Looking for server Ops Mods, Admins.

lildommy's Avatar lildommy4/28/13 3:59 am
1 emeralds 342 8
5/2/2013 1:24 pm
Vyper557's Avatar Vyper557
What is your IGN:lildommy

What is your real name:Dominic Slattery

How old are you:14

Have you been staff on other servers:yes a couple

Anything else you wish to say: I love to help out
I hope i get picked to help out but if i dont get picked Good luck on your Server
Posted by lildommy's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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05/02/2013 1:24 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Vyper557's Avatar
Also, unlike some people I was bothered to write lots.
05/02/2013 1:19 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Vyper557's Avatar
IGN: DragonRider557

What is your real name?: Callum

How old are you?: 15

I have been staff on 2 other servers. I was a Moderator on a server called Endercraft but it closed down due to the owner not having enough money to keep the server running. The other server I was admin on was called RealmPvP but the owner of that one decided to shut it down as he was having trouble with school work.

Anything else you wish to say?: I have used plugins such as World Edit, CoreProtect and GriefPrevention before...If you have any plugins I haven't used before I will most likely adapt to them quickly. I can spot a hacker ( X-ray etc.), and I don't see much point in 'Trolling' players. I won't abuse my powers and will only ban if necessary. I have skype and a brain.
If you accept I will see you there!
05/02/2013 6:22 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Dragon
wormeater's Avatar
What is your IGN:eddyhamilton
What is your real name:lucas

How old are you:14

Have you been staff on other servers:quite a few, i cant remember all of them

Anything else you wish to say:please send me the ip for the server even if i dint get picked!i would love to be co-owner even, i own my own right now so i know how to do it!
04/29/2013 12:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
alexperrett5's Avatar

Real name: Alexander perrett


Have you been staff:Yes and have made own server

Anything else: I can be on quite a lot and will be both fare and strict. If i don't get picked for the server good luck
04/28/2013 7:30 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Danny3826's Avatar
What is your IGN:Danny3826

What is your real name:DANNY

How old are you:13

Have you been staff on other servers:Many.

Anything else you wish to say:I only hope for a good future fir your server if i get picked or not
04/28/2013 7:14 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
EERussianguy's Avatar
IGN: EERussianguy

What is your real name: Nick

How old are you: 17

Have you been staff on other servers: Yes, plenty. I have been Mod/Admin/Owner on many servers, including one I was owner on but I quit because the owner was very abusive.

Anything else you wish to say: I try to run a strict, fair system where they are given a warning, a kick, then a ban. I also am really good at building/texturing and decent at redstone. I am very trustworthy and I will make sure to follow good rules if I do.
04/28/2013 5:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Gamester10's Avatar
IGN: Gamester10

Real Name: Ashley

Age: 11 (Not Childish At All)

Staff Before: I have been staff on many different servers but most of them were up so long they had to close down, I have been Administrator,Moderator,Helper,Trusted and even Owner because i did start my own server but then I decided to try to become staff elsewhere.

Anything Else: Yes, I am a very trustworthy, I make decisions only to help the server grow and become more popular, I am friendly,kind and I can All Most Build anything to if you do let me become OP on your server I will Be very great full and you defiantly will not regret it. Thank you.
04/28/2013 4:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lildommy's Avatar
What is your IGN:lildommy

What is your real name:Dominic Slattery

How old are you:14

Have you been staff on other servers:yes a couple

Anything else you wish to say:I just love to help out
I hope i get picked but if i dont Good Luck on your server i hope it goes well
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