KrunKz Server Looking for Staff ! Need ALOT of STAFF !

KrunKFU4x20's Avatar KrunKFU4x202/12/14 7:41 pm
3/7/2014 2:27 am
KrunKz Server is a bukkit server v1.7.4 with various plugins including,
Factions, KingKits, floAuction, Hunger Games, Ultimate Arena, World Edit, & More. Looking for various Staff also including, Graphics Deisgner, Head-Moderator,Developers, GOOD Builders & More ! Apply within !
Our site link - krunkzserver.enjin.com
MineCraft Server Hostname / IP & Port - : 25565
Skype - johnnymoeller420
Going to have Ventrilo once we have enough Staff & Players for it.
Hope to see you there ! !

EDIT ! Looking for someone who Specializes in Hub Spawn Building, and a Few other things, Contact for More Info !
Posted by KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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03/07/2014 2:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hey My IG is xXchazoXx and im looking for server work.

I can do rpg, factions, mini games, prison, kitpvp and allot more!!
im good a buidling, Coding, And idears to help the server.
*But i am the best at factions
I have worked on many servers before and they are now averaging 20+ players constantly on per day.
I even have a hole code for a faction server of kits for essentails and all donater perks!!
*How can you contact me?
Skype; mr.cat5595
planetMinecaft: Just message me

- Do you want a sucsessfull server? Im the man for the job
03/06/2014 11:09 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
PixelFox's Avatar
Name: John

Timezone: PST


XP: 4 servers.

Skype: Pixelfox_

Why Should I be staff: I am very mature, I am good with people and love building.
03/06/2014 10:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
lmfao, nope, servers still up and runnin strong ! your hacks didnt work? that sucks man sorry too hear that ! runnin better than ever now with a solid host and all thanks for your help but your hacks arent needed
02/27/2014 10:07 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
mitchell4481117's Avatar
GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY- This servers going down soon anyways
02/27/2014 3:16 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
Mitzeh's Avatar
Job:Anything you want


Maturity level:6.7
Skype: None
Time Playing Minecraft: 2 and a half years.


How i can help:I can help other staff you and all players i will help build i love building
02/27/2014 12:48 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
I would love too see anyone online, just started a NEW Dedicated Host and am looking for serious & Mature staff ! Apply Within !
Skype - johnnymoeller420
Website - http://KrunKzServer.enjin.com
InGame IP - ( Temporary IP seeing as we already have a new host IP but dont wanna screen it allover the internet )
Talk to us InGame etc and well discuss about hosting Staff !
02/23/2014 8:18 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Jcfire2's Avatar
Job: Plugin Manager
Age: 15
Maturity: 9.5

What can I do?: I can do all the Groupmanger permissons and all the other configs to plugins.
02/23/2014 2:06 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
In the Process of restarting our server, had a bad grief and corrupt files. Looking for fresh staff members ! Apply within our Website ! OR InGame !
Thank you from -KHA0Z4.2.0 Server !
02/17/2014 8:30 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
love too see everyone InGame or on the site ! http://KrunKzServer.enjin.com ! In NEED of someone who knows all about Group Manager ! Thanks !
02/16/2014 11:55 pm
Level 1 : New Network
pet_sky's Avatar
Job: Developer
I would love to help, and love making plugins, so, here I am.
02/16/2014 11:52 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
mineofawesome's Avatar
Job: Graphics Designer
Age: 10 (Sort of a deep voice, Not that annoying kid).
Maturity: 9.5

Recently got my Wacom Intous and was looking for servers that I could do art for. I have been doing some MC art to bring up my skills.

Skype: minecraftisawesome55
Time Playing Minecraft: 2 and a half years.
02/16/2014 7:21 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
Very good ! Join us InGame and well see what we can arrange !

Bump !
02/15/2014 10:48 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
syntheticmatter's Avatar
ign: syntheticmatter
skype: brian.wang.ftw
email: brianwang2018@gmail.com

I can help with some building and I have experience being a moderator on Soarvivers server. I can also get my friend to come to the server to help build too. he's great at redstone. and don't worry I haven't been banned once
02/15/2014 10:06 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
Also ! looking for someone who masters in Multiverse Portals, and many other plugins ! also looking too possibly form a good build team too build a factions world / spawn, contact me on skype - johnnymoeller420 OR InGame - KrunKFU4x20. IP -
See you there !
02/15/2014 10:03 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
bump !
02/14/2014 1:52 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
Now ONLINE ! Join NOW !
02/14/2014 1:44 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
bump !
02/12/2014 8:27 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
KrunKFU4x20's Avatar
Sorry server was restarted ! Online NOW !
02/12/2014 7:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jy12333's Avatar
SKYPE: jy123331
IGN: jy12333
AGE: 14
EXPERIENCE AS STAFF: I am currently serving as a moderator on ajauw1's Survival Server, and admin on xXEthanBXx's Survival Server, and I was an admin AlphaCraft before it closed. I have hosted 3 servers, all of which were closed because I didn't have the time or money to keep them running 24/7. I was also an adviser to Chiquis5083 on ShroomCraft, but that story will wait till one sections from now.

BAN STATUS: So now we come to the ShroomCraft story. I have only been banned once, and I was banned unjustly. Unless you've read my book "The Great War" on Wingnut's Wicked Minecraft, or you were a member of the faction BlackMesa, then you probably won't know this story. When I was on ShroomCraft, I was chief adviser to the owner, Chiquis5083, I didn't have operator privileges but I did have a boatload of money and items. Chiquis also always came to me for advice about things. So anyway, I made my money as a lumberjack and I was a part of the faction known as BlackMesa. One day, I had purchased a skeleton spawner to set up at our faction base, which was an NPC Village built for us by the owner. As I was setting up the XP Farm it happened, Crepto768 and Chiquis5083 had formed a millitary faction and they attacked our base. We were a peaceful faction and the attack came from nowhere. We never saw it coming and we never provoked the attack. When we began to get the upperhand when defending ourselves, the owner (Chiquis) teleported all of us to spawn. One by one he banned every single member of my faction, including myself. All because we had the temerity to defend ourselves in an attack he placed on us.
So technically speaking, I've never been banned for doing something wrong. In fact that was the only time I was banned, and that was because I was defending myself.
WHY SHOULD YOU EMPLOY ME: I am very loyal, responsible, honest, trustworthy, innovative, creative and impartial. I have been a judge on multiple servers, I have been redstone engineer on some servers, and have never made a player sad so I can keep them players under control if they get upset. Also I used to be called TheArchitect for my building ability but I don't build anymore, its lame but if you need something built I can try because I have lost most of my building abilities. The truth is, that I don't apply to servers so I can play on them in creative and so that I can just help; I apply to work on servers so I may actually WORK to benefit the server. To help others, (mainly my boss and co-workers), keep justice and balance, and work in whatever area I can.
Thanks for reading, personal message or skype me if your interested in hiring me or if you have any questions.
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