'd have to say I'd rather do the interior decorating than the actual building. I love making the furniture and decorating the rooms. ^.^ Again, because I am generous, I'm going to give myself a 7 or 6.5

Patience(1-10): I feel I am very patient with new players and old. But I'm going to have to give myself a 6 because I take after my dad and can get pretty mad at games. Of course I don't think that would happen with annoying new players but if there is a staff member who thinks they are all that and nothing can happen to them because they now you personally, I may get a little angry. Of course nothing like 'IMMA BAN YOU BECAUSE YOU KEEP ASKING THE SAME QUESTION OVER AND OVER!! GRRR AHJAKHA' I would never abuse my powers **Edit: see maturity down below**

Maturity(1-10): I can tell you right now if you are looking for a very serious, super mature person you can stop reading right now. I'm not one of the most mature people around, but I'm not immature either. Semi-Mature? Anyways, if you have the plugin vanish, chances are I'm going to stalk people 'too make sure they aren't hacking' if you have mob disguise, I will most likely always be turned into an animal. However, these are the only commands I exploit for my own enjoyment. If a person if clearly annoyed and asks me to stop, I will do so. 7.5

What will I will do to rule breakers:

I'm would probably ban them for 24 hours if this was their first offence, and depending on the damage. I do not take kindly to griefers. However, if you had a website with forums I would ask people that have been banned to make a ban appeal. If the staff agrees they should be unbanned, only then will I unban them. Like I said, I do not take kindly to griefers.

Spamming or Advertising Servers
I would explain to them that that was not allowed on the server and give them their first warning, if they continued, I would mute for five minutes. If they continued I might mute them again or kick depending on the spam. If they STILL continue, I would ban for 12 hours, no ban appeal needed.

I think this is a very serious offense so I would most likely consificate any x-rayed items and ban them until they made an appeal. (Again, if the server has no appeal system I would ban them until further notice from the owner)

Why you should pick me: I'm pretty experienced and I have actually owned two of my own servers (Both failed miserably) and I can be on a lot more then any younger staff members. Thank you for reading and hope you will consider me to be apart of your staff!
David Ca1226
11/18/2012 12:49 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
We are receiving reports of players crashing if they approach a location, this is likely due to the dev build of Bukkit we are running.
David Ca1226
11/19/2012 12:38 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
David Ca1226's Avatar
Welcome to our newest mod, Chrissyfly82!
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