Looking for staff for a free-build/creative server.

user196784's Avatar user1967841/26/14 4:24 am
1/26/2014 8:29 am
64Bits's Avatar 64Bits
EDIT: I've had second thoughts about making my server public, sorry.
Posted by user196784's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect

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01/26/2014 8:29 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Narwhal
64Bits's Avatar
IGN: Mc_rocks
Role: Any position you would like!
Age: 14
Experience: Co-owner, admin, mod you name it!
Will you play on the server or just work?: I will love to play, help work, and follow any commands you would like me to do!
Gender: Male
How many times I'll be on: 3 days a week. (except on holidays, summer break, and snow days off of school I may be on everyday!)
Building 8/10
Redstone 0/10
Maturity: 10/10
Helpfulness: 10/10
Dedication: 10/10

Why I want to be staff:

I don't like how people hack, and use racial slurs on minecraft. I would eliminate all people from the server who hack and don't follow the rules! But not without three strikes . I'm a joyful person who would help out the server A LOT. I have a lot of experience on minecraft and I just like to help out people That's what I do. I would love to be a part of a growing server. I'm willing to take your server to the top! I have hosted a server before and I'm an excellent planner! I have amazing ideas I didn't put in my server (because I couldn't hold the server on my puny laptop)

Thanks for reading!
01/26/2014 8:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Riclaim's Avatar
IGN: KeeSpree

Role: admin or mod

Age: 16 (almost 17 to be more specific..)

Experience: To be honest I don't have much experience as a mod or admin, but i've always wanted to be one. I really love helping people and as I don't have much going on in my life at the moment, I'm almost always online.

Will you play on the server or just work?: I will play and work as much as I can
01/26/2014 5:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
_M_E_O_W_'s Avatar
IGN: _M_E_O_W_
Role Admin
Age:: 13
Expereince: Ive owned a server and I have been staff on serveral servers
Will you play on the server or just work?: I will Work very hard To keep this server running, but I wont refuse to play games and other things

(ps. below I added a few more things )

Why do you want do be staff?

I want to be staff because I LOVE to help people! I strive to make the minecraft community a fun place! I don’t want 8 or 9 year olds coming on a server and being exposed to vulgar language! I want them to come on and have fun, not be teased by their age by older minecrafters, being treated equal! That’s all I want im not gonna say “oooh I wanna help the server out” I want to say I want to keep this server situated and Up for a long time! I don’t want ot apply for staff and then the server go down the next day (trust me its happened)

What makes you better than any other staff member?

I have experience! I’ve been staff on several servers and even owned one! Im a great builder for one thing! Ive built amazing structures!
Im also good at Wold edit! I Am a people guy! Trust me do you really want someone that doesn’t come on, abuses their powers and is a jerk? NO you probably don’t ! I want people to be treated equally as I said in my previous statement I don’t want kids being made fun of! Ive had that happen to me and I don’t want other people to go through that! I love minecraft and I will be very active!
Thank you for your time

01/26/2014 5:42 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
user196784's Avatar
Damn, this application is perfect, I'll get back to you shortly.
01/26/2014 5:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BeastlyPvP123's Avatar
role:admin or mod
experience:i have owned 1 server been admin on 3 mod on 5 and builder on 3 so I no what im doing and I do take the server seriously as I want It to be successful.
will you play on they server or just work: I aways like to have a bit of pvp but I would stop if someone needed help or was needed for something else
01/26/2014 5:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
OhJordann's Avatar
Role : Admin Or Mod
Expereince:ive been staff on other servers
Will you play on the server or just work?:both but mainly working
01/26/2014 4:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
WILL_0776's Avatar
IGN: Hello, I'm Will and my in-game name is WILL0776

Role: I am here because I would like to apply for the Admin or Moderator role (preferably Administrator)

Age: I'm 16 years old.

Experience: I believe I should receive a spot on the staff team as I'm a very hard working and talented player. I am Owner of a server (still working on it) at the moment, I have created 3 servers but closed them all as I did not have enough time for them, times have changed now and I'll be able to play for almost 4 hours everyday on this server. I have been Moderator on 2 other servers for both over a month, I was rated Best Staff Member of the Month!. I've been Trusted on 4 servers and Helper on 3. I am also a fairly good builder (7/10).

Will you play on the server or just work?: I will work hard on this server and also play as much as possible.

Thanks in advance, Will.
01/26/2014 5:16 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
user196784's Avatar
I'll pm you when i've got a few more people.
01/26/2014 4:42 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Tad02's Avatar
1 .how would you know if I wont be on a lot.2 I spend a few hrs everyday on the few server I am on a staff because the ones up there most of them shut down due to hackers.
01/26/2014 4:35 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
kekekekekekekekekeke's Avatar
IGN: gamesmasr3000
Role: Admin / Plugin manager
Age: 13
Expereince: Moderated 3 servers and owned 2 before but they shut down
- Ive been admin once before so i know what im doing on that side but im better with plugins (I can make custom ones) But if you could make me both all hail ipodguy
Will you play on the server or just work?: I will play aswell

Btw Tad02 is applying for other servers i saw in the Last 20 Posts so he probably wont come on alot
01/26/2014 5:10 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
user196784's Avatar
I'll keep you on my list, I'll pm you if I think you the right person for the job.
01/26/2014 4:29 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Tad02's Avatar
Role: Administrator
Age:11(but very mature0
Experience:I have been a admin on 7 servers and mod on 4
Will you play on the server or just work?:Both really
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