Looking for Mature Staff!

MeloMike's Avatar MeloMike6/10/12 12:04 pm
1 emeralds 104 5
6/10/2012 5:32 pm
MeloMike's Avatar MeloMike
Hey, I come here today looking for some people that are mature and inteligent.

I currently run a pvp server with factions. I'd like for my staff to know alot about factions and all that.

Join my server: to see if you are a possibility. Thanks

Please don't join and just ask for OP
Posted by MeloMike's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon

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06/10/2012 5:32 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
MeloMike's Avatar
To Rusty

To make groups colors different from name colors.

prefix: '&f[&4Owner&f]&8'

The f's mean the brackets which will be white.
The 4 is the color of the group
The 8 is the color of the name.
To make chat color different type /mangaddv (group) suffix (color code)
06/10/2012 5:23 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
sarahangel1234's Avatar
Great server full of mainly nice people you should all join!
06/10/2012 4:54 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pixel Puncher
RustySeaDog's Avatar
Why I want to be a member of your staff: I am very bored on my server because all of my admins and moderators handle the job for me, I really would like to help people, but every member of my staff is already handling the problem. I love helping players and fixing things with the server. But on my server I have been pushed down to just being a high rank and configuring files and so on. I miss only being an admin or a moderator and helping new people and building with regular players. I share the hate with the hacking and spamming problem of minecraft as you most likely do. I hate immature players who just come on every single server that is looking for staff begging for moderator. I am tired of people asking ridiculous questions like "what do I do?" I find those are the players who ruin the game of minecraft. Over all I just want to be a helpful member of a server staff again.
How do you plan to help the server: I always have ideas to keep server players interested. I have a great knowledge of plugins and configuring them. I know how to react to hacking and spamming. I can make the server a friendly fun place to play the game of minecraft. I can help build new buildings and improve some of the already built ones. I can give advice to players who are looking to donate and make this there number one server
06/10/2012 3:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
chukka2468's Avatar
I know quite a bit about factions because i used to run a server with factions. I am 15 and dislike griefers a lot. (they ruin the game). I joined your server and my IGN is chukka2468. I like to help out people to the best of my ability. If you think i am a good person for the job Plz tell me
06/10/2012 12:17 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
MeloMike's Avatar
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