Looking for minecraft DEV / BUILDERS and STAFF!

HIgginsIZboss's Avatar HIgginsIZboss6/4/15 3:46 am
1 emeralds 190 7
6/5/2015 7:12 am
WalidVilla's Avatar WalidVilla

my name is Jordan i am a experinced minecraft player with 4years under my belt and i am opening my second server. i recent years i have own pretty successful server with a cap of 70 players. Now i am looking to build a 100player server.

I am looking for Staff member that are of different experince levels. i willing to teach people the commands they will need and teach you how to do your role correctly. On the other hand i would like to find at least one decent staff member. just fill out the app below and i will contact u on skype ASAP

I am also looking for decent builder that are able to build in different styles, but dont worry if you can only build in one style. currently my server is home hosted until i rebuy my hosting. should be in about a week.

If you want to be a developer for me dont worry about me being home hosted. that is plently of ways you can access my files. via email, my google drive and some other ways. as a dev you will need to be able to setup my plugins and config them. including being able to config permissions.
my skype name is Higgins4u2nv
and IGN (in game name) is pure4craft

if you want to apply for the position fill out the form below.

what your applying for:
what can you bring to the server / job:
why you deserve the job:
hobbies and key attruibities:
any questions for me (optional) :
Posted by HIgginsIZboss's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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06/05/2015 7:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
WalidVilla's Avatar
Without Format
Hey Owners Or Staff Of Servers This Is My Apply For A Dev Rank On Your Server
1. Personality
I'm Walid My IGN Is WalidVilla I'm 14
I Have School I Don't Have Much Time To Play MC But I Will Fix It If I Have A Good Rank i'm From Belgium And I Speak Dutch-Frensh-English-Arab My Gramar Is A Little Bad Sorry Contact Me With Email @Walid_Super@Hotmail.fr
2. What Can I Do For Community
I Can Help People That Need Help I Can Build And.I Can Give People (Group) Possible Commands I Can Help Staffs With (Group) Possible Commands
3. Experience
I Can Build. Help People, With Commands, . .....
I Have Experience Because I Played On Same Server As This And I Know What To Do!
- Group Manager (Mastered)
- Essentials (Mastered)
- Compass Navigation (Mastered)
- PerWorldPlugins (Mastered)
- World Edit (Mastered)
- World Guard (Mastered)
- Mini-Game Plugins (Associated With Some Mini-Game Plugins, But Can Easily Learn)
- PermissionEX (Associated)
I Know Much More, This is Just A Preview.
What commands would you use as an Head-Admin:
- /tp = This Command Teleports You To The Player That You Exchange With Or Virse Versa
- /ban = Bans The Account Of The User
- /banip = Bans The Ip Of The User So They Cant Come Back
- /kick = To Kick Players Out Of The Server
- /say = Talk Like A Server Announcement, Or Speak From The Console
- /deop = De-Ops A Player
- /mute = Mutes A Player
- /who = Shows The Current People In The Server
I Know Much More, This is Just A Preview.
How would you deal with:
A Griefer: It Would Depend On The Server Rules. I Personally Would Warn Him That If He Does it Again, I Will Either Temporary Ban Him Or Jail Him. And Then Il Tell The Victim How To Better Protect His Land.
A Spammer: I Would Verbally Tell Him To Stop Spaming. If He Continues, I Would Mute Him For 30-40 Minutes. If He Keeps Spaming I Would Temporary Ban Him For 2 Hours.
A Player Who Just Join The Server For The First Time: I Would Welcome Him And Give Him A Tour Of The Whole Server And Then give Him A Small Present To Enjoy His Stay.
A Person Who Says They Are From Planet Minecraft: I Would Just Ignore The Person.
What Rules Do You Think A Server Should Have:
- Do Not Advertise
- No Hacked Clients
- Don't Spam
06/05/2015 7:11 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Ranger
Optimus1800's Avatar
Name/Ign: Optimus1800
Age: 13
Skype: optimus1800
what your applying for: Admin or Mod
what can you bring to the server / job: I could bring justice and help to the server and make things a whole lot easier. I enjoy helping others as well as building and bringing up a server to be awesome. I can help the Owner do many things like keep players in check and giving out the right punishments and knowing when something is enough. I also like to do jobs for those in a rank above me and I will not hesitate to do something i can do.
why you deserve the job: I have had lots of experience in staff, an admin on 3 and mod on 2. I know when to do certain things and how to do them right and I reckon i could do a pretty epic job at being a staff on your server. i'm quite active and I am a pretty decent builder so I can help you with my builds. If you let me become a staff I will prove to be trust worthy and won't grief, hack, spam etc. I am against those things and I don't swear.
hobbies and key attruibities: Builder, Redstoner, Gamer, Reader.
any questions for me (optional) : Do I get Mod or Admin?
06/05/2015 6:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JordanLee's Avatar
Skype: alphasquad12
what your applying for: Staff
what can you bring to the server / job: Fun times, enforcement of rules, a few friends.
why you deserve the job: I've been in a management position many times and know what I am doing. Currently I am in the role of the acting Chief Operations Officer on a server.
hobbies and key attributes: Mostly games, jet ski-ing, football
any questions for me (optional) :
06/04/2015 10:24 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
CKreeger's Avatar
Name: Tyler
Age: 13
Skype: CKreeger3
What you're applying for: Developer
What can you bring to the server: Custom plugins and minigames
Why you deserve the job: I am very trustworthy and have a lot of bukkit/java coding experience.
Hobbies and key attributes: I like to swim, code, hang with friends and play games.
Any questions foe me?: What kind of plugins are you looking for?
06/04/2015 11:19 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Blackout3250's Avatar
Name: Tyler (Destruct)
Age: 17
Skype: destruct.cube
what your applying for: Staff (admin/mod)
what can you bring to the server / job: Leadership, Discipline, Peace.
why you deserve the job: I have experience in playing minecraft, i've been playing for three years now. I also have experience it running a server. I ran a server about two years ago and that lasted for the summer before i had to stop. I'd get about $50 in donations a week and the people on it were pretty chill. I also have experience in leadership and have leadership abilities. I am a manager. I also make super good grades and maintained a 3.8 throughout high school
hobbies and key attruibities: Swimming, minecraft, league of legends, Bae
any questions for me (optional) :
06/04/2015 11:00 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
roryd04's Avatar
Name: Rory
Age: 15
Skype: roryd673
what your applying for: Builder/Staff
what can you bring to the server / job: I'm mature, trustworthy and helpful. I'll always help people out when they need it and even if they don't I'll try and assist people. I'm really friendly and will make sure other members of the team are doing there work. I've been building since 2011 and have had Builder position on over 50 servers doing my work and helping create builds for new and old servers. I mostly build medieval and in that kind of style, I'm not really a big modern builder but I'd like to be. I've got loads of experience with staffing and building so I'd be ideal for either job or both.
why you deserve the job: I quit Minecraft for a while and I'm trying to get back into it and start helping people out and help create spawns and other builds.
hobbies and key attruibities: Already said
any questions for me (optional) :None

Added on skype already
06/04/2015 10:06 am
Level 1 : New Network
HIgginsIZboss's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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