Looking for 6 ops

JustinofJara's Avatar JustinofJara7/26/12 3:58 pm
8/21/2012 12:09 pm
IHaveNachoz's Avatar IHaveNachoz
To apply for adminship on my factions server, which is currently whitelisted and in construction, please fill this out
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):
Do you play every day?:
Do you play for a long time when you come on?:
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?:
Posted by JustinofJara's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/26/2012 4:07 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
PrincessTrolluna's Avatar
IGN: PrincessTrolluna (but im a guy)
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):Building possibly mod as im pretty nice
Do you play every day?: YES!
Do you play for a long time when you come on?: useually
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?: IVIooray
07/26/2012 4:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
07/26/2012 4:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
Acctually, can i get your IGN(in game name) to whitelist you
07/26/2012 4:07 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
PrincessTrolluna's Avatar
if u accept tell me then ill join
07/26/2012 4:12 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
DXstillstanding's Avatar
JustinofJaraTo apply for adminship on my factions server, which is currently whitelisted and in construction, please fill this out
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):Id give myself a 9
Do you play every day?:Yes i love to play minecraft it gets better and better each time
Do you play for a long time when you come on?: maybe 4hrs
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?:Yes i have a skype
07/26/2012 4:13 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Testificate_AWOL's Avatar
IGN: Testificate_AWOL
Skills: Building, being helpful, am very charismatic and funny. I would use my admin powers only for what is neccesary, I don't like stuck-up admins that use their powers to get an advantage in the server.
Do you play every day: YES
Do you play for a long tome when u come on: YES, about 1 hour segments
Do you have a skype or can u make one: SOrry, I don't have a skype. I am actually deaf but an a very very fast typer. so I can send a 3 sentence pm in like 5 seconds. You learn to cope when you're deaf. Also I am op on another server.

I hope I get accepted!!!
07/26/2012 4:21 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
mcexpert8755's Avatar
Skills(Building, want to be a mod): I would like to be mod:)
Do you play every day?:of course
Do you play for a long time when you come on?:of course
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?:i have one
07/26/2012 4:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
07/26/2012 4:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
DXstillstanding's Avatar
07/26/2012 4:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
JustinofJaraTo apply for adminship on my factions server, which is currently whitelisted and in construction, please fill this out
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):Id give myself a 9
Do you play every day?:Yes i love to play minecraft it gets better and better each time
Do you play for a long time when you come on?: maybe 4hrs
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?:Yes i have a skype

07/26/2012 4:25 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
mcexpert8755's Avatar
ok you said im approved but it still says im not whitelisted
07/26/2012 4:33 pm
Level 43 : Master Droid
MrAdZy148's Avatar
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):If you look on my profile i built that cathedral
Do you play every day?:Yes Unless im on holiday wich i will tell you
Do you play for a long time when you come on?: for about 2-4 hours could be longer but it depends if i have to go out
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?:adam.pladgeman.adzy148
07/26/2012 6:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
07/26/2012 4:43 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
musicman1105's Avatar
IGN: musicman1105
Skills(Building, want to be a mod): 8.5/10
Do you play every day?: Yes
Do you play for a long time when you come on?: YEs
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?: Yes
07/26/2012 4:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
thatdamnhippie4's Avatar
JustinofJaraTo apply for adminship on my factions server, which is currently whitelisted and in construction, please fill this out
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):I Am A good builder and would like to help out i also have experience
Do you play every day?:Yes
Do you play for a long time when you come on?:Yes
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?:Yes
07/26/2012 5:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mixxdftw's Avatar
IGN: Mixxdftw
Skills: Building (especially castles) - 9
i play every day
i play 3-5 hours usually when i play
Skype: Notandrewhoward
07/26/2012 6:55 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
IHaveNachoz's Avatar
IGN: IHaveNachoz
Skills(Building, want to be a mod): I can sort of build small/big houses when I have idea bursts!
Do you play every day?: Yeahs!
Do you play for a long time when you come on?: Yeah
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?: I'll message you! or edit this! WAit.. my mic is broken so.. I can't use it for voice chat, only by text
07/26/2012 7:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
07/26/2012 7:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
07/26/2012 6:55 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
imawesome1234567's Avatar
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):mod
Do you play every day?:YES AND IM NOT LYING
Do you play for a long time when you come on?:yes i do CAUSE I OWN MY OWN SERVER
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?yes i have an skype:stevenlerulez123
07/26/2012 6:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Unicorn
crazeygrl's Avatar
IGN: crazeygrl
Skills(Building, want to be a mod): I can build relatively good, I just need ideas. And I would really like to help.
Do you play every day?: Usually yes, if I'm really busy one day I might not.
Do you play for a long time when you come on?: Yes.
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?: Yes.
07/26/2012 7:09 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Valthrok's Avatar
Well here is my application for your server i am a very good builder i use the texture pack Ovo Rustic 1.8 customised everything else i could think about is written in the application down below. Also if there is anything you need to know then please do not hesitate to ask. Another note is that although i have Skype, my mic is not picked up on it for some strange reason that is unknown to me so i can not speak on there.

My building genre is Medieval and Fantasy and only those kind of two my medieval is very historically accurate where my fantasy builds are where the structure are just thrown out of the window and i add bits everywhere onto the build where it will look good, where on the other hand my medieval is very historically accurate with the interiors and how they would of been built (too an extent because of minecraft laws) in my fantasy builds i will have secret escapes that will link up to a major escape that will lead them out of the city, Where as in my medieval builds there will be one way out and one way out only, through the main door (unless requested by either the house owner, or the owner of the server) i will only take orders from the owner of the server or who-ever recruited me to the server.

Well this part is going to focus on my admin experience and why you should allow me to become a admin on your server so please consider this application as i have taken time to write this for you, thank you

Experience is probably the most part of my application you will read on about so i will start here, Well i have been admin on 2 servers that now due to finical reasons have decided to shut-down and the other the same but because it was also not very popular and i put that down to not enough commitment because the owner was never online and never communicated with the admins on the server (BongTo) and that is one of the things i require from the owners is commitment if you aren't committed then why shall the players and donators and such be? I do think of my self being fair because even if i have caught you doing something that is in violation of the server rules i do give you a chance of explaining your side of the events and i do the same to the victim and then i talk it over with the owner of the server to cast a final judgement unless it is something like Racism, Discrimination then it will be a instant permanent IP ban.

Well that is both of my application for both Admin status and Builder Status on your server there are some requirements and my general information down below containing my Skype, Age, Name, IGN, etc

IGN: Serbitaar090
Age: 15
Skype: Yes, (Darkan379)
Grief History: Yes i admit i have greifed but only because he greifed me i believe in a block for a block.
Ban History: Yes 1 time when i was messing around with the banning system on a server and accidently banned my-self and the second time was when i called the owner a dick.
07/26/2012 7:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
Your enthusiasm pays off. I didnt feel like reading anything past the first paragraph so APROVED
07/26/2012 7:09 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Skinner
randomnessiscool's Avatar
IGN:ethanfirebird (although my freinds call me pheonix)
Skills(Building, want to be a mod): im very good at building and id love to be a mod
Do you play every day?: HECK YES!
Do you play for a long time when you come on?: HECK YES!
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?: nope
07/26/2012 7:10 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Skinner
randomnessiscool's Avatar
also message me back if you choose me
07/26/2012 7:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
I dont like you. You say your nickname in the ign, which is used solely for whitelisting. You say heck yes twice, which rubs me the wrong way, and you refuse to make a skype
07/26/2012 7:10 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
arnarpalmi's Avatar
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):i wanna be admin but if i cant i love to be mod
Do you play every day?:yes
Do you play for a long time when you come on?:yes i can play up to 8 hours
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?:i have skype, arnar.gretarsson1
07/26/2012 7:35 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
PrincessTrolluna's Avatar
justin why did you unwhitelist me
07/26/2012 8:21 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
jdb98's Avatar
Skills(Building, want to be a mod):excellent builder, successful server owner.
Do you play every day?:yes, rarely not
Do you play for a long time when you come on?:yes, thoug I live in Europe.
Do you have a skype, or can you make one?:no,no
07/27/2012 1:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JustinofJara's Avatar
Whoever griefed the entire thing, congrats, you ruined the server for everyone.
Words can not express my fury, but it can come close.
Motherfucking asswipe peice of shit. If i figure out where you live, i wont kill anyone, but i will send some tear gas in a box
08/21/2012 12:09 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
IHaveNachoz's Avatar
Wow... It couldn't have been moi, I haven't even been on >.<
07/27/2012 1:03 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragonborn
eli1211's Avatar
Wow someone Griefed i will help you Build it i promise i dont Grief i can take a test i PROMISE
08/21/2012 11:52 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
IHaveNachoz's Avatar
Whoa, I have not gone to check on this post xD
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